“There! We’ll hop across that line of rocks. It’s our quickest way of crossing the river!” Mist bounded toward the path of stones and leaped onto the first one. Rapier hopped on after him. It was easy, jumping pebble after pebble, until the very last one.
It was a wide, long jump. Possible, but would require concentration to make it.
Focusing on the rock on the other side, Mist bunched his muscles and leaped, stretching his claws and landing squarely on the stone. He turned to Rapier, who was looking in horror at the rock.
“Jump, Rapier! I’ll grab you!” Mist howled.
Sleek had leaped into the tree, followed by her patrol. Rapier paused mid-crouched, stopping in fear.
“I promise, I will not let you get swept away. The river’s calm, anyway. You will be fine. Jump with all your might, and I will catch you. This is our moment to escape, Rapier. The river will slow the patrol down enough to let us hide because everyone knows Sleek hates water,” he winked.
That gave Rapier courage, and he flew himself at Mist and the rock, launching as far as he could. He landed, but his paws touched the river water and he dangled helplessly by his claws as the river gently tugged him down.
Mist didn’t hesitate. He grabbed Rapier’s neck, using all his strength to pull him up. Rapier lay on the stone, gasping in terror, fur drenched in water.
“You saved my life,” he mewled breathlessly. “I will never forget that. Thank you.”
Mist nodded, and they hopped off the pebble to the other side. Just in time, too, as Sleek had bounded to the edge of the river, snarling in contempt.334Please respect copyright.PENANAHLzkL8pyNT
“You think a little river can stop me? I’m going to make you pay. Here and now.” She crouched and then made a jump to cross the river.
But before her belly crossed the front of the river, something crashed into her, sending her thudding to the ground.
Sleek struggled in a frenzy of rage and confusion, but the big blur easily pinned her to the earth. “Don’t think you can harm those kits, you strange little kitty-cat. I have saved more from these situations before, and I don’t like it. You scurry on back to your camp and leave them alone. I chose my side while I watched in the bushes, and I chose the kits. They are helpless, and they have done nothing wrong! I’m going to give you a chance to run, or I’ll let the young ones finish you off while I hold you down,” it growled, and Mist and Rapier watched, jaws hanging open.
The creature was massive, muscles rippling with power. It was some type of cat, white stripes covering its body while its fur was deep black. It had round ears and a long, bushy tail. It was extraordinarily big, the powerful legs holding Sleek down with such ease it was like the cat was holding down a mouse.
Mist whispered to Rapier. “I’m going to leave you now, and let you and Weird introduce yourselves to this creature. I know what it is, but I’ll let you figure it out yourself.”
Rapier jerked his gaze toward him, surprise turning into a mixture of excitement and sadness. “I’ll be sad to see you go,” he murmured.
Mist smiled and nodded. “Oh, don’t worry, I expect I’ll be back, in the times that you need me most.”
Rapier sighed. “Well, go on then. At least I’ll see my brother again. Goodbye, Mist. Thank you, for everything that you have done. I . . . I can never repay you enough for what you did,” he said.
“And you won’t have to. It’s my job to keep you two safe, as a Spirit Guard. I will never leave Weird’s side. Goodbye, Rapier.”
He closed his eyes, concentrating, and then fell into the familiar clouds of the Spirit World, to speak with Weird and Rapier by mind.
It was time for Weird to return.
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When he opened his eyes, Weird was greeted by a huge scene of flowing water in front of him. His body ached as if Mist had been in a fight. But he was out of the camp, and Mist had gotten them free.
Mist, I can never repay you. Thank you so much.
You’re welcome, little one. It’s a Spirit Guard’s duty.
Shaking his head to clear his mind, he twisted to see Rapier nudging him. “Come on! Run! There’s a huge animal and it could eat us up in one bite! Go!” he screamed, panicked.
Weird, confused, followed his fearful gaze to a massive creature, white stripes with black fur, strength rippling underneath the thick pelt. It had pinned Sleek down to the ground, and let her flee into the forest.
Then it turned to look at him.
Weird yelped and tried to race away, but suddenly it was right there in front of him. It stood over him, its huge paws bigger than Weird himself. Rapier stood behind the beast, looking at Weird in horror.
“What do you want?” Weird snapped, trying to hide the fear in his eyes as he gazed up at the giant cat.
“I want to know everything about you. I’ve never seen more unique cats than you! At least I’m not the only one.” The animal smiled, laying down on its haunches and gently resting a giant paw on Weird, and though careful, Weird could feel the weight pressing down on him like a boulder. It removed its paw, but wrapped its forelegs around him, giving him no hope of escaping.
“What are your names? And why were those cats chasing you? You’re so cool looking, like me!” it purred again.
“I-I- My name is Weird. I’ve n-never heard someone call me unique. And he’s Rapier, my brother.” The beast turned its head to peer at Rapier, while he stood frozen under its gaze. And then it turned back to Weird.
“And how did you get that name? Why did you possibly agree to have your name be Weird?” it asked, its white teeth glinting.
“It was the other cat's fault. They forced me to be named Weird and banished my mother. They tried to keep me prisoner in the camp! If it weren’t for Mist, I’d never be free from those brutes!” he exclaimed, fur bushing up in outrage.
The big cat snarled in agreement. “I had a past life similar to yours, Weird. I was bullied for being black-and-white. Meanwhile, all the other tigers are orange-and-black! You and I, Weird, we are special. They banished your mother, they did? They forced you to carry that name? Let me help you find your mother and have the best life possible, for just a little favor,” it said.
“Wait. Is tiger what you are?” Weird asked.
It nodded in amusement. “Indeed. Anyway, all you need to do is join me, and I will grant you powers like never before. After you make your oath, you will be so strong!” the tiger said.
“Oath?” Weird asked, puzzled. “I-I have so many questions. But now that I’ve told you my name, what’s your name?”
The tiger didn’t hesitate.
“Soon everyone will fear me and know my name. They will fear you, too, since you and Rapier are one of mine. Weird, I am glad to tell you my name. My name, little one . . . my name . . .”
“My name is Invincible.”
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