“Hey, you! Get up.”
Paws prodded Weird in the flank. He blinked at the light of dawn and looked around. A guard stood before him, looking down at him.
“My name is Jyan, and I am a Weird Guard. Sleek made a new rank, specifically for you. And, you may now leave the rock. It is now daytime.” He flicked his tail to the bottom of the rock.
Weird didn’t know how to react. I don’t . . . I don’t understand . . . what? But he didn’t have time to think. Jyan pushed him to the ground, and it felt odd and nice to feel sand and earth under his paws. He was led to the Kit Den, and he was thrust in, yelping with the impact.
“Hey! That h-”
But Jyan had already left to guard the outside of the den. Weird slumped in a nest of moss, sobbing quietly.
Fur brushed against his, and he jumped, twisting around to face a guard, but instead saw Rapier.
“Hi, brother. Are you alright?” he asked, resting beside him.
“No . . . no, I’m not. Nothing is alright right now. You have no idea what I’m going through, Rapier,” Weird hissed. Rapier nodded in sympathy, hanging his head.
You will need his assistance. Repeat what I say. Mist’s voice suddenly appeared, and Weird, surprised, followed Mist’s instructions.
“Rapier. You must help me. Me and my Spirit Guard, Mist, are on a mission. I need you, Rapier. Help me find Uraza.”
Rapier’s ears flicked up at that. “Of course, I’ll help! But . . . who’s Mist?” He looked around. You will see, the voice told Weird, and he repeated it. “You will see.”
Rapier purred and nuzzled Weird, trying his best to comfort him. Don’t worry, my brother. We won’t be trapped here like this for much longer. He growled in hatred, staring at the entrance in longing. Mist, what are we waiting for? There’s no “yet” or “soon” in this! We need to act immediately! He told his spirit.
I can if you want me to. I can get you out, but I need control of your body. It won’t hurt, I promise. I’ll give it back to you as soon as I’m done. Mist replied.
Weird hesitated, then took a deep breath. Do you promise you won’t do anything bad with my body? he asked.
Of course. Remember, I’m the good cat. You will very likely encounter bad ones in the future. But let’s not worry about them now, eh? Weird just nodded, despite his wonder at Mist’s words. Just let me inform Rapier about this first.
“Rapier, listen to me.” Rapier paused in his relaxed stance, meeting his gaze. “Uh, what’s wrong, Weird?” he asked.
“This is very important. Mist is going to take over my mind for a little while. He’s going to get us out of here. I will be . . . away while he controls my body. I just talked to him with my thoughts, and everything will be alright. Mist will get us both out of here. You’ll see,” Weird explained.
Rapier’s mouth gaped in shock. “W-what . . . I mean . . . I guess I . . .” He took a deep breath. “I trust Mist, but I’ll miss you. He’ll let you come back, right?” he asked, his eyes clouded with worry.
“I promise. Mist is good. Work with him, and listen to what he says. I’ll see you in a little bit, Rapier. I’m going to tell Mist that he can take over my body now,” Weird said.
Rapier rested his muzzle on Weird's shoulder, purring nervously. “Goodbye, my brother. I promise I’ll be the best companion I can be. Come back soon, Weird.”
“I promise.”
Mist, take care of my brother and just get us out of here. Take over my body.
Mist whispered back, Here we go. Just close your eyes and relax. You won’t feel a thing.
Weird did one last sigh, and felt himself being pulled out of control and into darkness.
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Mist pulled himself to his paws, the feeling of being in a living body unfamiliar. Rapier was staring at him, blinking in bewilderment.
“Hi, Rapier. It’s nice to meet you.” Mist dipped his head.
“A-are you Mist? Is Weird okay? W-where did you put him?” Rapier stammered.
“You have nothing to worry about. Weird doesn’t feel anything or think anything. He doesn’t have a mind or body right now. I am in control of them. And I will get you both out of here, away from this bunch of goody four-paws. These cats don’t like you because you’re different. Don’t let them get to you. They’re keeping you here because they don’t want you to grow up and learn how to fight them. They want you to stay cooped up in a den, weak and helpless, while they order you around. Absurd, isn’t it?” Mist bristled in Weird’s body.
Rapier growled. “They’ve already banished my mother because of Luna. I just want to get bigger and stronger so I can help Weird and find Uraza.” Mist saw him struggling to keep calm and quiet, the Weird Guards just outside the den.
“Well let me get you all started on your journey by getting you out of here. Sound good?” Mist asked. Rapier smiled. “Yes, Mist.”
Mist took a deep breath and stalked over to the entrance of the den.
“Hey, Jyan! Get in here, will you? I need to talk,” he hissed at the Guard.
Slowly, Jyan got to his paws. The two other guards guarding them, Maple and Silver, growled in curiosity.
“What do you want?” Jyan peered into the shadow of the den, his eyes glittering. Mist forced his fur not to ruffle, and Rapier stood fearfully still behind him.
“Are you happy being Sleek’s lackey?” He met Jyan’s gaze, hoping the rage that he felt didn’t show in his eyes as the Guard scowled back at him.
“I’m no cat’s lackey,” Jyan snapped.
“Really?” Mist went on. “Following silly orders to keep some kits in the camp. Aren’t you ever going to stand up for yourself and do what’s right? To let . . . to let us go?”
Finally, the fur along Jyan’s spine lifted. “I’m just going by the rules and doing my duty, unlike your mother, who betrayed us.”
“Enough!” Mist snapped.
“Don’t tell me what to do! You aren’t even fit enough to move beneath Sleek’s paws.”
Mist fought on. “Why do you care so much about what that fox-hearted leader thinks? Don’t you realize that she’s an evil fool who doesn’t mind if she has to kill to keep her status? Don’t you realize she’s leading you to destruction?”
Anger sparked in Jyan’s gaze. “You have no right to talk about our leader like that. When Sleek finds out, she’ll--”
Oh, no, you don’t. What if I reveal myself? Mist closed his eyes, changing the different-colored ones to silver, his original-colored eyes. He opened them back up, and Jyan’s face froze.
“Your eyes!” The cat stared at him in horror. “What happened to your eyes? Is this a trick?” He lashed out with a paw, and Mist ducked just in time to avoid its thorn-sharp claws.
Maple had gotten to her paws and was padding closer. Silver watched Jyan, his eyes sharp with interest. “Look at his eyes!” Jyan hissed at them, backing away. Rapier remained silent, crouching in the corner of the scene.
“If you follow Sleek, you’ll never have a chance to live.”
Jyan curled his lip, the fear in his eyes turning to fury. Maple padded closer.
Brace yourself for a fight.
“Why are you following Sleek?” Mist asked them. “You must know enough about her that she doesn’t care about you. She doesn’t mind if she has to exile anyone who threatens her reputation! She will do anything to keep her top respect.”
Jyan answered for the Guards. “Who cares? Sleek is our leader. We will protect her and the Sleek with our lives. And whether you like it or not, we’ll follow her orders to keep you locked in from going on a little journey to find Uraza. She will never betray us.”
Mist blinked at Jyan. “Did Sleek tell you that?”
“She’s proved it,” Jyan hissed. “She exiled your mother, who almost ripped Luna’s throat out. Because of you.”
Mist pressed back rage, surprised at its power. He struggled to control the surging anger to return Jyan’s gaze calmly. “If you hate me and Rapier so much, why are you wasting your time trying to keep me from running away when you could just throw me out?”
“Shut up!” Jyan thrust his muzzle closer.
Mist didn’t flinch. “Let these young kits go,” he mewed.
Jyan frowned. “Which young kits?”
“Weird and Rapier.”
“But you’re Weird!”
Maple pushed in front of Jyan. “Stop trying to trick us, Weird.”
“I don’t need to trick you,” Mist told her. “I’m warning you. If you don’t let Weird and Rapier go, you’ll have to face me. The only thing you’re going to destroy is yourselves. These kits have done nothing. Let them go.”
“What do you mean, let them go?” Jyan nosed Maple out of the way. “If you’re not Weird, who are you?”
Mist squared his shoulders and felt the small muscles ripple along his flanks. “My name is Mist, and I’m helping these kits escape from you."
Jyan snorted in surprise. “Are you dead or alive, Mist?” he asked.
“I’m dead, yes, but that doesn’t mean these claws can’t spill your blood,” Mist growled back.
Jyan flattened his ears. “Well, I’m going to rip that spirit of yours right out of Weird’s body and punish him for what you’ve done. It’s your choice, to make him suffer for your actions.”
Mist kept his voice calm. “Is that so? What a shame that I’ll defeat you first.”
With a howl, Jyan sprang.
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