“Get up!”
A cat shook Rapier by the scruff, and he hissed and writhed against them. “Let me go! I refuse to go to Sleek!” he screamed, lashing out desperately, but stronger paws easily blocked his blows. Claws sank into his shoulders, hauling him roughly out of the bramble den and out into the clearing.
He was placed in an opening, just below the Sleek Rock, and the Guards hooked his paw to a bramble vine studded to the ground. He was trapped in place.
The Guards disappeared around the corner, only to appear in a heartbeat, a slumped white shape grasped in their claws.
Rapier gasped and strained against the vine, trying to reach his friend. Wendigo was placed next to him, his hind legs also tied to brambles.
“Rapier! You’re here!” Wendigo brightened, straightening to greet him, but a Guard cuffed him, scolding him, and he slipped back.
Rapier stared in horror at the white cat. Wendigo was covered in little cuts, one after another, spreading across his body and face. His beautiful coat was ruined with dried trickles covering him from head to paws. Did they torture him?
“Oh, Wendigo, I’m so sorry,” he murmured, his tears threatening to engulf him in a sea of sadness and fury. How could they do this to him, and yet I’m not even scratched?
A flash of tortoiseshell fur pulled him from his thoughts and he looked toward it. Sleek was climbing the Sleek Rock, sitting majestically and staring down at them contemptuously. Rapier looked behind him, and the Sleek was gathered before their leader, some of them mocking and pointing at him and Wendigo, and some staying silent, only glancing at them and smirking. Rapier clawed at the thick bramble stem, but it was like trying to slice open a sturdy tree branch with thorns.
This is horrible, being stuck like this! Helpless, under the spiteful gazes of my worst enemies. And I’ve tried to summon Invincible, but it’s like Sleek either knows every time I try to muster it, or something’s wrong with Invincible . . . but I don’t know what. What could possibly hurt Invincible? Rapier snapped out of his thoughts once more, glancing up at Sleek, his fur bristling with tension and outrage.
“I suppose you already know why I’ve called this meeting,” Sleek said, her claws scraping the rock under her paws. “If you don’t, I am glad to announce to you that we have caught one of the . . . strange kits and another cat who was traveling with him.” She glared at Rapier and Wendigo, and Rapier bared his teeth nervously and crouched defensively. 314Please respect copyright.PENANAIDuSbjbkbj
Sleek ignored him. “Rapier has been caught, although Weird is still a mystery. Let’s ask him, shall we?” Sleek leaned forward, her malicious stare returning to Rapier. “Where is Weird, kit?” she sneered.
“I’ll never tell you where he is, whether I know or not! I don’t even know where he is! And let me tell you this- I will never answer you, and you can’t make me. You can threaten to kill me all you want, you good-for-nothing dandruff! I’d rather die than help you with anything,” Rapier spat.
The crowd gasped, and Sleek just laughed. “Oh, we thought you might say that. But, if you don't tell us, we won’t do anything to you,” she said, her words almost coming out as a purr. “But, do you really want to be responsible for your friend’s injuries?” She beckoned a paw at Wendigo, and the Guards nodded and seized his shoulders, tearing at Wendigo with teeth and claws. Wendigo yelped, struggling feebly under the ferocious Guards.
Rapier felt as if his heart was pounding loud enough for all the cats to hear. No! I can’t let Wendigo be injured for my own actions.
“Stop!” he yowled. Sleek raised her tail, and the Guards paused. “We will stop, Rapier. We’ll let your friend go without another scratch. That is if you answer some of my questions.” Sleek’s triumphant green gaze seemed to stare right through him. Rapier hesitated, and Sleek started to lift her paw again, and the Guards tensed. Wendigo looked at him helplessly.
“Ok! I’ll answer!” he cried.
“I’m glad,” Sleek said, and the Guards backed away, and Wendigo flopped to the ground, his eyes closed in exhaustion and agony.
“I’ll answer all of your questions, just please don’t hurt Wendigo anymore,” Rapier pleaded. 314Please respect copyright.PENANA1L1gwae1sw
“Of course. Where did you last see Weird?” Sleek asked.
“We were sleeping for the night, in a small den we made in the middle of the forest, not far from where you . . . met Invincible,” Rapier said. “He must’ve gone out in the middle of the night because when I woke up, he was gone. That was the last time I saw him.”
“Hmm,” Sleek murmured, her eyes narrowing. “I’ll send a patrol to try and find him. But,” she added, “until I do find him, you’re staying where I can see you.”
Rapier trembled with rage, his paw straining against the firm bramble. I can’t object, or Wendigo will get hurt. He already is hurt. What kind of friend am I? 314Please respect copyright.PENANA6uV9HvZrV3
Sleek lashed her tail, and a fairly large patrol headed out, big enough to take on Pinwheel.
Rapier sobbed quietly. Pinwheel is fierce. Brave. Maybe there’s still a chance he can escape the patrol, and free me and Wendigo . . .
Rapier just wished this was all just a very bad dream, and he would wake up in the makeshift nest that he, Pinwheel, and Wendigo made to stay the night, and Pinwheel would be curled up beside him. Where is Pinwheel? What happened to him, or what did he decide to do while I was sleeping like a helpless kit?
Then, the dream he had suddenly rocketed into his mind. I did see him! He looked like he was in the Core. Oh, poor Pinwheel. I wish I could help him! And what were those cats around him? And . . . what if that was just a dream? What if that wasn’t even real? Was my mind playing tricks on me?
He looked up at the sky, the sun beaming down to the ground.
I’m in so many holes right now . . . that I can’t climb out of on my own.