Rapier’s claws scraped the earth desperately, but the shapes dragged him farther and farther away. He hissed and scrabbled to free himself with all his might, but it was all he could do to stay on his paws as they hauled him to wherever they were going.
It took a while to reach the destination, and Rapier clawed at a somewhat familiar cat’s shoulder. “Let me go!” he howled. One of the cats had a delighted sneer on his face as he dug his claws into Rapier’s shoulder to stop him from struggling free.
They finally came to a stop at a familiar place and dropped him to the ground, brambles cornering him and the cats blocking his only escape.
Suddenly, realization struck him. The scent . . . the cats . . . He gasped silently as he realized this was the Sleek.
He bristled, growling ferociously. “I know who you are. You’re the Sleek. Have you really come back for me and Pinwheel? Well, let me tell you this. Pinwheel is away, far away, and you don’t have the ability to catch him. You fools! I have backup, you know. You will be the ones cowering when I say ‘I summon the-’,”
A paw cuffed him on the muzzle, blocking his voice. He mumbled in panic as a familiar voice whispered in his ear.
“Say ‘Tiger’ one time, and you’ll wish you’d have kept your mouth shut. We will find your brother, Rapier, and when we do, you two will be kept in the Sleek.” She twisted her head to look at the other cats.
“Guards, look after him. And make sure he does not say anything about the tiger. Oh, and of course, don’t let him escape, either. We’ve fallen for his little trick once, but that was one time too many. We’ll never fall for it again. We are prepared now. So, Rapier, it’s best if you don’t try to . . . escape. It won’t work this time.” She snickered and vanished out of the den. At least four Guards took place at the den, their ears pricked and chests puffed out.
I need to find a way to get out of here.
As quietly as he could, he murmured, “I summon the Black-a--”
The Guards yowled and leaped at him, putting their paws over his mouth again and blocking his speech. Then they let go and went back to the entrance, one turning his head to him.
“Don’t even try, Rapier,” it spat.
Rapier scowled in frustration and scrambled at the brambles, looking for a way to escape. He turned back to the Guards.
“What did you do with my friend?” he growled. The cat he noticed as Trew from his past yawned.
“Oh. That little white cat? Same thing as you, he’s a prisoner. We decided you two shall be separated, so you don’t cause any . . . trouble.” Trew whirled around and took his place again.
“Wait!” Rapier meowed. “What about eating and drinking? There’s no water or prey in here.”
Trew gave a contemptuous sneer. “You will eat and drink when we allow you to. Right now, you better make yourself at home.”
Rapier bristled. “I will find a way out. Pinwheel will notice that I am nowhere to be found, and he will save me. He will bring Invincible, and you will be destroyed for even touching a hair on my pelt!”
One of the Guards stepped in. “That’s exactly why we will find him, too, before he even notices we took you. And then, we will separate him from you, so you can’t work together and escape. You’ve done it once, you won’t do it again. We’re prepared now. No more questions.”
Rapier rested his muzzle on his paws solemnly. I’m supposed to be looking for Pinwheel. How am I supposed to do that here? How do I warn him he’s being hunted by the Sleek?
He moaned, writhing to get comfortable. It was impossible, let alone with his damp, scrappy moss and leaves that were heaped up in a messy pile as his nest.
I will have to come up with a plan. I cannot be stuck in here forever. He sighed. Invincible, please, I really need you. If only I could call to him by mind. He grumbled and forced himself to go to sleep.
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Rapier saw Invincible, stretching luxuriously with his army of cats relaxing about in the clearing.
Rapier yelped with joy and bounded toward Invincible, yowling, “You’re here! I knew you’d come!” But his paws passed right through the tiger’s black-and-white pelt, and Rapier suddenly realized this was just a dream.
“No . . .” he gasped. “I-Invincible . . . please, look at me.”
Rapier stepped in front of Invincible’s eyesight, but he looked right through him, glancing at two cheetahs batting at each other playfully behind him.
Rapier cried out and raked the tiger’s face, his black-and-white paws slashing through as if Invincible was made out of mist.
“I need help! Please! Help me!” Rapier howled, but it was no use.
He was pulled away, and then his paws landed in a sandy hollow. Voices were sounding, and screeches rang in his ears. The yowls were familiar.
“Pinwheel!” Rapier screamed, racing forward. He faced a huge number of cats, all looking in horror at his brother as he writhed on the floor, clearly in the Core.
Rapier stared in horror. No! He’s in the Core, and I’m not here to help him! He looked around in confusion at the cats when one caught his eye.
Patch. Rapier gasped in shock as realization struck him.
“Father,” he whispered. So this is where he lives now.
But before he could do much more, invisible paws prodded him, shaking him viciously.
He slipped into darkness as he woke up to a terrible day.
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