Despite all the strange things that had happened to Makenna between 11:50 and 3:30, she still went to the surfing competition. She had to win that invitational to Australia! She just had too! She was desperate. For the time being, Makenna tried her best to ignore her worries about Tracey and unanswered questions about mysterious Ash. She just tried to enjoy the surfing competition. It started right at 3:30, and she was fifth in line. A large crowd gathered on the beach and cheered her and other surfers on. Within the crowd were Makenna’s family members and Jessica. Tents of all sorts, including an announcer’s tent and different surfboards decorated the competition’s beach. There were no males in Makenna’s competition. All the surfers were female and fairly young. This was more a competition for younger people. The waves today were perfect, and it didn’t take long for each girl to find the perfect one.
Makenna breezed through the first two rounds with no problem, but now, it was time for the round that decided it all, Round 3, whether or not she would be going to Australia. Her family, Jessica, and Raeven watched Makenna’s entire competition from start to finish. They did not leave their spot. Mr. McKevlin, just like he promised, joined them. Makenna had to admit though, she was pretty nervous this last round. It wasn’t so the competition; it was more based on the fact that it was late afternoon, and late afternoon meant sunset, and sunset meant popping fairy wings. Makenna begged with all her might to not transform into a fairy during this round. She had to go to Australia! This thought left her feeling anxious. She gulped and turned her head towards the beach.
On it, in the rays of the late afternoon sun, from the announcer’s tent, the announcer announced, “It's now time for our star-spangled surfer, everybody! Say hello to Makenna Delling!” Makenna forced a feeble smile, and she waved to all the people on the beach. Mr. Delling, Mrs. Delling, Caleb, Jessica, and Mr. McKevlin clapped their hands and cheered her on. “She has just thirty seconds to go,” continued the announcer, “so will she find the perfect wave?”
Makenna peered behind her and searched the ocean. She had to find the perfect wave that would guarantee her a trip to Australia.
She had trouble concentrating though because suddenly, Raeven appeared next to her, and he asked, “So what will it be, Champion Makenna? What will the Champion lean towards? Will it be a huge wave? A medium one? A small one? What will it be?”
“Buzz off.” Makenna snapped. She shooed Raeven away.
“Will you let me ride it with you?” asked Raeven, “Please? Please? Please? Please?”
Makenna narrowed her eyebrows to an angry position, “Shut up! If I let you ride the wave with me, Raeven, will you promise to be quiet afterward?”
“Well that depends.” Raeven spoke, “Will you be kind enough to give me some fruit?”
Makenna groaned, “Sure. Whatever. Hop on.”
“Yay!” Raeven cheered. He clapped his paws and prepared himself for the ride. “Do you see your wave yet?” he asked.
“Hm.” Makenna said. She turned her head and peered behind her again. Her eyes landed on an enormous, beautiful wave coming straight in her direction. “I do.” Makenna chuckled.
Raeven turned his head, and his eyes landed on the wave. “Oh goodness!” he yelped, “You’re crazy, Makenna! You’re going to get creamed!” Makenna didn’t listen to him. She accepted the fact that this coming wave was the wave that would get her to Australia. She plopped down on her front on her surfboard and started to paddle.
When the announcer saw the wave she was aiming for, he announced, “Whoa! Check out the size of that wave, dudes! Makenna definitely has her hands full!”
Makenna’s family and friends cheered her on from the beach.
“Show them what you’re made of, Star-Spangled Surfer!” Jessica yelled at her friend, “Win that invitational to Australia!” She smiled at Mr. McKevlin and then at Makenna’s family. Makenna continued to paddle. The wave caught her. That was her cue to start her run. Makenna leaped up on her surfboard and just before she could fall down the wave, Raeven landed on her left shoulder, and he wrapped his wings around her neck. Young Makenna started off her run with a bottom turn. She fell down the face of the wave and turned to the left.
“Makenna Delling is starting us off with a bottom turn!” the announcer announced, “What other tricks up her sleeve does she have in stock for us today?” After performing her bottom turn, Makenna leaped off the crest of her wave and acted out a long air reverse. “Oh, look at that air reverse!” continued the announcer, “Man, I’ll tell you, dudes and dudettes – it’s like this girl has wings or something!” Raeven laughed throughout Makenna’s entire run. He’s never had so much fun in his entire life! Makenna leaped off the wave again, and she grabbed the side of her board. Her ponytail flew into the sky.
Zooming in on the ponytail, it turned into a long, Kraken-like arm that belonged to a dark shadow swimming out in the Atlantic Ocean. It was the Octopus Man, and he made his way straight towards Makenna’s meet! Though he was only in the shadows, he still looked creepy as ever. While he swam, all eight of his Kraken-like arms soared out behind him, and his eye sockets glowed blue. Makenna Delling, the other surfers, and people on the beach were totally unaware of his incoming appearance. Makenna leaped off her board and held her arms out to the sides again. This caused Raeven to almost fall, but he held on tight. Makenna landed on her board again and next performed a layback snap. She cheered and charged towards the crest of the wave again. When she reached it, she snapped back, turned in a circle, and headed left again. “Whoa!” yelled the announcer, “Did y'all see that layback snap? Makenna Delling is really giving us a show today!”
“Whoopee!” Mr. Delling cheered from the beach, “That’s my baby girl! You’re definitely going to go to Australia, Makenna!” The layback snap caused warm ocean water to slam Makenna and Raeven. However, what happened next was the strangest thing! When the water hit Makenna’s hair, suddenly, from out of nowhere, blue highlights appeared in it! Makenna did not notice this. Nor did Raeven because he was too busy hanging on for dear life. Makenna’s wave started to crash behind her, but she still had enough time to perform one more trick. This trick would decide it all. For her final trick, Makenna wanted to perform another hang ten. A hang ten would definitely get her to Australia. Still unaware of her sudden change in hair color, Makenna steered down the line of the wave and prepared herself for the hang ten. Unfortunately, though, the announcer noticed her blue hair through his binoculars, and he announced, “Whoa! I can’t believe what I’m seeing! Makenna’s hair has turned blue!” Makenna heard him. What? What did the announcer mean by “blue hair?” She moved her eyes up to a strand of blue hair that hung in her face, and seeing it, she gasped. On the beach, the audience also gasped. Jessica, Mr. Delling, Mrs. Delling, Caleb, and Mr. McKevlin did too. Jessica quickly turned her body in the direction of the sun, and she gasped again when she saw that it was setting! Of course. Of course the sun had to ruin everything. Jessica yelled and clapped her hands over her mouth. She immediately started to panic. Makenna’s family members also noticed the sun, and their eyes widened.
“Sunset.” Caleb whispered, “Oh no!”
He, Jessica, Mr. Delling, and Mrs. Delling together leaped into a run, and they hurried in the direction of Makenna, yelling, “Makenna! Makenna! Sunset! The sun is setting!” They left Mr. McKevlin behind. He turned on a confused face and watched them. Makenna Delling didn’t hear her family and friend calling her, but luckily Raeven was right there.
His eyes rotated over to the sun, and he gasped too. “Makenna!” he yelled, “Sunset! It’s sunset!”
Fear pierced Makenna like an arrow. She turned her head, and her eyes landed on the setting sun. “Ah!” she screamed, and she started to make her way towards the front of her board to see the sun better. No! Makenna couldn’t transform! She had to win! She had to go to Australia! Just when she thought it couldn’t get any worse, here came the Octopus Man. He found her. Makenna felt a tap on her shoulder, and she gasped, quickly turning in the direction of her wave.
Her eyes widened, and she screamed when she saw that within it, was the shadow of a huge man that had eight, massive, Kraken-like arms! “AHH!” Makenna yelled, “IT’S THE OCTOPUS MAN! DO SOMETHING, RAEVEN!”
“What can I do?” asked Raeven, “I’m a bat!” Makenna edged closer and closer to the end of her board, but she was totally unaware that she actually achieved her goal to act out a hang ten as her final trick!
The announcer saw this. “Whoa!” he announced from the beach, “I can’t believe my eyes!” He lifted his sunglasses off his eyes to see Makenna more clearly, “Makenna Delling is performing a hang ten! Holy smokes!”
The audience cheered from the beach, but Jessica and Makenna’s family members continued to sprint down it and shout, “Makenna! Makenna! Sunset!” Makenna Delling was finally given no other choice. She felt herself getting ready to transform. She pulled Raeven off her shoulder and threw him into the sky.
“Makenna!” he shouted, “Makenna, wait! Oh no!” Raeven thought fast, “I’ve got to get Ash! He’s closest!” With a flap of his wings, he soared into the sky and called, “Ash!”
Makenna Delling wasted no time. She reached down and pulled her surfboard’s leash off her ankle. Then, just like that, she dove into the wave. It crashed, and her surfboard went flying into the air!
Gasps came from all over the beach again.
“Whoa!” yelled the announcer, “That’s what you call a gnarly wipeout! Makenna Delling just got destroyed!”
Hearing this, Jessica, Mr. Delling, Mrs. Delling, and Caleb stopped, and they too gasped. “Makenna!” screamed Mrs. Delling, and she brought her hands to her mouth. Everybody stared out at the ocean and waited for some kind of movement to come from it that told them Makenna was okay. It was dead silent on the beach. Everybody watched in pure awe. Finally, they got something! Where Makenna’s surfboard floated, suddenly, a hand came from out the ocean, and it waved to the beach. The audience stared. Then, everybody started to clap and cheer! Mrs. Delling peered out from behind her hands, and she sighed a breath of relief when she saw Makenna’s hand waving.
“Okay, good, she’s okay,” was the announcer’s final announcement, “That’s a relief. Come on in, surfers, as we decide the top three winners.” Makenna quickly climbed on her surfboard, and she paddled as fast as she could behind some rocks and away from the beach.
Jessica saw her vanish, and she faced Makenna’s family members, saying, “I’ll go get her.” Quickly, she hurried back the Delling’s beach camp and picked up her own surfboard.
Mr. McKevlin, who was still there, asked her, “Jessica, what is going on?”
“Sorry, not right now, Mr. McKevlin.” Jessica announced, “I’ve got to go get my friend.” And just like that, she ran into the ocean and threw her surfboard on top of it. Jessica started to paddle, and she paddled out towards the rocks Makenna hid behind.
She quickly climbed onto them, and immediately after she did, she transformed! Makenna transformed into a fairy! Pink and blue sparkles that came from the direction of the setting sun appeared and hurried towards her.
The Octopus Man retreated back into the ocean because Makenna was on land now, but he slowly lifted one of his Kraken-like arms, and it flew in the direction of her. He had become very aggressive now because he knew Makenna’s Merfairy transformation came next. While her Crystal Metamorphic Fairy one couldn’t hurt him, her Merfairy one could. Her Merfairy transformation was the one transformation that could destroy him, and Poseidon did not want that to happen. He wanted to get Makenna while she was still a fairly weak fairy, so he became a lot more aggressive towards her.
Geez, that was too close. When Makenna realized she was transforming, she could help but to smile. She was totally unaware of the arm coming towards her. She closed her eyes and began to twirl with the sparkles surrounding her from head to toe. They circled her head, and over her forehead appeared a crystal circlet. The Metamorphic Fairy turned her head and body and smiled. Her blue tinged hair grew even longer, – it now almost touched her heels – and a warrior-like appearance was given to it. Her pointy ears were revealed, and her hair waved. Still smiling, Makenna extended her arms and waited. Blue and pink magic covered her entire body, and sparkles circled her wrists. Over them appeared silver gauntlets.
Makenna acted out a backflip and kicked up her leg, performing a ballet move. The magic was sucked away from her body, and the young fairy clenched her fist. Her outfit changed! She now wore a blue and silver tunic with knight-light shoulder pads, – it was accessorized by a translucent, silver, organza cape. Mixed in with her tunic were scale patterns. After gaining both it and her cape, Makenna next leaped up and down and moved her body from side to side. She turned her back towards her surfboard and flapped her arms like wings. During the process, tall, warrior-styled, knee-length boots covered her feet. Shooting backwards, she flew in an arch. Makenna acted out three more arches, and then she stopped and kicked out her legs. Sky blue, feather-like wings, similar to the wings Percy Jackson wore on his flying shoes, appeared behind her knees. Makenna faced forward and lifted her hand high over her head. Materializing into her hand was a blue wand with a star-shaped head that was tipped with pink.
Grinning, Makenna announced, “Now this is what I call a transformation!” and she pointed her wand at her back. Sparkles escaped it and circled it, and from her back, she popped a pair of medium-sized fairy wings. The wings were made out of crystals, real crystals, and each crystal was outlined blue. Rainbows shimmered in them.
Makenna was officially a fairy! Transforming still made her a little tired, but she wasn’t too tired to cheer and jump up and down. The sparkles set Makenna gently down on her rock again and faded, and that was exactly what she did. She cheered and jumped up and down. Finally, she could fly again!
Unfortunately, though, Makenna celebrated too soon. The Octopus Man’s arm hurried towards her, and finally, Makenna saw it.
Her eyes widened, and she gasped. “Uh, uh.” Makenna spoke, and she retreated back on her rock. She couldn’t fly yet though because people would see her if she did. She was given no other choice. She leaped onto the rock behind her, a much larger one, and started to climb it.
Jessica, who still paddled in her direction, stopped when she saw the Octopus Man’s arm, and her entire face turned blue.
“AHH!” she shouted, “What is that?!” Jessica retreated away from the arm and headed back in towards shore. When the Octopus Man passed her, he created a huge wave, even bigger than the wave Makenna rode during the competition, and it crept up on Jessica from behind! She peered back to it and screamed. She was too petrified to ride it in. “Forget the ride!” she shouted, “I’m about to get swamped!” and swamped she did. The wave slammed into her, and Jessica yelled again. The force of it snapped her surfboard into two pieces, and it flew into the sky, leash and everything. When the wave settled, there was no sign of Jessica. Nothing. Her broken surfboard floated on the surface of the water, and that was it.
Returning to the rocks where Makenna rested, she made it to the top of the larger one and shook with fear. The Octopus Man’s arm shot forward and aimed straight for her chest. Makenna screamed and closed her eyes. However though, just before she could be caught and dragged to the Bermuda Triangle, suddenly, from out of nowhere, Ash appeared in front of her! With his shield and a sword in hand, he glared, yelled, and slashed the Octopus Man’s arm with his sword!
Makenna opened her eyes and looked up, “Ash! Where did you come from?”
Behind Ash came Raeven, and he yelled, “Makenna!”
“Raeven?” Makenna asked. She smiled, “Raeven!” Raeven appeared next to her and started to hover. Makenna glanced at him. She and Raeven then glanced at Ash who slashed the Octopus Man’s arm again. He had been summoned to Makenna Delling for a reason. His master gave him a mission – to protect Makenna and Tracey from the Octopus Man’s clutches. It was his duty as a Wizard Fairy to protect both the human and fairy worlds from dangerous threats. Yes, of course Ash was a fairy. He was what Tracey would eventually become if he continued training, a Wizard Fairy or in other words, a Knight Fairy. While Tracey fought more with magic, Ash fought more with weapons. He constantly slashed the Octopus Man’s arm with his sword, and finally, Poseidon retreated.
Overpowered by Ash, he slipped his Kraken-like arm back into the ocean, and all was silent again. It was as if nothing had happened. Waves sloshed up against the rocks and sprayed both Ash and Makenna. Finally, Ash relaxed his face muscles, and he put his shield on his back and slipped his sword in a scabbard he wore on it. The sword was quite unusual. Makenna noticed it sparkling a bit while Ash put it up. Hm, she wondered. Ash was one of few people who wore his sword on his back rather than his waist.
He turned his head to Makenna and asked, “You all right?” His Scottish accent still sounded as cool as ever.
Makenna fell in love with it. Lost for words, she merely nodded and finally managed to ask, “A-Ash? Wha-What are you doing here?”
Ash gestured at Raeven with his head and explained, “Raeven told me you were in trouble, Makenna. He thought about getting Tracey instead, but then he concluded he was too far away and that he wouldn’t make it in time.”
“Bu-But.” Makenna stammered, “Where did you come from? Who are you?”
Ash glanced at Raeven, and Raeven nodded. “Miss Makenna Delling,” he explained, “young Ash here is a Wizard Fairy.”
“Wizard Fairy?” asked Makenna. She finally could talk again, “Sorry, Raeven, but I’ve never heard of that before. I’ve heard of Metamorphic Fairy, duh, but not Wizard Fairy.”
“As you should know, Miss Delling,” Ash explained, “there are five types of fairies in this world of ours: The Earth Fairies, the fairy sprites, the Metamorphic Fairies, the Apprentice Fairies, and the Wizard Fairies. As Raeven said, I’m a Wizard Fairy. Wizard Fairies are top notch fairies that can use really insane magic. Part of our job is to protect both the human and fairy worlds from dangerous threats. We’re also known as Knight Fairies.”
“A Wizard Fairy, Makenna,” Raeven elucidated, “is what Tracey is training to be. Each fairy has a different style of fighting, and each one also has really high expectations. Since it is extremely hard for someone to become a Wizard Fairy alone, it is wise that they have a mentor to train them sometimes as early as five or six. Most people become Wizard Fairies between the ages of sixteen and twenty, but because Ash did so well with his training, he became one at fourteen.”
“Whoa.” Makenna stammered, “That’s amazing. Um, Ash.” She gulped and met Ash’s eyes, “Did you know?” peering up to her wings.
Ash nodded, “I did, Makenna. I immediately knew you were the fairy I wanted the second I laid eyes on you at the pier. You can thank me later, but I was also the one who relieved you of the Octopus Man’s trance. Yes, I do know about the Octopus Man. My master taught me everything I need to know about him, you, and Tracey. I hope you don’t mind me saying, but you have a very nice Crystal Metamorphic Fairy transformation there. What does your friend think about it? Where is your friend?”
Makenna gave him a funny look. “Do what?” she asked. She didn’t fully understand him because of the way he talked.
Ash nodded and tried again in a clearer voice, “Where is your friend?”
Makenna finally caught this. “Oh,” she answered, and she shrugged, “She should be at the beach. She stayed there with my family during the surfing–”
Before she finished though, suddenly, her words were cut short by a random sneeze coming from the other end of the rocks. Makenna, Raeven, and Ash heard it, and they together turned their heads in the direction where the sneeze came from. Ash wasted no time. He reached for his dagger and pulled it out. Makenna glanced at him and flapped her crystal wings. She slowly lifted off the rock she rested on and checked to make there were no boats within sight. Ash did too. No boats were – perfect. This gave Ash just enough time to leap onto the rock Makenna used to rest on, and he followed her towards the end of the rock line. It was weird though. If he was a fairy, then how come he wasn’t flying? That’s kind of strange. Where were Ash’s wings? Were they hidden behind his shield and sword case? Raeven soared into Makenna’s face, and he hugged it, starting to shake. She tried to pull him off, but he held her tightly. Once she and Ash made it to the end of the rocks, they again heard the sneeze, much clearer this time. They then made out the form of a figure pinned up against them, and a broken surfboard rested next to her. It was Jessica! She was conscious, yay, but she obviously had been hurt, both physically and emotionally. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she clutched her wrist. She also was soaking wet. Ash made it to the rock right behind her, and he stood up straight with his dagger still clutched tightly in his hand. Makenna pulled Raeven off her face and stopped to hover. Blue and pink sparkles escaped her wings, and the rainbows shimmered beautifully. Makenna’s eyes widened with fear at not only the sight of her best friend injured but also her surfboard crushed. What on earth happened to her?
Jessica soon lifted her head, and her eyes landed on Makenna and Ash. At the sight of Ash carrying his dagger, she rubbed her eyes and begged, “Please, don’t hurt me.” Ash glanced at his dagger and took a deep breath. He soon lowered it and slipped it back in its case. Makenna continued to frightfully stare at her friend. Poor Jessica sneezed one more time, and she grabbed a half of her surfboard.
Makenna and Ash worked together to grab Jessica and pull her and her surfboard halves up on the rocks. They immediately tended to her. Makenna created a blanket with a wave of her hand and put it over her friend’s shoulders while Ash took care of her injured wrist.
“I can’t believe the Octopus Man did that to you.” Makenna told Jessica.
“It was like he was craving power,” explained Jessica, “I paddled out here, Makenna to come get you, but I ran into him on the way. He summoned an enormous wave, and that was what swept me up here. And now, my poor surfboard.” She glanced at her broken surfboard, “It’s crushed!”
Makenna upsettingly dropped her wings behind her back and spoke, “I’m so sorry, Jessica. I’ll buy you a new one. I promise.”
“No, it’s okay.” Jessica said, “I shouldn’t have paddled out here in the first place. This was my fault.” She glanced at Ash who wrapped her wrist with a bandage, continuing, “Thank you, Ash.”
Ash smiled and nodded, “No problem.” He gently patted Jessica’s wrist, “Your wrist isn’t broken, Jessica. It looks like it just may be sprained. If I was ya, I would get it checked out by a doctor when you get back to Folly.”
When Jessica spoke again, Makenna noticed she sounded a little dreamy, “I’ll do that.” She blushed, and her blue eyes met Ash’s own blue eyes. Jessica squinted and looked at them carefully, asking, “Does anyone ever tell you, Ash that you have really pretty eyes? I think they’re even prettier than mine.” She reached for her cheek – she blushed so hard.
Ash shook his head and answered, “Not often.”
Jessica sighed dreamily and added with, “Well you do. Not to mention, your accent is also pretty cool.”
Ash smiled again, “Thank you. I got my eyes from my mother in case you’re curious, and my blonde hair came from my father. I was born in Scotland.”
Jessica chuckled and brought her hand to her lips. It almost was too obvious that she like the young, Scottish Wizard Fairy. Her next question for him was, “So, are you really another fairy, Ash?”
“I am, Jessica,” he explained.
“Forgive me for intervening,” Makenna spoke before they could say anymore, “but I’ve got a question for you, Ash. If you’re a fairy, then where are your wings? My wings are right here, in case you haven’t noticed already, but where are yours?” She lifted her crystal wings and flapped them slightly behind her back.
For a minute, Ash hesitated.
He then said, “Um,” and he peered back to his shield, “they’re um – well…” He shrugged, “They’re hidden under my sword and shield. I usually don’t like to fly when I travel to the human world. I just don’t want to get locked up in a laboratory.” He smiled feebly, “Yay. Now, girls, excuse me, but I think it is time I took my leave.”
“Leave?!” Jessica yelped, “No, Ash! You can’t! Don’t leave us! Please!” She fell onto her front and grabbed Ash’s ankle with her good hand, “What if the Octopus Man comes back? What if you get hurt? What if we aren’t there to look out for each other? Please, Ash, don’t leave.”
“Sorry, Jes,” Ash spoke, and he released his ankle, “but I have to go home. Harmony is probably wondering where I am. Besides, Makenna here needs to get ready for her journey to the Bermuda Triangle.”
“What the?!” Makenna gasped, “How do you know about this quest?! There is no way I am going to the Bermuda Triangle! I’m going to get trapped out there! What will happen then, huh?”
Ash shrugged and answered, “Well, I guess you and Tracey will have to draw straws to decide which one of you the other will eat.”
Makenna scoffed, “Uh! That’s not funny, Ash! Who said Tracey was coming along?! How do you even know Tracey?!”
Ash didn’t answer that and immediately returned to his carefree self again, “Oh come on, Makenna! There’s no need for you to be worried! Be excited! Come on! You get to go to Bermuda and become a Merfairy! You also get to travel to Atlantis! I wish I could do that.”
“Are you hoaxing me, Ash?” asked Makenna, “There is no such thing as Atlantis! It’s a myth!”
What Ash told her next though was actually quite interesting. He reached his left hand back and grabbed the hilt of his sword, explaining, “Yeah, I’d check the facts on that again if I was ya. You know nothing about the ocean, Miss Delling. I bet ya didn’t know that Tracey too can become a Merfairy.”
“Merfairy?” asked Makenna, “What are you talking about, Ash?”
Ash shrugged and questioned, “Ya like Tracey right?”
This question caused Makenna to blush. “Um,” she stammered, and she hid behind her wand, “in a ‘friendship’ sort of way, yeah.”
“And ya do want him to be able to fly again, right?” Ash asked next. Makenna nodded. “Well then,” continued the Wizard Fairy, “travel to the Bermuda Triangle. I expect we’ll meet again soon, Miss Delling, so goodbye for now.”
“Wait!” Jessica yelped, and she held her hand out to him, but Makenna pulled her back. Raeven landed on her shoulder pad and wrapped his wings around her neck. Ash drew his sword and took a step closer to the ocean. However, of course, as clumsy as he was, his foot slipped, and he fell! Ash slid down the rock and landed with a splash in the Atlantic Ocean! Makenna and Jessica bent their knees and together watched the water. They waited for a bit, but Ash did not return to surface. This caused the two girls to become nervous, Jessica especially.
Makenna finally lost her patience and worriedly called, “Ash? Ash!”
“Makenna,” Jessica frightfully spoke, and she glanced at Makenna, “I’m scared.” Makenna understood her and wasted no time. She stood up and pulled Raeven off her shoulder. Makenna then leaped off the rock, and she dove into the Atlantic Ocean. Water sprayed on Jessica who clutched her injured wrist, and Raeven hovered next to her shoulder.
Underwater in the ocean, Makenna opened her eyes – they stung, and searched for Ash, but she didn’t see him! Where was he? He vanished! Not again! Makenna swam a bit further down to see if he had sunk, but sure enough, there was no sign of him. It was the most bizarre thing. Finally, when the Metamorphic Fairy ran out of air, she hurried to surface and burst her head out. Still resting on the rock, Jessica jumped and retreated back a few steps.
Makenna swam to it and explained, “He’s gone! He’s nowhere to be found! All I can assume is that he performed a teleportation spell or something. I mean, I trust he can take care of himself.”
“Aw-w-w.” Jessica groaned, “No fair!” and she plopped down on her butt on the rock, “I wanted him to stay!”
Makenna smirked and told her, “Something tells me you like him, Jessica.”
“I don’t!” Jessica blushed, “I mean, as a friend sure, but the other thing, uh – no!” She, Makenna, and Raeven’s eyes all landed on the ocean, and they watched as it danced in the rays of the sunset.