Background- It was 6th grade going into 7th. Back in 5th grade I had begun my career with Cool Cats Club, a little project about Humanoid Cats going to war? That assignment was to write a short story on an animal we liked. Needless to say that was influenced by a lot of different series and I didn’t know what I was doing.409Please respect copyright.PENANAe6xAPl8Rv9
Fighters was my attempt at a more original thing though, as I was big into Warriors and a few other things, it didn’t drift far from. Consider this a mass of fanfiction with SOME form of original content mixed in. I look back at this as a 'wtf was I thinking' sometimes and at others 'so this was the turn that would become Midnight and later my Celestia Fictional Universe, eh?'
This is the beginning-ish era of my writing career and likely full of errors. I did not go back at all to correct anything. I apologize for the formate but the original import broke it and... I never bothered to fix it.
Fighters409Please respect copyright.PENANAHCklYGfvWQ
Book 2 Rising Shadows409Please respect copyright.PENANA0JzBUaYrCi
Most of the credit for this series goes to Erin409Please respect copyright.PENANAtLp03POwEQ
Hunter because the warriors series inspired409Please respect copyright.PENANARAGqy2oYeC
this series. Some parts might be the same or409Please respect copyright.PENANA45kmgGPRpb
very similar to the warriors series because I409Please respect copyright.PENANAiU007qzk42
might have missed them.409Please respect copyright.PENANAZy8is29MuB
Darkclan409Please respect copyright.PENANAMZhTCmyHTU
Leader: Lostclaw- brown she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANApZBh7Glbst
Fighters409Please respect copyright.PENANAwRpKWQNgsB
Darkclaw- gray and black tom with red eyes409Please respect copyright.PENANAXY46WfuREI
Dustheart- grey tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAVCwIpsjeYM
Redfur- red tom409Please respect copyright.PENANARQdac0utMN
Blackclaw- black tom with grey eyes409Please respect copyright.PENANAhkNpAoNzCS
Darkflame- dark red tom, he has a scar409Please respect copyright.PENANArYRpemqfXS
across the top of his head409Please respect copyright.PENANAiHRNOPFlNh
Shadowfur- has a dark red pelt409Please respect copyright.PENANAC4hjlHP218
Honeyleaf- yellow she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANARHpUeWjhOE
Snowpelt- pure white she cat with blue eyesMidnight- black she cat with yellow eyes409Please respect copyright.PENANAA826sOU0KZ
Firefang- red and orange tom with yellow409Please respect copyright.PENANAzW5kB6uSao
eyes409Please respect copyright.PENANA2l8OmDZDj5
Firefly- orange she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANA4kQP6fvK4o
Milkshake- black and white she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANA4TmJKOOqer
Addereye- grey tom with red eyes, he has a409Please respect copyright.PENANAkXi5XXo5rq
scar across his head409Please respect copyright.PENANAUqpEgEm6dG
Hawkwing- black she cat with yellow eyes409Please respect copyright.PENANAA1OXlEQdnn
she has a scar on her head.409Please respect copyright.PENANAjXC4t5A4bZ
Spottedfur- she cat with a spotted pelt409Please respect copyright.PENANAQDx6i6AOJu
Longfang- grey red eyed tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAuovqejW6ry
Elders409Please respect copyright.PENANAl7xiv5VwLn
Jaggedrock- grey and brown tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAcoXnGvntBY
Redeye- grey tom with one red eye409Please respect copyright.PENANA7wpYOOS2cd
Tiggerfoot- yellow and black striped she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAoFb1h9ufRy
Healers409Please respect copyright.PENANAY1w9BxgDEd
Goldenpaw- shinny yellow409Please respect copyright.PENANATSH1wOX7T9
Mangopaw- orange tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAfEGvPYpQbN
Pupils409Please respect copyright.PENANAADbI7SydGX
Sunkit- bright red and orange female409Please respect copyright.PENANAWnOFsHYcIO
Lightkit- yellow she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAPolQYKQDU1
Blossomkit- a pinkish she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAcnspgnoTcz
Dapplekit- a calico she catPatchkit- brown spotted male409Please respect copyright.PENANAeEYR024CyG
Lovekit- yellow female cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAnw5G5WSnps
Wavekit- bluish grey tom409Please respect copyright.PENANArIfC1ZAbTi
Lepordpaw- yellow and orange spotted she409Please respect copyright.PENANAv50lc5pwsk
cat mentor Darkclaw409Please respect copyright.PENANA7vfbOTR9BQ
Kellopaw- orange tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAufiGB0q7ia
mentor Blackclaw409Please respect copyright.PENANAWXGxvnyN4T
Oreopaw- black and white she cat mentor409Please respect copyright.PENANAlrj0Xys7Di
redfur409Please respect copyright.PENANAyKBbH2mNOi
Wildpaw- orange she cat mentor Addereye409Please respect copyright.PENANAS6II7v7eYW
Moonclan409Please respect copyright.PENANAkeFS6xG0nt
Leader: Starpelt- silver yellow female409Please respect copyright.PENANAhv5CxWvHKF
Commander: Goldenrod- golden tom409Please respect copyright.PENANA9N6XEwSk0c
Fighters409Please respect copyright.PENANAyPlo1itWxE
Starshine- shinny yellow female409Please respect copyright.PENANADv7YPgWIcB
Moonday- grey female409Please respect copyright.PENANASyGZ2Z9ITf
Nightshadow- a light black colored tom409Please respect copyright.PENANA9qCVLwOmCW
Greypelt- a grey colored tom409Please respect copyright.PENANA0fReTNcTKC
Starflame- golden she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAriDwo7dBSV
Bluepelt- I silver blue she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAxg1Z13VdpC
Shinningheart- a shiny red tom409Please respect copyright.PENANADTkQoJim0b
Moonblossom- pinkish grey femaleShinningstar- shiny yellow tom409Please respect copyright.PENANALXiV971e2f
Healer409Please respect copyright.PENANA7NUfzNsY0g
Starwalker- a red and grey she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAotOeexFkLv
Aquaclan409Please respect copyright.PENANApP2IMZHCMn
Leader: Aquastar- blue -ish tom409Please respect copyright.PENANANeNmLoKYjX
Commander: Fishtail- white and red tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAAhCcRBBB9d
Fighters409Please respect copyright.PENANAFdd7HYwsyy
Aquajet- blue she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANALM5Ef1a0tS
Splashdown- orange and grey tom409Please respect copyright.PENANArETCkh1yfT
Waterjet- blue she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANACuN7G99Ora
Mistypelt- grey she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANA2pDukX1a9m
Sharkstream- grey, white, and black tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAP3pwPk6FJc
Sharkstar- grey, white, and black she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAP8yoA0Q32R
Waterfoot- blue-ish grey footed she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAtZuOWHtouD
Floodweed- grey tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAkh4vZp6x5j
Cattail- brown tom409Please respect copyright.PENANA0Lq71WPyhB
Jetstream- blue-ish grey tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAZL9lMlAT4q
Pupils409Please respect copyright.PENANAzZ9McWzQUl
Icepaw- white she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANA80V7NEcyD1
Wetpaw- grey she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANA4l3Ytf2EvD
Reedpaw- tan-ish tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAQln57rfAIG
Healer409Please respect copyright.PENANACvCMU378dO
Catwater- grey she catQueens409Please respect copyright.PENANA4BE1OHv73d
Lilypad- yellow grey she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAAAAQjipFOt
Lilystream- yellow blue she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAO8DTciZbCr
Featherclan409Please respect copyright.PENANAS0ETcVqLl9
Leader: Flightstar- grey tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAUIN3maMBzV
Commander: Windwing- grey brown tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAKyGlqWZMIC
Fighters409Please respect copyright.PENANATMWRNEmcD1
Jaywing- red brown tom409Please respect copyright.PENANA6FVh5Xd67c
Birdtalon- golden brown she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAFx3Lmdky8S
Windtalon- grey and tan tom409Please respect copyright.PENANA4ErZzJOyw7
Skycloud- white and grey tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAEan0srq0X6
Featherwing- brown she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAyfac5WuTpP
Skypelt- blue-ish grey she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAmKmLyf28zA
Raincloud- black and grey she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAPbKrglCxHa
Cloudheart- grey tom409Please respect copyright.PENANA1uYw5xjHBU
Hovernosel- white and grey female409Please respect copyright.PENANAkfdDbhXuMS
Rainpelt- dark blue femaleLightningclan409Please respect copyright.PENANAMlaz6suJ2N
Leader: Emberstar409Please respect copyright.PENANALiAKANhb0m
Fighters409Please respect copyright.PENANANQ9QbPf9gP
Shockfang- Yellow she cat that bites things409Please respect copyright.PENANAYshVBJharc
fast409Please respect copyright.PENANAsEY1pmoOZP
Honeyflower- gold-ish she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAzeks9bsjlB
Jaggedpelt- Black tom with a ruff pelt409Please respect copyright.PENANAf2Wj5iD5I1
Thundershock- Dark-ish yellow pelted tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAqx4k8NUsLG
Lavaclan409Please respect copyright.PENANAkK5hU1g1WR
Leader: Amberstar- Dark blue tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAwjUUH33kwg
Devilclan409Please respect copyright.PENANAWrPwcwzEzW
Leader: Demonpelt- red tom409Please respect copyright.PENANAHPXZ8KyksF
Earthclan409Please respect copyright.PENANAIBst04ukKk
Leader: Rockeye- Brown tom.Prolog409Please respect copyright.PENANAQDinAT1CCb
“Hehehehehehe, this job is a blast.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAir6zkRN9dY
“My, my Skullus, you really have lost it.”409Please respect copyright.PENANACgcY14PvrR
“Oh shut up Deathvine, I want and will get409Please respect copyright.PENANAFPQufaj4Te
revenge on that kit.” “Relax, remember this409Please respect copyright.PENANAV2GzOXl9Hl
is important.” “Sorry my lord.” “As I was409Please respect copyright.PENANAXdsBsgP4zn
saying Deathvine, Lavareed, Deadfur, you409Please respect copyright.PENANAa6YUcfPpcO
are to bring that Lightningclan cat back to409Please respect copyright.PENANAPibNsXASUv
this place. Skullus, you are to pair up with409Please respect copyright.PENANASKTeB7OgGQ
any other Ing that have lost their partners,409Please respect copyright.PENANASQjP3ZuJyL
and protect Deathvine’s team.” “With409Please respect copyright.PENANAtuhy4jIyYC
Deathvine I think there is no need, she’s just409Please respect copyright.PENANAaK6rM21EUX
as strong as Nightmare ever was, then again409Please respect copyright.PENANAAmOFZawBAd
so is Skullus.” “Enough just go and get the409Please respect copyright.PENANAzpDxedBU88
target.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAzRynOfWZO0
“Not bad Sunkit but we must be ready,409Please respect copyright.PENANAYULdxW3Jba
they’ll be making their move soon and youmust be ready for them. Keep going.” “I409Please respect copyright.PENANA3eZcPJxNhK
know Emberstar.” “Emberstar!” “What is it409Please respect copyright.PENANAzIMaagvkqp
Honeyflower?” “The Ing, three of them and409Please respect copyright.PENANAgVkut87Qq9
Boneclan are attacking our new settlement!”409Please respect copyright.PENANAF7jwzGa2wk
“What! That can’t be, it’s to soon, plus409Please respect copyright.PENANARTKFcOP5mb
winter is coming, it-” “With the Ing I’m not409Please respect copyright.PENANAG1h4u5GVE3
surprised. Come on Emberstar.” The three409Please respect copyright.PENANAFvaPQcSiof
cats raced away without noticing four409Please respect copyright.PENANAmDlzNH65pD
shadows behind them. “Hmph, so the409Please respect copyright.PENANAW3D7FKBX0x
orange one is the one spoken of in the other409Please respect copyright.PENANAnNaUUGp7Og
part of the prophecy?” “Yes my lord, that’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAw7Kfh2HyfX
her.” “Darkflame, I want you guys to keep409Please respect copyright.PENANA3f72cXH7Wy
an eye on her if that’s the case; no mere kit409Please respect copyright.PENANAgAusbSvHx0
should be able to nearly kill Nightmare.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAX12uqvT0fA
“Of course my lord.” “Come we must409Please respect copyright.PENANARvo0q8qC2G
return to the hideout.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAXACSq5wiu5
...409Please respect copyright.PENANAfA4KjdQv5e
The three cats ran hard against the wind,409Please respect copyright.PENANAUBfPRdeUIH
as it blew rapidly, “Come on, we have to409Please respect copyright.PENANACK1utKCbt6
hurry.” Something rustled. “Wait409Please respect copyright.PENANAIsnZQUCXtf
Honeyflower stop.” “What for,” she asked409Please respect copyright.PENANA86USlV9okm
as she came to a halt. “Hehe, and here I409Please respect copyright.PENANAzYGOE6F9LT
thought they wouldn’t have noticed untilbang, to late vill.” “Falcon and Crocodile,409Please respect copyright.PENANAwLKp0PZbTv
long time no see.” “Same to you traitor.”409Please respect copyright.PENANA0bUd9dOQT6
“I’m sorry but w can’t let you pass until the409Please respect copyright.PENANAmA9S2HcnDv
target has been found and killed.” “Why be409Please respect copyright.PENANAP9V4HfsCSI
sorry.” Emberstar now spoke, “I know that409Please respect copyright.PENANADLuNUXtZSq
voice, Skullus.” “Correct Emberstar but409Please respect copyright.PENANAvY5mL4wn7l
don’t worry, your not on my target list all I409Please respect copyright.PENANAFwnwbzN035
want is that kit.” “Come out of the shadows409Please respect copyright.PENANA0qbvjQi0Av
and fight then.” There was a loud scraping409Please respect copyright.PENANA0ga5MUO8mg
sound as a figure stepped out of the409Please respect copyright.PENANAtagL1pTgxH
shadows. Emberstar, Sunkit, and409Please respect copyright.PENANAkuK1KMotIA
Honeyflower gasped at what they saw;409Please respect copyright.PENANAnJBrF8HQEK
Skullus’s teeth were long and yellow, her409Please respect copyright.PENANAGBaCkCSpkw
claws were long, yellow, and dull but still409Please respect copyright.PENANAyx5KCVZSvg
good enough to slice threw flesh. Her eyes409Please respect copyright.PENANAMNnhEfquGy
were red and her pelt was torn up, ragged409Please respect copyright.PENANAxbnCJaSRcS
and shaggy. She had many cuts along her409Please respect copyright.PENANAsad9TLNUwG
body that suggest that she was going over409Please respect copyright.PENANAnt0o7CrVnE
board with training, practicing, and battling,409Please respect copyright.PENANAEUhkhHNsI4
“Revenge has been the only thing on my409Please respect copyright.PENANACTag86Z765
mind after you killed my brothers’ will to409Please respect copyright.PENANA64W9IAHRMH
live, Nightmare, and Bonetail were not409Please respect copyright.PENANAqCxVHMjVhs
really dead, but they went so crazy that theytried to kill lord Snowy.409Please respect copyright.PENANAvCVi2mAvxG
Hehehehehehehehe, prepare to DIE!” with409Please respect copyright.PENANAObFSFaJNEG
that the three jumped into battle. Skullus vs409Please respect copyright.PENANAIuly939nPF
Sunkit, Emberstar vs Crocodile, and409Please respect copyright.PENANARkFMfWTIc7
Honeyflower vs Falcon.409Please respect copyright.PENANA2xeA4cJMSx
Chapter II409Please respect copyright.PENANAxaT06wS0OA
Skullus’s claws sent sparks flying as409Please respect copyright.PENANA2fZ0gx9IFq
they scratched the hard rocky surface below409Please respect copyright.PENANAJrRpmbZWuu
the cats as she ran at Sunkit,409Please respect copyright.PENANA5doMn3n4YU
“Hehehehehehehehehe, DIE!” Skullus409Please respect copyright.PENANApjfZFCl1Gb
slashed her claws at Sunkit repeatedly, miss409Please respect copyright.PENANAQcmYIQNvCx
after miss as Sunkit dodged. “Hehe you409Please respect copyright.PENANARi98w4hKAY
can’t keep this up forever kit, sooner or later409Please respect copyright.PENANAnWCFrndJTM
I’ll get you!” “You’ve lost it Skullus,409Please respect copyright.PENANAsAxVFn4EUM
you’re just insane now.” Sunkit could not409Please respect copyright.PENANA8E4F5Ix86R
shake Skullus; she climbed up trees and was409Please respect copyright.PENANAiR1KMuqIDM
followed, Skullus even picked up a metal409Please respect copyright.PENANA0npRhYIpxi
rod that was on the ground and did not lose a409Please respect copyright.PENANAC22IiwrB7D
fraction of her speed. “At this rate we’ll409Please respect copyright.PENANA6drFFf1rfg
never make it.” Sunkit was cornered, “Oh409Please respect copyright.PENANAh7m93aWkRf
‘Fox dung’ (Erin hunter came up with Fox409Please respect copyright.PENANAIEKH7Gez4E
dung, not us but we couldn’t resist putting it409Please respect copyright.PENANAxrGTIy1678
in. It goes perfectly with this tight spot) I’mtrapped.” “And now at last, revenge is409Please respect copyright.PENANAUe01pBfZGg
mine.” “That’s enough!” Three cats409Please respect copyright.PENANAodq7nxIkRO
jumped into the open, “We have the target409Please respect copyright.PENANASYcyTUUjkC
so let’s go.” “Can’t I kill her now?” “Later,409Please respect copyright.PENANAHlGqUeCliO
we have other things to do.” “Come on we409Please respect copyright.PENANADWQDFiZMTI
have to go!” Sunkit yelled. “Wait Sunkit, if409Please respect copyright.PENANAIpVu2C9taW
they’re leaving then we’re ... too late.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAB5PfJsAiaE
Sorrow filled the air around the cats. “No409Please respect copyright.PENANAUB8O9QJ23b
you’re wrong, I can still scent her and I409Please respect copyright.PENANAyiyG0P5yv5
refuse to let them take another mother away409Please respect copyright.PENANADhijwhm6sD
from her kits!” Without another word she409Please respect copyright.PENANAnkImZct4w9
raced away, “Sunkit wait!” “No409Please respect copyright.PENANA124eYLliVU
Honeyflower, let her go, we have to get back409Please respect copyright.PENANA6bj4wfrSbn
to the clans and get them together.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAkQXJNg0VYv
Chapter III409Please respect copyright.PENANAZI4nhLHR7Z
Sunkit raced as fast as she could onward409Please respect copyright.PENANA7x0NaQZuJL
towards Skullus and Shockfang. She soon409Please respect copyright.PENANADUCvvhSTFK
came upon three cats, “Halt! You may go409Please respect copyright.PENANAyaV2HiUlbx
no further gwack-.” Sunkit hit two of the409Please respect copyright.PENANAIkc1ZbGm6O
three and then the other and raced on. She409Please respect copyright.PENANAaD1yrUQwiO
soon ran into Skullus, “Heheheheeee, it409Please respect copyright.PENANAizcQ3oeRzC
would seem that the gods are trying to tell ussomething if you keep running into me.”409Please respect copyright.PENANARfrArUnvad
“Yeah, I’m going to KILL YOU!” Sunkit409Please respect copyright.PENANAHQOp0J0U00
jumped at Skullus and missed followed by409Please respect copyright.PENANAM8w9BtZYzO
Skullus charging at her with one set of claws409Please respect copyright.PENANAOyVTFPkU0U
grinding along the ground, “Hehe, You’re409Please respect copyright.PENANABi9izVor9N
weak, just like your dead mother hahahaaa!”409Please respect copyright.PENANATMJmI9jhZa
Sunkit growled and performed the screw409Please respect copyright.PENANAQ19Xh0W41e
attack, “As if I’d let that be successful.”409Please respect copyright.PENANA8jVOsX1QGY
With one set of claws she guarded her face409Please respect copyright.PENANA09nLno8thW
and Sunkit soon found that she couldn’t409Please respect copyright.PENANAb8WAPaTpIg
shatter them, “(This is bad, she’s reacting a409Please respect copyright.PENANAXW3d83l5uo
lot differently than she should be acting.409Please respect copyright.PENANAN57p80TAMr
She is charging head strong without409Please respect copyright.PENANAkE8X0dQEQI
planning ahead; normally she’d do the409Please respect copyright.PENANAJtL08huup8
opposite of that. There must be a weakness409Please respect copyright.PENANAUXkglFdHJi
in her defense somewhere but where?)” “I409Please respect copyright.PENANA0pyFkignGp
hope you’ve planned enough because I’m409Please respect copyright.PENANARiGYhpUg3j
coming for you kit.” Skullus once again409Please respect copyright.PENANAZb3HhpSyQq
charged at Sunkit but missed. “Just give up409Please respect copyright.PENANAw8pOFwEeeM
now and maybe you’ll die quickly.” “Time409Please respect copyright.PENANAI7BpfC6iXA
for a new trick of mine.” Sunkit began409Please respect copyright.PENANAeFfk9klXhb
howling like a wolf in a few seconds, “Gah409Please respect copyright.PENANAgHhDGgfszY
what are you, it’s so loud!” With in secondswolves began to appear, growling at Skullus.409Please respect copyright.PENANAHpnsMlSu6P
“Sunkit stop!” “Emberstar?” “They may409Please respect copyright.PENANAtbEG3zc5xe
prove useful while alive. Tell me and be409Please respect copyright.PENANAx8hCZiB0eu
honest or well ask your two friends Falcon409Please respect copyright.PENANAmEiw6Z9w2j
and Crocodile the questions. How many Ing409Please respect copyright.PENANA7J4mpiEYmG
are there and who are they?” “Deathvine’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAf63V8vnNUW
teem and the rest left. There’s only Snowy409Please respect copyright.PENANAdjmWCS8Mpx
and her teem there right now. I imagine409Please respect copyright.PENANAhMY41mnQk0
they’ve finished the ritual by now as well.409Please respect copyright.PENANAtYMTRI5cuU
Half of our Empire is there right now.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAfIvsYy53Z4
“Falcon you snitch.” “Cats of all eight of409Please respect copyright.PENANA8oYfI1OITc
our clans let us do our best and storm their409Please respect copyright.PENANAjioOfTMokP
base.” Every cat yowled in agreement.409Please respect copyright.PENANAqPMGwbvsVt
“Then let’s go!”409Please respect copyright.PENANA8jf2se4WzU
Chapter IV409Please respect copyright.PENANAglrhJqjOov
“It would seem all six-teen clans are409Please respect copyright.PENANAwmSvx2yVpF
coming.” “All six-teen hmm. No matter,409Please respect copyright.PENANA3R1anGc92p
Emberstar and five other random cats are409Please respect copyright.PENANAiUagrICG1g
left. Darkflame, how do you find out all of409Please respect copyright.PENANAuoevqK1Mi7
this information any way?” “I have a409Please respect copyright.PENANAklDtOplNDL
feeling that by the end of this battle you’ll409Please respect copyright.PENANAjLp1QMNOL3
find out.” “Chaos, Devilclaw, return to theother base for now.” “Are you sure?”409Please respect copyright.PENANAp5dnZakKm2
“Yes.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAsT3BzX05tD
...409Please respect copyright.PENANALG3pyaQDu9
“Sunkit, Lostclaw, you three Ing, the409Please respect copyright.PENANAIcvi6athQb
wolves, and myself plus one hundred others409Please respect copyright.PENANAZ99sTvQghS
are going to storm their base while the rest409Please respect copyright.PENANA8NMS2TXPL3
delay the army.” “So fellow clans you’re409Please respect copyright.PENANAJo435RqiGy
attacking them to?” “You over heard?”409Please respect copyright.PENANAXMa4YcugJG
“Yes we’re fellow clans that have also been409Please respect copyright.PENANA6UtqwbMujs
attacked. What are we waiting for let’s go.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAj15G32r9rY
The clans eventually ran into the half of409Please respect copyright.PENANAmQo2uUvrPz
the army as predicted. “Charge; you one-409Please respect copyright.PENANAKQWVOfac8h
hundred chosen cats surround us main group409Please respect copyright.PENANAtdUZoLZbSM
cats.” The clans soon charged right into the409Please respect copyright.PENANA12iVfMSTmA
army in different attack formations.409Please respect copyright.PENANAgLUQ8MXmdI
...409Please respect copyright.PENANAl59rO69Nl6
The selected group of Ing hunters/killers409Please respect copyright.PENANAf5exFIjV6E
were alone now. They got through the outer409Please respect copyright.PENANARO6WCubHWg
forest and inner forest where the other one-409Please respect copyright.PENANAvV9YqSXqZl
hundred cats were fighting Boneclan only to409Please respect copyright.PENANAdYvS6e1xdd
stumble upon metal structures when they got409Please respect copyright.PENANAAlDfK8vxhO
through. “What are they?” “Things thatdecayed after the humans disappeared.409Please respect copyright.PENANAl1fm6Z3hYo
“Hurry.” The cats soon entered the area409Please respect copyright.PENANAzvmbhL7YCx
with structures, “To think there was a place409Please respect copyright.PENANAj5ZXH3oPRv
like this not far away this whole time; ok409Please respect copyright.PENANAtkXLvQTOoJ
where to next?” “We just have to keep409Please respect copyright.PENANAkYuafh4OQf
heading straight until we find a brick409Please respect copyright.PENANAHfuq43rYIA
structure that’s falling apart.” “Thank you,409Please respect copyright.PENANAYHCteAkGNM
let’s go.” The cats and wolves raced409Please respect copyright.PENANAaPtz9QKWkH
onwards towards the place that Falcon409Please respect copyright.PENANAHF9tcSKQxZ
described, “We’re almost there. It’s the409Please respect copyright.PENANAlurSBetTWJ
building at the end of this path that’s straight409Please respect copyright.PENANA4z3cRnMWtE
ahead of us.” “Ok, guys be ready.” They409Please respect copyright.PENANADnFzXoocfx
soon stumbled upon the end of the path and409Please respect copyright.PENANAy5lo8OCfpI
the building. “This is it; Lord Snowy is409Please respect copyright.PENANA3uVAH3RNbc
inside that building.” “My, my, aren’t we409Please respect copyright.PENANAwD7ZEyDrYW
being traitors. If you enter traitors Lord409Please respect copyright.PENANAUxtapCNwWj
Snowy will kill you so I’d fight her.” The409Please respect copyright.PENANASJ8AaTCnde
cats looked up to see Addereye and409Please respect copyright.PENANAfhRlJSQDbC
Hawkwing. “Enter all of you, we won’t stop409Please respect copyright.PENANAH381imJjJJ
you.” The two cats jumped away allowing409Please respect copyright.PENANA2RNQsDUYG8
the cats to enter and when they got in they409Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5jka5CTQR
noticed Shockfang’s body, “It would seem409Please respect copyright.PENANAGSuVWOdD2y
you’re too late.” Everyone looked up at theceiling beams to see Snowy sitting while409Please respect copyright.PENANAPmsPP1eKgU
watching them. “Shall we save time and get409Please respect copyright.PENANAefdvi2oSAi
right to it?” Snowy jumped down in front of409Please respect copyright.PENANA1RxUx9tB9c
the cats with her claws out. “So that’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAFuKOimgCsv
Snowy Emberstar,” Sunkit asked. “Yes she409Please respect copyright.PENANAAeUAnKgKvY
is.” Sunkit barked an order to the wolves409Please respect copyright.PENANAL660zAlE5a
that made them attack followed by the rest409Please respect copyright.PENANAHa60JY58xN
of the group. Snowy easily and gracefully409Please respect copyright.PENANAIiBP3Hyoqs
dodged them, “Sunkit, Lostclaw be careful,409Please respect copyright.PENANARhh2Zl5I6s
she is very dangerous and strong. So don’t409Please respect copyright.PENANASb2d7NTO24
underestimate her,” Said Emberstar.409Please respect copyright.PENANAHYmZ8278SZ
“Right,” they said in response. Sunkit had409Please respect copyright.PENANAOTLGnBdj31
an idea, “Here’s my idea...” Sunkit and the409Please respect copyright.PENANAnDVDu8k50m
wolves charged at Snowy. As snowy409Please respect copyright.PENANAzSdwnu6jki
jumped a side, Emberstar and Skullus then409Please respect copyright.PENANA0t6fJ32g3f
lashed at Snowy’s sides but missed as she409Please respect copyright.PENANAldwcsfRaBE
jumped back. Falcon and Crocodile jumped409Please respect copyright.PENANARoQZutbEPJ
at Snowy and missed as well however409Please respect copyright.PENANAHUZQXI27O6
giving Lostclaw an opening to attack.409Please respect copyright.PENANAsLcqnfRL8X
Snowy then dodged Lostclaw too, “You409Please respect copyright.PENANALRfPk6rBaD
can’t touch me.” She landed and jumped off409Please respect copyright.PENANAf39YZjWJhv
of one of the wolves’ head into the air only409Please respect copyright.PENANAANuJsxKenC
to notice Emberstar performing the screwattack and heading towards her. Snowy409Please respect copyright.PENANAxHSrHJoFgp
dodged by hitting a support beam with her409Please respect copyright.PENANALszZmY7tjq
paws and jumping up again but noticed409Please respect copyright.PENANAf62bkXAzZK
Sunkit heading towards her doing what409Please respect copyright.PENANArIxt0pOESl
Emberstar was doing, “(How did she-?)”409Please respect copyright.PENANAibluWkN8U7
Snowy again dodged by doing the avoidance409Please respect copyright.PENANAr7BGXJmwx4
trick she used the time before, “Nice try409Please respect copyright.PENANAWnSqM9GjW5
concealing yourself on Emberstar’s body409Please respect copyright.PENANAUtyIQgeZoU
while she did the screw attack and releasing409Please respect copyright.PENANAFeatqglDPa
at the right time to head towards me again.”409Please respect copyright.PENANALCUxuUZjly
“What gave it away?” “You could never409Please respect copyright.PENANAQxxGVlAc9h
jump up there or climb up there so fast.”409Please respect copyright.PENANA4iq1jWapYL
Sunkit began sounding like a rat and then a409Please respect copyright.PENANAhURAZU0sNv
fox until a swarm of rats formed and five409Please respect copyright.PENANAYSsTY6SzKY
foxes arrived. All of the foxes, rats, wolves409Please respect copyright.PENANAR7Gv4L2pcz
and cats went at the Phazon Empire’s leader,409Please respect copyright.PENANA57PnaAS69Z
“Give it up already.” The rats went at her.409Please respect copyright.PENANAhr3xIRQIIb
Snowy dodged only to be surrounded by409Please respect copyright.PENANA2IUbmxFR4v
wolves which she jumped away from; the409Please respect copyright.PENANAwqizElVP3c
foxes and Lostclaw jumped at Snowy after409Please respect copyright.PENANAjWRrVgtDYd
she jumped away from the wolves but409Please respect copyright.PENANAwRPfrSPj4y
missed as she jumped again. Skullus and409Please respect copyright.PENANAAlTM2VjC9n
her teem went at Snowy however shejumped off of a fox’s head right before they409Please respect copyright.PENANAgaXuTItPlF
reached her to notice Emberstar performing409Please respect copyright.PENANA5u2AGcz2aY
the screw attack, “This attack pattern409Please respect copyright.PENANAoeUyE1Dzi5
again?!” She tried to jump off of a support409Please respect copyright.PENANAj9lpOe7M8B
beam but as she neared it that some of the409Please respect copyright.PENANAnvi4i5RUZ1
rats were right by the place where her paws409Please respect copyright.PENANA5J73AIkCn2
would touch to jump. Snowy waited for409Please respect copyright.PENANARrrQY6HTRY
Emberstar to near her and jumped off of her409Please respect copyright.PENANAzMtC4JzqFs
spinning head; Emberstar tried again by409Please respect copyright.PENANAAv5WaupiZT
jumping from the support beam at Snowy.409Please respect copyright.PENANAaMGm91WfIX
Snowy went for another Support beam that409Please respect copyright.PENANAKNDVBOE4Tq
could get her away from the attack but409Please respect copyright.PENANAfkk7NvIBzX
noticed that it was swarming with rats; she409Please respect copyright.PENANAnC48u0kMqj
then did what she did before but forced409Please respect copyright.PENANAAVmo2PE6NC
Emberstar to go down before jumping into409Please respect copyright.PENANAptbdhZwoKb
the air. Snowy landed on a Support beam,409Please respect copyright.PENANAuK2LpWdo0i
“You’ll never even put a scratch on me at409Please respect copyright.PENANAcYmpGEoKhe
this rate!” she yowled. “Is that so?!” She409Please respect copyright.PENANAOJXjk8A5Yk
looked to see Skullus screw attacking409Please respect copyright.PENANA9XimPx2aRO
towards her; she jumped down and avoided,409Please respect copyright.PENANA3M1BPV1KNF
“Like I said you’ll never... what!” Heading409Please respect copyright.PENANAzC3kcKEgob
towards her in a screw attack form was409Please respect copyright.PENANAVC1Ts9Kpwt
Sunkit; she also noticed that the mass of ratsat the support beam was different and not as409Please respect copyright.PENANAljBKHf740j
bulgy, “(Oh no, where did she, the rats! She409Please respect copyright.PENANA145QV446d9
was hiding among that mass of rats!)”409Please respect copyright.PENANAfV2GvOoeZA
Sunkit then delivered the blow to Snowy’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAL7QyYdD9M6
back; Snowy went spinning to the cement409Please respect copyright.PENANAUavFYjYkXq
floor below and hit it. Sunkit landed a few409Please respect copyright.PENANAOEeX2VDrvl
feet away as Snowy got up, “Hehehe,409Please respect copyright.PENANAndQ6h0XxPA
haahahhahahaha, not bad, you’re the first409Please respect copyright.PENANAnhSV95MBWS
one who has hurt me in a long time... I409Please respect copyright.PENANAOpfMIaENrM
almost forgot what pain felt like. However409Please respect copyright.PENANATl9iZ2FbB5
you did make me lose blood and for this you409Please respect copyright.PENANAIzlEa1tQIC
must die,” spoke Snowy in a calm and ice409Please respect copyright.PENANAcn0KnAU8Qj
cold voice. “Be ready, here she comes409Please respect copyright.PENANA6WZAjVLEns
again.” Suddenly all of the Ing except409Please respect copyright.PENANAe5dnCzJfks
Darkflame came rushing in, “Lord Snowy!409Please respect copyright.PENANA53gD2SmlEi
We can’t leave; we’re surrounded so there’s409Please respect copyright.PENANArTJwuPgGKz
no way out.” “Stay out of this fight and409Please respect copyright.PENANAcIL24zqN4T
watch then.” “Look, they hurt her guys!” All409Please respect copyright.PENANANswjVwYH0H
of the Ing gasped. “Let us resume this fight.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAzCHhuutqPp
The group ran at Snowy but she jumped409Please respect copyright.PENANAUMGdazB5wm
back and jumped over the cats at Sunkit.409Please respect copyright.PENANA4HWOGAJPvC
She once again sounded like a rat; within409Please respect copyright.PENANA9HvWNSDD7y
seconds rats fell from the ceiling ontoSnowy, some bit her back but eventually she409Please respect copyright.PENANApk4W3rlGAC
shook them off and jumped up as the foxes409Please respect copyright.PENANA9awKRQGksW
jumped for her. “Time to demonstrate a true409Please respect copyright.PENANAWDwChBQd4U
attack,” she said. Snowy bit her tail409Please respect copyright.PENANApPV2MwoZly
allowing it to bleed; she then made a symbol409Please respect copyright.PENANAOQOyB3AHvY
that looked like the sun and smeared blood409Please respect copyright.PENANAFZlV0pFxQA
on her right paw. Snowy put the blood409Please respect copyright.PENANAi8ruDXbc00
smeared paw on the symbol and rubbed her409Please respect copyright.PENANAVtUky4FJ7h
paw across it and closed her eyes; soon a409Please respect copyright.PENANAu1csF3m35P
black figure appeared, “One of Darkblood’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAADrUtKxtyq
many tricks that he happened to give to me.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAxIlRUDaAxn
Soon a saber tooth tiger took form; Snowy409Please respect copyright.PENANApHhNpPQlLS
meowed something to it that made it go for409Please respect copyright.PENANAZ1H1hFr8KG
the cats. Sunkit ordered the wolves, foxes,409Please respect copyright.PENANA223dFCzs3o
and rats to take care of it or to keep it busy;409Please respect copyright.PENANASqXZN21x32
she then began to sound like a hawk.409Please respect copyright.PENANA8n0jRxUFBx
Eventually eight hawks flew in and grabbed409Please respect copyright.PENANACRVZBmkJJH
the cats; they flew towards Snowy as she409Please respect copyright.PENANATA5vD993MQ
began doing the same thing she did before.409Please respect copyright.PENANAObkOVWT8qY
This time snakes and eagles appeared; the409Please respect copyright.PENANA9Hxv3Fqsbk
snakes went for the rats as they plopped409Please respect copyright.PENANAjMOlesqZRN
down while the eagles went for the hawks409Please respect copyright.PENANA3DxudlmtC5
and cats. Sunkit in hawk language toldsomething to the hawk and it soon threw her409Please respect copyright.PENANA7m9SpdlkcY
pass the eagles as snowy did the same ability409Please respect copyright.PENANA81xn4wqObi
again making a badger appear but it was409Please respect copyright.PENANA0m7JWZOYOl
knocked off and killed by Sunkit as she hit409Please respect copyright.PENANAbHqE3jyvqO
it. “You’re really annoying me kit. First409Please respect copyright.PENANAJCA8TaYTcO
you hit my back, then you have rats drop on409Please respect copyright.PENANAAm3TIjwOKc
me, now you just killed one of my creatures409Please respect copyright.PENANAvLzjNNVWql
and now you’re probably not going to allow409Please respect copyright.PENANApmuc7GaP8k
me to revive or summon using Darkblood’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAA46Zi0vjxz
trick.” “Correct.” Sunkit and Snowy409Please respect copyright.PENANAKlmD93Ps2d
resorted to going paw to paw with claws, no409Please respect copyright.PENANAG02lFk9Yv3
screw attacks or anything like that were409Please respect copyright.PENANAgj7qZLiZ9G
being used. Sunkit scratched Snowy’s front409Please respect copyright.PENANA9lEInArqJV
right leg as Snowy bit Sunkit’s tail. Soon409Please respect copyright.PENANA2vRuRwpUmi
Sunkit became desperate as Snowy began to409Please respect copyright.PENANAQv4lqbx2Kg
win, “(I can’t let her win even if it kills409Please respect copyright.PENANAgHYqpCqT1d
me.)” Sunkit bit Snowy’s back and rapped409Please respect copyright.PENANAznZlGDQg1W
her arms around Snowy and began to409Please respect copyright.PENANA0EBl9EPXRd
unbalance her making her walk weirdly.409Please respect copyright.PENANA9D4WxGrFyM
“What are you doing kit?!” “If I can’t take409Please respect copyright.PENANAPrdO0xqSxS
you down by yourself then to prevent you409Please respect copyright.PENANA5gIxCJlyZN
from escaping I’m killing myself too. We’ll409Please respect copyright.PENANAEzyIi8qvja
fall down a great distance to our deaths.”“You wouldn’t, you’re just trying to spook409Please respect copyright.PENANALkwPNeCxMZ
me into surrendering but it doesn’t matter to409Please respect copyright.PENANAINFULuo5kS
me.” Sunkit yanked Snowy again closer to409Please respect copyright.PENANA8OcdNTthZS
the edge as the saber tooth tiger disappeared409Please respect copyright.PENANAAhWjxXPi5b
as the snakes died and as the eagles were409Please respect copyright.PENANAHsBmVJeHg6
killed. The cats were put on the ground as409Please respect copyright.PENANAF3816Od61z
the hawks flew off. They all heard Sunkit’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAHI1WVKAHbR
struggles and looked up to see her and409Please respect copyright.PENANAlby0QtRjx7
Snowy fall off the highest beam Sunkit409Please respect copyright.PENANAqUXDdNEuYP
released Snowy and was caught by a hawk.409Please respect copyright.PENANAXr9nRAggcu
Snowy soon hit the hard cement floor just as409Please respect copyright.PENANAalWVWxm3T5
Sunkit was put down. “Lord Snowy!!!!!!!”409Please respect copyright.PENANAmozrVqsgzP
the Ing cried. Snowy stood up soon after,409Please respect copyright.PENANAmJHuNshMyD
“This can’t be happening. I can’t lose to a409Please respect copyright.PENANAyr1sXvjVLi
weak kit like you!” she yowled. Emberstar409Please respect copyright.PENANAZ86sVpYLBB
spoke, “That’s the first time I’ve heard her409Please respect copyright.PENANAWuYN1yFSj6
like that. She’s never lost her cool before.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAss0yF5jrRX
“I am the strongest cat there is, I’ve killed409Please respect copyright.PENANAopdX6c9REL
hundreds of cats and dogs, I AM SNOWY! I409Please respect copyright.PENANAbrWAxGU5yd
can’t die! I never thought the day would409Please respect copyright.PENANASGOLgoYa8r
come when I’d have to do that one item that409Please respect copyright.PENANArlxp9w9K4e
Darkblood gave to me.” Snowy performed409Please respect copyright.PENANAuojArcBss6
the ritual that she used to summon theanimals. The black matter formed a weird409Please respect copyright.PENANAcJAx5ylidC
cylinder that had a C and a ten on it. The409Please respect copyright.PENANAzyHMNYrgBv
Ing scattered immediately after it formed.409Please respect copyright.PENANAqrsytG3tV9
“C ten, what does that-? Oh-no!” Snowy409Please respect copyright.PENANASqqJbMhqJd
pulled out a cord. “RUN, That’s one of those409Please respect copyright.PENANARQ7ODMHXnU
explosion things that humans made. I heard409Please respect copyright.PENANAgRz0tkukKv
that, that C ten can blow up a whole409Please respect copyright.PENANALQSXxwpBv3
gathering of human homes like the one409Please respect copyright.PENANAVaLuGrHil6
we’re in!” The cats ran as fast as possible409Please respect copyright.PENANAFP4V8QM1F9
with the other helper animals, the wolves409Please respect copyright.PENANATEerjP7GMK
and foxes soon grabbed the cats with their409Please respect copyright.PENANAsjuDlZlYfg
jaws and ran faster. “I SHALL NOT LOSE409Please respect copyright.PENANAJmUA3BnIMn
AND ALLOW THAT CAT TO LIVE!”409Please respect copyright.PENANAxgCbjgsDEx
Chapter V409Please respect copyright.PENANAxkcKcib0BY
Soon the group heard the explosion and409Please respect copyright.PENANAnAY6bYnGOG
looked back to see the human homes fall409Please respect copyright.PENANAIJNCKeoyHK
over one into the next followed by409Please respect copyright.PENANA2k4D1CQ1iN
shockwaves, then dust and debris, and fire409Please respect copyright.PENANAShUwCiGWUn
soon followed. Eventually they made it to409Please respect copyright.PENANATFxfQ1f8VO
the forest and caught up with the Ing who409Please respect copyright.PENANAaEiJK4Bsfk
were alerting the Boneclan cats and the409Please respect copyright.PENANAp49HPADXoe
other cats. They all ran as the explosion409Please respect copyright.PENANA832FBxmE50
soon hit the forest and picked up speed.They soon ran into the fighting Empire and409Please respect copyright.PENANAzCI31thH2N
clans and news spread quickly as the409Please respect copyright.PENANAp5PNtI4w0D
explosion began reaching the outer forest.409Please respect copyright.PENANAu8B137eUMm
The Ing, empire, clans and other animals409Please respect copyright.PENANAlArjz27tm6
were running/flying and or swimming as the409Please respect copyright.PENANAvLIe8L1GS0
explosion came nearer and nearer.409Please respect copyright.PENANAIVO8VdtKaY
Eventually the explosion halted and stood409Please respect copyright.PENANAqTAmVAlUjR
for three minutes before it contracted, “Be409Please respect copyright.PENANAmkmD9Lj6Ll
ready that was a C ten so the explosion is409Please respect copyright.PENANAgH50f5yIFv
likely just contracting into a major final409Please respect copyright.PENANAaYVzZ0SjNm
ground shockwave explosion,” Skullus409Please respect copyright.PENANAWQAGURNGSH
yelled. She was right for they felt a shock409Please respect copyright.PENANANqPMBl64W6
wave coming as they were running that cut409Please respect copyright.PENANACSTf78804Q
trees down and annihilated them. The shock409Please respect copyright.PENANAmAcaTUnb54
wave’s power soon faded and disappeared409Please respect copyright.PENANArZBakM419T
all together. All except the Empire stopped.409Please respect copyright.PENANA3wQfAPm2rv
The Ing soon ran back towards where the409Please respect copyright.PENANA0ojuRvJsMJ
structures stood.409Please respect copyright.PENANAwjewyn6O97
...409Please respect copyright.PENANAubEZ4v6yv1
The Animals and cats that battled Snowy409Please respect copyright.PENANAGt1fM60RVb
had returned to the scene where the Ing ran409Please respect copyright.PENANAAzLwGTRJ6u
towards with some other wolves and foxes.409Please respect copyright.PENANABCjNAnollV
The group came upon the ritual that Snowyperformed to summon something and409Please respect copyright.PENANAWqkgBLQhKU
eventually the Dark matter expelled a white409Please respect copyright.PENANA1WQJ01LOdh
leg and paw covered in blood. “She did409Please respect copyright.PENANA2FH2Z5kpBM
that?! So much for her dieing; that doesn’t409Please respect copyright.PENANAQi6HcWFfhP
matter it’s an even fight in numbers. Let’s409Please respect copyright.PENANANjyC0v6sa0
go.” They dug under the weak ground and409Please respect copyright.PENANA4qTQ0ZipHl
dug towards the cats. When they came up409Please respect copyright.PENANAHdnSR7Inea
they were next to Darkflame and slashed his409Please respect copyright.PENANAGdc3VKYZHg
throat. The Ing ran off before they were409Please respect copyright.PENANAfSj6uoYNIw
noticed but stopped and turned back, “Relax,409Please respect copyright.PENANAC2vdOzpL96
you might as well stay and watch the409Please respect copyright.PENANACXreTsqgzH
conclusion and I’m out of those explosion409Please respect copyright.PENANABNM8MLAGdZ
things.” Before they could respond a cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAIkbR6ZdGKV
killed Falcon; that cat looked like409Please respect copyright.PENANAGTrbpbEiir
Darkflame. “How, you’re over there but409Please respect copyright.PENANAhmIbt9vTrJ
you’re there?” “Well it’s out in the open409Please respect copyright.PENANAfNtUkjBGil
now so I might as well-.” Darkflame409Please respect copyright.PENANABLSGjrUs0N
formed a symbol that was like Snowy’s,409Please respect copyright.PENANABwvNqGTeRY
made out of blood, a summoning mark,409Please respect copyright.PENANAcKIXdzqUOa
ECT. But it looked like three, sixes in a409Please respect copyright.PENANA8ateUg3Op5
pattern. Seven dark matter clusters appeared409Please respect copyright.PENANApQiz8fgrln
and scattered; I gust of wind blew the cats409Please respect copyright.PENANAKII2j3tcfZ
and wolves to the left down a newly madehill. As they got back up they saw nine cats409Please respect copyright.PENANAHNJxVisHa2
standing, “In attendance, the nine lives of409Please respect copyright.PENANAAXOnZejMPD
corruption,” one spoke. “Nine409Please respect copyright.PENANANCGuByAnja
Darkflames?” “That can’t be they’re just409Please respect copyright.PENANAt3sz5SzVg8
nine cats.” “No if you smell closely you can409Please respect copyright.PENANA4A9cbIwV16
scent only Darkflame’s scent.” “You’re409Please respect copyright.PENANAeqaRkQiC8I
unfortunately right it would seem.” “Hey409Please respect copyright.PENANAhycwLdzl4w
the one that was just killed is among them.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAoMgVSWY74p
“And it’s thanks to my spirit body that can409Please respect copyright.PENANAE2qj9sPPgY
revive, heal and more. Now shall we kill409Please respect copyright.PENANA7bf916yC5m
them my lord?” “Yes, split them up; take409Please respect copyright.PENANAEv5ONMg5xU
down that kit.” The nine bodies split up and409Please respect copyright.PENANAmsDUkD0J5Z
attacked. The true battle was only just409Please respect copyright.PENANAW2xEPWStwM
beginning. (Note the Nine bodies may409Please respect copyright.PENANAVeFHbgRkag
remind you of Pein of the Akatsuki in409Please respect copyright.PENANAHuKrlubbLj
Naruto Shippuden‘s power of having six409Please respect copyright.PENANAgwKhwQr97R
bodies but we had this idea in production409Please respect copyright.PENANAfqpOkaeHnN
before the episode was aired, also we don’t409Please respect copyright.PENANAyHRpTnOpFq
read the magna-s to it so don’t accuse us but409Please respect copyright.PENANAVBvXRVM9gV
I guess you should give them the credit for409Please respect copyright.PENANAUcWdI685gA
that, not a fifty-fifty thing since we both409Please respect copyright.PENANAm3psJU9cPt
came up with it without knowing that409Please respect copyright.PENANAYU2ILub6rt
someone else had the idea.) Darkflameapproached Sunkit while the other bodies409Please respect copyright.PENANAxtaDr7flLt
attacked the rest of the group, “No.” “What409Please respect copyright.PENANAAjI1x0k69r
did you just...?” “I am stronger than you409Please respect copyright.PENANAf3cdVg8b2k
Snowy. I realize that I can exterminate the409Please respect copyright.PENANAvZDK13saV1
kit by my self so I no longer need you to do409Please respect copyright.PENANAyzXH4Yz0Rj
it. Snowy look at the body that Skullus is409Please respect copyright.PENANAFY5EU2mscI
fighting; look familiar? That’s right it was409Please respect copyright.PENANAkLzhP8Ia3j
one of my bodies that took the souls.409Please respect copyright.PENANASawWwfTiqP
Darkblood can’t be revived but his army409Please respect copyright.PENANAFkwehAGiYP
can, I sent that body into one of your dreams409Please respect copyright.PENANArBLsa0roUW
so that you would create the Phazon Empire,409Please respect copyright.PENANAoiscBQSSuI
form the Ing, and help collect the cats with409Please respect copyright.PENANAQRAdguur0Q
the seals that seal the very first Ing Empire409Please respect copyright.PENANA8UQYxZ3RZb
army. Sunkit was the only obstacle and I409Please respect copyright.PENANAwsyLGzohf2
knew of your power to kill so that’s why I409Please respect copyright.PENANATaKXxyV7Kv
needed you, to kill her but now I realize that409Please respect copyright.PENANAAfzGznEiTm
I can kill her myself. Now that both of you409Please respect copyright.PENANAVTu9v0EZZX
know I must kill you both. And I think ...409Please respect copyright.PENANAm67urg9lS5
I’ll start with you Snowy.” Darkflame409Please respect copyright.PENANAkbpF5H2hEb
began to walk towards Snowy when the409Please respect copyright.PENANAind0f2wI9n
ground broke from under him; Sunkit409Please respect copyright.PENANAkA0SOXsydG
popped out from under him in a surprise409Please respect copyright.PENANA99IvUH7STk
attack but he vanished only to reappear rightin front of her. The tom knocked Sunkit into409Please respect copyright.PENANAreqmBsbNXK
the air and batted her to the right; as she got409Please respect copyright.PENANAZYSbWlF4Ll
up she noticed that he was in front of her,409Please respect copyright.PENANAPYVOF8QoSh
“You fight well... allowing you to live409Please respect copyright.PENANAxV4M6Jjhn0
would be a problem for us in the long run.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAAvEgEy1jgq
As he prepared to attack again Snowy409Please respect copyright.PENANAqiLArS8pqT
jumped at him and knocked him aside,409Please respect copyright.PENANA8f3nyU9KT7
“Sunkit run, get away from here!” She409Please respect copyright.PENANAZCJeQP6Wai
obeyed her command and ran, “Hmph,409Please respect copyright.PENANA2cHQBJohk2
compassion for others hmm? You really are409Please respect copyright.PENANAXTLTo7AFLh
weak,” Darkflame hissed, “Now then are409Please respect copyright.PENANArRIcCspo5R
you ready to die my x-master?” Darkflame409Please respect copyright.PENANApwH2pQj6RD
“shot” his arm into the ground and pulled409Please respect copyright.PENANABMEwCYWz7u
out Sunkit, “Nice try kit.” The Ing vanished409Please respect copyright.PENANAE5GHe7UR4q
as the one Ing’s eyes glowed except for the409Please respect copyright.PENANA7sxaZGY0xY
cat that made them vanish and one she cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAO2PwfZ46ac
who was glaring at Sunkit, “May I cut in409Please respect copyright.PENANAWdYgCVW85g
master?” “Of course Doveheart.” “Who’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAzwHa0IcoUT
Doveheart? She’s not-.” “-one of the Ing409Please respect copyright.PENANA7txUzJu7J6
you knew of... she’s Sapphire’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAvMirAkRXaB
replacement.” The cat that made the others409Please respect copyright.PENANAGo5W7oGfzV
disappear vanished, “How do you Ing have409Please respect copyright.PENANAwY8c3SozMl
these unnatural powers?” “All of us oddcats have been turned into what we are now,409Please respect copyright.PENANABxZbZd42qZ
do to human interference. I wasn’t given the409Please respect copyright.PENANAzwlwxiHZVD
power of nine bodies until I fell into409Please respect copyright.PENANAVD8hUVNg14
something humans called toxic waste; that409Please respect copyright.PENANAptKxxWPc9b
split my nine skills and other such things409Please respect copyright.PENANAQbGhmQXVLK
into nine different bodies. However that409Please respect copyright.PENANAJjmXzKaLvR
toxic stuff wasn’t the only trigger, you have409Please respect copyright.PENANAulH6xjwglk
your’s because you’re the hero of the409Please respect copyright.PENANAMJcJPDK2kg
prophecy of death.” Doveheart and409Please respect copyright.PENANAVLZ0PYQf7A
Darkflame approached, “You take Snowy409Please respect copyright.PENANAQRxbBo0nGl
master I’d like Sunkit to fight me alone.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAv88N2mZQYM
“Hmm... very well plus I don’t want to tick409Please respect copyright.PENANAcCIGVZXSv9
you off, you could kill three of my bodies at409Please respect copyright.PENANArs8l214hry
least and this would be the only one409Please respect copyright.PENANAyinvMAS6St
available.” “You’re not my target, and as409Please respect copyright.PENANA1JuIRzmg9h
long as you don’t mess with my three goals I409Please respect copyright.PENANAjuawVwvS3W
won’t.” “R-right.” Darkflame knocked409Please respect copyright.PENANAGzp0QSUfgk
Snowy aside and lunged at her, “Well shall409Please respect copyright.PENANATSsoTiwXuf
we start?” “Typical of Bloodstar, not one to409Please respect copyright.PENANAD6ULMY5voB
teach one not to jump ahead; she always was409Please respect copyright.PENANAYAcqI0bi8Q
to soft on you though.” “How would you409Please respect copyright.PENANAj2g45qF1s0
know, you grew up in the empire if409Please respect copyright.PENANAnu1g4tvKY5
anything; and she was a good mom.”Doveheart began to laugh as soon as Sunkit409Please respect copyright.PENANA7UgfbEFlhp
said good mom, “Apparently you weren’t409Please respect copyright.PENANAx8h0Le0D6e
told, she always did ignore me.” “What are409Please respect copyright.PENANABvQ9xJHGBG
you talking about?” “I’ll tell you, I mean409Please respect copyright.PENANA2zBWvHHnqI
after all you have a right to know. You and409Please respect copyright.PENANAh5SjIescNN
I... are sisters.” “What?!” “I was born409Please respect copyright.PENANAwa7K1Cmtfa
before you so it’s no wonder she forgot409Please respect copyright.PENANAur6eTxk6mM
about me; she paid a lot of attention to me409Please respect copyright.PENANA3eavsC0vBM
until you came around sis. After you were409Please respect copyright.PENANAORs4YjiwCR
born, no matter what I did, it wasn’t enough409Please respect copyright.PENANAMUO63Xgh4b
for her to pay me any attention. Not having409Please respect copyright.PENANAKnynkN8xgt
a mom is painful, having one but seeing her409Please respect copyright.PENANALmx9ncYmGa
die contains more pain, but my pain is from409Please respect copyright.PENANAFVgycz7gl1
having a mother who paid little interest in409Please respect copyright.PENANAleFwwRTme0
me. In my eyes one can not understand,409Please respect copyright.PENANA1PnkQBuepz
realize, or comprehend true pain unless they409Please respect copyright.PENANAVcDT4ewVVr
experience it at first hand. Pain is inevitable409Please respect copyright.PENANAbsKIJIq9uY
though infact who do you think killed our409Please respect copyright.PENANADNLnIuqxlD
mother?” “Midnightstar did.” “Yes but409Please respect copyright.PENANABq4Em2gqH1
who do you think hired her to kill our409Please respect copyright.PENANApmRq1QjvGe
mother.” “You didn’t!?” “I did sis. I hired409Please respect copyright.PENANAwFgw3knQfw
Midnightstar to kill our mother.” “Why409Please respect copyright.PENANAvYQKjFkwLp
you-.” “Infact Snowy is not the one spokenof in the prophecy of death, I am.409Please respect copyright.PENANAgJptMwnWAW
Eventually Darkflame, Addereye, and409Please respect copyright.PENANAqlq3uF7NsY
Hawkwing came to me and told me that my409Please respect copyright.PENANAyAtnqegHAS
talents would be appreciated in the Phazon409Please respect copyright.PENANA0cYLgAxjt5
Empire; so I left Darkclan and since then409Please respect copyright.PENANAW8YDUNdgpF
I’ve become the strongest Ing, now that409Please respect copyright.PENANAdBmPLl3BEu
Darkflame isn’t one that is. After words I409Please respect copyright.PENANAz7ihMQQptz
set three goals to accomplish, one, kill my409Please respect copyright.PENANAov1OpjLrwe
mother; two, kill you and three, destroy my409Please respect copyright.PENANAehQ35yeojv
birth clan. Now than, time to accomplish409Please respect copyright.PENANA8mJHjByurh
goal number two.” Sunkit prepared herself409Please respect copyright.PENANAd91vWV42DY
for Doveheart’s attack.409Please respect copyright.PENANAiYWwzWG1zl
Chapter VI409Please respect copyright.PENANAWoMTr4eriA
Snowy dodged as Darkflame409Please respect copyright.PENANAPnJnxPh70o
slashed, claw after claw at her, “You can’t409Please respect copyright.PENANANgqYJmJrTp
win Snowy, you’ve slipped after that small409Please respect copyright.PENANAo89xmZqtDQ
fight with Sunkit.” “We’ll see Darkflame; I409Please respect copyright.PENANAEU4cvhGXgZ
can still beat you I bet.” “Yes but can409Please respect copyright.PENANAn86Behze4M
Sunkit beat Doveheart a.k.a. her sister I409Please respect copyright.PENANAd8a5Lxh5tp
wonder?” “Why you-!” “Hey I didn’t force409Please respect copyright.PENANAWDgiGC8I0k
her to, she wanted to infact she hired409Please respect copyright.PENANAWJYks30nKa
Midnightstar to kill their mother, and she409Please respect copyright.PENANAdoJbb2SuQ2
plans on destroying her birth clan as well.”“Like Sunkit would let that happen.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAhIefeJHDNO
“You’re just trying to make me mad but it409Please respect copyright.PENANAgn56bAVaMq
won’t work. You have no idea how strong409Please respect copyright.PENANAASe5hyVa0r
she is then,” Darkflame spat. He knocked409Please respect copyright.PENANAOgOexAd9HU
Snowy over and held her down; as he raised409Please respect copyright.PENANA4OvVSuBeWc
his claws Snowy bit Darkflame’s other front409Please respect copyright.PENANAjejBHEiaEQ
leg, “Ack!” he yowled, “You’ll pay for409Please respect copyright.PENANAoKuL33BIpN
that.” He was about to slash Snowy’s throat409Please respect copyright.PENANAA3jDjwfuGg
when another one of Darkflame’s bodies409Please respect copyright.PENANAqFJsfRLPLd
was thrown into him which knocked him off409Please respect copyright.PENANAJVB6tr4C2q
of Snowy. She turned to see Emberstar409Please respect copyright.PENANAtEKwzGuWFy
growling at Darkflame, “Thanks for that but409Please respect copyright.PENANAVz0Dq9TXyv
I don’t get it... why save me?” “You know409Please respect copyright.PENANAMwngkpU7wf
how the saying goes; the enemy of my409Please respect copyright.PENANAkCylbQXZYB
enemy is my friend, well right now I’m409Please respect copyright.PENANA5NvbRQsvFo
considering you my ally after what he said409Please respect copyright.PENANAHNuzLy5Nqv
about you being a pawn or whatever.”409Please respect copyright.PENANA48630ytfGm
“Great here they come.” The Darkflames409Please respect copyright.PENANAVXMN2tLALU
were getting up when Emberstar looked over409Please respect copyright.PENANAaqwldCkeuA
at where they landed; the Darkflames then409Please respect copyright.PENANAyrffaZsfLS
let out a hiss, “I’ve had enough of that pesky409Please respect copyright.PENANAlvDGG4fQ1o
rouge, body X annihilate them!” The body409Please respect copyright.PENANAzBdif8qwo5
named X began to pull at its arm, “This littlefeature is the result of human experiments.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAvaCwOUpFso
X pulled part of its right arm off; attached to409Please respect copyright.PENANAeBdXZFaKNq
what was left of the arm was a metal tube.409Please respect copyright.PENANAyhTvcZ0xiD
Snowy yelled out, “Hit the ground now!”409Please respect copyright.PENANADYXLMkOHyc
They ran towards a small trench as a noise409Please respect copyright.PENANAVXupCnXNaW
sounded from the metal tube, “He has one of409Please respect copyright.PENANAgFIOzXUVib
those gun thingies humans used, that’s just409Please respect copyright.PENANApQKuqasT0z
great Snowy!” They jumped behind the409Please respect copyright.PENANARHfFXMI2XC
trench in a hurry as the noise stopped, “Not409Please respect copyright.PENANAjCizCdoGJf
good enough,” a voice sounded. In front of409Please respect copyright.PENANAdRa70DnK97
the two cats was another body that was409Please respect copyright.PENANA4NiIW63jbN
dragging Crocodile, “I’m the Darkstar409Please respect copyright.PENANA1kwzLZoiwf
body.” Dark matter formed as to needles409Please respect copyright.PENANAMjrwojIqXC
shot out of it; they jumped out of the trench409Please respect copyright.PENANASwluc44GdB
when the sound started up again as the409Please respect copyright.PENANAZ7koLaTqAx
Darkstar body jumped after only to be hit by409Please respect copyright.PENANAbaEMqbxSbV
small triangular things repeatedly, “My409Please respect copyright.PENANAWKE6Pd7PAY
bad,” the X body said. The body fell behind409Please respect copyright.PENANAY5WI1FpzO9
the trench dead only to get up thirty seconds409Please respect copyright.PENANAnR2rEmB0Jq
later. “Great, how are we supposed to win409Please respect copyright.PENANAzljZ55Ntpv
when they keep on getting revived after we409Please respect copyright.PENANAvqnC1FCizT
kill them?” “I don’t know Emberstar.”409Please respect copyright.PENANA9itWs2xwO7
Chapter VII“I won’t fight you Doveheart.” “That is409Please respect copyright.PENANAwq1jWp7IEW
the sign of one who hasn’t experienced the409Please respect copyright.PENANAK46VOo3qC1
true pain of their mother’s death; does this409Please respect copyright.PENANAcUGLlcByJ2
mean that the death of her is insignificant to409Please respect copyright.PENANAgwkBmqNDjZ
you?” “No, I avenged her by killing the409Please respect copyright.PENANA05jY7bRyXe
ones who truly killed her.” “Except for me,409Please respect copyright.PENANAOoeHsTi5nm
you don’t quite see it do you, or is it that you409Please respect copyright.PENANApljyBN5gzf
just don’t want to see it?” “Stop it.” “If I409Please respect copyright.PENANAlm1wI1G9R5
hadn’t hired those two cats to kill her they409Please respect copyright.PENANAMq2unQXCMH
wouldn’t have killed her; she would still be409Please respect copyright.PENANAe9eBHjnEfL
alive.” “Shut up!” “Infact it wouldn’t have409Please respect copyright.PENANAjwsRaErFxY
mattered anyway, I would have killed her409Please respect copyright.PENANAV6nYmNTuES
anyway if I choose to.” “I said shut UP!”409Please respect copyright.PENANAEDd9inqxzt
Sunkit yowled. She lunged at Doveheart409Please respect copyright.PENANADqj5zR5CXf
only to be clawed in the stomach as she was409Please respect copyright.PENANAeSa8eUt6vk
landing. “You’re weak, you haven’t409Please respect copyright.PENANAFPdN8qA6oH
experienced true pain yet I’m guessing, that409Please respect copyright.PENANA5q3WtwmILf
means that your hate isn’t strong enough,409Please respect copyright.PENANAP8irUAav9g
which also means your pain isn’t strong409Please respect copyright.PENANARFLYMIPjY5
enough.” “Why are you doing this?” “It’s409Please respect copyright.PENANALfHTtpVkyD
the pain I’ve experienced that’s made me409Please respect copyright.PENANADWeuIzANGx
stronger.” “I mean why... why kill our409Please respect copyright.PENANAy5ehGHrl7U
mother; why kill me; why destroy our birthclan, why, why, WHY!?” “Pain is the409Please respect copyright.PENANA0MtFYjkXuv
answer. After you were born I was shunned409Please respect copyright.PENANAY89YBoBHjW
in such a way, even by Bloodstar, for409Please respect copyright.PENANAVDvqm2lPTn
nothing. The empire and the Ing were409Please respect copyright.PENANArQgfN5Guf4
different; they treated me well, respected409Please respect copyright.PENANAIkbTLg6hJ4
me, and they even raised me. Hawkwing409Please respect copyright.PENANAftuEbQmw2b
became the mother I never had; Darkflame409Please respect copyright.PENANAuWslaO9aH0
and Hawkwing were the supporters I never409Please respect copyright.PENANA7NIWjKrTWl
had as well as the others. Since the day I409Please respect copyright.PENANArpXAJNKU4y
left the clans I vowed to destroy them and409Please respect copyright.PENANA1LpYyY9ErX
the ones who shunned me, including the one409Please respect copyright.PENANARoZoXY2DIL
who was responsible for it; which would be409Please respect copyright.PENANA3JiyThrKEX
you, Sunkit. So far I think I’ve been quite409Please respect copyright.PENANAbt5VCMy6XS
successful, don’t you think? Now once I kill409Please respect copyright.PENANAGthNWSY5x4
you I’ll kill your two top supporters,409Please respect copyright.PENANA5lQw0XWVfh
Emberstar and Snowy who has apparently409Please respect copyright.PENANAaUDEWGgQRE
become one of them.” “Never,” Sunkit409Please respect copyright.PENANAQe7O2svSf4
hissed. “Hmph, do you have the pain and409Please respect copyright.PENANAVcbohcPZLF
hatred towards me though is the question409Please respect copyright.PENANAd31MsOWQOx
now.” Doveheart threw Sunkit aside into a409Please respect copyright.PENANATykeE0uAfJ
pile of dirt with her teeth and clawed her409Please respect copyright.PENANAkwZsymiVzN
face after she landed beside her sister when409Please respect copyright.PENANAcmjBZNWEdA
she jumped. Storm clouds began to gather,“You’re weak Sunkit, killing your friends409Please respect copyright.PENANAn47wLsc2yY
will hopefully bring a challenge-.” Sunkit409Please respect copyright.PENANAhpoXkcDn7W
let out a screech and jumped at Doveheart409Please respect copyright.PENANAfs4dFNISXy
only to miss; Sunkit then felt a pain in her409Please respect copyright.PENANAkjSwpSva1S
back as she flew through the air a few feet409Please respect copyright.PENANAQy0tz19GTf
and landed. As she got up Doveheart sliced409Please respect copyright.PENANA6sxghvKeyE
and slashed at her, she let out a wail which409Please respect copyright.PENANAdQf3IR9Pdq
attracted the attention of the others; soon the409Please respect copyright.PENANAt54EFzVlTy
Ing appeared and watched as well from a409Please respect copyright.PENANAKt0rvCvkGx
distance away. Darkflame’s bodies ran409Please respect copyright.PENANAIKTRlSx51g
towards Doveheart and Sunkit as well as the409Please respect copyright.PENANAjzVcKCBT4t
Ing; when Sunkit’s allies got closer they409Please respect copyright.PENANAZTMf8ixaQZ
appeared to have hit an invisible wall. The409Please respect copyright.PENANAZcVnvYJyD0
Ing and the Darkflames stopped, “Chaos put409Please respect copyright.PENANASFBchKPOuD
this barrier down or we’ll grind you to409Please respect copyright.PENANAQlt1KjIjSk
shreds!” Emberstar threatened. “Don’t409Please respect copyright.PENANA8y0pf61tRl
worry Emberstar, this is only going to be409Please respect copyright.PENANAUfFWd3kWW0
between those two, we won’t interfere with409Please respect copyright.PENANAJJyK3xZT4O
their battle.” “I’ll KILL YOU409Please respect copyright.PENANAkLSi6D2wXJ
DARKFLAME!” Emberstar yelled. “That’s409Please respect copyright.PENANATkJjdYY4rH
a bit dark for you I think,” he replied.409Please respect copyright.PENANA5ydOdfWeKr
Thunder boomed as lightning danced in the409Please respect copyright.PENANAcg4kSnaRuH
clouds; Sunkit’s friends stared wide eyed asSunkit was sliced to pieces. Doveheart409Please respect copyright.PENANAG3FL6rHt8A
spoke, “I’ll ask again, are you going to try to409Please respect copyright.PENANANVDnbAWxhD
kill me now?” “No.” “Then you’re weak,409Please respect copyright.PENANAPmZIm2Rgfi
prepare yourself because I’m going to send409Please respect copyright.PENANAhESm2Ye7Jo
you on a one way trip to the after life!”409Please respect copyright.PENANAZRKwuZU2X7
Doveheart slashed at her sister’s face which409Please respect copyright.PENANAuCN03smLwy
laid her on the ground flat, Doveheart409Please respect copyright.PENANAvIlKS3Crax
grabbed her ear with her teeth and tossed her409Please respect copyright.PENANA0pyo1mF1MM
into a pile of rocks. Sunkit once again stood409Please respect copyright.PENANA9GhIV5OnRO
up but at this point she was struggling to409Please respect copyright.PENANAWbbkCns71V
even move let alone stand. Her ears were409Please respect copyright.PENANAXrKDj6GtWv
torn, her nose was cut, she had wounds all409Please respect copyright.PENANAmRKGQkOWOS
over her as well as scratches that weren’t as409Please respect copyright.PENANANWVVZKLLE3
bad but still bad, one of her legs was broken409Please respect copyright.PENANAcaLXvoaJ2R
as well and she also had a twisted paw on a409Please respect copyright.PENANAjy0D7dbP4l
different leg and she couldn’t even see. She409Please respect copyright.PENANANA3IuG1uG7
felt pain in her stomach again and knew that409Please respect copyright.PENANAW1ymbYXABP
her sister had caused it. Doveheart had409Please respect copyright.PENANA6lK85gXsq2
pierced it, she coughed up blood as all of her409Please respect copyright.PENANAHFVlHKl8iP
friends gasped; Emberstar went into a crazed409Please respect copyright.PENANA8x1GHSJDbA
state, she had started to go wild and foam at409Please respect copyright.PENANAhxqCLf0D1p
the mouth as she watched; even the Ing were409Please respect copyright.PENANA8VQYiCKUJR
starting to find it hard to watch except forDarkflame, Hawkwing, and Addereye;409Please respect copyright.PENANAN8Dv2QzjCQ
Chaos was also watching but found it hard409Please respect copyright.PENANAOhlEc4F1jW
to watch but couldn’t look away because she409Please respect copyright.PENANADXXdmALBrx
knew that if she did the barrier would fail.409Please respect copyright.PENANAvkigne1eFB
Sunkit vomited as Doveheart extracted her409Please respect copyright.PENANAVOAq29DPjf
claws from Sunkit’s stomach; Sunkit was409Please respect copyright.PENANAduzIFe8usw
barely breathing at that point and could409Please respect copyright.PENANAQx9xM9nERk
hardly hear, “Time to finish you off Sunkit,”409Please respect copyright.PENANAs0RyIzJlQu
Doveheart said. Doveheart slashed the back409Please respect copyright.PENANAAaSDbAM8Uf
of Sunkit’s neck and finally she required409Please respect copyright.PENANAXZrQ5VfYMl
help; Chaos used her powers to lift Sunkit409Please respect copyright.PENANAFSn7nI9g4X
into the air. Doveheart drew her arm back,409Please respect copyright.PENANAHVuSpiAqlc
claws out, and shot forward,409Please respect copyright.PENANAUsfiptuaLa
“NOOOOOOO!” Emberstar yelled.409Please respect copyright.PENANAEXUYOFNo96
Doveheart had hit Sunkit near the heart;409Please respect copyright.PENANANnkrRB4ODJ
Sunkit coughed up blood one more time and409Please respect copyright.PENANA6U6GN7u6WU
stopped breathing. Doveheart extracted her409Please respect copyright.PENANAp5LgkhiQXh
claws and tracked them. Slowly one by the409Please respect copyright.PENANAP7Qj5B5TPH
Ing started to disappear thanks to Chaos’s409Please respect copyright.PENANA9q5qk0kvIV
powers and Darkflame’s. Soon only409Please respect copyright.PENANAePCeDu0qaI
Doveheart, Chaos, Darkflame’s bodies, and409Please respect copyright.PENANAx6zv1Dlurs
Hawkwing were left; then all of the409Please respect copyright.PENANAZ8ifj8JKWW
Darkflames vanished. Rain began to fallheavily, then the thunder and lightning409Please respect copyright.PENANAGSU6Hojg4I
stopped; Chaos dropped Sunkit’s body as409Please respect copyright.PENANATnQEHzOrpZ
Doveheart approached Hawkwing, “What409Please respect copyright.PENANAtcA5YQs062
are you going to do, walk or teleport?”409Please respect copyright.PENANA3XSlbfAuDK
Chaos asked. “Walk,” the other two Ing409Please respect copyright.PENANA6cue5tcqGT
replied. “Very well.” As Chaos vanished the409Please respect copyright.PENANATPtPJTcbXB
barrier fell; in return Sunkit’s allies rushed409Please respect copyright.PENANAX1OSt55VlS
to her body and checked for a pulse and a409Please respect copyright.PENANAE0iTf1wTea
heart beat, “You’re wasting your time, I409Please respect copyright.PENANAtcl1ZjLdeZ
extracted my claws when I felt her heart409Please respect copyright.PENANAxxLPRiWZgP
stop; she’s dead,” Doveheart called out, “I409Please respect copyright.PENANAKBhPL1XMlj
was going to kill you guys but right now I409Please respect copyright.PENANAP2JiI1kQjT
don’t feel like it.” Emberstar let out a loud409Please respect copyright.PENANAjxwWWLJPVk
hiss, “I wouldn’t advise that Emberstar,409Please respect copyright.PENANAsSmLYsQyWQ
unless of course you want to die.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAcRDJtvkxWh
“Emberstar, don’t do it; the last thing Sunkit409Please respect copyright.PENANAaEsi7xIH1L
would want is for you to die trying to409Please respect copyright.PENANA3GFzC8Ulmy
avenge her,” Lostclaw said. The two Ing409Please respect copyright.PENANACfxCr6rhDo
walked away into the shadows around them.409Please respect copyright.PENANA80bkqEEwhP
“Her death has come too soon.” “Come on,409Please respect copyright.PENANAi7AFRcStGN
we should get out of the rain and get back to409Please respect copyright.PENANAdDpUUqvkCR
the clans.” “Call a consul of all the clans,409Please respect copyright.PENANAUSVNasqADR
we should prepare for when they invade.”“Right.” The clan cats walked off towards409Please respect copyright.PENANAhLWJ4Uq0gh
their clans with the x-Ing. Four cats409Please respect copyright.PENANAf90ai9398D
approached form the south and stopped at409Please respect copyright.PENANAYIN1BWsub9
Sunkit’s body, “I’m like guessing that they409Please respect copyright.PENANA7oqg0P82U6
didn’t check in like the third way to totally409Please respect copyright.PENANACIvDKGp2ra
see if she was like alive and stuff,” one409Please respect copyright.PENANAJ27qcRhndb
spoke. “It doesn’t matter, bring her with us.409Please respect copyright.PENANA55fiPpRjkb
We’ll check in that way when we get back409Please respect copyright.PENANAnmDamUbKoH
home,” another spoke.409Please respect copyright.PENANAWPM4aBSCWo
Chapter VIII409Please respect copyright.PENANADGtdMrSg6u
It was dawn as voices were speaking,409Please respect copyright.PENANA4NfjbH5nyh
“Are you sure she’s still alive?” “She was409Please respect copyright.PENANA1BUf5GAjjV
alive last night.” A cough broke out, “There409Please respect copyright.PENANAAoOuU3TxvY
you see, she just caughed.” “I guess.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAsJdJ1DcCxS
Sunkit looked around, her vision was still409Please respect copyright.PENANAvzkEZEynG0
bad, “Where- ...” her head fell back, “Relax,409Please respect copyright.PENANAlJ3LONvFlf
take it easy.” “Yeah take it easy, you’ve409Please respect copyright.PENANAGHX41SVgje
been out for three weeks.” “Three weeks!”409Please respect copyright.PENANAeo15IClH7C
she yowled. “You were in bad shape, skin409Please respect copyright.PENANAmzAmN1igU0
was actually peeled off of your face and I409Please respect copyright.PENANA2bjdfNlzhO
believe you can remember the rest of your409Please respect copyright.PENANACKis4nS9Ff
injuries.” “How did I get here?” “Some of409Please respect copyright.PENANAeNpcjGLlwh
our friends found you after your friends leftthinking you were dead. They brought you409Please respect copyright.PENANAr93ep58SwI
here to our pack after words; since then409Please respect copyright.PENANATZz13VO1En
you’ve been out.” Sunkit struggled to get409Please respect copyright.PENANAWVxfk1SCqd
up, “No, no, no, you must sit and rest.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAI3Fv8ZPI7H
Surprisingly Sunkit was standing and409Please respect copyright.PENANAw7WR0TBhA7
walking, “Well that’s a surprise, who are409Please respect copyright.PENANAL7PvH87NI4
you anyway?” “I’m ... (wait I’m old409Please respect copyright.PENANAKPbwKpHL3z
enough to choose my end name now)409Please respect copyright.PENANAU8PKDRNG99
Sunheart.” “Well I can say this much,409Please respect copyright.PENANAOTeNFnFIxA
you’re very lucky to have lived at all.” “I409Please respect copyright.PENANAdsfT2ceOpO
should be going.” A cat broke out into a409Please respect copyright.PENANABRBhVvV58f
clearing, “The pack of Dark Shadows is409Please respect copyright.PENANAgRpCgvRqNB
here!” the cat yowled. Cats burst in after in409Please respect copyright.PENANAP587i4RZhq
after him and began destroying the place,409Please respect copyright.PENANA4dEz5ig5VN
“Not again this is the third time this month.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAjuwPlDUizJ
Cats attacked the cats that barged in but409Please respect copyright.PENANAWoTJfcvZiK
were thrown off, “Pack of stars we are here409Please respect copyright.PENANAM5sXlZVx3y
to destroy!” “What’s going on?” Sunheart409Please respect copyright.PENANA8jdoAXCvr7
asked. “This pack called the pack of Dark409Please respect copyright.PENANAgpCUExSAC7
Shadows has been invading tribes and packs409Please respect copyright.PENANA0FaGxSrxzR
in the area-.” The healer cat got knocked to409Please respect copyright.PENANA0syy6YHHeV
the ground, “Hehehe I do enjoy this part409Please respect copyright.PENANAKXLyUxBcdl
where I kill others.” The cat swung hisclaws but was knocked aside by Sunheart,409Please respect copyright.PENANAiL35aRzocm
“Leave him alone,” she hissed. “Oh so you409Please respect copyright.PENANAJbAuMchQfn
wish to die first hmm well then die!” the409Please respect copyright.PENANAsrxEIKrT2l
tom howled. He ran at Sunheart but missed409Please respect copyright.PENANA2eeRYLXPkR
as she jumped then she spoke again, “I think409Please respect copyright.PENANAbkJotRXzCr
my body has healed enough for this.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAyHcsZRfCZF
Sunheart jumped and screw attacked the409Please respect copyright.PENANAVbbV5mc5yF
tom, “Gwaaa!” He yowled. The tom was409Please respect copyright.PENANArBjLdY1rCf
knocked out of the den, “What’s wrong409Please respect copyright.PENANAC0L9qMtKNY
Spike, did you just get hit by a healer,409Please respect copyright.PENANAbRXChC97Mb
Spike?” The tom didn’t move, “Oh my409Please respect copyright.PENANAc5dwUTL8xC
golly! Hey guys we have a cat who409Please respect copyright.PENANAX11L0aBkuX
apparently can fight back pretty well, one409Please respect copyright.PENANA8SPoYLQBHe
that can also knock Spike out hoo-hoo.”409Please respect copyright.PENANApAm5KmRO2S
Five cats surrounded Sunheart, “Bad idea409Please respect copyright.PENANAeypjyNZ3wC
guys,” she said. She started sounding like a409Please respect copyright.PENANAmQieMO7PsC
bird and at once over two dozen birds were409Please respect copyright.PENANAtWymXwbSYl
getting in the five cats’ faces, “Gah where409Please respect copyright.PENANASomXX1dADE
the heck did they come from?” one yowled409Please respect copyright.PENANAD04xQLb3AN
out. “Quite a development she is.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAc8eoeOfRSi
Sunheart called off the birds as a new cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAvbSSh6meDw
approached, “But can you beat me I409Please respect copyright.PENANAMTSRRwZLie
wonder?” “General Jigsaw,” the cats saidstartled, “Tell me kit, why help this band of409Please respect copyright.PENANANN0koubydg
cats when you’re not one of them, don’t you409Please respect copyright.PENANA8Gwth1cwfR
know what they do? Well I’ll tell you, they409Please respect copyright.PENANAcQmXXToQZ9
find wilds like you, help them, and use them409Please respect copyright.PENANAPqcS8kvuk0
to help their pack in combat against others.409Please respect copyright.PENANA0xiZylibwA
They do it for fun, attacking them first is our409Please respect copyright.PENANAFFPK5lFf4j
only way out of this madness.” “Yeah right,409Please respect copyright.PENANA3buFtGQzDJ
I can tell that you guys are the villains409Please respect copyright.PENANAnYJM5QSRa4
around here.” Jigsaw growled, “Have it409Please respect copyright.PENANASJWXeXQEGF
your way fool but remember this, you asked409Please respect copyright.PENANAYqYuPzaVc4
for it.” Jigsaw jumped at Sunheart but she409Please respect copyright.PENANA1Qza6lKaSs
easily dodged by taking three steps to the409Please respect copyright.PENANAdv248ILIzb
left, then the same process happened again,409Please respect copyright.PENANAi1koVy0Ruo
then once more, and then again, “Hold still409Please respect copyright.PENANAbIthMYMFZL
you jerk,” Jigsaw spat. “It would seem409Please respect copyright.PENANA16XPBU2M83
you’re not as tough as you guys claim to409Please respect copyright.PENANAdgIaiNMQVt
be.” Jigsaw jumped once more at Sunheart409Please respect copyright.PENANASHASSfmXfy
but this time when she dodged she jumped409Please respect copyright.PENANAzbRjF9v2HI
on him as he landed, “Lesson number one409Please respect copyright.PENANA4XPUnRV68s
never attack carelessly.” Sunheart bit the409Please respect copyright.PENANAkXhIU2DWlZ
tom’s neck in a paralyze hold, “Number two409Please respect copyright.PENANAA3r0kAtHhE
is to not let your opponent get you in this409Please respect copyright.PENANAfN0IAyPuPT
position,” she mumbled through her teeth,“And three,” Sunheart tossed the tom to the409Please respect copyright.PENANAWTZVz1B1aC
left after she jumped off, “Never409Please respect copyright.PENANAd6BsoQRuyd
underestimate your opponent or you might409Please respect copyright.PENANA2nZAlmVYY7
just get hurt.” As the attacking pack’s409Please respect copyright.PENANARGjoZiJbGe
general got up he looked like he was drained409Please respect copyright.PENANAjwuFbuUSp4
of his strength, “Why y-you ... just wait409Please respect copyright.PENANAKy1N0spnWA
until Basilisk hears about this indignity you409Please respect copyright.PENANAI7C7Hb93EZ
just caused me.” “You won’t even get the409Please respect copyright.PENANAATlOPXLjes
chance to report to him if you don’t get out409Please respect copyright.PENANACw4BGC1VgZ
of here... would you like me to call the birds409Please respect copyright.PENANA83VI88T3fW
back or maybe some wolves or a fox or409Please respect copyright.PENANA6Cest8vUpa
two.” Jigsaw took a step back, “You don’t409Please respect copyright.PENANAkDHWmaqhXe
scare me, I’m just toying with you right409Please respect copyright.PENANA3zUBa0rpat
now,” Jigsaw spoke. “Are you... Bah!”409Please respect copyright.PENANATFCHIkrzTV
Sunheart yelled out. Jigsaw leaped back;409Please respect copyright.PENANAqgYqyIcLk5
Sunheart then walked towards the tom and409Please respect copyright.PENANAOjwwpi3321
the result was that the tom began to back409Please respect copyright.PENANAgHz8HPsMxs
away. Finally he yelled out, “Pack of Dark409Please respect copyright.PENANA9xyDKCMCJy
Shadows, return to our base!” The tom ran409Please respect copyright.PENANAlQEzAAw3t5
away into a crowd of the retreating cats and409Please respect copyright.PENANAupgB1ldUBs
ones dragging their dead or wounded away;409Please respect copyright.PENANAd4HVmwWxVh
the pack began to cheer as the last one ran409Please respect copyright.PENANAYKAMu7ry31
out of the area. Soon a cat approachedSunheart that was surrounded by four cats,409Please respect copyright.PENANAMHVg8juRGM
the cat was a white she cat that had blue409Please respect copyright.PENANAdiWVKVjYeh
eyes and she resembled Snowy as well,409Please respect copyright.PENANAHhOGkm3mmc
“Sunheart is it... anyway thank you for409Please respect copyright.PENANAFlBx5em4dp
helping us out in that little skirmish; I’m the409Please respect copyright.PENANATngHRgSiyG
leader of this pack known as the pack of409Please respect copyright.PENANAurQfjqX4Vb
peace, my name is Icicle by the way.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAh2HM6hhs0v
“You’re welcome; tell me something, why409Please respect copyright.PENANACd23pKw13X
are they attacking your pack?” Icicle looked409Please respect copyright.PENANAG1PYLF05GN
down for a second, “I suppose in some way,409Please respect copyright.PENANAo9bccS13VR
that would be my fault but not completely...409Please respect copyright.PENANALxA55vvFN4
you see I had a kit that one day disappeared,409Please respect copyright.PENANA9uz1YsuWpb
the scent of my kit was tracked to their409Please respect copyright.PENANA5nx9p7Oujm
territory. After that we accused them of409Please respect copyright.PENANAcwYokEJLLH
stealing my kit but we later found that they409Please respect copyright.PENANAJ4IrJ8ktEP
didn’t after a month of the fighting; however409Please respect copyright.PENANAEncHGmWlEO
their leader held a grudge and wouldn’t stop409Please respect copyright.PENANAGpLcUceEk7
the conflict when we stopped fighting. I’m409Please respect copyright.PENANAKw2PviW2g0
sure his coward of a general blurted out his409Please respect copyright.PENANAAtcwMyeKNL
name.” “Basilisk is the name I heard.”409Please respect copyright.PENANATOMIcfSbXV
“That would be him alright.” “Well why not409Please respect copyright.PENANAme75xtkhNk
over rule him, kill him, or why don’t they do409Please respect copyright.PENANA3qEk4YvfSv
one of those things?” “The problem is thatone, he has loyal bodyguards, two if we409Please respect copyright.PENANA3PZ6UNGqgN
killed him it would start another conflict409Please respect copyright.PENANA060nsfWQaf
that’s on a different matter, and three... he409Please respect copyright.PENANAAmul9lEMph
has this power with his eyes due to some of409Please respect copyright.PENANAMsu6bv2Nkm
that toxic waste stuff that allows him to kill409Please respect copyright.PENANA4ctKZPVdHO
anything if they look at his eyes and the409Please respect copyright.PENANAmDWYBX2p4o
other power is that he can make you409Please respect copyright.PENANAX95XZ7h0iz
unconscious if you catch: his gaze, or his409Please respect copyright.PENANALGGYB8lqvT
shadow’s gaze or reflection. One other409Please respect copyright.PENANAdLsQSkvdJ9
problem is that he has seven eyes, his two409Please respect copyright.PENANAj3b5gUPpGE
normal eyes and ones that the toxic stuff409Please respect copyright.PENANAHxjyuypHtZ
made; the toxic made eyes can open and409Please respect copyright.PENANAhZfSleXDXA
move to any point on his body.” “Sounds409Please respect copyright.PENANAmjtS5nMPpb
tricky.” “It is Sunheart, it is.” “About how409Please respect copyright.PENANAvugj7FLm2O
often is it that they attack anyway?” “They409Please respect copyright.PENANAYht1PFeHrh
come whenever they want to come.” “So409Please respect copyright.PENANA69D0HUpeU3
you don’t even know when they come409Please respect copyright.PENANAaq0uwBMJPc
then... that’s hard.” “It’s harder than you409Please respect copyright.PENANAWeaezCmRmG
know but we do survive. The other packs409Please respect copyright.PENANAGGTvSShUPE
are staying out of it, they won’t help them409Please respect copyright.PENANAEcwxG3GcVz
and they won’t help us all because they’re409Please respect copyright.PENANAfkk861kt1S
scared that Basilisk will wipe them out... he409Please respect copyright.PENANAIk5L3NolQ8
actually wasn’t born into that pack youknow. He was actually a wild who409Please respect copyright.PENANApXm7cTH3oo
annihilated all of the tribes by himself with409Please respect copyright.PENANAswzb0Owbrh
his power so that was what set it all up;409Please respect copyright.PENANA766BawvFAN
when this one plague broke out, their leader409Please respect copyright.PENANAtBO3l0OuyG
died as well as their strongest replacements409Please respect copyright.PENANAFd8OCFceMk
for him. They were on the brink of409Please respect copyright.PENANA1UYUOq3s1n
destruction when he came along; they409Please respect copyright.PENANA1s8t7u616X
pleaded for his support because they needed409Please respect copyright.PENANAahDixjQkrw
a leader that was strong so he agreed to help409Please respect copyright.PENANAoO0DbDbaG1
them. Then we accused them of stealing my409Please respect copyright.PENANASRjTW06D3G
kit which they hadn’t and here we are four409Please respect copyright.PENANAFmiGRuyuf1
months later.” Sunheart was looking at the409Please respect copyright.PENANAnBGHeJE99F
ground unmoving without a word, thinking;409Please respect copyright.PENANAHiq2g0BzaT
finally she looked up and spoke, “I’ll help409Please respect copyright.PENANAIcMUH6zcgT
you.” Icicle gasped and then answered,409Please respect copyright.PENANAB2Ow1RQ3pR
“You mustn’t do that, there’s no need for409Please respect copyright.PENANAuq449tDEuD
you to get mixed up in our conflicts.” “To409Please respect copyright.PENANAw7U2MnI1yW
tell the truth there’s worse coming than409Please respect copyright.PENANAIWPVCdq1wW
them.” “What was that?” “Nothing you409Please respect copyright.PENANAFnYc0XJyMo
need to worry about if I fail.” “You409Please respect copyright.PENANAZ0buaP4pCc
shouldn’t get mixed up in this; plus you’re409Please respect copyright.PENANA8VsKpB1qQC
still not healed up enough Sunheart.” “That409Please respect copyright.PENANAxQ5T3bTKVD
hasn’t stopped me before... was that generalone of their top fighters, besides their leader409Please respect copyright.PENANAt94YBrHO5z
that is?” “Yes but they’re stronger in409Please respect copyright.PENANArl1Q1nNgtg
numbers.” “That won’t stop me at all.”409Please respect copyright.PENANADTdkePLwns
Sunheart sounded off like a fox and in409Please respect copyright.PENANACZ7zMvzkGj
response one fox came and waited as409Please respect copyright.PENANAAid2MVvGru
Sunheart got on its back, “You’re rushing409Please respect copyright.PENANA0Ar2gzpcK6
this you know... you should rest a little bit.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAZwBzgPq3jY
“Considering what’s really coming I can’t409Please respect copyright.PENANAf6nqStVyQt
waste any more time.” “Why, what’s409Please respect copyright.PENANACkuriIc9rB
coming?” “An evil worse than that one409Please respect copyright.PENANAR5mBS8BI4C
pack, with many elites that are brutal and by409Please respect copyright.PENANA8FRJzV23Oq
far stronger than Basilisk; they have a leader409Please respect copyright.PENANAdQvXOLh3ta
with a bizarre power that’s stronger than all409Please respect copyright.PENANAXKixE3qgAS
of them. They have an army of over one409Please respect copyright.PENANA5NLFFITsAj
thousand cats and in three months or less409Please respect copyright.PENANAs8aGiLUaFj
they’ll be coming to destroy all of the clans,409Please respect copyright.PENANAR9gUQI9HFP
packs, wilds, and tribes, if there are any left409Please respect copyright.PENANAshLhj470dV
that is. Goodbye.” Sunheart and the fox ran409Please respect copyright.PENANASTbiylKFjm
after the pack of Dark Shadows leaving409Please respect copyright.PENANAIcendHijHt
Icicle with her jaw hanging at what Sunheart409Please respect copyright.PENANAeQHsZZQz4m
said.409Please respect copyright.PENANAlDhT8VotN5
Chapter IX“(I can scent them, thirty seconds until I409Please respect copyright.PENANAz5ehp8Rkqq
cross into their territory)” Sunheart said to409Please respect copyright.PENANA96KAJ3H7wW
herself. When she was very close to the409Please respect copyright.PENANAibixrC7jpB
border she jumped off of the fox and let it409Please respect copyright.PENANAnAZoGQ7fSE
take off after giving it prey that she caught409Please respect copyright.PENANAvIrMe9KlJN
in exchange for its help. When she looked409Please respect copyright.PENANAwfOsdcFMvW
across to the enemy’s territory she noticed409Please respect copyright.PENANAdZ330P1p4S
that dark storm clouds surrounded the place409Please respect copyright.PENANAAcCO32ZX3F
and noticed an eerie fog like mist coming409Please respect copyright.PENANANR0pNa2Wsu
from the other side. She also noticed that409Please respect copyright.PENANA5qHfdTnIhq
the trees were black, dead trees as for the409Please respect copyright.PENANAw0YmWwAAmY
soil which was dark and moist looking in409Please respect copyright.PENANAocvW7uXFM2
some spots but hard in others, “These must409Please respect copyright.PENANAsXNaKBLv5p
be the effects of that one plague,” Sunheart409Please respect copyright.PENANANSvOuyyRdT
murmured. Sunheart approached the pack’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAwGbtsoSIfG
territory, “I’m getting a bad feeling about409Please respect copyright.PENANAiNgf1CsXex
this...” “You should be,” a voice answered409Please respect copyright.PENANA4gEXVirLQR
right to Sunheart. She looked over to see the409Please respect copyright.PENANAaRSPjuF2mX
figure of her mom, “What are-.” “-Hush, if409Please respect copyright.PENANAodmv6PgP44
you’re going to do this you must be careful,409Please respect copyright.PENANAoHK5HEpDcl
there’s more going on here than you know409Please respect copyright.PENANA3T1pe09fym
Sunheart; for one this place was where the409Please respect copyright.PENANAcpXmH9xNKk
evil Ing Empire once lived... some arecoming back thanks to that weakened barrier409Please respect copyright.PENANA0Opl8uldvs
and they can harm you but you can send409Please respect copyright.PENANAPilNZceeCN
them back inside the barrier by attacking409Please respect copyright.PENANAfihk9kaoQA
them like you would a normal cat. The409Please respect copyright.PENANA2CVsPXMlkP
second thing is that the Ing and Darkflame409Please respect copyright.PENANAc13vqHiOsg
have struck a deal with this pack’s new409Please respect copyright.PENANABZCgkWojc2
leader that allows them to use this territory409Please respect copyright.PENANAcSV8uF8FLn
as a base at any time.” “Thanks for that409Please respect copyright.PENANAgZqphKh1T2
information mom.” “Go to Basilisk’s den,409Please respect copyright.PENANAsr3KfJrqkb
it’s in a hill; also watch out for the bones my409Please respect copyright.PENANAoQCJmO8NpD
kit.” “What do you mean watch out for the409Please respect copyright.PENANAtsLAVokjYx
bones?” “You’ll find out soon my kit...409Please respect copyright.PENANA7RUJ2gEdwx
farewell.” Bloodstar disappeared leaving409Please respect copyright.PENANAuQyFgV30xw
Sunheart alone. She approached the409Please respect copyright.PENANA0NNWD9zOTX
territory and entered it; almost immediately409Please respect copyright.PENANAMHcjkzdtKC
she saw one bone cat body that was put409Please respect copyright.PENANA0tdIBhhGA1
together whole. She walked passed it and409Please respect copyright.PENANA9e0I4oFtvZ
heard a small moan coming from behind409Please respect copyright.PENANAlf3VXcMNFd
her; she turned to see a weird green like409Please respect copyright.PENANAdiu6rkYnhO
glow slipping into the skeleton. Two409Please respect copyright.PENANALvaxKuhygl
seconds later it stood up and approached409Please respect copyright.PENANAFpYAM74EwM
Sunheart slowly; in response Sunheart409Please respect copyright.PENANAGkNM2dR1oA
jumped and knocked the skeleton overwhich made it fall apart, “(Now I know what409Please respect copyright.PENANAnsCPJO7DRK
my mom meant although that one was409Please respect copyright.PENANA4gPkYnGYZg
clumsy)” she thought. She heard more409Please respect copyright.PENANAIiuA7lJiSI
rattling from behind her. She spun around409Please respect copyright.PENANAKXlOUusWwX
to see five bone bodies coming at her;409Please respect copyright.PENANAet5rigc2RG
Sunheart grabbed a bone and threw it at one409Please respect copyright.PENANA9mg82csnOu
of the five which made it fall over and break409Please respect copyright.PENANAg55IbYIFY6
apart. Sunheart did the same to the rest and409Please respect copyright.PENANAVazLSG2qyu
moved on.409Please respect copyright.PENANAnp0sDZw5XP
...409Please respect copyright.PENANAvQzJ2qO3e8
Sunheart could scent that she would get409Please respect copyright.PENANAl7iHk4H3Bi
to the pack’s base in a few minutes. She409Please respect copyright.PENANAY1QFOVrnQt
soon approached a clearing, “Almost there.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAIfNL2r79xn
She heard movement around her and looked409Please respect copyright.PENANARwhQwq0k9i
around the clearing; she looked up to see409Please respect copyright.PENANAwKOG6oW3Yp
bone cats in branches standing then saw409Please respect copyright.PENANABLn1bKAU5n
others in other branches which jumped down409Please respect copyright.PENANA6baeGs042z
and attacked Sunheart but she dodged; she409Please respect copyright.PENANAcPV7Ywvcg4
then started to break them into pieces.409Please respect copyright.PENANANB7WT7eczx
Finally when she got rid of the squads409Please respect copyright.PENANAjOXuR1nQl1
twenty-five came out from five different409Please respect copyright.PENANAECIL5b7o2q
locations; once again she shattered them but409Please respect copyright.PENANA9ocN8jRASG
soon bone hawks came carrying more bonecats which they dropped. Soon five foxes409Please respect copyright.PENANAxiGhbxBxlU
came too Sunheart’s aid and shattered the409Please respect copyright.PENANA0R6tq7AnNJ
bone cats, then the broke the bone hawks by409Please respect copyright.PENANAHnXO3qEvlY
jumping up, bitting them and finally409Please respect copyright.PENANAaH1wuYPP8y
smashing them on the ground. Once more409Please respect copyright.PENANAm4CqManpxm
another squad showed up but they went409Please respect copyright.PENANAcYlLcE9M6I
down easily; finally after that they stopped409Please respect copyright.PENANAXagZ7ATTV5
coming around, “(I must be really close if409Please respect copyright.PENANAbJjth3nn39
they sent all of them after me)” Sunheart409Please respect copyright.PENANAmsqBwTfgFe
thought. She walked ahead by herself409Please respect copyright.PENANAtQjfA3fvCL
without the foxes until she had finally gotten409Please respect copyright.PENANAvFIrPzLkBd
to the enemy’s base. She walked into a409Please respect copyright.PENANAqnY68BXdZx
clearing towards a hill with an entrance; in a409Please respect copyright.PENANAk3lAJNuBgo
second she found herself surrounded by real409Please respect copyright.PENANAGEDgPIEzk7
living cats, “Look-y here guys it’s the cat409Please respect copyright.PENANAHlemrDIsmb
that humiliated me... kill here!” The cats409Please respect copyright.PENANAAqbEP79UNw
started to close in on Sunheart, “(I can’t take409Please respect copyright.PENANAel0pltDpd2
them all on alone).” When all hope seemed409Please respect copyright.PENANAUCwrzaRGNz
lost the foxes jumped over to Sunheart and409Please respect copyright.PENANAyvds8Sozx6
surrounded her in a protective formation.409Please respect copyright.PENANASWyXFV9Gjh
Soon they sprang at the cats, eventually409Please respect copyright.PENANAaXixsi0e54
making a path for Sunheart to use to get into409Please respect copyright.PENANAi7xZOMYce7
the pack’s leader’s den. Sunheart used itand went into the den, she gasped as she409Please respect copyright.PENANANcYM5sc5Y3
soon found out the hill was hollow, “So,409Please respect copyright.PENANASH0MgJGktS
you’re the one that humiliated my general409Please respect copyright.PENANAgEZzBM49Bl
then.” Sunheart looked across the den to see409Please respect copyright.PENANA02hRZub2Al
a cat sitting, “You must be Basilisk,”409Please respect copyright.PENANArzl9RYSU8k
Sunheart responded. “I am.”409Please respect copyright.PENANANBowZJlAN6
Chapter X409Please respect copyright.PENANAM9lSpVsI9W
Sunheart stood her ground and stared at409Please respect copyright.PENANAN8aRn0SWz4
the cat avoiding eye contact, “You’re the409Please respect copyright.PENANAGXyfeKSrKv
pain that the Ing spoke of,” the tom hissed.409Please respect copyright.PENANATaqWnCV9UD
“I am; by the way, I know about your little409Please respect copyright.PENANA08UBKFptbV
eye trick Basilisk and let me say this, it409Please respect copyright.PENANABJGfHc5iUs
won’t work.” “We’ll see about that409Please respect copyright.PENANAX2LUJ3y8uM
Sunheart.” “So they told you my name to409Please respect copyright.PENANAOui33Atcff
then, no matter.” “You’re right; it doesn’t409Please respect copyright.PENANAm4CjxZUrVR
matter... because in five minutes or so409Please respect copyright.PENANAFZPqLlUhVb
you’ll be dead.” Sunheart smiled, “What are409Please respect copyright.PENANAuoXZ4QUiEL
you smiling at? Bah, no matter.” Four409Please respect copyright.PENANA0ipGilRhck
bones started floating in the air, “Let’s see409Please respect copyright.PENANAhY2RaiCrEw
how you do against me when these409Please respect copyright.PENANAt8PUaYqZ9C
possessed bones act as something I can use409Please respect copyright.PENANApRkQyyH7VT
to fly.” Basilisk put one paw on each bone;409Please respect copyright.PENANATJoZKJTWvL
soon more bones began to connect to thefirst four bones making a rectangular shape.409Please respect copyright.PENANAOz0JI6B1F1
As the tom floated to the ceiling Sunheart bit409Please respect copyright.PENANAsYmcr5Kyta
and threw a bone at the tom but he dodged,409Please respect copyright.PENANARogAV66T9D
“Ha you missed.” “Wasn’t aiming for you.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAzYAK8S2pjE
Basilisk looked up to see the bone sticking409Please respect copyright.PENANAgyxwy8s18q
out of the hill top; a few seconds later the409Please respect copyright.PENANAh4lbKpW4Js
hill top cracked around the bone, “(I was409Please respect copyright.PENANA3lTfwiSYLD
right, it did turn hard)” Sunheart ran out of409Please respect copyright.PENANA860FC48gTz
the hollow hill as it crumbled to bits,409Please respect copyright.PENANAtJTeYaeW6K
trapping the pack leader inside. Sunheart409Please respect copyright.PENANA2WKNta0Vip
looked back to see a huge pile of dirt, “I got409Please respect copyright.PENANAZUIFEajYCd
him... that was easy.” I moment later409Please respect copyright.PENANAcEm38TLE2q
Sunheart saw Chaos, “Well what do you409Please respect copyright.PENANAerXZBPBlZZ
know, figures they’d send you to get him.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAQSqrq8FgAh
“So you’re alive after all hmm,” the cat said409Please respect copyright.PENANAKDYbSRnOox
in a cool calm voice. “I am, my sister might409Please respect copyright.PENANA8oT5UiKc5L
have nearly killed me but that doesn’t mean409Please respect copyright.PENANAMiQKF98Hpl
I’m too weak right now; come on, I can take409Please respect copyright.PENANAXHiY8kRAJR
you on right now.” “I would but both409Please respect copyright.PENANAzJSZeHVXSp
Darkflame and Doveheart have set a claim409Please respect copyright.PENANAEvVqIfjVYf
on you so I’m not going to get killed by409Please respect copyright.PENANArIa7K9LBdY
them for killing you. Also I have a different409Please respect copyright.PENANAM6dYayJs1d
task to perform right now.” Basilisk’s bodycame out of the pile and floated, “So you409Please respect copyright.PENANAZJslF10G2A
were the one controlling the bone creatures409Please respect copyright.PENANAvCPzLgNfRv
and his flying thing.” “I was.” “So that’s it,409Please respect copyright.PENANAUEbvogb5qr
you’ve used your eyes too much already;409Please respect copyright.PENANAIlbBHs5g7U
that’s why you won’t challenge me.”409Please respect copyright.PENANACvzW1BZIBw
“Correct again Sunheart... in exchange for409Please respect copyright.PENANAGlK3X69MWS
beating Basilisk I fell that I must tell you409Please respect copyright.PENANAZOzrxIKkCY
something in return. We’ll attack in three409Please respect copyright.PENANAGVsnWhs5qb
months on the day of the solar eclipse that409Please respect copyright.PENANAErneUVk7xQ
lasts for an hour.” “Fare enough exchange.”409Please respect copyright.PENANARYn1S3WDW5
“Your clan allies have already gathered409Please respect copyright.PENANAXp4Swmw0n9
thanks to those traitors; by that I mean every409Please respect copyright.PENANA7Tfp81tjqk
single clan, tell them to leave their territory409Please respect copyright.PENANAReEQBNIBDw
before our invasion day or else we will409Please respect copyright.PENANAAmKsJrcIpt
annihilate them.” “Why are you telling me409Please respect copyright.PENANAKyFtduckXQ
all of this, aren’t you my enemy?” “For one409Please respect copyright.PENANAMBgxzDUPkj
you lived through the battle with Doveheart.409Please respect copyright.PENANATYnru4UWlu
Two you beat Snowy and three, you found409Please respect copyright.PENANAk2M9Q9tCG8
out Darkflame’s secret. For all of these409Please respect copyright.PENANAwIe2j0YGqx
things you have my respect but that doesn’t409Please respect copyright.PENANAXmbmJ8MZ7c
mean I won’t kill you when I’ve recovered409Please respect copyright.PENANAfecLVDtjg8
from over using my eye powers... later.”The two cats vanished into nothing409Please respect copyright.PENANACsBMEquKDH
immediately after Chaos stopped speaking.409Please respect copyright.PENANAskf3MJ7voq
Chapter XI409Please respect copyright.PENANAyRYQJzOacf
Sunheart looked back to see Basilisk’s409Please respect copyright.PENANAy1CXKKWnAb
followers standing petrified at the sight of409Please respect copyright.PENANAe32milOWts
Chaos having to take their leader, “No not409Please respect copyright.PENANARqaawaoTUn
again!” one yowled. “Worry not, they’ll409Please respect copyright.PENANAJoWXlmJ7tH
return him to us when he’s healed I hope,”409Please respect copyright.PENANAijGlXxxeSF
another chimed in. “We’re vulnerable409Please respect copyright.PENANA6eAUXbqROu
without our leader,” a third said, “Without a409Please respect copyright.PENANAMQLCl51eXx
leader we’re weak.” The one general spoke409Please respect copyright.PENANAWnGWP0QShw
out, “As the highest ranking general I lead409Please respect copyright.PENANAHx23oyaZzo
now; I vote we flee our home until he’s409Please respect copyright.PENANA1LjzAqAwje
back. Think about it without our leader and409Please respect copyright.PENANAxD6Rp9GF28
his powers all of the packs will charge at us409Please respect copyright.PENANAk8tFGqSiSr
at once.” Every cat gasped and ran away409Please respect copyright.PENANA5dngvEgfxX
screaming leaving Sunheart puzzled, “This409Please respect copyright.PENANA7FjV4fozgS
has been one of the weirdest days of my409Please respect copyright.PENANABkWZiemXpC
life... and one of the easiest battles to.409Please respect copyright.PENANAY10jZCvzZ5
Taking him down even sounded hard but it409Please respect copyright.PENANASGENIbizBv
was easy... oh well.” Sunheart hoped on the409Please respect copyright.PENANAIjpVFzsTuD
back of a fox and rode off while the other409Please respect copyright.PENANAkyVg8eTPTn
four foxes scattered....409Please respect copyright.PENANArTquASMnIJ
“So you won then, interesting; I thought409Please respect copyright.PENANAtfIb2rme4t
you would have had a hard time but instead409Please respect copyright.PENANAuNODP3kzwv
it was easy for you. Well in any case we409Please respect copyright.PENANAX3hiZqlTUh
owe you something in return, just name it.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAVmxFlK5VqU
“Thanks... there is something.” Sunheart409Please respect copyright.PENANArm8JseJaFE
began to explain about the empire, Ing and409Please respect copyright.PENANA8Y6ENDriiI
her goal to get help, “So, that’s it ... well if409Please respect copyright.PENANAlsk0HWp2nD
they’re that strong then we must help.” “So409Please respect copyright.PENANAoe8FdN2VwX
far five hundred are with me and they’re the409Please respect copyright.PENANA9o2U92dsP6
clans, the empire has a thousand, so I’d need409Please respect copyright.PENANArVmkzK45zz
to get five hundred others to help.” “We’ll409Please respect copyright.PENANA0Nne6rU6P0
try to get the other packs to help out as well.409Please respect copyright.PENANA9dc7znJFqk
Every pack put together would equal five409Please respect copyright.PENANAh9lgpnvnW5
hundred cats; your current allies with us409Please respect copyright.PENANAQGjOy6E0SY
would equal a total of around one thousand409Please respect copyright.PENANAwqem2degLJ
cats.” “That might be enough... only two409Please respect copyright.PENANAxhay18yHsh
months and twenty-one days left before the409Please respect copyright.PENANAegLr8OCGB1
battle.” “We’ll have enough; tomorrow all409Please respect copyright.PENANAae64n9artG
of the packs will gather for our monthly409Please respect copyright.PENANAcRLUI2bOHf
meeting, you can ask them all then.” “Ok...409Please respect copyright.PENANAX4aEpjwXyL
thank you.” “It’s nothing to be thanking us409Please respect copyright.PENANAizZuHEiH8b
about.”...409Please respect copyright.PENANAyUIBvM2QQL
The next day had come and Sunheart sat409Please respect copyright.PENANAVVfv8trrKn
nervously waiting for her queue, “Now here409Please respect copyright.PENANAP964XTVs5y
is a cat that brings with her a story of great409Please respect copyright.PENANAcAb1p8ubLN
danger, let us listen to her.” Sunheart409Please respect copyright.PENANAISw6xfz4Ch
stepped out, “Thank you Icicle, now let me409Please respect copyright.PENANA2t423ReAn3
explain why I’m here-.” She explained and409Please respect copyright.PENANAgJUi3ODBHN
described everything that she told Icicle and409Please respect copyright.PENANAArEsbhdybc
her pack for ten minutes and asked for the409Please respect copyright.PENANArKSsHVVLQm
help. Finally after the packs had all409Please respect copyright.PENANAGn3rFg2shH
discussed one cat steeped forward,409Please respect copyright.PENANAOzfMmqBfaC
“Everyone has listened to you well and our409Please respect copyright.PENANAC3TtliWMA7
overall answer is this; we will help.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAEMDnlAtlU2
Sunheart let a wide smile spread across her409Please respect copyright.PENANAOHSI6UaN9f
face and spoke, “Thank you, all of you for409Please respect copyright.PENANA05ZYBLs7k3
offering to help. First of all we all must409Please respect copyright.PENANACnYFd69gU0
train like crazy, they attack in two months,409Please respect copyright.PENANAXwlyXCwtDC
twenty days.” “Don’t worry Sunheart,” one409Please respect copyright.PENANAqYWcdvH5Wt
announced, “We’ll be ready and we’ll win.”409Please respect copyright.PENANAS1vFmcD8EP
Every cat cheered except Sunheart, “(I hope409Please respect copyright.PENANAa1yCrsySgG
I didn’t just kill them)” she thought to409Please respect copyright.PENANAVF8xqY9jJR
herself.END OF409Please respect copyright.PENANAVEn35q0y9O