Background- College Comp, a class I had been looking forward to. All of these are reflections on a topic, question, or story
Originally published on Wattpad in Oct 31, 2015
Lies are everywhere in this world. The question of why is asked just as often. No one has an exact answer regarding this question but is it because they know and just do not want to admit it or are they truly clueless as to why people lie. The answer to the question is both commonly.
To quote the song "All These Lies" by Blutengel, "Mankind is drowning in a world of lies." This song contains many reasons as to why a person might lie: the thrilling sensation, for attention, and for their own profit. The content of "The Truth About Lying" explains another set of reasons: social, peace-keeping, protective, and trust-keeping, which in essence can relate to those defined by the song mentioned above.
While there may be justifiable reasons such as not wanting to break someone's heart over a simple question, lying may be considered a necessary evil for this world to survive. Many look at lying as something bad and in many cases it can be but it is the way things are. Many also say the world would be better without lying which is incorrect.
Lies were earlier stated to be a necessary evil and the reason is because they maintain a balance. If everyone were brutally honest with one another, it can easily make and break a great deal of things such as friendship or partnership, even simple trust in one another individually. There is always a Yin and Yang balance in the world, be it good and evil, life and death, like and dislike, or in this case truth and lie, the reason being that having two opposites provides balance to sustain all things in the universe.
While this may or may not be the case, it is evident that lies are a much needed thing in the world to provide balance. Without them, the world would inevitably be brought into war and destroyed much faster than normal, although it could be said that without lies people might better behave in given scenarios. This scenario can not be answered, only hypothesized over.
To answer the question indefinitely, lies exist in this world because they have to in order to maintain balance. Without that balance, we have nothing because this is the world in which we live.