Background- It was 6th grade going into 7th. Back in 5th grade I had begun my career with Cool Cats Club, a little project about Humanoid Cats going to war? That assignment was to write a short story on an animal we liked. Needless to say that was influenced by a lot of different series and I didn’t know what I was doing.
Fighters was my attempt at a more original thing though, as I was big into Warriors and a few other things, it didn’t drift far from. Consider this a mass of fanfiction with SOME form of original content mixed in. I look back at this as a 'wtf was I thinking' sometimes and at others 'so this was the turn that would become Midnight and later my Celestia Fictional Universe, eh?'
This is the beginning-ish era of my writing career and likely full of errors. I did not go back at all to correct anything. I apologize for the formate but the original import broke it and... I never bothered to fix it.
Most of the credit for this series goes to Erin377Please respect copyright.PENANA28wgUHQ2Kt
Hunter because the warriors series inspired377Please respect copyright.PENANAk9IK8f87Rn
this series. Some parts might be the same or377Please respect copyright.PENANAVLAvnJSDBZ
very similar to the warriors series because I377Please respect copyright.PENANAPfSkYT0Xda
might have missed them.377Please respect copyright.PENANAmI7lam8k80
Darkclan377Please respect copyright.PENANA2gsnWkNF5f
Leader: Lostclaw- brown she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAOP5MJ5ein7
Fighters377Please respect copyright.PENANAsEoBK1Ippq
Darkclaw- gray and black tom with red eyes377Please respect copyright.PENANAau5hyyOgx1
Dustheart- grey tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAGCJYA7SxpA
Redfur- red tom377Please respect copyright.PENANA5MMFir9Jdv
Blackclaw- black tom with grey eyes377Please respect copyright.PENANAYeay0rGSU4
Shadowfur- has a dark red pelt377Please respect copyright.PENANA3Obc2b3qSc
Honeyleaf- yellow she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAvveCJ5EgCt
Snowpelt- pure white she cat with blue eyes377Please respect copyright.PENANAkzdKy4Jq15
Midnight- black she cat with yellow eyes377Please respect copyright.PENANA2szxQ4SvlM
Firefang- red and orange tom with yellow377Please respect copyright.PENANAsRmeECgFY5
eyes377Please respect copyright.PENANA2eAasGyDIW
Firefly- orange she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAkRizkaYGc2
Milkshake- black and white she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAU5RqXUKNvg
Spottedfur- she cat with a spotted pelt377Please respect copyright.PENANAK6FwjQu11T
Longfang- grey red eyed tomElders377Please respect copyright.PENANAit8WO4KMc3
Jaggedrock- grey and brown tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAH71czqx9jr
Redeye- grey tom with one red eye377Please respect copyright.PENANA9FT6rZrR41
Tiggerfoot- yellow and black striped she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAOpMPwaAhTo
Healers377Please respect copyright.PENANA001CDJ4nob
Goldenpaw- shinny yellow377Please respect copyright.PENANAvfeuXjCPYF
Mangopaw- orange tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAEM8pNpVveE
Pupils377Please respect copyright.PENANAskou2gEw0B
Lightkit- yellow she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANA4UZ2JTpIRO
Blossomkit- a pinkish she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANApxoFEofHRc
Dapplekit- a calico she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANA5bpoE0LVqi
Patchkit- brown spotted male377Please respect copyright.PENANABQZMwz1AMq
Lovekit- yellow female cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAqu8yEyn43P
Wavekit- bluish grey tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAmlGkYUhrpu
Lepordpaw- yellow and orange spotted she377Please respect copyright.PENANA2c9y7hSaml
cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAQOlgUqexRZ
Kellopaw- orange tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAdA6fnQW7zE
Oreopaw- black and white she377Please respect copyright.PENANA9ASW3s64fr
Wildpaw- orange she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAUoPNPLEh91
Moonclan377Please respect copyright.PENANABkCJicPhQf
Leader: Starpelt- silver yellow female377Please respect copyright.PENANABzcpxmZ2LB
Commander: Goldenrod- golden tomFighters377Please respect copyright.PENANA1yN43AIojz
Starshine- shinny yellow female377Please respect copyright.PENANAw9nGk1Put7
Moonday- grey female377Please respect copyright.PENANAdFbQI6laAn
Nightshadow- a light black colored tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAuogHSQ40mG
Greypelt- a grey colored tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAosIbcDyvmV
Starflame- golden she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAyNKOXXCdfx
Bluepelt- I silver blue she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAopc3rAA54t
Shinningheart- a shiny red tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAKBmHUug97f
Moonblossom- pinkish grey female377Please respect copyright.PENANAvhmM8lAZZo
Shinningstar- shiny yellow tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAoETWXaUuwy
Healer377Please respect copyright.PENANACtc7swizCD
Starwalker- a red and grey she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANARxgGcmjMmJ
Aquaclan377Please respect copyright.PENANALmGwX3H5oD
Leader: Aquastar- blue -ish tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAxPaP6oDHBQ
Commander: Fishtail- white and red tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAniyq53KzuV
Fighters377Please respect copyright.PENANA5oTh62tJvD
Aquajet- blue she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAsJLiQBENu1
Splashdown- orange and grey tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAuwovyuvTCm
Waterjet- blue she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAkmBhqH86LX
Mistypelt- grey she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANArf4VoViClR
Sharkstream- grey, white, and black tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAh4uvVk53vv
Sharkstar- grey, white, and black she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANALinHkdZ1FH
Waterfoot- blue-ish grey footed she catFloodweed- grey tom377Please respect copyright.PENANA0Z9sWFy4YL
Cattail- brown tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAD96OuZO0UK
Jetstream- blue-ish grey tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAN6OUQnKaka
Pupils377Please respect copyright.PENANAeSDcI3AZft
Icepaw- white she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAGGgS6ITP8H
Wetpaw- grey she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAsgI59UesEd
Reedpaw- tan-ish tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAk75J9mytmX
Healer377Please respect copyright.PENANA001HEFlGJ7
Catwater- grey she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANA5SYbO0TZea
Queens377Please respect copyright.PENANAPjw33RJGfS
Lilypad- yellow grey she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAoDmA6VM648
Lilystream- yellow blue she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAgQFRzd8vHg
Featherclan377Please respect copyright.PENANAIyLEIoGwRe
Leader: Flightstar- grey tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAXbTWOJNJJq
Commander: Windwing- grey brown tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAQb1D3VkbBe
Fighters377Please respect copyright.PENANA7jzXS3tNv0
Jaywing- red brown tomBirdtalon- golden brown she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANABGwkiZ3Vh3
Windtalon- grey and tan tom377Please respect copyright.PENANABYqgT54m6D
Skycloud- white and grey tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAJ58pJtUXS0
Featherwing- brown she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANACXuCalrj7W
Skypelt- blue-ish grey she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAAe2fvJff21
Raincloud- black and grey she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANA9RpY4qaRoR
Cloudheart- grey tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAYVwAjutGBq
Hovernosel- white and grey female377Please respect copyright.PENANAiYLbEIDvPB
Rainpelt- dark blue female377Please respect copyright.PENANAypZgGFwRfd
Lightningclan377Please respect copyright.PENANAeCpXckKdzd
Leader: Emberstar377Please respect copyright.PENANARV0iKDubLR
Lavaclan377Please respect copyright.PENANAXr14unm5vu
Leader: Amberstar- Dark blue tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAQuHrWeaIgy
Devilclan377Please respect copyright.PENANAzhCKMn4BI6
Leader: Demonpelt- red tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAomvdiHC9ng
Earthclan377Please respect copyright.PENANAfjnPudKMsn
Leader: Rockeye- Brown tom.377Please respect copyright.PENANAskjxkBCOa2
Tribes377Please respect copyright.PENANAmhvJd0nWme
Sunheart- bright red and orange femaleIvy- Amber eyed grey she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAnWFRAZAfvh
Blaze- Bright orange tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAWVXGHHxZRh
Jaspa- Red-ish orange tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAbON4hDMg8r
Jake- Red she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANANWd1XL9W3Y
Icicle- White she cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAYaRKkhxQLM
Others377Please respect copyright.PENANAUyGo4xarIz
Snowy- Blue eyed white she cat (Former Ing377Please respect copyright.PENANAHNQ9fZVuEt
and Phazon empire leader)377Please respect copyright.PENANA76klDcPGlN
Skullus- Black she cat (Former Boneclan377Please respect copyright.PENANAVOWhb2AAVe
leader and former Ing)377Please respect copyright.PENANAUrRjoTVRZl
Prolog377Please respect copyright.PENANAQCe0PqwPct
Muttering and chattering could be heard as a377Please respect copyright.PENANAli144Udg9o
crowd of five hundred cats chatted,377Please respect copyright.PENANAxzRjbur7eq
“Fighters of Sunclan, hear me!” a cat yelled377Please respect copyright.PENANAPbf8CY56G5
out. It went quite and every cat turned377Please respect copyright.PENANAICZJhAjRaO
towards the cat that yelled, “The time has377Please respect copyright.PENANAakMb8VWJfe
come for us to march to battle!” The cats377Please respect copyright.PENANAwf8IeB3e1A
cheered in rejoice, “Before we march out I377Please respect copyright.PENANA11FA8T545L
have chosen our elite representatives, Blaze,377Please respect copyright.PENANAKACJRriYA2
Icicle, Jaspa, Jake, and as for our377Please respect copyright.PENANAon0wQniWn2
commander that cat is Ivy!” Every cat377Please respect copyright.PENANA661QxPDJUq
yowled out in approval as the three cats377Please respect copyright.PENANA9frbtEenbS
walked up to the announcing cat. “Thankyou Sunheart,” the three said. “You three377Please respect copyright.PENANAET58dsMucO
have become my closest friends here,377Please respect copyright.PENANAoMmqMbYRBp
especially you Ivy. The time has come let’s377Please respect copyright.PENANA9zW1b3Zmdc
march!” Every Sunclan cat marched south377Please respect copyright.PENANA7Da63xbRQT
towards the sixteen clans and the empire.377Please respect copyright.PENANA853hFJVjlD
Chapter I377Please respect copyright.PENANAKmruB4qRDu
The Sun was starting to fall as peace and377Please respect copyright.PENANAiGWEg1sC7p
calmness filled the air, “Time to report to377Please respect copyright.PENANACZTJ00m4XK
Snowy, your turn to do so Fireshadow,” a377Please respect copyright.PENANAiz7zO5LsWc
cat said. “Fine what do I say?” Fireshadow377Please respect copyright.PENANAXdqvDk920v
asked. “Tell her that nothing is in view.”377Please respect copyright.PENANATN04wGCcI8
“Ok.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAotRsKR7yi7
“I’m starting to think that the Ing aren’t377Please respect copyright.PENANAU45jqKpdvv
coming.” “Who knows, today is the day377Please respect copyright.PENANACt4bPLfgGx
however.” “Well it’s been three hours since377Please respect copyright.PENANAdiZjGXdkUM
Fireshadow left, should I go report the same377Please respect copyright.PENANA4c2FS9jiZY
message?” “Go ahead Ax.” As Ax turned377Please respect copyright.PENANAyfNYUrP7kr
towards a path to their base a figure jumped377Please respect copyright.PENANAwNX94xGpda
in front of him; Ax leapt back from the cat,377Please respect copyright.PENANASPnld1J48T
the cat was a grey she cat that had amber377Please respect copyright.PENANAI5N5D5omGn
eyed. The nine guards turned to see the shecat; the she cat jumped up to Ax, put one of377Please respect copyright.PENANAOBaRy4mCYD
her arms back, claws out, and shot the arm377Please respect copyright.PENANAlXuwi5bMhU
into the tom’s throat which went all the way377Please respect copyright.PENANA47s1VTiwsH
through. The body fell as the she cat raised377Please respect copyright.PENANAljP4bgO849
her claws out of the tom, “She’s an Ing.”377Please respect copyright.PENANA6VTTrI1ph1
“Hello Darkclaw.” Darkclaw cocked his377Please respect copyright.PENANAlvHDgkxKSH
head at the cat in a thinking way then the377Please respect copyright.PENANAsQmduY40s4
tom’s eyes widened as he gasped, “D-377Please respect copyright.PENANApTKZ0gprE3
Doveheart,” he chocked out. “You know377Please respect copyright.PENANAyrblbsaeGx
her?” one of the nine spoke. “I do she... she377Please respect copyright.PENANAK4f6h9a9aj
was a Darkclan pupil when she disappeared,377Please respect copyright.PENANAY8D0Jl7suH
my pupil.” The she cat started speaking,377Please respect copyright.PENANAgAFZrD0Pmw
“You are correct x-mentor of mine.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAtlEJMZu9dH
Doveheart glanced at the nine cats, “You377Please respect copyright.PENANA5DCekwQy2e
killed your own sister Sunkit, didn’t you377Please respect copyright.PENANA7Wq9QwvRKA
Doveheart?” The she cat licked the blood377Please respect copyright.PENANA3X2bbZeibh
off her claws, “You would be correct if I377Please respect copyright.PENANA3wnAemCeji
checked her in a third way to see if she was377Please respect copyright.PENANAciUlGZth8u
dead but I didn’t and now she has recovered.377Please respect copyright.PENANA6zHU1fFPaQ
I’m expecting Sunheart to come with five377Please respect copyright.PENANAoleMdp6TXJ
hundred tribe cats for backup for you; that of377Please respect copyright.PENANAeu9trAHnzB
coarse is pointless-.” The eight guards377Please respect copyright.PENANAzsTHdCVHNX
hissed and charged at the Ing cat. As theyneared her three cats jumped in and cut377Please respect copyright.PENANAiukbQoBT4e
down the eight, “Thank you Hawkwing,377Please respect copyright.PENANAhCmsiLM7I8
Addereye, Darkflame,” she said. Doveheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAVFggiBv9UG
jumped up to Darkclaw and slashed his face;377Please respect copyright.PENANAu8xD0ijfoD
the tom wailed in pain, “I’ll let you live377Please respect copyright.PENANAm2VykO7HfL
Darkclaw but only because you were one of377Please respect copyright.PENANAJahxbhuDY2
the ones who still supported me after my377Please respect copyright.PENANASwN8faJXcR
sister was born.” The tom fell to the ground377Please respect copyright.PENANAiVcnQvCpE0
cold, “The time has come to complete my377Please respect copyright.PENANAsSOIXlBzSo
revenge.”377Please respect copyright.PENANATEXXiz1xuO
Chapter II377Please respect copyright.PENANAPaMWvRej8J
Several other figures jumped up to the377Please respect copyright.PENANAaUj0GDOt52
four Ing, “I want all except Chaos,377Please respect copyright.PENANAqPBgRDzv1N
Deathvine, Doveheart, and myself, to mingle377Please respect copyright.PENANAGakKaEVCQ3
in with our army and wait for the signal.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAMbyojkojPe
Over half of the cats left leaving only377Please respect copyright.PENANAGw9CnIEkjt
Darkflame and the cats who’s names were377Please respect copyright.PENANAMoAjt7xoZf
called, “Chaos will teleport us by their base,377Please respect copyright.PENANAsgxWOLNUZ0
then Deathvine is to disperse several bombs377Please respect copyright.PENANAI17PH0ay9v
towards this direction. Then after they blow377Please respect copyright.PENANAKJOA51bnWt
you two will join the others; Doveheart,377Please respect copyright.PENANAgUvt90qhk6
once their fighters have left we’ll attackthem from the inside, now let’s begin.” The377Please respect copyright.PENANAuUN28vJURg
Ing soon vanished into nothing and377Please respect copyright.PENANAckLTKWLC6k
reappeared on a cliff, “I’ve got the bombs in377Please respect copyright.PENANA3wiNx8mz1w
position.” “Good... fire them Chaos.”377Please respect copyright.PENANANz882AsY5d
Chaos’s eyes glowed as the bombs floated377Please respect copyright.PENANAabc9ZTpevZ
then they flew towards the base and went377Please respect copyright.PENANA24v7e4XSlB
off. “Good now go you two.” “Ok, careful377Please respect copyright.PENANAmPEgMnPPpx
Darkflame.” The two Ing vanished leaving377Please respect copyright.PENANAXyRcB7a0Nb
the two head Ing on the ledge.377Please respect copyright.PENANAy72XKYTN5j
*** Smoke filled the base as a small fire377Please respect copyright.PENANAiJ8UEwT2VR
started. Snowy ran out of a den asking what377Please respect copyright.PENANAPha68uNHkj
had happened only to be answered that the377Please respect copyright.PENANAky8mBcMTQl
Empire must have caused it. “Listen up377Please respect copyright.PENANAUec8zcJyvs
everyone, the Ing are here so the time has377Please respect copyright.PENANAgQnr0uBK40
come, it’s time to charge into battle!” All of377Please respect copyright.PENANAkK3pwWlTZd
the cats yowled in rejoice and charged out377Please respect copyright.PENANAcYuvw8xcBD
towards where the Ing met the last time.377Please respect copyright.PENANAFmc9OSnadF
*377Please respect copyright.PENANAfDnrd2k4Kz
One minute had now passed, “Let’s go.”377Please respect copyright.PENANADZFyIN1ZDl
“Ok Darkflame.” The two slid down the377Please respect copyright.PENANAifD0m8Up11
ledge as Darkflame’s other bodies appeared,377Please respect copyright.PENANAzHsFuyZtAQ
“What’s that up there?!” one of the clan cats377Please respect copyright.PENANAcgPLv3ka4v
yowled. The ten figures jumped into thecenter of the camp as every cat turned at377Please respect copyright.PENANAI6jG4ENG7B
them; Emberstar, Snowy, Lostclaw, and377Please respect copyright.PENANAWNXWiqR09F
Skullus ran out of a den and stopped, “It’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAnIZLieCjWL
them.” “We’ll attack everyone else while377Please respect copyright.PENANASvQ5JqOHgw
you take care of those three.” “I know.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAjmTVhoKbFH
The nine Darkflame bodies dispersed as the377Please respect copyright.PENANARNfvSGRihN
four leaders turned to the grey she cat, “In377Please respect copyright.PENANAqb4sdOnUGW
my eyes one cannot understand, realize, or377Please respect copyright.PENANAaX30LVH0p8
comprehend true pain unless they377Please respect copyright.PENANAnmS45082gJ
experience it at first hand. Now I shall377Please respect copyright.PENANAXGDOSUTH40
finally prove to every cat that hasn’t seen the377Please respect copyright.PENANAjxglux16kE
light of pain, that pain is inevitable.”377Please respect copyright.PENANALEa9lUxEXk
Skullus lunged at Doveheart only to be377Please respect copyright.PENANAnjj30uAxIt
batted away by Doveheart with one swipe of377Please respect copyright.PENANAMRx3iENCHl
her claws but Skullus landed safely,377Please respect copyright.PENANAbnzkYxcWPX
“Careful you guys,” a voice spoke. “That377Please respect copyright.PENANAjmvNXVq6xC
sounded like Darkclaw.” It was for the tom377Please respect copyright.PENANAV76fdBUfz8
was walking up to his allies, “What now?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAQ6W27JSZ5Y
“Doveheart over there was my apprentice377Please respect copyright.PENANAo3GW6fCQfX
when she was a Darkclan cat, I should know377Please respect copyright.PENANA0KZsnIU3w0
how strong she is; she cut my leg off not377Please respect copyright.PENANAkqmKFLZMu3
long ago.” Lostclaw looked shocked, “You377Please respect copyright.PENANAsgmz2uqjRE
mean that’s Bloodstar’s missing kit, that’sDoveheart?” “Yes, that’s the kit.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAjyeUiQA7Fk
Doveheart’s expression went from calm to377Please respect copyright.PENANAXHrnp0vusY
ice cold, “She doesn’t even deserve the title377Please respect copyright.PENANAsXS3sDXhWu
of mother; I’m tired of explaining this over377Please respect copyright.PENANA2dTWZxxyEJ
and over again; now prepare to experience377Please respect copyright.PENANAVdvAbB7Nbl
true utter pain.” Seven cats ran up to377Please respect copyright.PENANAQONmZJ6eiG
Darkclaw and the others in a protective377Please respect copyright.PENANADb77aNTtNq
form, growling at Doveheart. They then377Please respect copyright.PENANAErFXoFOG0Q
sprang at the she cat, “No, stop, this is a377Please respect copyright.PENANAvCg2PpTntc
battle you seven can’t win-.” Before the377Please respect copyright.PENANAGAkuEqqqjC
sentence was complete the grey she cat spun377Please respect copyright.PENANAQWL6z8jKob
around and slashed all of the cats’ throats.377Please respect copyright.PENANA8edXYI6Ffv
The she cat looked up again, “Shall we stop377Please respect copyright.PENANAzDfSCz4zd7
messing around and get down to it?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAeUAYEGob29
Chapter III377Please respect copyright.PENANA526llAtVTg
“Now!” The five cats scattered and377Please respect copyright.PENANAmiQSVkLBtu
sprang at Doveheart but they soon were377Please respect copyright.PENANAx4382vOL48
batted away by the she cat’s claws,377Please respect copyright.PENANAPqqqML1wh1
“Honestly Darkclaw, only three legs and377Please respect copyright.PENANAfInfm4ucHK
you refuse to quit.” Doveheart slashed the377Please respect copyright.PENANAk9j8Tmdnkc
tom’s face but Darkclaw swiped at377Please respect copyright.PENANAwYunM91reH
Doveheart and fell forward after hitting herleg though it was a small scratch, “Even377Please respect copyright.PENANAdfgoAtK3TU
with three legs you’re still able to touch377Please respect copyright.PENANAxOUgW2ykPx
me.” “I am the mentor you know, you still377Please respect copyright.PENANADD8TCDddGw
have a lot to learn.” “We’ll see.” Snowy377Please respect copyright.PENANAIIAEbZClQK
soon saw Darkflame’s nine bodies sitting377Please respect copyright.PENANAot9FHEAA3J
around the area, “(Great, he must be trying377Please respect copyright.PENANAqwe8sheHLt
to keep interference out of this fight.)”377Please respect copyright.PENANAtvyYHt6pIs
Darkclaw rammed Doveheart in the leg and377Please respect copyright.PENANAJyteW1Lw6y
in response she leaped back. The cats377Please respect copyright.PENANATE4EL2k4gX
backed the she cat into a corner hissing and377Please respect copyright.PENANAYd8c79YUfo
spitting, “Hmph you just made a bad move,”377Please respect copyright.PENANAhGF0a3jXUP
the she cat said. She leaped up into the air377Please respect copyright.PENANA0UxI2AnECR
and bounced off a wall ramming Snowy in377Please respect copyright.PENANAoUFllHtiPJ
the face then Doveheart spin slashed around377Please respect copyright.PENANAqk5jSZ3lW5
knocking the other cats down, their legs too377Please respect copyright.PENANABdtLi5E5TA
tired to move, “Pain is inevitable, you377Please respect copyright.PENANAt7r17VeHjW
always suffer in the end. Now you know377Please respect copyright.PENANAi82xit2jk4
why I said that, ‘In my eyes one cannot377Please respect copyright.PENANAyxny0E7Aa4
understand, realize, or comprehend true377Please respect copyright.PENANAO3IGqBLJhQ
pain unless they experience it at first hand’.377Please respect copyright.PENANAGiul2SWPwf
To truly comprehend something one must377Please respect copyright.PENANARz3sQk9abN
always experience it at first hand; Snowy,377Please respect copyright.PENANApyQYbuGYUJ
let’s just say I’m the new you but stronger,wiser, and that I am more improved in battle377Please respect copyright.PENANAT5rzVY46CY
arts than you.” Snowy stumbled to get up,377Please respect copyright.PENANA6AbOwlvp8v
“Well I’ll give you that, you guys rest, I can377Please respect copyright.PENANAcSRqxWEBHe
handle her.” “We’ll see.” “Doveheart,”377Please respect copyright.PENANA8JsXlbaU4U
Darkclaw spoke, “You’ve let pain consume377Please respect copyright.PENANAzGR0vXjXCz
you, this isn’t the real you.” “It is now, the377Please respect copyright.PENANAj7dNcOBpyt
old Doveheart died long ago, now only pain,377Please respect copyright.PENANAlutnqxtTzP
hatred, and revenge remain of me.” “Well377Please respect copyright.PENANAprxxLbxCmH
tell me this then, why the Ing Doveheart,377Please respect copyright.PENANAipvf5f2wBr
WHY?!” “That’s the decision I’ve chosen377Please respect copyright.PENANAtIABZWgAS9
to live by Darkclaw, now shut it, or I’ll kill377Please respect copyright.PENANAOqNofXQeEQ
you,” Doveheart said ice cold. Darkclaw’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAcLDG4MiIOV
face turned from showing anger to a calm377Please respect copyright.PENANAWKBNKayv5R
expression, “I’m disappointed my pupil.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAH0IuErEQP7
Darkclaw got up, “I taught you the ways of a377Please respect copyright.PENANA00Kf1OQVdN
fighter, now I shall show you the ways of377Please respect copyright.PENANAsMU7JHZjTG
loyalty to your birth clan.” “You guys stay377Please respect copyright.PENANA3Ogd3gosAv
back; the two of us can handle her for now.”377Please respect copyright.PENANA2vAXmy1Se2
“Have it your way then; shall we finish377Please respect copyright.PENANAtm920PmWz8
this?” “Yes, let’s finish this Doveheart.”377Please respect copyright.PENANANyyrstjCqY
The grey she cat stepped forward, “No377Please respect copyright.PENANAabcvRBFs4d
we’re all in this together, we shall fight with377Please respect copyright.PENANAPDI0EiXoU5
you,” the two cats on the ground said. Thethree stood up to join their friends in battle,377Please respect copyright.PENANA3AxIc9Q2xw
“Right let’s do this then.” The five leaped at377Please respect copyright.PENANAXIdzMbOXfv
Doveheart but the she cat dodged and377Please respect copyright.PENANAhXiUiO5D0K
slashed at Emberstar; from behind377Please respect copyright.PENANAfbjVMn9MCd
Doveheart Skullus lashed out at her but she377Please respect copyright.PENANAjVlhp2G0EF
jumped up onto a tree branch out of the way.377Please respect copyright.PENANALK9284cUy9
From behind Snowy jumped at Doveheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAU2w8cg8ow5
then the she cat dodged again and kicked377Please respect copyright.PENANA3vuMHXBY57
Snowy off of the tree branch as Darkclaw377Please respect copyright.PENANA3e3OWwKhEG
and Lostclaw lunged at Doveheart’s sides377Please respect copyright.PENANA2WVgXzt4Q9
but she once more jumped up and the two377Please respect copyright.PENANAISK6XLiY33
cats jumped into each other as Doveheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAdIQz2RakXa
head butted Lostclaw off the branch and377Please respect copyright.PENANA2eO4ZBguZz
spin slashed Darkclaw away, “She’s skilled377Please respect copyright.PENANAVPvF4mCXSw
I must admit.” “Doveheart is tricky isn’t377Please respect copyright.PENANAz30Arfjfbg
she?” Darkclaw soon spoke up, “Yeah well377Please respect copyright.PENANAzSTu8gxmWV
I can tell, she’s only toying with us.” “Great377Please respect copyright.PENANAHE9Z3tIOzU
there’s no way we can beat her.” “Let’s just377Please respect copyright.PENANAu08p0oOCsO
hope that Darkflame doesn’t help her out.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAC2uinALS1x
A cat broke into the base, “The Empire is w-377Please respect copyright.PENANAIZAuRepIMJ
winning!” He stopped dead as one of377Please respect copyright.PENANAUscfV7EtQO
Darkflames bodies killed him. “This isn’t377Please respect copyright.PENANA8YizHeRbqm
working out as planned.” “We wereoutnumbered by about five hundred.”377Please respect copyright.PENANA0mYOW42D9H
“Blast!” Skullus jumped at Doveheart but377Please respect copyright.PENANADqdd2JN5Gz
she was soon stabbed away by a swipe of377Please respect copyright.PENANAC3GyxHaQ0q
Doveheart’s claws. “We can’t win at this377Please respect copyright.PENANAlsineRjpH1
rate, here in this battle, or with the Ing’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAdXEs5AHldG
army.” “This isn’t good at all.” “I’m377Please respect copyright.PENANACbY5IXm0FN
through with you, Darkflame, come and help377Please respect copyright.PENANAQGkJ8bVk6M
so we can win this faster.” “Very well377Please respect copyright.PENANASACGtEQGD8
then.” The nine figures of Darkflame’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAAPbOSn3Weo
bodies started to surround the five cats, “It’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAxP03IA8p1c
over for us.” The nine figures prepared to377Please respect copyright.PENANAUyEIgsQD98
leap and kill the five but then one of the377Please respect copyright.PENANAtuLmgXcxIS
bodies flew across the clearing into a tree,377Please respect copyright.PENANA74zopc6sSE
its throat sliced open. “Nooooooooo! That377Please respect copyright.PENANAVoMVmbcTST
was my reviver body!” The Darkflame377Please respect copyright.PENANAXrbnPqGPJM
bodies as well as Doveheart and the other377Please respect copyright.PENANAO8MI7b1064
cats looked up into a tree to see several377Please respect copyright.PENANAgbJ6YQmOa0
figures standing in a branch, “One down377Please respect copyright.PENANAHjkbQ7QXZH
eight to go as well as five other Ing.”377Please respect copyright.PENANADCbn4sJL0W
“What, you killed my Ing! Who do you377Please respect copyright.PENANACvpsSa4tP6
think you are!?” “Shall we show him?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5MHmyZDZ9
“Yes let’s.” The figures jumped down to the377Please respect copyright.PENANAUzif39RGTe
ground and stood, “Sorry we’re late, a fewIng tried to stop us that and we had to have377Please respect copyright.PENANAMYfarj0LSF
our five hundred engage the Phazon377Please respect copyright.PENANAgm7reoNEmB
Empire.” The five gasped for the head cat377Please respect copyright.PENANAv15qIzYHOl
that was talking was Sunheart, “Sunkit!”377Please respect copyright.PENANA0gOYAdxTpq
“It’s Sunheart now. Blazepelt, Jaspa, Icicle,377Please respect copyright.PENANAJHqBtextqZ
Ivy, let’s end them now.” “Right without377Please respect copyright.PENANAPOtNUv8wek
the reviver body this’ll be a snap.” “Come377Please respect copyright.PENANAkF1Bn1Oxqp
on guys, get up.” The ten cats looked at the377Please respect copyright.PENANAgKg5s6744Y
Ing, “Let’s end this today.” The cats377Please respect copyright.PENANAzqxE9EBU8Y
dispersed, each taking on the Darkflame377Please respect copyright.PENANASpWbjJ9v59
bodies, all except for Sunheart and Snowy,377Please respect copyright.PENANA2z4SIEAywn
“I’ll take my sister, you take Darkflame.”377Please respect copyright.PENANArGh6W6sAxS
“Right.” Snowy leaped at Darkflame and377Please respect copyright.PENANAGhmZbuKcYS
the two started fighting. Doveheart and377Please respect copyright.PENANAzfxpaI5gRa
Sunheart stared at each other until finally377Please respect copyright.PENANAKGd6hJzHms
Sunheart spoke up, “Time to finish our377Please respect copyright.PENANAy7DDzx8CPD
battle.” “Yes it is time to finish it.” The377Please respect copyright.PENANAHjK65KQ25J
two untracked their claws and ran at each377Please respect copyright.PENANAgQNz4Anz2r
other.377Please respect copyright.PENANAmOzPxmSCUl
Chapter IV377Please respect copyright.PENANA5JSlXk3hff
Doveheart leaped to the left then the377Please respect copyright.PENANAfMlekbFw28
right and then the left again until the twocollided then the battle got tricky.377Please respect copyright.PENANAg9gKfvFvF6
Doveheart slashed at Sunheart but Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAdWgVMpwleb
dodged and swiped a blow to Doveheart as377Please respect copyright.PENANA9zxsKANpvK
Doveheart laid a blow to Sunheart;377Please respect copyright.PENANAvRq9imLc0F
Doveheart bit her sister’s tail and one of377Please respect copyright.PENANA3MSs30b3KB
Sunheart’s paws but Sunheart reared up and377Please respect copyright.PENANAYRy4MujI5l
slashed Doveheart’s left side and one of377Please respect copyright.PENANAPdVEBH3jWX
Doveheart’s back legs. The two cats were377Please respect copyright.PENANA3Rgkaj65ov
fighting equally and soon they were huffing377Please respect copyright.PENANAOYmVz0VTjH
and puffing, “Not bad sis, you’ve been377Please respect copyright.PENANAmodmh0kLbg
training pretty well but so have I. No more377Please respect copyright.PENANA5DG1HCviI4
fooling around now.” Sunheart jumped at377Please respect copyright.PENANAGEEnFbx571
her sister but she was slashed away into a377Please respect copyright.PENANASBFZxI4BR5
tree hardly. Doveheart jumped at Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANA98NiiDK80g
but Sunheart slide away and Doveheart’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAZCdHTaX7oC
claws went into the tree kind of far, “(Yikes,377Please respect copyright.PENANAjVA9cBTAiC
so she was holding back.)” Doveheart tore377Please respect copyright.PENANATdLnGNqst4
her claws out and prepared to run at her377Please respect copyright.PENANAkYf2LV9NPr
sister; she started running but her speed had377Please respect copyright.PENANAlZ0b8Gwz9e
changed for she was much faster now than377Please respect copyright.PENANAolqpzIm77r
she was before. She knocked Sunheart away377Please respect copyright.PENANAxOR0fIuVvy
with ease but before she was knocked aside377Please respect copyright.PENANAGs13PXXsld
she had slashed a blow to Doveheart’s face,“Not bad sis, though it isn’t much compared377Please respect copyright.PENANAAdRM2cfg3X
to me,” Doveheart said coldly, “But enough377Please respect copyright.PENANAAIUx8o3sdi
fooling around.” Doveheart knocked377Please respect copyright.PENANA57k2CyIuNS
Sunheart to the ground, “Now you die.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAN16dypds7d
Icicle leaped in from nowhere in a split377Please respect copyright.PENANAzNW4eh3hNS
second in front of the two she cats, “To get377Please respect copyright.PENANAh4nuTvOzOm
to her you must go through me!” “Hmph377Please respect copyright.PENANAFFgWKdfYkS
with pleasure.” Doveheart jumped up to377Please respect copyright.PENANAK83VmpgYPD
Icicle so fast that her eyes were round,377Please respect copyright.PENANAdBs5zuRWRF
“Now, experience true pain!” Doveheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAokE21DyOEN
raked her claws back and stabbed a fatal377Please respect copyright.PENANAG0yvLdjgDi
blow to Icicle, “NOOOoooooOooooOooo!”377Please respect copyright.PENANAKHE1mtpIGp
Snowy yowled. Doveheart extracted her377Please respect copyright.PENANAvsFn9aOc4W
claws from the dead she cat, “Now you are377Please respect copyright.PENANAFqft5MCwkR
experiencing a fraction of what true pain is377Please respect copyright.PENANAaIxJKsexkx
Sunheart, the lose of your friend. Know true377Please respect copyright.PENANA6N3MyPAUfm
pain and fear it.” Sunheart turned a glare to377Please respect copyright.PENANAiFnkJDlhU6
the she cat. “You’re wrong Doveheart;377Please respect copyright.PENANADDyQSuRVON
time to end this.” “Pain is inevitable-.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAoSSQQsE9aY
“Don’t lecher me.” “You’re mine, and so377Please respect copyright.PENANAxBAd3IjNYr
are the remaining seals that some cats here377Please respect copyright.PENANArWkKclpPbU
have.” “What are they for?” “To seal377Please respect copyright.PENANAAhTPBXXXGU
away the dark army of the old empire; Ithought you knew already, I’ll explain it377Please respect copyright.PENANAtEKfsZOV7c
anyway.” “How would you know what377Please respect copyright.PENANAVwIwWOE7nz
there is to know about it?” “Are you377Please respect copyright.PENANAkSljaDXavn
forgetting that I am the true cat spoken of in377Please respect copyright.PENANAgI5kt4KoAS
the prophecy of Death?” “That isn’t you377Please respect copyright.PENANAbcp4vm1pCb
Doveheart, I know you could do better,”377Please respect copyright.PENANAu953U22PvC
Darkclaw hissed. “In the prophecy of Death377Please respect copyright.PENANAx7gD483ZvS
I am to annihilate everything of the clans.377Please respect copyright.PENANAGHWhKlCINR
Thanks to our ancestors for finding that one377Please respect copyright.PENANAnwTyryKdfo
stone, we can be more as one with the after377Please respect copyright.PENANAIHUTWYmO0U
life. In the after life, cats may receive377Please respect copyright.PENANAaHlBmsKTUH
special powers, such as the dark matter trick.377Please respect copyright.PENANA8Ycj6UWVne
Thanks to them we can and until that stone377Please respect copyright.PENANAxqlQbnaAh3
is gone, more powers can be discovered.377Please respect copyright.PENANAPcLtY6BYhB
The dead cats of both our sides gave the two377Please respect copyright.PENANAqr9fGR4wuw
off us special powers, like the ones you377Please respect copyright.PENANAMjnMDW3yu3
possess sister; one example would be the377Please respect copyright.PENANANqSq6AIPEy
power to have other animals help you. You377Please respect copyright.PENANAjT12Nite2o
were born with powers to stop me; I was377Please respect copyright.PENANA4WRyPwVAp1
given powers to oppose you and other377Please respect copyright.PENANAWAUfcG6YOl
enemies. Others with powers as my mentor377Please respect copyright.PENANAlH7VPR5Qdc
Darkflame said, were mistakes. Chaos was377Please respect copyright.PENANAufbx9n9Kj5
actually given her powers by the stone, samewith Deathvine, Darkflame, and others. But377Please respect copyright.PENANAWwUhL9Tm7d
to avoid corruption, they were set to think377Please respect copyright.PENANAohb5jNSzo5
that humans had given them there powers.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAi1shGeQ4VQ
Sunheart shuddered. “The stone started the377Please respect copyright.PENANAzW7DLwNOA8
first cat empire war with corruption and377Please respect copyright.PENANAT77kVBvONA
greed over its power. Thanks to it though377Please respect copyright.PENANAiFdARSXFYD
the army of the old Ing Empire was sealed377Please respect copyright.PENANAI1PNAZfxwb
away; to keep the seal the cats placed377Please respect copyright.PENANAT7V6kRU6ua
barriers in side certain cats to keep them377Please respect copyright.PENANATXrlz8HPsG
where they were. You should know the rest377Please respect copyright.PENANAZyAmVZMssG
now about the seals Sunheart.” “That I do,”377Please respect copyright.PENANA4dwf4AKTpc
Sunheart answered, “Why not use the stone377Please respect copyright.PENANAgn1vCBujyl
to keep them sealed though.” “I was hoping377Please respect copyright.PENANAx9jVq3cWid
you would know but I’ll explain that too; the377Please respect copyright.PENANACe5yYGHTO0
stone was hidden away to make sure that the377Please respect copyright.PENANAftd02Bn2Up
corruption would never be revived on a new377Please respect copyright.PENANAedk5MM3OAI
generation. Unlucky for them they missed a377Please respect copyright.PENANAWeh5eDHTHM
few of the Ing Empire cats.” “You have377Please respect copyright.PENANAjS7ktszOyN
heard all of that from Darkflame hmm, how377Please respect copyright.PENANAE4vTqz1rw7
does he know it all, from what it sounds like377Please respect copyright.PENANAnnRikuxLq5
it would take along time to uncover the377Please respect copyright.PENANASTnCAVgOGV
truth?” “Can’t you figure it out?” “Well377Please respect copyright.PENANAKVvv1inaL7
even with that one kind of stuff that we-.”“-Raided from the abandoned human place,377Please respect copyright.PENANAwtpM7IDqQi
so you’re all too weak to figure it out.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAeNj9QTr4B8
Silence rose as the cats glanced at one377Please respect copyright.PENANAiGmrFiNlsQ
another. “The stone was the real cause of it;377Please respect copyright.PENANAJGRG9xX1zB
it gave cats longer lives and made you think377Please respect copyright.PENANAxHMjG9UBS0
how it was possible.” “It can do that?” “It377Please respect copyright.PENANALg608oXzk3
can. It’s giving out random powers and377Please respect copyright.PENANAgAoTbRQRSB
such now in days; you should now be able to377Please respect copyright.PENANAXVjaDpjgmy
figure why Darkflame knows what he does.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAeRcGJFx7FC
“So that’s it, you found it then; why not use377Please respect copyright.PENANAVhOqpgQaiy
it yourselves and end this thing all377Please respect copyright.PENANAIxyKXXWo9H
together?” “We don’t have it.” “Then how-377Please respect copyright.PENANAhyTtVg2q53
” “Do you recall what I said about some377Please respect copyright.PENANAySilNXn2El
having escaped?” “You mean, so that’s it.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAKZGnT3l1h9
“What is it meaning Sunheart?” Emberstar377Please respect copyright.PENANAcSsLgTVSWh
asked as she lay limp on the ground, “I’m377Please respect copyright.PENANABdZFcWldaZ
still alive, my wound looked fatal but it377Please respect copyright.PENANAPi6jVGJHv5
wasn’t. So what is it?” “Darkflame is one377Please respect copyright.PENANAcFj1RFdJcc
of the Ing that escaped, he’s from when the377Please respect copyright.PENANAQn1xRsTGMB
Empires first clashed.” “So that’s it but how377Please respect copyright.PENANABIMGAddNGv
does he look so young, eternal life can’t do377Please respect copyright.PENANAKh3ZG5lYru
that.” Darkflame interrupted, “That’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAey1xheZR0S
because I don’t have it, I have eternalyouth.” “Darkflame can be killed in battle it377Please respect copyright.PENANAA5YEt3UQkt
means, just not by old age.” “Tell me377Please respect copyright.PENANANQcv4Mjgvz
about the prophecy Doveheart; tell me about377Please respect copyright.PENANABiR2OEarsA
your powers, I want to know it all.” “You377Please respect copyright.PENANAVSh7mxoRjk
are going to die so I might as well. There377Please respect copyright.PENANA5V50F98uyq
are to prophecies actually; there is the377Please respect copyright.PENANAFqwQoFGjIR
prophecy of death and the prophecy of life;377Please respect copyright.PENANASJQpbupaBs
you are in the one of life. I am destined to377Please respect copyright.PENANA6Y69KioIZl
destroy the clans and the one cat in the377Please respect copyright.PENANAgfvlY9V4Es
prophecy of life; you are supposed to stop377Please respect copyright.PENANAwNO6n2mUZk
me. You need not worry about the rest377Please respect copyright.PENANAJsBlrWMo96
sister; my powers would be being fast, skill-377Please respect copyright.PENANA4krxnpeKzJ
full, strong, and smart; that’s all you’ll need377Please respect copyright.PENANA1IME87vR5h
to know.” Doveheart jumped at Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAPaCI8TLbHq
and pinned her to the ground. Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANA8OHjnUXGlO
struggled as Doveheart raised her claws,377Please respect copyright.PENANARDLmjelqsI
“Say hi to mom for me in the after life.”377Please respect copyright.PENANANIiI9Wg1cr
Darkclaw lunged at Doveheart knocking her377Please respect copyright.PENANApd7lkjqun8
off of Sunheart. Sunheart got up, “get up377Please respect copyright.PENANAI6t2HEPl5m
guys, we must end this.” Sunheart’s friends377Please respect copyright.PENANAhOESWHXI4C
staggered up, even Emberstar was getting up377Please respect copyright.PENANA7buuiv5wZu
as some cats jumped from a high branch that377Please respect copyright.PENANAjnNya4k2um
was above them in to the center of the nineDarkflame bodies. One of the Darkflames377Please respect copyright.PENANAGeSKHAHy5r
spoke up, “I think it’s time to step in.” The377Please respect copyright.PENANAvrVUzJTDQQ
nine ran at the new comers and a few others.377Please respect copyright.PENANAWatVcLp66H
Sunheart started speaking, “Snowy,377Please respect copyright.PENANAcLjMHknsOA
Darkclaw, Lostclaw, Emberstar, Skullus,377Please respect copyright.PENANALIVHeO4HIw
Ivy, Blaze, Jaspa, let’s do it; stay back the377Please respect copyright.PENANAQh1wH4stt3
rest of you, we’ll finish her off.” “Hmph,377Please respect copyright.PENANAx5ljBTzjQQ
persistent as always hmm; very well; let’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAyi5KHN6lcQ
settle this then.” The cats stood side by side,377Please respect copyright.PENANAqtxWqTRdsy
“Are you sure you want them to stay back?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAjt01QHjkPY
“Yes, I am sure, they need to distract377Please respect copyright.PENANAwimB9A6nKI
Darkflame; I’ll call you guys back too if it377Please respect copyright.PENANAduVPMmVeY9
comes down to something.” Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANADOOYJnLQDF
sounded off like a hawk and in response a377Please respect copyright.PENANAvkMc7KA2z6
hawk flew in and grabbed Sunheart and then377Please respect copyright.PENANAgxHvq2mFst
it flew towards Doveheart, “Oh please.”377Please respect copyright.PENANA8ntT1hcua1
Doveheart screw attacked towards the bird377Please respect copyright.PENANAeXqOmvjr3s
and cut its head off and went by Sunheart,377Please respect copyright.PENANAVLytzdem8z
“Now!” Snowy and Emberstar screw377Please respect copyright.PENANAhTYWYcyaKu
attacked at Doveheart but she touched the377Please respect copyright.PENANAGM0fpx0KTE
ground and leaped to the left as Darkclaw hit377Please respect copyright.PENANAf4SU1tpyF3
her, “This is for my Leader Bloodstar!”377Please respect copyright.PENANA0n3zhhMJ2t
Doveheart flew through the air and landedon the ground as Lostclaw slashed at her,377Please respect copyright.PENANAN7xJiYQ8tl
“That’s for Darkclan!” Lostclaw was377Please respect copyright.PENANAEGSMjpsYoH
thrown off as Doveheart leaped back only to377Please respect copyright.PENANAqOFlcMrquQ
be batted away by Skullus’s claws, “That’s377Please respect copyright.PENANA5NWZSMDeAq
for corrupting my father as he said you did!”377Please respect copyright.PENANAmSb5PPonax
Doveheart hit a tree and was clawed in the377Please respect copyright.PENANAZWoFE7hXBa
face by Snowy, “That’s for my mother you377Please respect copyright.PENANAZSt7DU6NoR
piece of fox killer!” Snowy bit Doveheart’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAOSde0xu32r
neck and flung her in the air only to be hit in377Please respect copyright.PENANAZLDVtHVzIo
the side by a screw attack from Emberstar,377Please respect copyright.PENANAtEJnoMcFzh
“This is for hurting Sunheart!” Doveheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAtUG0XVLNxS
spun into a rock as Blaze, Ivy and Jaspa377Please respect copyright.PENANAD2o3nk7Ixa
scratched her up like crazy, “That’s for377Please respect copyright.PENANAO2w2HbEhh7
everyone you’ve killed!” The three jumped377Please respect copyright.PENANANQmobBLblV
back as Sunheart leaped down from a tree377Please respect copyright.PENANAyd7cWxbWyP
branch that was above Doveheart and377Please respect copyright.PENANA2MSHXbo4r1
pierced Doveheart’s body with her claws,377Please respect copyright.PENANAJza0TUoMF2
“And this is for all of the PAIN you have377Please respect copyright.PENANAeL7efPqEcI
caused!” Doveheart’s head jerked up as the377Please respect copyright.PENANAK4yER15A8T
blow was delivered. Blood drizzled out of377Please respect copyright.PENANAhAkLDQKT9d
Doveheart’s mouth as her eyes went dark377Please respect copyright.PENANAWxmFYp2peo
and cloudy. It seemed that the battle was atan end between Sunheart and her sister.377Please respect copyright.PENANAsHSQFZhMAr
“It’s over,” Sunheart said.377Please respect copyright.PENANAlN9gUXJKmt
CHAPTER V377Please respect copyright.PENANA9K2KpQBM6b
Sunheart turned towards the real377Please respect copyright.PENANAscG21oltUs
Darkflame body, “How’s that for you?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAFdDRwhtPCD
Darkflame looked at Doveheart’s body with377Please respect copyright.PENANAiG6ewkRXDa
a blank expression. “You’re no threat now.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAEDG6NdcBf3
“What does that mean?” “You no longer377Please respect copyright.PENANAqhq5SZ1R8V
have any special powers; the prophecy battle377Please respect copyright.PENANAGgfEwWAsv0
is over, which would mean you no longer377Please respect copyright.PENANAM98QgtDxCM
would need them so there gone.” Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANA6WMfOMuXct
tried to call to a bird but it didn’t work.377Please respect copyright.PENANAgoxul0QNQx
“And now for the conclusion.” Doveheart’s377Please respect copyright.PENANATYXqFsSiyu
body rose, “How your heart stopped?!” “It377Please respect copyright.PENANAWQYp8upEIB
did but that was a fake death, there are three377Please respect copyright.PENANASS6etnLDPx
ways to check to see if something is alive,377Please respect copyright.PENANAbjic6TYTDL
heart, pulse, and spirit feel. Only living cats377Please respect copyright.PENANAtcm6oJ4xNo
can do spirit feel so the dead ones though I377Please respect copyright.PENANAbA4pILdSj3
was dead so they zapped your powers away.377Please respect copyright.PENANAvrkFTRSPB3
They can’t give you your powers back now377Please respect copyright.PENANANIGObjN19R
Sunheart; after all you only needed them to377Please respect copyright.PENANAGksaeedhDI
face me and win if you could. With megone the powers would be of no use.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAbYdEYIp90A
Sunheart tried to call to a bird and the bird377Please respect copyright.PENANAtluvMeiu5a
did nothing. “Why can’t they give them377Please respect copyright.PENANAkexIeBJXuX
back?” “They didn’t just give them to you377Please respect copyright.PENANACBfaheVV3s
at birth, you were developed with them.”377Please respect copyright.PENANABSBJMB0mJZ
“This isn’t good.” “So you let us harm377Please respect copyright.PENANACvPbePlfbH
you?” “Do you really think I would have let377Please respect copyright.PENANABDpLB1ty5u
those attacks harm me any other way?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAcD6ZOXKKYj
“That figures.” “She seems to be invincible377Please respect copyright.PENANANvRsDV26jP
when she wants to be and not invincible377Please respect copyright.PENANAkxhoSlWS4f
when she doesn’t want to be invincible.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAVCBFbhKGl4
“Well in any case her trick did take my377Please respect copyright.PENANA7F0aC4k8bR
powers away; hers should be gone to377Please respect copyright.PENANA8ipMwN0dkQ
though.” “Not exactly Sunheart,”377Please respect copyright.PENANASvglr6XEh3
Darkflame started, “She didn’t just acquire377Please respect copyright.PENANAdNYmvwx2lc
her strength, she earned it and worked for it,377Please respect copyright.PENANAfmOb1OuM9a
you however didn’t work for most of yours.”377Please respect copyright.PENANApXofzx5ek0
“I acquired mine the hard way; you got your377Please respect copyright.PENANAF6K8MNoV1c
powers the easy way like a cheater Sunheart.377Please respect copyright.PENANAPTKSFrsHp5
There are no short cuts in this life Sunheart;377Please respect copyright.PENANAxzZMzfDiSq
none that last any way.” More cats began to377Please respect copyright.PENANAv0QrtWQVJu
appear that belonged to the Empire’s army377Please respect copyright.PENANANJCU6DR6ZV
including all of the Ing. “This is not good.”Just then dozens of the clan’s fighters,377Please respect copyright.PENANAAeS5DSXtY3
including leaders and commanders dashed377Please respect copyright.PENANAKNoE0l9VMP
in. Suddenly Snowy slashed at one of the377Please respect copyright.PENANAFUiZ9u6lUr
clan army’s fighters wounding him. “What377Please respect copyright.PENANA5XoQtgJnEB
the; what are you doing?!” Darkflame377Please respect copyright.PENANADe2iiNnqRM
spoke up, “Done pretending my lord.” “Yes377Please respect copyright.PENANAfA63hr0tUl
I am.” “What’s going on here, I thought377Please respect copyright.PENANApwrLu420RO
that-.” “It was all an act that went as377Please respect copyright.PENANASDl8t3isuO
planned.” Emberstar spoke, “I knew it, she377Please respect copyright.PENANAhYuCFbeHYq
only acted as our friend so that she could377Please respect copyright.PENANAp7Fo8wXcfR
learn about us.” “Correct and it was a377Please respect copyright.PENANALGv8xVonnd
successful mission too.” “Then she’s been377Please respect copyright.PENANAATmeQ8nnEy
telling them all about us but how-.” “When377Please respect copyright.PENANADe5Jc6TC7i
I was sleeping we had our little377Please respect copyright.PENANAJONCfG5peK
conversations.” “This is not good at all,”377Please respect copyright.PENANANkia8gr3pw
Skullus mumbled out loud. “For us, for you377Please respect copyright.PENANA42Jp0gosb1
I bet it’s all going as planned Skullus,”377Please respect copyright.PENANAoSaD5dX9VH
Emberstar hissed. “What is that supposed to377Please respect copyright.PENANAPbINCormDx
mean?!” Snowy spoke up, “You’re just377Please respect copyright.PENANAbvqXvmFV0C
wasting your time, Skullus is a full blown377Please respect copyright.PENANAATqhKxzmOO
traitor to us; oh and all of those feelings377Please respect copyright.PENANAC4RltJbjAw
about my mother were lies.” “That’s cold.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAc62itZrf1j
Hawkwing and Addereye approachedDoveheart, “You’ve done enough for today377Please respect copyright.PENANAIN1ClVQWdM
Doveheart.” “Let’s return you to base and377Please respect copyright.PENANAPe1BYoE1aa
don’t worry; there will be some of Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAL9oT0WcrpY
left to destroy when you are fully rested.”377Please respect copyright.PENANArXiOVKFUBP
“Ok.” The three walked away out of the377Please respect copyright.PENANAuSjf6kdKxR
battle field. “Shall we continue this?” The377Please respect copyright.PENANAYQjGL3HTAr
two sides charged and collided into each377Please respect copyright.PENANA1N2C1psSqB
other. All of the remaining Ing were377Please respect copyright.PENANAIjG5L3o2XX
occupied except Snowy and the nine paths377Please respect copyright.PENANAvs0TZw3IcA
of corruption who were facing Sunheart and377Please respect copyright.PENANA9wIO8FY8Cf
her gang as Sunheart began to speak to the377Please respect copyright.PENANA6WsmmhgeYY
two Ing, “Let’s move to a different spot, it’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAioiijqyMxe
too clustered here for us to fight our battle.”377Please respect copyright.PENANA31zW9B5ufs
Darkflame hissed but was silenced by377Please respect copyright.PENANAQpVIqA61aI
Snowy who answered, “I agree, it is too377Please respect copyright.PENANAMqmnDK4NmL
clustered here for our final duel with you.”377Please respect copyright.PENANA8nFCc0xZkH
“Then let’s relocate.”377Please respect copyright.PENANA5WJtveylsj
Chapter VI377Please respect copyright.PENANAoAaNuGORn3
The cats had found a new location as377Please respect copyright.PENANA19TxVMWqNE
they prepared for the battle. “I want you377Please respect copyright.PENANAwkd8hXepnF
guys to take the Darkflame’s except the377Please respect copyright.PENANA4UHLQDlaiR
original; the original is mine along withSnowy,” Sunheart said. “Are you sure?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAweyVC2v5OZ
Ivy asked. “No she’s not; I can tell that377Please respect copyright.PENANAskT4yfIJEm
Snowy is stronger now than what she was377Please respect copyright.PENANASWZRUdMtnN
when you two first battled each other,”377Please respect copyright.PENANAo4PISrgp7u
Emberstar argued, “You are no match for377Please respect copyright.PENANAdIJpNFLzQX
Snowy without your powers let alone her377Please respect copyright.PENANAuuHFpOgztk
and Darkflame’s original body which377Please respect copyright.PENANA04XrLTcgpi
happens to be his strongest I’m guessing.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAIi7AOODWGF
“Fine then, Ivy you take the original.” “Are377Please respect copyright.PENANA0GzzpOPMab
you sure I can do it?” “I am; you can beat377Please respect copyright.PENANALPeaOm7A17
him if you try your hardest; I will fight377Please respect copyright.PENANA11bKAMD5VD
Snowy then.” “Not alone you’re not377Please respect copyright.PENANA3yT3dsZA5X
Sunheart; she’s going to be too much for377Please respect copyright.PENANA9mNGUVc4nF
you to handle,” Skullus warned. “Tell me377Please respect copyright.PENANAg9uC8bliut
who is stronger, Doveheart or Snowy?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAhdm2w8iPOI
“Doveheart I’m guessing.” “If I can handle377Please respect copyright.PENANA3KwoouXmv8
Doveheart as her equal then I should be able377Please respect copyright.PENANABVnNUAu9gt
to beat Snowy.” “You are forgetting that377Please respect copyright.PENANAfYlrbuhSN6
your sister was holding back the whole time377Please respect copyright.PENANAUFxvR9MIQM
you thought her; she was making it seem377Please respect copyright.PENANA55lZcYOGbS
like you were equal.” “I know I can handle377Please respect copyright.PENANA3MhXVCZS5k
Snowy.” “If Doveheart was trying her all377Please respect copyright.PENANAdtMObwjfNN
when you thought then she would be weakerthan Snowy, Snowy is likely to be three377Please respect copyright.PENANAWNQVhOGIzu
times stronger then her.” “For the last time,377Please respect copyright.PENANAY6bNB7paGV
I can handle her.” “I am sorry to interrupt377Please respect copyright.PENANAWqkrmz5Xax
this little conversation but we have waited377Please respect copyright.PENANAZiaP5IPPSb
for you long enough I think,” Snowy said377Please respect copyright.PENANAZrHwWdffPR
annoyed. “Great, now there mad.” “Well377Please respect copyright.PENANANQPQLnVPmW
let’s do it then and I will be careful.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAAwFrXpsIHx
“Right!” Sunheart and her friends turned to377Please respect copyright.PENANAbPwd2zkt3f
face the nine paths and Snowy. “We’re377Please respect copyright.PENANAqStRErGNIs
going to settle this here and now.” The cat’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAhFC4kVNe3o
lunged at there opponents as Sunheart and377Please respect copyright.PENANAEnn8qy1vbe
Snowy stayed put. Then they walked to377Please respect copyright.PENANApGqGMNXzRt
each other slowly, “I am surprised you’re377Please respect copyright.PENANAoiuxfbUB7g
not attacking Sunheart.” “Same to you377Please respect copyright.PENANAi1aUByG5sk
Snowy.” “Hehehe, the peace before the377Please respect copyright.PENANACzSlVywK8d
storm I guess.” “Let’s get this over with.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAPb6TlxsZVK
“Right then.” The two she cats jumped back377Please respect copyright.PENANAPpAWhJdaGj
and lunged at each other only to miss each377Please respect copyright.PENANA9PL8CPOrCK
other; then Sunheart turned and screw377Please respect copyright.PENANAPCrI0NSI0Y
attacked at Snowy who back flipped into the377Please respect copyright.PENANANUW2COqiRj
air to land untouched as Sunheart missed.377Please respect copyright.PENANAuVQ72X1eDi
Snowy swiped at Sunheart as Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAHg6QszxeHc
turned and did the same. “So how many areleft?” Sunheart asked as the two collided.377Please respect copyright.PENANAuDK7q3ky7A
“Seven, Emberstar and that Starflame are377Please respect copyright.PENANAvzrXR8DgUs
two of the seven.” “You’ll never get them377Please respect copyright.PENANAxZX9Vxt5xM
or the rest.” “We will succeed Sunheart.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAO6lvS17Q9d
Sunheart leaped back and screw attacked at377Please respect copyright.PENANADdgGZxwYOs
Snowy flying passed her face. Snowy377Please respect copyright.PENANAdLVndWaueo
turned smiling only to stop as a cut opened377Please respect copyright.PENANAhFvawAXQrf
and as blood trickled out of the small377Please respect copyright.PENANARP0wvxehcl
wound. Sunheart smiled as Snowy growled,377Please respect copyright.PENANAZj43lPPnsf
“How dare you.” Snowy dashed at Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANApqPoUPfhKV
and slashed Sunheart’s forehead as Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAfbCzj4cujw
bit Snowy’s neck and flung her but Snowy377Please respect copyright.PENANAy8tLO4hkAi
landed on her paws. Snowy then lunged at377Please respect copyright.PENANASSC9YhItpp
Sunheart knocking her over only to feel377Please respect copyright.PENANAIUXDUBLoB4
Sunheart’s claws scratch her stomach as she377Please respect copyright.PENANAiSvNDoiNz1
landed. Snowy leaped back to a stop as377Please respect copyright.PENANAl3nHR9ydhm
Sunheart got up; Snowy then spat at her377Please respect copyright.PENANAHjpAWgU79G
enemy, “You’re pretty good I will admit but377Please respect copyright.PENANAv43842R26Q
don’t let it go to your head that you have a377Please respect copyright.PENANA3Q2qaWVM4j
chance against me. Sunheart quickly dashed377Please respect copyright.PENANA6q5et5z1t9
at Snowy and hit her in the chest with her377Please respect copyright.PENANAOEumjnTq1R
head. Snowy flew backwards in the air and377Please respect copyright.PENANAjJmXYs90IH
rolled into a tree when she hit the ground asSunheart leaped by Snowy’s tail. Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAPedVMmuZlz
bit it and flung Snowy through the air but377Please respect copyright.PENANA3pNpqyjB9f
Snowy dug her claws into the ground soon377Please respect copyright.PENANA3EN0aCSti2
after and came to a stop. Snowy then377Please respect copyright.PENANAmFrNbfGgdx
coughed up some blood as it then trickled377Please respect copyright.PENANAKzWjfnFkyX
out of her mouth; she then glared at377Please respect copyright.PENANAyDIAYUFBNZ
Sunheart. “(How is it that she can be fast377Please respect copyright.PENANAtgZ22MOUoS
like that... her speed must have increased377Please respect copyright.PENANABd1JFbLYnT
while she was with the packs. No matter,377Please respect copyright.PENANAUDqvPZpuYS
she’s still no threat to me.)”377Please respect copyright.PENANA7lIGBoAXAZ
Chapter VII377Please respect copyright.PENANAfiItT9KHQt
Ivy charged at Darkflame once more but377Please respect copyright.PENANAPMhMeIFTLU
the tom batted her away. “Not bad Ivy,377Please respect copyright.PENANAwOIn2Oarn8
you’ve lasted longer than most would. Our377Please respect copyright.PENANAGKOOVL9u06
time of battle will soon end however.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAZil8H1eGs1
“How so?” “Look over there.” Ivy looked377Please respect copyright.PENANA9JiG0OK8HT
over to see Chaos’s eyes glowing. Suddenly377Please respect copyright.PENANAa9ib9RoSUd
everyone fighting the Darkflames started to377Please respect copyright.PENANAnnmZwFUWhX
float only to drop, “What is the meaning of-377Please respect copyright.PENANAdN3sRr5BUb
?” Darkflame started. Soon everyone377Please respect copyright.PENANA7gFOTm0teg
turned the same direction as Darkflame to377Please respect copyright.PENANAYxVCYBSeJz
see a cat holding Chaos down. The cat wasa grey-ish white she cat, “Geese, what’s377Please respect copyright.PENANALP8A0TOr9q
with the whole sister against sister thing377Please respect copyright.PENANASGDuhAc0WU
lately. Chaos, kill Frost... NOW!” Chaos’s377Please respect copyright.PENANA4QuIzZQZKO
eyes glowed up again and Frost went flying377Please respect copyright.PENANA2DSvja95sH
off; but she landed safely. “I see you still377Please respect copyright.PENANAa33UicFRDZ
control bones,” Frost said. “That I do.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAtlJ8yCQt17
“She controls bones? Then how does she377Please respect copyright.PENANAjCfOWowzLa
disappear?” “Well... it’s part of her power;377Please respect copyright.PENANAb4GJtJ1uhh
the only negative thing is that she can’t377Please respect copyright.PENANAd5jRmnhK28
break a bone in a living cat or use the bones377Please respect copyright.PENANA6V6WhJIKCt
that are inside of a living cat to kill that cat377Please respect copyright.PENANA1Twgp93zO0
but she can make them float or something377Please respect copyright.PENANAl2bw9ggKdu
else like that.” “Thank you for revealing377Please respect copyright.PENANAjZheqZzLll
that sister; now I have to kill you.377Please respect copyright.PENANA7hRk6yYEba
Darkflame, The time has come.” “Hmph,377Please respect copyright.PENANAQN38YOebFT
very well Chaos.” The nine Darkflames377Please respect copyright.PENANAmG6Qb1TJDo
then dashed into a swampy misty, dark area377Please respect copyright.PENANAyYKGuJIfw4
that was dense with trees. “Follow if you377Please respect copyright.PENANASXLYnhTToG
wish.” Chaos followed Darkflame. “Let’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAhHHLDw0Bnh
follow.” “It could be a trap.” “Not likely,377Please respect copyright.PENANAzwLA6MEk0m
let’s go.”Chapter VIII377Please respect copyright.PENANA6pOjbT2tqP
Snowy leaped aside as Sunheart screw377Please respect copyright.PENANAxXu67ucWko
attacked at her and after she passed some of377Please respect copyright.PENANA7kvZH9HE6p
Snowy’s fur fell out. Snowy turned a glare377Please respect copyright.PENANArD0cPqfI3D
at Sunheart as she landed and spoke to her,377Please respect copyright.PENANA1D8Yr2Qk12
“You little pest, no one does that to my fur377Please respect copyright.PENANAAffVuS3HKP
without leaving a scratch or something.377Please respect copyright.PENANAJFm3HQZCkK
Now it’s uneven with no excuse... grrr die!”377Please respect copyright.PENANAFrYnPqeBcN
Snowy leaped at Sunheart who leaped back377Please respect copyright.PENANAlMmiKnQYVr
once and then twice as Snowy swung one377Please respect copyright.PENANALe0edBISMx
time after another at her. Snowy glared at377Please respect copyright.PENANAadIZHO4rxM
Sunheart and spoke, “I am very impressed377Please respect copyright.PENANAoEbMYasWn5
with you, you are stronger than I thought377Please respect copyright.PENANAHDVUQIO406
you would be. I would continue this fight377Please respect copyright.PENANAMy5YSnsWss
with you but I am afraid our time here is up.377Please respect copyright.PENANAIEjITmAxjN
By now chaos and Darkflame should be in377Please respect copyright.PENANAQwUXBggg0W
the Forest of Darkness. Follow me if you377Please respect copyright.PENANA7JAttvqTqg
wish to see your friends.” Snowy darted377Please respect copyright.PENANAKbtBG4Z6gI
into some shrubs. Sunheart stayed put for a377Please respect copyright.PENANAzsXJ3W9gU8
minute and then went in after Snowy. A few377Please respect copyright.PENANASYdvbmtiRR
minutes later she came upon a clearing that377Please respect copyright.PENANASJdUQHFUFd
was lined with bones and mist. Soon377Please respect copyright.PENANANk51eTGA27
Sunheart spotted her friends as they enteredthe clearing. “You came too Sunheart?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAcrggzIQuDP
“Yeah.” Then they all of the Ing along with377Please respect copyright.PENANAZeYItOsXlC
a few of their fighters; then they saw Chaos.377Please respect copyright.PENANA5Q2d7Ecvfy
Chaos approached while the other Ing377Please respect copyright.PENANA82zevESmmX
backed away. Sunheart then asked why the377Please respect copyright.PENANADeT9omybwy
other Ing backed away, and why they were377Please respect copyright.PENANArKJP05chaf
there if they weren’t going to fight. Chaos377Please respect copyright.PENANA3BQcos9o9m
then responded, “They are only here to377Please respect copyright.PENANAkYRBE8dYHR
watch the full extent of my powers. Take a377Please respect copyright.PENANAyTm4wn66l5
look at the moon.” Sunheart looked at the377Please respect copyright.PENANAsYZ4CA52sc
moon and gasped, “What is it Sunheart.” “A377Please respect copyright.PENANArvxb7SB9H2
lunar eclipse; but the moon wasn’t a lunar377Please respect copyright.PENANA8g3gXQurja
before.” Chaos started to explain, “That’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAFD86gKnKPM
because the moon shows in a completely377Please respect copyright.PENANAbri25Z9dO1
different way here. Only once every377Please respect copyright.PENANAmwSGDF6rKW
hundred years does the lunar eclipse happen377Please respect copyright.PENANAJOkcnR3mQZ
here. Also as it would happen, in this place377Please respect copyright.PENANAIR3NiEfWKO
when there is a full lunar eclipse, I reach my377Please respect copyright.PENANADEhsYrorlW
maximum for my power’s potential. The377Please respect copyright.PENANAGGTZ3ls2T3
full lunar lasts for one hour and starts soon;377Please respect copyright.PENANAPm3b7FcsgD
however a fraction of that power should be377Please respect copyright.PENANAsFtnq6Gmf5
able to do part of the job.” “Let’s get out of377Please respect copyright.PENANAJTRUbkrVj5
here.” The cats started running as Chaos’seyes glowed; then a dome of bones started to377Please respect copyright.PENANAEiuhwTL6yt
form trapping them. The only opening was377Please respect copyright.PENANAB9rTByQrlE
hole in the roof of the structure that allowed377Please respect copyright.PENANANa12zD6Jtd
a view of the eclipse. “You can’t get away377Please respect copyright.PENANAQA8yENCONe
that easily. Besides, if I didn’t have the377Please respect copyright.PENANA2XYaKsHFzJ
lunar to form that structure I could always377Please respect copyright.PENANAI61HvS5nj4
petrify your bones but where is the fun in377Please respect copyright.PENANAycQK5wwi8T
that; now taste my power.” Chaos’s eyes377Please respect copyright.PENANAZcs7UbaQvv
glowed again as skeletons shook and rattled,377Please respect copyright.PENANAWRPmzhwrGQ
“Bone creatures again, that’s weak and377Please respect copyright.PENANAmSvcwvBdxD
normal.” Frost spoke up, “That isn’t what377Please respect copyright.PENANA6cNRhhCYbb
she’s doing.” Chaos let out a yowl of377Please respect copyright.PENANAYRz1XJVVpt
exhaustion as dozens of bones rose up and377Please respect copyright.PENANABl1aDSmkf2
gathered round her in a circular formation.377Please respect copyright.PENANAipiWM39CF3
She soon glared with a grin, “Dodge this.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAmC9lG0yZFU
“Oh boy, get ready to dodge like you’ve377Please respect copyright.PENANAG1WF1hWJWz
never dodged before.” Chaos’s eyes turned377Please respect copyright.PENANArKZxkEQLlY
dark blue for a second and then turned back377Please respect copyright.PENANA8oIb0lIQxh
into her regular blue color as bones shot at377Please respect copyright.PENANA4vTH4dBcdh
the cats as they then started to dodge like377Please respect copyright.PENANAsAl7pnzN3R
crazy, “Stage two of her power starts in a377Please respect copyright.PENANAdDhMJf7Wsv
little bit at least, then she should... stop...377Please respect copyright.PENANAyCukReFjqb
doing... this!”Chapter IX377Please respect copyright.PENANATeehebEtSz
The bones soon started to stop flying.377Please respect copyright.PENANAlhmpfxK4bl
“Hehehe, get ready, for my next trick.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAeX9LvdzvCK
Chaos’s eyes turned dark blue as the bones377Please respect copyright.PENANANIBkeL8e2p
fell to the ground, “(I must stop her from377Please respect copyright.PENANABzQAuEIir9
doing another trick),” Sunheart thought. She377Please respect copyright.PENANAHCInYb2DW0
then charged at Chaos and slashed her377Please respect copyright.PENANA1exY4ntUgH
throat. Chaos looked at Sunheart in shock377Please respect copyright.PENANA3ETkBIwtuC
and then laughed, “I can tell that you’re377Please respect copyright.PENANAIXbn93sEzr
egger to get on with it. I over looked it, the377Please respect copyright.PENANA5actKIJnqq
lunar eclipse is full now, hehehe.” Chaos377Please respect copyright.PENANALUQMBpKejA
knocked Sunheart back, “Now witness my377Please respect copyright.PENANAtTP2N477fk
true power and prepare to die!” Chaos’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAtRdpMA01rX
eyes turned the color of a lunar eclipse as377Please respect copyright.PENANA5GJl43i6YX
she growled. Soon two bone legs shot out of377Please respect copyright.PENANA4DSp8PyISY
Chaos’s front legs, two to each leg. “She’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAcSXpGh5gLc
going to her ultimate power,” Addereye377Please respect copyright.PENANA9XBzTJH9LP
said. “To think we’ll be able to see her377Please respect copyright.PENANAn1sOimqgLx
ultimate.” Chaos’s tail turned sharp like a377Please respect copyright.PENANAhCNyONUk3w
knife as the tail’s skin and fur pealed away;377Please respect copyright.PENANAB8Jwx59Ifb
her fangs turned sharp as her claws did the377Please respect copyright.PENANAN9zoXuTkSA
same and grew a bit longer. Her shoulderblades sprung outwards through her skin377Please respect copyright.PENANA06VixPRvqz
growing longer as spikes formed on top of377Please respect copyright.PENANAy26LFd7DLO
them. Chaos’s tongue turned into a knife377Please respect copyright.PENANA54vreA2YWT
like shape as her ears sharpened; her skin377Please respect copyright.PENANAK83JznHod1
and fur pealed off of her legs as ribs shot out377Please respect copyright.PENANAatWzjd4YhR
and formed spikes on her back. Then all of377Please respect copyright.PENANAcE39cu940Z
her fur and skin exploded off of her from all377Please respect copyright.PENANAp1DNg2bCHQ
over her body as needle like bones took the377Please respect copyright.PENANAcHaegSYnic
place of her six whiskers (three to each377Please respect copyright.PENANAlJgop4Uzpg
side); curving spikes formed from her knee377Please respect copyright.PENANArIpFpmSEKn
caps. On Chaos’s forehead was a symbol377Please respect copyright.PENANAirdSCtKB3X
that meant bone god; soon Chaos started to377Please respect copyright.PENANAyHYenC3i03
laugh, “Behold my true form.” There were377Please respect copyright.PENANAQHGXl7mY20
no organs left except for her eyes and for377Please respect copyright.PENANAzC07EnvUhb
some fur. “I bet you’re wondering how I377Please respect copyright.PENANAYGonGI52yf
maintain my powers; I’ll tell you. Every377Please respect copyright.PENANAVflBXdPPZ2
one hundred years I lure and trap living cats;377Please respect copyright.PENANAEgbCTGSAcY
once I transform into this form I drain their377Please respect copyright.PENANAFWUoIpyefr
life energy so that I can live on.” “Then377Please respect copyright.PENANAJeYH5zmiIM
how is your sister alive; if you’re that old377Please respect copyright.PENANA39ODwHWpv2
she should be that old too.” “I was also377Please respect copyright.PENANAY7xHC6bLIR
supplying her with energy by reversing my377Please respect copyright.PENANAuztFnDyUoo
effect of draining a cat; it’s quit simplereally. She had no clue about how I got all377Please respect copyright.PENANAXfaA9ehMrY
of the energy so she accepted it, and then377Please respect copyright.PENANA0j0CUJO8hq
she found out not to long ago and became an377Please respect copyright.PENANAnmP9svIKqm
enemy to me; now shall we begin this.” All377Please respect copyright.PENANAiASIfjh4cG
of the Ing and their fighters except for377Please respect copyright.PENANAMvyjUo8Nbn
Addereye, Hawkwing, the Darkflames,377Please respect copyright.PENANAFEhylqvB3L
Deathvine, Doveheart, and Snowy377Please respect copyright.PENANAYj3kydxnCZ
approached. “What are they doing; you377Please respect copyright.PENANAP5OPtRAz7z
mean you need their help?” “Not exactly.”377Please respect copyright.PENANA7OeYmPOB3E
Chaos’s eyes flashed and in the fraction of a377Please respect copyright.PENANAZbbubYFGBz
second those Ing and fighters turned into377Please respect copyright.PENANA8XlKHHc4eX
skeletons. “Wait, so the empire and those377Please respect copyright.PENANAqcEzfjqkpV
Ing are-?” “The Ing had free will until I377Please respect copyright.PENANAdcOvFwjfJK
drained them; the army however was377Please respect copyright.PENANAtZIlQLOnK6
originally skeletons. Bonetail and377Please respect copyright.PENANAW768KKesG8
Nightmare had free will because I never377Please respect copyright.PENANAhGFvYBc9Xg
drained them. I gave Nightmare some377Please respect copyright.PENANAAIdg1RZEaW
power that allowed him to not be killed like377Please respect copyright.PENANAQRXIydxQPw
an average cat but that ended. Bonetail on377Please respect copyright.PENANA7xt0xTwQOl
the other hand was regular with no powers at377Please respect copyright.PENANAyJpD15hkDQ
all but they’re both dead now.” The377Please respect copyright.PENANACNrvOLxXV3
skeletons fell to the ground in pieces as377Please respect copyright.PENANAdbOgEmd9Eq
Chaos spoke again, “That’s the story aboutthe empire and of most of the Ing.” Skullus377Please respect copyright.PENANA7uUccOgAwq
growled, “You affected my brothers and my377Please respect copyright.PENANAT131zvYbEF
father (Devilclaw)?” “That I did; now then,377Please respect copyright.PENANAy1YpoaNpkr
are you all ready, for your demise.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAOYjRFe3c05
Chapter X377Please respect copyright.PENANARK6twb94Q3
Chaos swayed from side to side and377Please respect copyright.PENANAyyIBECEdfD
jumped at the clan cats who dodged.377Please respect copyright.PENANAhk5fEYbbyb
Darkclaw charged at Chaos and hit but377Please respect copyright.PENANArYF4BdwuD8
nothing happened, “I am made of bone you377Please respect copyright.PENANA5HqsO7Cisy
idiot.” Chaos tail slapped Darkclaw away,377Please respect copyright.PENANA0rBGSmgGHm
“I think I’ll play with you first; yes and then377Please respect copyright.PENANAVrIXqVlLQf
I’ll drain you.” “You can try.” Chaos377Please respect copyright.PENANAv5WVH0RtJM
darted at Emberstar and stopped long377Please respect copyright.PENANAeax1XQaPA9
enough to strike her down. Chaos spin377Please respect copyright.PENANANP7TtBeJ3S
clawed the others as they lunged at her and377Please respect copyright.PENANAmhFBVSouHM
knocked them away.377Please respect copyright.PENANALSOPjN9Gzl
The small battle had been going on for377Please respect copyright.PENANAvWjrgcYmPK
forty minutes and ten of which were now377Please respect copyright.PENANAW2PAgRzizb
spent in Chaos’s true form thrashing the377Please respect copyright.PENANAfZYt5JVQMv
others around. “(Only twenty to last out at)”377Please respect copyright.PENANAm3NLY9q7UZ
Sunheart thought. Chaos shot her tail out at377Please respect copyright.PENANA0m1U8YQeWs
Sunheart and was about to stab her, “You’remine!” Suddenly Chaos was knocked away377Please respect copyright.PENANAzjoZWSmUBn
by two familiar cats. “How’s that for you377Please respect copyright.PENANAw9N6DDHEFa
corruptor.” Then, dozens of cats lined the377Please respect copyright.PENANAbpFm20apGz
walls of the area that were all ghost like.377Please respect copyright.PENANAcIYYNv8y7x
Chaos spat, “I drained you all; Frost, you377Please respect copyright.PENANAgc5F8rnqMc
shall pay for summoning them here with377Please respect copyright.PENANAusxIygGaij
your praying and pleading!” Frost stepped377Please respect copyright.PENANAoFgfR0xXc1
beside Sunheart, “Are you ok?” “I’m fine;377Please respect copyright.PENANA7pemfNqOFX
who are all of these cats?” “They’re all of377Please respect copyright.PENANA3IaMGNXQj5
the cats that have been drained or corrupted377Please respect copyright.PENANAFzVTEGYLHU
by Chaos. You should remember the two377Please respect copyright.PENANAabDob9SSdN
that just saved your pelt.” Sunheart starred377Please respect copyright.PENANAwU9zuhMSkF
at the two hard and soon it came to her,377Please respect copyright.PENANAi4D8JNbqzj
“Bonetail and Nightmare?” “Correct; we377Please respect copyright.PENANAhsPwXX00wQ
were corrupted, not drained.” “We all can’t377Please respect copyright.PENANAOsMot68IKP
leave this place due to some spiritual barrier377Please respect copyright.PENANAbAwXR4ArvQ
or something that lasts as long as she’s alive.377Please respect copyright.PENANAro0FVI7pph
Once you enter there is only one way out;377Please respect copyright.PENANAVVAAx9o7Do
this is like a spirit realm or something and377Please respect copyright.PENANAunekXE9f3a
no matter where you enter from in the real377Please respect copyright.PENANAO1ZhLQLEWh
world you always appear here at the377Please respect copyright.PENANAw9QnpocYO4
opening. It’s vast so we changed ones can’t377Please respect copyright.PENANAfkWK7RAnAC
don’t normally find another one who hasbeen changed as well.” “Finally we can377Please respect copyright.PENANA1FEmvuEhcD
have revenge.” Chaos laughed, “It would377Please respect copyright.PENANAiFdPxIdixI
seem that I am out matched around here.377Please respect copyright.PENANAyjZh72iag2
The bone wall behind her broke to pieces as377Please respect copyright.PENANAyvcdRdIi5t
the Ing dashed out except for Chaos, “I need377Please respect copyright.PENANA5sX4SCbBYz
the last of your energy.” The spirits soon377Please respect copyright.PENANAtp2egROjBt
streamed towards Chaos yelling and when377Please respect copyright.PENANAYHfQDIOkqG
all of the spirits were by Chaos they then377Please respect copyright.PENANAo6s3n3PDbj
formed a blue organ which went in Chaos’s377Please respect copyright.PENANApOl8YO9gs0
rib cage and connected to her spine; Chaos377Please respect copyright.PENANAbmPN6oSein
turned and ran after the Ing and they were377Please respect copyright.PENANAKiKMKDbErH
then pursued by the clan cats. As they all377Please respect copyright.PENANAuEfipEBQRX
came out of the spiritual place they noticed377Please respect copyright.PENANAlEXzWiYlwC
that the clan fighters were all surrounding377Please respect copyright.PENANAiRll1x1pge
the Ing. Chaos was still in her true form377Please respect copyright.PENANArcikC0rMhM
thanks to the organ, “You lost your377Please respect copyright.PENANA1RwV8kykW9
connection to your bone fighters inside377Please respect copyright.PENANAh7Td1Xn3Zb
there.” “To make sure that they wouldn’t377Please respect copyright.PENANAx2mWykDrXq
get re-linked we broke them apart.” “Now377Please respect copyright.PENANAypQ6GiJDVu
you Ing are trapped.” Sunheart and her377Please respect copyright.PENANABceV2lX1UG
friends stepped towards there allies. “That’s377Please respect copyright.PENANANCTdKesg6U
what you think,” Chaos chuckled. Soon377Please respect copyright.PENANAl8cX1kmMjB
from the entrance to the one realm over athousand bone spiders started to dash out,377Please respect copyright.PENANArEG8OTlO8q
“Behold my own army.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAOJbaH3EvXa
Chapter XI377Please respect copyright.PENANAOpp7qAvW0t
The spiders leaped at the cats and some377Please respect copyright.PENANA3i6Nvn1IoG
were broken apart by the clan cats but the377Please respect copyright.PENANAqJqE0jvDEa
bone spiders kept coming. The Ing and377Please respect copyright.PENANAHXa4yMSVce
Chaos backed away into the crowd of bone377Please respect copyright.PENANAlWZtugTT9l
spiders and were followed by Sunheart and377Please respect copyright.PENANAFwi2UlaSpN
her friends. The clan cats were blocked off377Please respect copyright.PENANAi8h5K7etaR
by bone spiders; the cats tore through the377Please respect copyright.PENANA2SbCODcgfM
spiders easily and continued there pursue of377Please respect copyright.PENANAvY8Tj692uF
the Ing. Finally they caught up to them and377Please respect copyright.PENANAtxJKCmDBqY
Chaos spat at the clan cats. The Ing377Please respect copyright.PENANA33xtk3HtDe
continued ahead and stopped to watch the377Please respect copyright.PENANAigpGvqXHQ6
show; Chaos had some of her spiders attack377Please respect copyright.PENANAT5bpw3y7Jd
but they were broken apart. Chaos growled377Please respect copyright.PENANAnvN9V7Aovn
as Deathvine appeared and threw egg like377Please respect copyright.PENANAgTm1CPEjV4
bombs at the cats but the clan cats knocked377Please respect copyright.PENANA29etaksQae
them away. As Deathvine was about to377Please respect copyright.PENANApsagh9giGq
throw another couple she was pounced on377Please respect copyright.PENANAI2r2qI45hF
by other cats that were some of the clans’377Please respect copyright.PENANADURWbPjcHR
fighters; they clawed her as she ran off.Chaos and the other Ing ran off towards a377Please respect copyright.PENANA4r8aggHz45
volcano as a lot of the bone spiders ran past377Please respect copyright.PENANA6Gd9P32acN
the clan cats following them. “Let’s see377Please respect copyright.PENANASUcSJv5OwQ
what the numbers are that we lost and then377Please respect copyright.PENANAmliuBSej22
follow them.” “That sounds like a plan.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAlQjuDdPzPx
A little over fifteen minutes later377Please respect copyright.PENANAgeyPoaEyAp
Sunheart, Ivy, and Skullus were approaching377Please respect copyright.PENANA1ytVLVSDLY
the volcano. It was night out when they left;377Please respect copyright.PENANAO6ysInSyAE
about a hundred or so were injured, while377Please respect copyright.PENANAP6WKRIudC9
fifty or so were dead. The three were finally377Please respect copyright.PENANAveGaznAJdL
nearing the end of the forest and would soon377Please respect copyright.PENANAcPXZEdGUwc
be by the volcano. “Once we go through377Please respect copyright.PENANATobwHIclFK
those bushes we’ll be in their territory, are377Please respect copyright.PENANAU5Yg52Fpbv
you sure that the three of us can handle377Please respect copyright.PENANAg2KgeVGtk2
this?” “Yes I am Ivy; the bone spiders will377Please respect copyright.PENANAd6EGzwj7Mm
be no problem once we kill Chaos, you saw377Please respect copyright.PENANAXY4vU8OfSx
that blue organ; the blue organ is our377Please respect copyright.PENANAQRwiLHNFIm
alternative choice.” “Hmm, if I’m not377Please respect copyright.PENANAKD5Bs9h3YD
mistaken the volcano was and still might be377Please respect copyright.PENANA8R1uAvri16
the Ing’s main lair which would mean that377Please respect copyright.PENANA40xAv6nfpi
there should be a bomb cave where377Please respect copyright.PENANAkkgT4WP0Rs
Deathvine would store the bombs shecollects and a bone cave for Chaos where377Please respect copyright.PENANAgDgBE48Xon
she stores bones; if we set a bomb to go off377Please respect copyright.PENANASQd6WoV0Wk
in the bomb cave the rest will go too then377Please respect copyright.PENANAdzv8fFHlkH
she can’t restock her supply that she takes377Please respect copyright.PENANAPZpNkCJHKY
with her into battle. She’ll be nothing that377Please respect copyright.PENANAcfdDK8jj3d
the Ing will need after that although there377Please respect copyright.PENANAXhS0EbkvFp
still might be some bombs left in other377Please respect copyright.PENANAgIzLUNEB2K
places.” “How does she move them all into377Please respect copyright.PENANAusgedKGLJv
the cave?” “She would have Chaos do it377Please respect copyright.PENANAqtL0CyfFEY
with her bone creatures.” “With those two377Please respect copyright.PENANAflicnytInL
gone the Ing will not recover so easily, I like377Please respect copyright.PENANA6TqxGNOAXl
that idea; don’t you Sunheart?” “Yeah; let’s377Please respect copyright.PENANAl6Lxa4msYr
go then.” The three walked through the377Please respect copyright.PENANAToQJi9QEYR
bushes to find an ash covered terrain with377Please respect copyright.PENANAcsTX7ayeBU
major rips through the earth that formed377Please respect copyright.PENANAfiv8dJiMJ1
walkways in some ways, “To think a377Please respect copyright.PENANAkjy7QJw7zY
volcano can have enough power to do this.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAxQC0HKYgOM
“Well it won’t erupt I assure you of that but377Please respect copyright.PENANArKVxlFB7Gd
there will be magma inside the volcano.” “I377Please respect copyright.PENANAsxZwuALKAz
hope your right about it not erupting377Please respect copyright.PENANAIQVv9JKXpb
Skullus.” “We must find where Boneclan is377Please respect copyright.PENANACgvb433chI
at for backup; they should be around here. I377Please respect copyright.PENANAh7CEInGvKD
know that they aren’t bone cats; my brothersand I recruited them ourselves.” “Wait why377Please respect copyright.PENANA7ppGcJSIui
not go back to the clans for help?” “The377Please respect copyright.PENANAMOWgInLYrZ
clan’s fighters are worn out after what they377Please respect copyright.PENANAZmLXNCCuCW
went through; it wouldn’t help us much to377Please respect copyright.PENANAR53Uk1lfgq
have them help.” “Are you sure they’re not377Please respect copyright.PENANAFz9YIzrF8t
just loyal to the Ing?” “They were loyal to377Please respect copyright.PENANADdRlD3pGL8
me Ivy; last they told me was that they377Please respect copyright.PENANANxVICLWwgJ
would leave the empire if I left and become377Please respect copyright.PENANA1WDsEOJnBG
a traveling clan.” Suddenly they heard377Please respect copyright.PENANAHR13r60XXc
movement to there right as three figures377Please respect copyright.PENANAluUE0RaVIZ
appeared. “If you plan to fight the Ing you377Please respect copyright.PENANAlbCFCLS6Aa
really will need help.” Skullus recognized377Please respect copyright.PENANAojeXnWBjpX
the cat at once, “How’s it been going377Please respect copyright.PENANAvQHHBQcq0y
Basilisk?” “Basilisk, are you crazy he tried377Please respect copyright.PENANA73yUfphIw0
to kill me.” “I can’t believe you’d join up377Please respect copyright.PENANAaHX7wLK9if
with them Skullus.” “We all share an377Please respect copyright.PENANAPx7avnvij1
enemy here, the Ing; so why not help each377Please respect copyright.PENANAMDIT0RAYd0
other out here?” “I guess your right Skullus,377Please respect copyright.PENANAEjwsnd79c5
you’ve changed a lot.” “That I have; so377Please respect copyright.PENANAfMXLEFXHfd
where’s the clan?” “They are actually inside377Please respect copyright.PENANAAViYfz9Hg0
the volcano as prisoners; I was the only one377Please respect copyright.PENANAlt8SkTNyvF
that managed to get away.” “It’s not your377Please respect copyright.PENANAKAcQJBSyeN
fault Basilisk; we’ll get them back.” “Sowhat are you doing over here then?”377Please respect copyright.PENANA8h7oKe88Od
“That’s the problem; let’s just say I brought377Please respect copyright.PENANATvWK9LQ8mp
friends.” A rustling noise sounded away377Please respect copyright.PENANA4yov3lGGzS
and soon bone cats rushed out, “I can’t377Please respect copyright.PENANAn6PCu357MJ
petrify bone so my power is useless; also377Please respect copyright.PENANAGM1A6hB8Xy
they can think for them selves now without377Please respect copyright.PENANAKX5lYUHEHl
Chaos controlling them; me against ten377Please respect copyright.PENANARYi9e2YOWV
doesn’t work.” The bone cats stopped and377Please respect copyright.PENANAszpk96nhvi
hissed, “They sound as if they are alive;377Please respect copyright.PENANA0nnMroKeKc
Chaos has gotten a bit better at that.” The377Please respect copyright.PENANA3xy712Svbc
bone cats lunged at the four but they leaped377Please respect copyright.PENANArZ4tJ1AzSy
away, “That’s fine we can break them377Please respect copyright.PENANAlZd5nf7gca
apart.” Sunheart ran at one and bit its bony377Please respect copyright.PENANAvvAFyt5Hqh
tail and flung it against another one,377Please respect copyright.PENANAHvF1nb3cbe
“They’re light weight and can shatter if you377Please respect copyright.PENANAiXEmvHAqWz
hit them in the right spot.” The others377Please respect copyright.PENANAGkccmfQRdb
nodded and did the same before the bone377Please respect copyright.PENANAeUmAFpipgA
cats could move. The bone cats were no377Please respect copyright.PENANAYsnrOX0l6X
more, “Easy enough, let’s move onward.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAAe7Te9ubsk
Chapter XII377Please respect copyright.PENANA3tbn7xh74D
The four moved onward to the volcano377Please respect copyright.PENANAhpb6TTD6EY
through the ashy terrain and found it sort ofeasy. “Hmm; isn’t it strange that we haven’t377Please respect copyright.PENANA9f7Uatmhak
run into any bone spiders of bone cats yet?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAzEj1kDp2g0
“Yeah it is.” “Maybe they think that having377Please respect copyright.PENANAt66jS60W4Z
those things around outside of the volcano377Please respect copyright.PENANAqO1OjSg8CX
will only attract us to them.” “Good point377Please respect copyright.PENANAdaS4me79ug
that might be the case, that or it’s a trap that377Please respect copyright.PENANAI6S8ZTcoWr
there letting us walk into.” “No I think they377Please respect copyright.PENANALHmLft9ZPM
just don’t want them out here in the open377Please respect copyright.PENANAyKS35BrLBH
area.” “Hold on I see some by the entrance377Please respect copyright.PENANAoxoZUWS32S
it think; yes I see three bone cats.” “The last377Please respect copyright.PENANA87VhjlwYVK
of the bone cats then; the other thousand377Please respect copyright.PENANANmjV70T5JA
were broken apart so it’s likely that they377Please respect copyright.PENANACFEFEXHCuF
kept them here. They would have attacked377Please respect copyright.PENANAh84so2ue1b
with any other bone cats by now so those377Please respect copyright.PENANAzgsCG1hxMq
three must be the last.” “Chaos must have to377Please respect copyright.PENANAvmDVMkpVJY
rest her powers if she doesn’t have her bone377Please respect copyright.PENANA5G8qyC7Amw
spiders guarding too.” The four snuck up on377Please respect copyright.PENANAmqnvXBFbK3
the bone cats and smashed them by landing377Please respect copyright.PENANATpgNYBkDAW
on them after climbing above them on the377Please respect copyright.PENANA8xjSh95XuW
volcano. They then entered and walked a377Please respect copyright.PENANAxouFCplg9c
little bit before coming into a room that had377Please respect copyright.PENANA1pbWmpNqYr
magma in the middle. The room was377Please respect copyright.PENANALZQvg2tV1v
glowing red from the magma, “Amazing;I’ve never seen magma before.” “Just don’t377Please respect copyright.PENANA9zT3KaMtLS
touch it Sunheart.” “I know that.” Soon377Please respect copyright.PENANA708zA02cTN
they saw a few bone spiders, “Chaos must377Please respect copyright.PENANA44yNXFRnPk
be resting if she has so few guards set up.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAp4Dnzc31h6
“Yeah and with this being there main lair377Please respect copyright.PENANAic2uSj4due
you’d think she’d double her efforts with the377Please respect copyright.PENANAXRmzm1aJcj
guards.” Soon something popped up out of377Please respect copyright.PENANAAzuKyB6kwx
the lava; it looked like a giant snake, “What377Please respect copyright.PENANAE1SG2tkjHA
the heck is that.” Skullus lunged at the bone377Please respect copyright.PENANAaSLR9DaPu9
spiders and bit tossed them out of the way377Please respect copyright.PENANA8OxPrJobqL
and she accidentally made one hit the snake377Please respect copyright.PENANAT1uS4WjLCD
thing. The bone snake’s head fell as the377Please respect copyright.PENANAI3XuDV6CpN
rest of it dropped as if it had died, “That377Please respect copyright.PENANAbVrWwh60ya
thing must have been shielded to go through377Please respect copyright.PENANA0Rb4Zm3qZk
lava but not to take a hit; just like the rest.”377Please respect copyright.PENANA1xbNL1u6Fx
“You were funny Skullus.” “I thought that377Please respect copyright.PENANATcfu6AnJy1
thing wouldn’t go down like the rest since it377Please respect copyright.PENANAZcm4cd7rXD
could go through magma; I was wrong ok.”377Please respect copyright.PENANADn789zGzt1
“There’s likely to be more.” “I don’t think377Please respect copyright.PENANAf8TKfIzzj7
Chaos is resting, it would take a lot of377Please respect copyright.PENANAESIjTIwc8z
concentration to keep that thing from377Please respect copyright.PENANAkfpqodsEFI
melting in the magma; she probably doesn’t377Please respect copyright.PENANAz4XjPmCo4D
have many here because she might notexpect anyone to be able to defeat that thing377Please respect copyright.PENANAvNn8GBCAqL
that easily. Let’s stay alert now because377Please respect copyright.PENANAPJAkpw3YlC
where there’s one new type of bone creature377Please respect copyright.PENANAtVje2Ith6A
there’s likely to be other kinds to.” “Right,377Please respect copyright.PENANAjWs2j1zgNJ
that’s a good observation Sunheart.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAWHPA6kYW8D
Sunheart purred from the complement,377Please respect copyright.PENANAKxrMf40LO3
“Let’s move onward now.” The four moved377Please respect copyright.PENANAFyIznw6G9g
on and came to a larger cavern; Ivy soon377Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5tqkqot3O
pointed out a cave and a rock bridge up377Please respect copyright.PENANAWp8VPpZej5
above. “Yes but how do we get up there on377Please respect copyright.PENANAPlQPo0TZau
the walkway.” Ivy looked around and saw377Please respect copyright.PENANA1LtH2GKNnr
another entrance that followed the walkway,377Please respect copyright.PENANAi7SG5CWTxA
“Maybe we could get on the walkway from377Please respect copyright.PENANAXdmRSWA1m5
a place through there?” “Let’s check it out.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9LjEyB33Z
The four entered the next room where they377Please respect copyright.PENANA2AIOyFv7XB
found a curvy path that led to the walkway;377Please respect copyright.PENANAss9BJYoVRJ
they used it and soon where at the place that377Please respect copyright.PENANAzaxRsM1Y1M
they wanted to get to and entered it. After377Please respect copyright.PENANADrbR7aFFNt
awhile of walking through the volcano they377Please respect copyright.PENANA4FY6RvwWUc
came to another room that had magma377Please respect copyright.PENANALvBCWYsu5u
surrounding the floor except for some round377Please respect copyright.PENANAQ73PVRVAgK
rocky tiles. By now they had been in the377Please respect copyright.PENANA6GmYKo3yjN
volcano along time and had run into a lot ofbone creatures but no new ones, “Hopping377Please respect copyright.PENANA7tqlpjMQ5z
time.” They hopped along the tiles until377Please respect copyright.PENANA4ePMmM019r
they got to the other side and entered the377Please respect copyright.PENANAHs7aFrgeGc
next room which was huge. “Whose there,”377Please respect copyright.PENANAuR8sVyuMFZ
a voice asked. “It’s Boneclan.” On a large377Please respect copyright.PENANAAEN1xcXcyJ
rocky platform surrounded by magma and a377Please respect copyright.PENANA8GrkV17U5L
few tiles were the Boneclan cats. “It’s me,377Please respect copyright.PENANACV9iUrS4kU
Basilisk; I brought help.” “Is that Skullus I377Please respect copyright.PENANAh7ZlIbSRn4
see,” one asked. “It is,” Skullus replied.377Please respect copyright.PENANAo6bHmMxRcI
The Boneclan cats cheered, “Why are you377Please respect copyright.PENANAgxUTKs0LBJ
guys over there still and not using the tiles to377Please respect copyright.PENANAQNWpfgMiyA
get across?” “There’s a bone creature in the377Please respect copyright.PENANAZBz0UDywwb
lava.” “Actually it’s magma until it hits the377Please respect copyright.PENANAfgenB7L43k
surface and we’ve dealt with one of those377Please respect copyright.PENANAzoTKClkDwV
bone serpents; we can handle it.” A bone377Please respect copyright.PENANAl5gTFlMbMG
serpent shot out of the magma as Sunheart377Please respect copyright.PENANAYtc3UkiFMW
grabbed a rock and tossed it at the serpent,377Please respect copyright.PENANAtehuPxfEqO
“Come on over we’ll occupy the thing for377Please respect copyright.PENANAXgJouaz8rw
now.” The Boneclan cats did what they377Please respect copyright.PENANAisJSjRomoP
were told to do and eventually they were377Please respect copyright.PENANAW8JtU1Av3d
safe from the bone serpent. “Thanks; we377Please respect copyright.PENANANudokV9ggm
know where the next room is so we’ll take377Please respect copyright.PENANA5l52DUQJn8
you there but that’s all. After that we’re outof here.” The fifty-four cats walked along377Please respect copyright.PENANAZtkX2mI73R
the wall and came too a small gap, “Through377Please respect copyright.PENANA1wa7emJH7C
here.” Eventually they were all through and377Please respect copyright.PENANAG6loZ64ztB
began to talk, “Ok the bone cave is to the377Please respect copyright.PENANAkH6J6uFSkC
left, and the bomb cave is to the right; if you377Please respect copyright.PENANAwACkBRFhvq
go straight ahead you’ll eventually find377Please respect copyright.PENANAJ8Kfxn5eP6
another large room filled with magma. Then377Please respect copyright.PENANAH7RzatM7Ni
there’s another passage on the other side of377Please respect copyright.PENANA7LUhgLqWZy
the room; follow that for a minute or so and377Please respect copyright.PENANAPCXX3ZqWFu
you’ll find their main chamber. There is an377Please respect copyright.PENANAQtwdWyFvK0
exit out of the volcano but Chaos controls it377Please respect copyright.PENANAATKIXFvWyQ
because she piled a bone barrier up. This377Please respect copyright.PENANAPZLZOiezRJ
should all take thirty minutes or so if you’re377Please respect copyright.PENANAqAYzCVp1Bf
going to blow Deathvine’s bomb chamber377Please respect copyright.PENANAvL1nLn6DPa
up you better use a timer bomb; press the377Please respect copyright.PENANA6uXcBORItt
button on it until a forty-five comes up. You377Please respect copyright.PENANAwUbWYnKWXc
know what a forty-five looks like right?”377Please respect copyright.PENANATxE1oAusWq
“Yeah We do.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAjrL1oEhvb0
Chapter XIII377Please respect copyright.PENANApIMQCLChry
The clan cats had set the time bomb and377Please respect copyright.PENANA20IuqVUmTb
had returned to where the Boneclan cats377Please respect copyright.PENANAqyR44Jjq5l
were at, “It’s done,” Skullus said. “Good,then we’ll be on our way.” The Boneclan377Please respect copyright.PENANAbHaPhuhfxr
cats had left leaving the four alone. As they377Please respect copyright.PENANAGnWiO0v46n
prepared to move straight ahead they heard a377Please respect copyright.PENANAtvAKWHuqfW
scrapping sound, “Oh boy.” Ten bone cats377Please respect copyright.PENANAVm18N2F6F7
appeared from the tunnels (five each tunnel)377Please respect copyright.PENANALdfQwYlbNq
and lunged at the four. They bit the bone377Please respect copyright.PENANAc9cdotPi0M
cats’ bony tails and flung them into the377Please respect copyright.PENANA9J6XolzISJ
walls; then once they had taken care of377Please respect copyright.PENANAn2vcUUK6sp
them, twenty bone spiders jumped down377Please respect copyright.PENANAF2xX3WUlw4
from the ceiling and landed on the ground377Please respect copyright.PENANAbhozS3yS6n
preparing to attack. The four flung bones at377Please respect copyright.PENANA5QLGYQBGxP
the bone spiders and broke them into pieces;377Please respect copyright.PENANAGS1Qez1Ys7
as soon as they got done with them, bone377Please respect copyright.PENANAMpUFrAGDSi
bats flew down at them but where broken377Please respect copyright.PENANAEn9ZV4gjcr
apart. Then four of new kind of bone377Please respect copyright.PENANAQh38d1dP0F
creatures appeared; they were bone saber377Please respect copyright.PENANAMYQKUYgxDr
tooth cats. They jumped at the four clan cats377Please respect copyright.PENANAvUdByKnOIW
but the clan cats jumped out of the way at377Please respect copyright.PENANAnMgJwqQYih
the last second resulting in the bone saber377Please respect copyright.PENANASEBN2f3RER
tooth cats colliding and falling apart. The377Please respect copyright.PENANADZ45iSa4xj
ground shook as five bone serpents shot out377Please respect copyright.PENANAUqTanw5Xsj
of the ground and in response the clan cats377Please respect copyright.PENANAx4SrUnrJGT
bit and tossed bone spiders at them makingthem fall too. At last the enemies stopped377Please respect copyright.PENANA1nUJ3fU0WC
coming and the four clan cats continued377Please respect copyright.PENANAzkwHIJeJ08
onward towards the Ing’s main chamber.377Please respect copyright.PENANAfpbxajmKik
Soon as the Boneclan cats said they found377Please respect copyright.PENANA4UZUSZcwDK
the large room but the magma in it was hard,377Please respect copyright.PENANAs0cpHbk0Uy
“This must be the center of the volcano.” “I377Please respect copyright.PENANABrRwWlmBOn
can see the other side and the entrance.”377Please respect copyright.PENANARKqS3xdnH0
“Let’s go then.” Sunheart stood while the377Please respect copyright.PENANAI2mvsGY6vm
rest walked ahead but soon they stopped,377Please respect copyright.PENANAqXWjwIVBJp
“What is it Sunheart?” “It just seems too377Please respect copyright.PENANADZmLvkEljn
simple; why would the Ing leave the room to377Please respect copyright.PENANAV4RFKGDQog
their main chamber so unguarded? It377Please respect copyright.PENANAPfDN5cmFXJ
doesn’t make any since to me.” “Now that377Please respect copyright.PENANAredBcLLO1y
you mention it, it does seem strange that377Please respect copyright.PENANACEXPXZQRr7
they wouldn’t have any bone creatures of377Please respect copyright.PENANA2BycQbJzP4
some kind around here to guard the entrance377Please respect copyright.PENANAbcnfp2MVM9
to their main chamber,” Ivy agreed. Soon377Please respect copyright.PENANA3eGrgv77QB
they heard scrapping sounds, “I knew it377Please respect copyright.PENANAmZE0YiwCis
wouldn’t be so easy.” Eventually bone cats377Please respect copyright.PENANAFDapOizgLn
started to fall around the four cats followed377Please respect copyright.PENANApulNBoJYHF
by bone spiders; soon one surprisingly and377Please respect copyright.PENANA1lFb5Ch4ZT
unexpectedly spoke, “You shall not pass.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAuAROLBlEQa
With that the bone spiders flung themselvesat the four only to be hurled away by two377Please respect copyright.PENANATViT3TEhEo
cats; it was the Boneclan cats, “Go now!”377Please respect copyright.PENANA51h9PzIbhE
Sunheart, Ivy, Basilisk, and Skullus moved377Please respect copyright.PENANA6hPM7oN8GL
towards the entrance and entered; soon they377Please respect copyright.PENANAYNNLdPDIcL
came upon another room but it was smaller377Please respect copyright.PENANAsIroz8VicG
and had one other entrance as well, “This377Please respect copyright.PENANAJplxLHb1ty
isn’t it.” Soon more bone cats emerged377Please respect copyright.PENANA3CcwuxNJrG
from the other entrance. Basilisk opened his377Please respect copyright.PENANAgJaIQFiQob
mouth to speak, “I’ll handle this cat, go on377Please respect copyright.PENANAKCqoR8Swu2
ahead.” The others nodded and battled377Please respect copyright.PENANAsuXgUePdMw
through a few bone cats but soon they had377Please respect copyright.PENANAdW2eYswOa3
gone through the other entrance. Then they377Please respect copyright.PENANA7uRD56QSUT
came upon another room; more bone cats377Please respect copyright.PENANAM3TejQU3MD
came out but Skullus bit and threw377Please respect copyright.PENANAhPI5ZlBWTT
Sunheart; then Ivy right by them, “Go!” she377Please respect copyright.PENANA2gZOkmiscO
yelled. They did so and ran towards the next377Please respect copyright.PENANAE0QHEZOLav
room. The next room they came upon was377Please respect copyright.PENANA1KrWzQqgy4
like the previous two except there were no377Please respect copyright.PENANAyDgaYUYJvH
bone cats dashing around at them. They377Please respect copyright.PENANAz0QswcWkM5
looked up as bone spiders dropped around377Please respect copyright.PENANAvR7O5WgORY
Ivy, “I’ll be alright go on and get them.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAJJo83NfKXp
Sunheart did so and dashed through the377Please respect copyright.PENANAFqweGNIZaW
entrance. Soon she started to think, “Howcan I handle this, I can’t take them all on, I’d377Please respect copyright.PENANA2eIKF7wgYC
loose for sure.” With out knowing it she had377Please respect copyright.PENANAlE10WLZ63r
walked into the Ing’s main chamber, “Wait a377Please respect copyright.PENANADegQb7K1Tw
minute; oh no.” She looked around but saw377Please respect copyright.PENANAoPL7b3TL5b
nothing; that’s when she noticed the bone377Please respect copyright.PENANAaRkykiwcd5
body of Chaos on the ground, “Amazing377Please respect copyright.PENANAoHsLMAZGwx
isn’t it.” Sunheart jumped around to see377Please respect copyright.PENANArfZEYO2bCb
Deathvine, “Relax, the others left so it’s just377Please respect copyright.PENANAIM8n78CfCN
the two of us.” “What happened to Chaos,377Please respect copyright.PENANAeuZgaHd4Gt
did Snowy kill her for failing to kill us?”377Please respect copyright.PENANAcPPnKyh9oe
“It’s simple really; you and your friends377Please respect copyright.PENANA9u3tXoYewr
drained her of her powers so much that she377Please respect copyright.PENANAjeI22ASJfs
finally kicked the bucket. She had over used377Please respect copyright.PENANAxDR7AYjHRf
that power of hers just like I said she would377Please respect copyright.PENANAF4sZ1cizcJ
one day; without draining anyone to377Please respect copyright.PENANA8kGwHW8DaB
stabilize her power and her self she finally377Please respect copyright.PENANAfnfNRB2q54
died.” “Tell me this, what about the bone377Please respect copyright.PENANA3X0UV4j2RG
creatures, why are they still around?” “She377Please respect copyright.PENANAbDVrmVFnad
knew she was going to die so she simply377Please respect copyright.PENANAsyGrwZpHYy
gave them minds that would insure that they377Please respect copyright.PENANApMXBkkxhTA
wouldn’t go out with her. She also made the377Please respect copyright.PENANA6hdGzmtDhs
rest of them that she had in her bone cave377Please respect copyright.PENANAlRyjGloyIg
even though it was only a few and did thesame to them to insure that we would have377Please respect copyright.PENANAfkQV8SK5tw
our army even after she died. Now that I’ve377Please respect copyright.PENANA1u69onYJAc
explained that are you ready to die?” “Yeah377Please respect copyright.PENANAGvIlqPVFmO
right, also this whole place is going to blow377Please respect copyright.PENANA7RGYPcSlWo
up; we set a bomb in your bomb cave that377Please respect copyright.PENANAqFomxC6nmq
will blow the works; then you’ll be useless377Please respect copyright.PENANAMPreWRsq71
to the Ing.” Deathvine growled and then377Please respect copyright.PENANAGLrJeuu13L
relaxed, “Not exactly; you see I only looked377Please respect copyright.PENANAAJ4sIZvNgf
to be dependent on the bombs because it was377Please respect copyright.PENANApOBLfHGgwz
the easier way for me; I can fight quite well377Please respect copyright.PENANAJvZhMi0IMO
with my paws actually.” “Your move377Please respect copyright.PENANAwxe4uIDfPA
Deathvine.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAQhkq0uknX1
Chapter IXV377Please respect copyright.PENANAZZMDXaRzOv
Deathvine charged at Sunheart and377Please respect copyright.PENANAEZYPGtH0b7
landed a small blow and flipped around377Please respect copyright.PENANAvQWEGZ4N1w
landing on Sunheart’s back. Sunheart rolled377Please respect copyright.PENANA8gmtj8Dxph
to get her off and soon did so but at that377Please respect copyright.PENANAJwnTTNrROZ
moment Boneclan and the rest came in;377Please respect copyright.PENANAdeR7lhJ9MJ
Deathvine jumped off of Sunheart and377Please respect copyright.PENANA05zgMX4KZF
hissed, “You do know that you only have377Please respect copyright.PENANA36nb1QzFmy
five minutes left, that’s right a knew when377Please respect copyright.PENANAxpIBzSF6lz
you planted set the bomb and I have beenkeeping track.” A bone bird soon came in377Please respect copyright.PENANAEIzjht2940
and grabbed Deathvine, “So long fools.”377Please respect copyright.PENANALc4s4ilNlL
The bone bird flew towards the center of the377Please respect copyright.PENANA0pYeQnkFxv
volcano, “So she’s getting out through the377Please respect copyright.PENANAVwT5G40eE0
top.” “Let’s get out of here; we have no377Please respect copyright.PENANAHooishkBze
time to waste!” They ran towards the back377Please respect copyright.PENANAFDe1pEc8Js
entrance as the Bone clan cats instructed377Please respect copyright.PENANAiiX2wQECh1
earlier and as they were running bone377Please respect copyright.PENANAn7tqQSWmZy
spiders were attacking them but they ignored377Please respect copyright.PENANApes4sTJ3W3
the bone spiders and ran on ward. “I can see377Please respect copyright.PENANAfIHFzk8nJo
the exit.” As they reached the outside they377Please respect copyright.PENANApVFm8FzNPO
heard an explosion and knew that the bomb377Please respect copyright.PENANADMTaMiZYWM
cave had blown; they were diving into the377Please respect copyright.PENANAq5LR82NSWf
bushes as the volcano started to crumble into377Please respect copyright.PENANAEQ48i8Y48B
itself.377Please respect copyright.PENANAIkekMQiFy2
Over an hour had passed since the377Please respect copyright.PENANACwEDL1YPGC
volcano had crumbled, “Well it’s been a377Please respect copyright.PENANAL9EeuUsD6u
rough day; I am looking forward to a nice377Please respect copyright.PENANAZRjeg8cuzv
rest.” “Well Boneclan and I had best be377Please respect copyright.PENANAULrj0ypTeN
moving along,” Basilisk stated, “Be seeing377Please respect copyright.PENANA4HdPy5L3vv
you.” The Boneclan cats said their good377Please respect copyright.PENANAhDM6A1SMoT
byes and left. Skullus yawned, “Lets go377Please respect copyright.PENANA7lUXuvnlIA
home, I feel like I could sleep for a year ortwo.” “Right then.” Sunheart, Skullus, and377Please respect copyright.PENANAcnbSWisFw2
Ivy turned and walked in the direction of377Please respect copyright.PENANA9ID22HKxsm
their home.377Please respect copyright.PENANAYuLGzydYS7
“This is unexpected, what now?” “With377Please respect copyright.PENANA9YF2jPCUMC
no army we must re-strategies.” “Right.”377Please respect copyright.PENANAATLpXcCy6w
End of Book