---3 days later---
Izuku’s behavior hadn’t changed, For the better or worse. He still latched onto Katsuki whenever he was able to. He followed him around and listened to every word or instruction the blonde had told him. Since the incident, he had become way more submissive towards Katsuki and a little more defiant towards everyone else.
“Kiss, kiss, Kacchan! Please?” Izuku asked loudly, pouting his lips and widening his eyes.
“Tch, stupid nerd.” Katsuki sighed. Izuku had been way touchier lately.
Izuku went onto his tippy-toes while grabbing Katsuki’s shirt. Katsuki huffed and leaned down to give the greenette a quick peck. Izuku whined at how quickly it had gone but soon gave up, happy with what he had.
Though that wasn’t their first kiss together, they didn’t kiss very often.
“Okay, okay. Let go, stupid. We’re going somewhere so get your shoes on.” Katsuki spoke gruffly, already moving towards the doorway.
“Yes Kacchan!” Izuku hopped around happily.
Izuku and Katsuki made it to the car and Katsuki sped off-- after making sure Izuku was buckled of course. When they pulled into the parking lot of their doctor, Izuku let his confusion show. Katsuki had noticed but didn’t say anything. He just silently got out of the car, motioning for Izuku to follow him. They walked into the building together and Katsuki walked over to the reception table, dragging Izuku behind him.
“Izuku Midoriya.” Katsuki said coldly with his normal scowl scrawled onto his face.
The receptionist nodded, typing something into his computer before telling them the room number. Katsuki gave a curt nod of acknowledgment and started walking to the elevator.
“Shut up.” Katsuki didn’t even look at him, he just squeezed his hand tighter. Katsuki hated the doctor’s office-- too many bad memories.
Izuku nodded his head before lowering it and staring at the floor. He was confused but was told not to speak.
As the two boys walked into the room, Izuku looked around curiously. The doctor was already there and she greeted them happily.
“Good morning you two! How are you boys doing today?” The woman asked brightly.
Izuku looked at Katsuki for a moment and saw him nod. “We’re doing good, ma’am. How are you?” He spoke gently, his bright smile on his face.
“Good, good. So I presume you know what you boys are doing here?” The woman asked.
Katsuki nodded and Izuku shook his head, curiosity clear. The woman looked like she was thinking about something for a moment before shaking her head and smiling again.
“O-Okay?” She drug out the ‘O’ in the word, “So we’re here today to discuss you’re previous behavior and do some checkups.” She explained, looking at Izuku.
Izuku looked even more confused. “What behavior?” He asked frowning slightly.
Katsuki huffed out a sigh. “So what are you planning on doing, like questions or a scan or some shit?” He asked, completely ignoring Izuku and speaking to the doctor.
“Uh just questions for now.” She replied. She also took notice of the noticeable difference in each boy in front of her.
“Then get on with it.” Katsuki didn’t care if he was nice. He just wanted to know what was wrong with his bunny.
“A-Ah, okay then.” She fixed her glasses slightly. “So, Midoriya. Have you been feeling every different lately? Especially around Katsuki?”
“Uhm… No?” Izuku thought that was a weird question to ask.
“Bakugou, has he always been this close to you, always this attached?” She redirected her attention.
“We’ve always been close but lately he’s been very clingy,” Katsuki grumbled. “It started becoming a thing after an accident we went through, I’m sure you heard about it? The Kamino building accident?”
The doctor nodded her head in understanding. “Yes, from what I heard there were two minors who were seperated as the building crashed? You were the two?” She asked, writing something down in the notepad she held.
“In a way, yeah.” Izuku said smally, his grip on Katsuki strengthening and his form shaking slightly. Katsuki took notice and removed his hand to put it over his shoulder.
The doctor saw the arrangement but didn't say anything, just wrote something down.
“Izuku, can I speak to you alone for a second?” The doctor looked at Izuku before looking at Katsuki. He glared at her before taking his hand off of Izuku and getting up.
“U-Uhm… Does Kacchan have to leave?” He asked while staring at Katsuki pleadingly.
“Just for a moment.” The doctor spoke.
Katsuki nodded to him quickly before walking out of the room. When the door shut behind him Izuku started breathing heavily.
“So, Izuku. Could you tell me how your home life is?” The doctor-- Izuku read her nametag, Dr. Akuri, asked softly. She saw how Katsuki leaving was affecting Izuku and wanted to get this done quickly.
“I-... I, My home life is fine.” Izuku was rapidly looking between the door and Dr. Akari as he spoke. He gripped his thigh harshly and stared at the door before flicking his eyes to the other person in the room.
“Are your parents present? Who do you spend most of your time with?”
“U-Uh… My mom is there and Kacchan. Can he come back in now?” Izuku started shaking harder, staring at the door, and the doctor sighed.
“Just a minute, sweetheart. Just breathe okay? Bakugou is right outside the door waiting to come in.” Her words calmed Izuku, it was probably her quirk. He could still feel the fear and anxiety, but it was faint. Like a headache pushed to the back of his head. He was still violently shaking but he couldn’t tell. She probably had a numbing quirk of some kind.
“W-What’s your quirk?” His mind was still on Katsuki but not as much as before.
“My quirk is called,’Eyes on me’. It is a kind of complicated quirk but to put it simply, I can focus most or all of your attention on me or someone of my choosing. This way you can focus and calm down while we talk. I’m sorry for not asking to use my quirk on you but it looked like you were about to have a breakdown.” Akuri smiled slightly.
Izuku nodded softly, smiling a little.
“Okay, I just have a few more question for you, alright?” She smiled a little bright.
“Midoriya, can you tell me how you left when Bakugou left the room, and maybe why you felt that way?” She asked after noticing Izuku seemed a lot calmer.
“I was… I was scared and sad I guess. I don’t really know why. Kacchan and I are always together, except for the exceptions like going to the bathroom, showing, things like that. Uhm, lately I’ve been scared whenever Kacchan gets up to go somewhere without me and I’ve been wanting to be with him more, or u-uh… show more physical affection…” Izuku coughed awkwardly blushing.
“Are you two sexually active?” Akuri asked as she wrote more stuff down.
Izuku choked, embarrassed. “A-Ah! N-No of course n-not!” He squeaked out.
Akuri laughed slightly at his reaction and continued. “Did you start feeling this way before or after the incident with the building on the track?” Akuri saw how Izuku started shaking and raised the level of influence her quirk had on him with an eyebrow raised as well. That didn’t usually happen.
“I… I guess I always slightly felt it ut it has definitely amplified a lot after what happened…” Izuku spoke in a small voice, lowering his head slightly.
“Ah, okay then. Thank you for speaking with me Izuku. I know this may have been hard. Bakugo can come back in, I need to speak with him.” She raised her voice slightly as to let Katsuki know he could come back in. A half a second later Katsuki was in the room, the door was shut and he was at Izuku’s side. Akuri released Izuku from her quirk and his shaking became harsher before he noticed Katsuki. Izuku slowly stopped shaking as he clung to Katsuki.
“Yeah, yeah, stupid deku. Anyways, what’s up with him?” Katsuki patted Izuku’s head before giving his attention to the doctor. Izuku was still nuzzling his nose into Katsuki arm and humming softly. If he had a quirk, it would definitely be a Neko quirk.
Akuri saw that Izuku wasn’t paying any attention to anything other than Katsuki right now so she thought it would be safe to speak without sending Izuku outside.
“Midoriya definitely has Severe Separation Anxiety, but it seems it’s only attached to you. I think it is a form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, from the incident you were both involved in. When you were separated he likely thought he was going to lose you and he said he had begun feeling like that even before the accident. It obviously wasn’t nearly as bad but it lingering like that before the incident was probably from how close you two were and anything negative in his past. Now, after what happened though, I think you two should visit a therapist together. It could help his mental state and any potholes in your relationship. More affectionate touches or praise may help as well. It seems he likes your attention and you two seem very close. I recommend not leaving him by himself for two long. I will also be prescribing some medication he will have to take daily.” Akuri explained.
Katsuki nodded seriously. “Okay, yeah. That makes sense. Izuku was bullied when he was younger for being quirkless. He’s been made fun of his whole life so that may be part of it? Oh, and we were seperated for a little bit after he found out when he was quirkless.”
Akuri nodded. “Yes, that could have started it.”
Katsuki sighed, dragging his hands down his face. His action messed with Izuku being able to give him affection and he whined. Izuku crawled into his lap, straddling his waist and resting his head in the crook of Katsuki’s neck. Izuku started playing with the hem of Katsuki shirt and Katsuki rested his hand on the smaller boy’s back gently. He started moving it in a circular motion to soothe the green-haired boy.
He continued to talk to Akuri and soothing Izuku. Akuri smiled at the cute sight before her as she talked with Katsuki. When they finished, Akuri handed Katsuki a slip of paper for Izuku’s medication and he thanked her slightly. He heard snores coming from below him and grumbled slightly.
“This damn nerd.” Katsuki let out a small smile as he lifted the boy with himself and started walking down the halls, holding Izuku up so he didn’t fall.