Ch.8: Dawn
Summary: Tigerstar is now the new leader of Shadowclan. Firestar is the new leader of Thunderclan. What are Tigerstar’s plans, now that he’s leader of Shadowclan? What if Tigerstar didn’t die until later on? What if the cats never had to leave the forest to go settle in the Sun drown Place?
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters or the past that I might mention. I only own the present events.
It was a beautiful day in the Shadowclan camp. It wasn’t peaceful, though. Tigerstar was the leader now. A few cats in particular hated this. Tigerstar had bounded the Clan and made it Lion clan. It wasn’t just Shadowclan. It was Wind clan, too. Wind clan and Shadowclan made up Lion clan. The cats that hated all of this were Tawnypelt and her kits, Crowfeather, Snowbird, Tall star, Dawn flower, Heather tail, Horsetail, Bark face, Ash foot, White wing, and possibly others. But they couldn’t protest. They had to stay silent. If they ever spoke against Tigerstar, they would surely die a painful death. But unlike Tigerstar, if they died, they would join Starclan for eternity in peace.
Tigerstar looked around at the camp.
“Let’s go,” he ordered. “Now.”
As they left camp, Tawnypelt and the other good cats wondered what he was going to do and where in Starclan’s name they were being led to.
After a while, he stopped in an alley and called out to a cat.
When the cat came out, it was Scourge. He wasn’t alone. He had his group of cats, too.
“Come on,” Tawnypelt whispered to Crowfeather and the other good cats, as well as her kits, while the evil cats were distracted.
Once back into the safety of the trees, they ran towards the border of Thunderclan.
It wasn’t long until they met up with a Thunderclan patrol.
“Tawnypelt?” Brambleclaw questioned his sister. “What are you doing here?”
“Brambleclaw, you have to help us. Take us to camp. We don’t want anything to do with Tigerstar’s plans. He’s bringing Blood clan together. Scourge and his cats are uniting with Lion clan. Please. You have to help.”
“Come,” he said.
They entered the camp.
Brambleclaw came up to Graystripe, the others following.
“Where’s Firestar? We have a huge problem. It goes beyond anything else Tigerstar has ever done.”
“He and Leafpool are out getting herbs. Jayfeather and Dovepaw are with them,” the old deputy answered.
Brambleclaw nodded. He then started ordering cats around.
“Tawnypelt, Crowfeather, Hollyleaf, Cloudtail, Squirrelflight, Longtail, and Spider leg; come with me. The rest of you stay here. Brightheart, find my nephews and niece and get a Queen to take care of them for Tawnypelt, please.”
So with that, the chosen cats raced out the Gorse tunnel with Brambleclaw leading the way.
As they raced through the forest, they heard caterwauling.
“Firestar! Leafpool!” Squirrelflight yowled.
“Dovepaw! Jaypaw!” Cloudtail yowled and then they were racing towards the direction of the sounds.
As soon as they arrived, they through themselves into battle with Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, the rest of Lion clan, and Scourge and his cats. Brambleclaw took on Tigerstar, Crowfeather took on Scourge, Squirrelflight took on Bone, and the other chosen cats took on the others.
As the fight dragged on, Leafpool and Dovepaw guided Jaypaw home. Firestar followed them.
It felt like moons before it ended. They watched as most of the cats fled. They then watched as the deceased Tigerstar was carried by Hawkfrost, Darkstripe, and Bone to bury him.
It was a stormy evening, as they trudged back home.