-Third Person P.O.V-
<A few days later>
Midnight had been ignoring her brother. She knows it was rude and she knew it was probably hurting his feelings, but he hurt her and lied to her…she wasn’t sure how to feel towards him anymore; so she backed off.
She huddled closer to Pyro and Mako rather than Winter, believing that her best friend didn’t trust her enough to even bother bringing up the topic. Today she sat, nibbling on a candy she had gotten from the mini-market on the way home.
”Hey! You’re gonna get fat!” Pyro scolded playfully, pointing out how the neko only ate candy most of the time, “Wellll—I need something that gives me energy, and I have a small appetite!” She retorted, gently tugging on her characoal coloured dress—the type where the sleeves and chest is slightly see through lace compared to the rest—.
The younger Inu sighed contently, she was cute and much, much smaller than him. He kept his eyes on the oncoming husky. “Hey Mako!” Pyro chortled, his friend running over. They sat in a secluded area for Midnight’s sake; the confused cat wanted a bit of privacy instead of having everyone crowd around her like a swarm of seagulls.
A soft yawn bounced about, “...tired..” Midnight purred, she yawned again, looking around for a place to rest. Spotting the Shibe’s hunched back, she grinned and laid her head on it, black ears flattening.
-Midnight’s P.O.V-
Warm..I purr rather loudly, my tail flicking about gently, what? I’m allowed to think whatever I want to! “Midnight..?” I hear Mako whisper, lightly (no pun intended) tracing his fingers on my ear; pushing my curly ravennette hair behind it in the process.
I murmur, making him chuckle, “Are you comfy?” I try to nod, shyly rubbing my head up and down Pyro’s back. Nowadays I start to feel different towards him. Not only have we gotten closer but I feel like I have some sort of connection with him or something. Hmm—maybe I’m falling for him..?
Astonishingly, the thought of that doesn’t bother me by even the slightest itch. He and I are polar opposites but that won’t stop me. I smiled, feeling something soft wrap around my shoulders. “M..mako..?” “Yes?” He responded shortly, “What’re you doing?”
Long inky pythons slithered around my neck, “Mako..” I warned, my voice still soft but growing slightly sterner; he knows I hate it when my neck is touched! It’s a weak spot for me...they wrap around it twice, not too loose and obviously not too tight either. “Mako.” I repeated for the third time.
I whimpered, not knowing what he was going to do but not daring to open my eyes. Without warning, I was yanked back by the neck. “Meow!” I yelped, my body working faster than my mind, leaving me to fall straight into…Mako’s lap..? (Author chan has furrowed her brows here as well)
Squinting open one of my eyes, I look up at my irritatingly tall friend, staring down at me hungrily. "Mak-" Long, slender fingers laced with mine. “Hi Kitten.” Was the only thing I heard. Why though..? He likes another Inu—Garu..was it?— why. It’s…interesting though.
The sweet aroma was suffocating; not only had it stained his jacket but it was increasing. “Mako.” I mouthed, my lavender eyes sulking and staring straight into his rose ones. “Shh, you’ll see.” He whispered. I was about to ask what on Earth was going on but a low, guttural growl zipped my mouth shut.
-Pyro’s P.O.V-
I felt my eyes darken, a fierce and jealous growl. “Mako Ichi.” Mine. My voice was hoarse, I was someone totally different. Long gone was the tiny, peaceful boy I was…I have no idea what came over me. That blasted hound looked up at me; rose eyes showing a challenge.
No..I can’t. She’ll be scared. No. “Pyro.” My honey eyes were burning. Not literally, that’s deadly. But it was weird; they kept changing from flat to normal. “…what’s happening…to me…” “Pyro, just let it take control.” I sighed, leaving my Alpha to take over.
-Third Person P.O.V-
Mako smirked mischievously. Not only did he know about his friend’s obvious crush, but he knew exactly what he was doing to him. He didn’t know how Midnight didn’t notice it; if she was blind or what not but it was still surprising.
Midnight tried to sit up, but Mako held her down, nudging his black sweater sleeve towards her nose; when she took the hint and covered her nose; Mako let out his ears and tail, scent spreading quickly.
Pyro let out another growl, scent growing as well. Midnight felt odd, like a broken doll or a tangled puppet; she didn’t feel afraid nor did she felt anger that the two were fighting. She just watched and listened silently. “Just do it Pyro.” Mako spat, forcing out the truth. “Fi—Fine..!” He admitted, yanking the blind neko by the wrist closer to him.
“Pyro?” Midnight queried, observing closely as the Inu brought her wrist to his mouth, fangs shining. “Mine. Only Mine.” He chanted possesively, biting into the flesh, drawing blood. Midnight hissed, face flushing. She read about this. Alphas mark Omegas when they feel an attraction to them.
Did Pyro..like her? “Pyro do you like me?” Midnight questioned, poking the boy’s cheek childishly–which was different for someone like her–“Y-yeah..” he blushed, “I like you too.” She smiled, purring audibly. A few seconds to sink in and process everything passed.
”FREAKIN’ FINALLY!!! IM STILL HERE!” Mako screeched in happiness and satisfaction. The three laughed and spent the rest of the day together.