"Can you hold me930Please respect copyright.PENANARA0suJ84gY
Down for one night, like I got three strikes?930Please respect copyright.PENANAwbDHbKfu20
Need you to free me930Please respect copyright.PENANAYASe3tMTNm
It's a prison inside my mind930Please respect copyright.PENANA8uyBBzTxAF
Break me, taste me930Please respect copyright.PENANAwFm1DD0jO0
Roll me up like the northern lights930Please respect copyright.PENANA9bG9cOVjtC
Can you hold me930Please respect copyright.PENANATBAocXxOdy
Down for one night, like I got three strikes? "
3 Strikes - Terror Jr
Dahlia Rei
I felt the heat radiating off of my cheeks I took in a deep breath still looking up at him. He was puzzled it took him a few minutes to gain his composure. He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration taking a deep breath he finally opened his eyes, walking past me, leaving me in the bathroom naked.
I slipped my clothes back on and walked back down the spiral stairs to where he was. Awkward as fuck, not ready for this conversation. He was sitting in his kitchen chair drinking.
Much progress.
I rolled my eyes, sitting in the chair across from him.
"What's the issue?"
He sat his drink down, and shook his head slowly.
"Why do you do these things?"
"What things?"
"Why do you act like such a promiscuous woman, when you're not? You haven't even had sex, but you threw yourself at me, asking me to take you."
He shook his head again in disbelief.
"You don't do that, your first time is suppose to be with someone special. It's suppose to be meaningful."
I gulped intertwining my clammy hands together on the table, staring down at the table.
"Why do you do this?"
"I was in love. . ."
It came out hushed my voice went out towards the end.
I nodded not really wanting to have this conversation with someone I haven't known very long. That's been a habit of mine speaking to random guys as if I known them for awhile.
"What . . happened if you don't mind me asking."
While huffing I ran my hand through my tangled hair pulling it over my shoulder.
"I was in love I was with someone for two years. Walked in on him cheating on me, and I saw him last night."
He nodded his head.
"After my breakup. . .I started getting close to a coworker of mine. Last night we went to the gathering and he fucked someone there. I honestly didn't know it was that kind of party."
He let out a small chuckle while shaking his head.
"It is that type of party."
"No lie. I seen so much shit last night that I've never seen before. . but anyway, it hurt. I know we had no ties together but it still hurt me seeing him like that. Ya know?"
"Why did. . your ex cheat?"
"I just wasn't ready for certain things. . ."
He titled his head, examining me trying to figure out what I meant because I was so vague. I took a deep breath feeling my cheeks redden up just by the answer.
"I didn't want to have sex until marriage, he knew that coming into the relationship."
My voice was confident but inside I wasn't. I was embarrassed I know I shouldn't be. I should do things how I want them but at the end of the day it costed me my relationship. Do I regret waiting? Yes and no, yes because we had something so beautiful. We connected, we lasted that long without sex, that's pretty impressive. But then again no because of my decision he made the choice to sleep with someone else; to seek for satisfaction elsewhere. God knows how many people he's actually slept with, I never thought of it like that before.
How many people has he slept with while being with? I swallowed uneasy, feeling nauseous at the thought. He could've been sleeping around the whole time and I would've been completely oblivious.
That hurts and it hurts deep I never even thought he could do that to me. I'm suppose to be moving on and taking this time to heal. Yet here I am opening up old wounds, feeling fresh pain as if it just happened recently. I closed my eyes trying to control the tears from coming out.
"My apologies, I didn't mean to get you thinking about it."
I nodded slowly opening my eyes.
"Some people get themselves into situations that they think they can handle, but over time come to realzie they actually can't."
"Yeah, I guess I was naive for thinking someone would wait."
"Yes, but only because it depends on the type of person you're asking. If he's weak-minded his desires will override anything else. It'll distract him from what's really important, it'll catch him off guard and distract him."
He looked down at the table, I could tell he was pondering about something. He was answering this as if he's been through the exact thing.
"Have you been through this before?"
"I was a young man myself once too. Seems like the younger than man the more he thinks with the head between his legs instead of the one on his shoulders. Hardly any self control, patience, and drive to keep from doing the wrong things; It's hard staying committed young."
All of this was soaking in he's actually making sense.
"In society it seems like it's okay for men to sleep around with whoever, wherever; but when a woman does it it's a sin. She's shamed for being who she is naturally; I personally don't believe we're meant to be monogamous. Why are we attracted to other people when we're in a relationship? Why do people cheat? Someone could have their soul mate and still yearn for someone else."
I didn't really know what to say he made good points. It is a double standard when it comes to sleeping around. He's right about that but the monogamous thing; I disagree with. I looked at him putting my leg up in the kitchen chair.
"Monogamy isn't for the weak minded."
I laid my chin on my knee staring at him. He smirked and nodded.
"Fair point."
He was incredibly handsome, I don't even know his first name. This whole time I haven't known his name. . .
"What's your name?"
My voice was soft and timid while asking. I didn't know if he was comfortable answering, he's a very vague person when it comes to personal matters I've noticed.
He shifted in his chair a bit and I could tell he was thinking of whether or not to tell me his name.
"Just call me Lexington."
Lexington. . .interesting, never heard of someone's name being that but whatever.
"Well, I'm Dahlia."
"I know."
"Huh? I never told you."
"Your phone was buzzing earlier this morning before you woke up. I'll assume it was the coworker you just told me about, he said your name in his text."
I rolled my eyes not fazed. I have nothing to say to him, he did nothing wrong at all. I was just being over dramatic and most likely overwhelmed from what I saw prior.
"Well, ha. . . thanks for taking care of me."
"You're welcome. You weren't easy to deal with."
"What'd I do?"
"You had a bad trip. I don't know how many lines you did but please stick to one from now on."
"A bad trip?"
"Well, you did wake up a little while after I got you back here and put you to bed. You started making a scene, seeing things, screaming."
Wow. . .how embarrassing I sound like a fucking crazy person. I looked down at the wooden floor biting my lip.
"Sorry. . ."
"No worries, just know I'm never doing that shit again. So don't get yourself in trouble out there. Speaking of out there, did you need a lift? Or. . .?"
"I think I'm just gonna catch a cab or walk around for a bit."
He nodded and got up from the chair walking over to the fridge.
I got up, and looked around.
"Uh. . .mind helping me find the front door?"
He chuckled nodding his head.
"My apologies, I forgot you don't remember coming through the front door last night."
He smirked walking past me showing me the exit.
*Back at home*
"Where the fuck were you?!"
Brittni glared at me with her hair wrapped up in a towel. Leah was on the couch with a throw pillow over her face.
"Yeah! What she said. . .just a lot more quiet because my head is killing me."
"I had a bad hangover in the bathroom and someone came and helped me. He wasn't bad he let me crash at his house until I woke up."
A little lie won't hurt anyone, if I told them what actually happened I'd be here all afternoon. I don't think they were aware that Sky was there, I'm also pretty sure they didn't know Riv had a nice little time on the couch.
"Was he cute?"
Brittni crossed her arms and furrowed her brow.
"He better be to get D to stay the night as his."
Leah's voice was muffled through the pillow, I giggled and shook my head.
"It wasn't that like it was just help because I needed it."
"Sorry we thought you were hooking up with a special someone."
Brittni winked at me I already knew who she was implying. Riv and I, and that definitely didn't happen last night. I scratched the side of my head awkwardly not really knowing how to put this.
"Yeah, that won't be happening, he actually slept with somone there last night, so. . ."
Leah threw the pillow across the room, sitting straight up. Brittni's jaw hit the floor both of their eyes were wide as fuck.
"Are you fucking serious!?"
Brittni threw her arms up in the air walking away.
"This was NOT suppose to happen!"
"We were totally shipping you two, you guys been so close recently and I just . . "
Leah shook her head disappointed.
Same girl, same.
"It's okay, we weren't really feeling each other like that. Besides you both know I'm waiting till marriage and most guys don't want to wait that long."
I shrugged trying to make it look like I didn't care about it but deep down I cared. I was hurting I was jealous. . .
"Well, I'm gonna go take a nap if ya'll don't mind."
Leah nodded slughishly laying back down.
"Can you toss me my pillow though?"
I smirked grabbing the pillow, launching it at her face.
"God damnit, D!"
I busted out laughing running back to my room, hearing the pillow knock down a picture frame hanging on the wall.
*Five hours later*
I heard frantic knocks on my bedroom door.
I gasped jumping out of bed waking up from dozing on and off.
"Uh, you have an unexpected visitor."
Brittni mumbled.
"Want me to let them in?"
She opened my door and there he was. . .
I rolled my eyes while I turned on my side facing the opposite way.
"Piss off."
AN: Ya' girl was sick af sorry bbies FORGIVE ME!