Scene 9 opens with SVF and Veronica asleep on the couch with a movie on
Warrior: *opens the door and sees them asleep. He closes the door* Mom. Dad.
Johnny/SVF: Hmmm. *slowly wakes up. He sees Warrior standing over them* Veronica, honey. Wake up. *gently shakes Veronica awake*
Veronica: Hmmm. *wakes up* Oh, hi honey. How’d it go?
Warrior: Well… uh… *rubs the back of his neck*
Veronica: *gets a worried look* What happened? Sit down.
Warrior: *sits down* Well, the dance went great. It was really fun. *looks away slightly*
Johnny/SVF: But?
Warrior: But… there was a little more that happened too.
Veronica: *gets even more worried looking* Like, what kind of more? Like more as in she wanted to dance dirty. Or more as in you kissed her…?
Warrior: Well… we definitely kissed alright…
Johnny/SVF: Son. If something happened, you can tell us. We won’t get mad.
Warrior: Well, the thing is. Something almost happened. We were getting a bit excited on the slow dance. She suggested we go out to her car. So I said sure. We get in there. We sat for a minute. She kept scooting closer and closer. I kept wanting and wanting. Eventually, I turn to face her. We start kissing. Softly at first, but more and more lead to harder and harder kisses. And she wanted more and more hands. I started using a bit more hands. Until, at one point… *he looks away before looking back* She tried to pull my shirt up. I asked what she was doing. She said she wanted more. I said I don’t know. She asked, don’t you want it? I said sure I do, but we haven’t been seeing each other a week. And we aren’t married. I started talking about God, she got slightly annoyed. But eventually, we just ended up cuddling in the car. She completely understood and apologized for trying to push me. I said it was alright. I said if we end up getting married, this will be the first thing we get to on our wedding night. We cuddled until she took me home just now.
Veronica: *sits in silence for a moment*
Johnny/SVF: *sits in silence for a moment* Well… I’m proud of you for stopping the situation before it got too far.
Warrior: Yeah…
Veronica: Do you plan to see her again?
Warrior: Well, yeah. I really like her. And everyone makes mistakes. And she doesn’t exactly have the prime example of good Christian parents like I do. Her father died and her mother probably doesn’t have a problem with her sleeping with anyone.
Veronica: I suppose so…
Warrior: I don’t think she should be condemned for not having a good example to follow.
Veronica: You’re right. It’s also not very Christian.
Warrior: Exactly.
Johnny/SVF: Well, I’m glad you had fun… either way. And, son, it’s normal to want to explore things with girls. As long as it doesn’t go too far.
Warrior: Yeah…
Johnny/SVF: And just so you don’t worry, you’re not in trouble.
Warrior: Ok.
Veronica: Get some sleep, Warrior. We got a vacation to get ready for.
Warrior: Yeah. *stands up* Goodnight mom. Goodnight dad.
Johnny/SVF: Goodnight, son.
Veronica: Goodnight, honey.
Warrior: *walks to his room and shuts the door*
Johnny/SVF: *looks at Veronica and sighs*
Veronica: *sighs back*
Johnny/SVF: We knew the risks, hon. And he handled it with valor.
Veronica: He did… but my little boy’s been kissed. And I’m not sure I want to know what ‘hands’ means.
Johnny/SVF: I’m sure it wasn’t anything too bad. He doesn’t exactly have chests.
Veronica: Yeah… but she does.
Johnny/SVF: *sighs* Yeah, but he stopped it before anything serious happened.
Veronica: But I don’t think he realizes how serious it actually is. Oxytocin is a strong hormone. Even without sex, they can be heavily bonded by kissing, touching, etc. She’s gonna feel really connected. And so will he. I just don’t want them to break up and get their little hearts broken.
Johnny/SVF: Neither do I, but there’s nothing we can really do now. He didn’t really do too much. We just have to watch the situation carefully and make sure nothing more happens.
Veronica: *sighs and stands up* You’re right. I guess I didn’t have to worry about anything.
Johnny/SVF: *stands up and kisses Veronica* We raised a good kid. And he will continue to be a good kid.
Veronica: *chuckles* Our almost adult kid.
Johnny/SVF: *chuckles* Yeah, you’re right about that. *pulls Veronica into a deep hug before guiding her to their bedroom* Come on, love. Let’s get some sleep.
Veronica: Sounds like a good idea. *she walks with him to the bedroom and shuts the door behind her*
Scene 9 ends