Chapter 9.
After Tori left Obran helped Zico with the lunch rush, even serving several bowls of stew after Zico rebranded it, "Hobo Stew". Obran wasn't sure how to feel about the name but the people who tried it seemed to like it so he didn't complain. Obran also noticed a consistent following of soldiers and hyperactive students who came for coffee or punch topped with fairy dust and when things wound down he asked Zico about it.
"Are they addicted to it?" Obran asked.
"No. I don't think so. Jeez...I hope not. Mara says it has a stronger effect inside a fae forest or in a potion but it's our biggest seller so maybe I don't wanna know. And when they're buzzing they always want crunchies and bata bread. That's all I've been making all week. I wish you were here to help me everyday."
"That would be fun, but listen I have to go to the university. I want to tell my brother and his friend Tomas about brunch tomorrow and about my job," Obran said.
"Okay, but let me pay you for today," Zico said.
"No, don't worry about it. I'm just happy you let me cook for Tori and gave her free food and drinks."
"But I insist," Zico said.
"Just bring food tomorrow and we'll call it even. I'll make some stew but you make the rest, ok?"
"Okay, but I'll still count the receipts so come back later ok," Zico said.
"Okay, okay," Obran said.
At the university, Obran found Tomas and Erkin at their workshop. They were planning to grab a beer to celebrate the end of the week and perhaps play cards or dice—coming from northern of Italia, they both preferred beer to Roman wine.
"You gonna come out too right, to celebrate your new job?" Erkin said.
"I'll pass this time. I need to get up early tomorrow and have lots to do tonight," Obran said.
"Like what?" Erkin said.
"Uhm," Obran dropped the bomb about Tori, how they'd met again and that she was coming for brunch the next day. He also told them about Zico and Mara were coming as well.
"Are you serious?" Erkin said.
"He must be joking, Erkin. You joke like this all the time too," Tomas said.
"No, it's not a joke," Obran said.
"You mean a princess, a gnome, and a fairy are coming to our gremlin burrow for brunch," Erkin said.
"Sounds like the first line of a joke," Tomas said.
"We'll, you're the punchline cause you're coming too," Obran said.
"Wow, a princess, a real princess..." Tomas said.
"Yeah, how did you manage that? Pray tell, big brother," Erkin said.
"Tori is a friend and so are Zico and his wife. They are all new here, northerners like us, and they are all really nice people...and didn't you want me to make new friends."
"Yeah I guess that why you've been redecorating so much?" Erkin said.
"I just want our home to look nice," Obran said.
"Should I dress up, bring anything? Is it really okay to talk to her?" Tomas said.
"Just act normal; she is really kind and easy to talk to," Obran said. "Tell her all about the university. She's still interested in studying here."
"Uhm...okay..." Tomas said.
"Tomas, you think you'll be able to talk to a girl?" Erkin said.
"Of course," Tomas said. "I mean...I can try."
"She's really beautiful, Tomas, so definitely try," Erkin said.
This time it was Obran's ears that drooped.
"You don't have to talk to her if you don't want to, Tomas," Obran said.
When Obran finally went back to Zico's stand it was early evening and the market was closing. He saw Zico sitting alone reading and it looked like he had already cleaned up and was ready to go home.
"Hey Zico, sorry if I kept you waiting," Obran.
Obran had already drunk a couple of brews with Tomas and Erkin, to celebrate his new job.
"No problem. Anyway, I'm not sure what time I'm gonna go home or where I'll sleep tonight," Zico said.
"What?" Obran said.
At that moment Mara opened the door of her doll house. She looked up, saw Obran was alone and closed the door again without saying a word.
"Mara's upset I didn't wake her to meet the princess," Zico said.
"Sorry, Zico," Obran said. "But you will both come tomorrow right?"
"Of course, nothing could stop Mara now. She's even made me buy her a new dress," Zico said.
"How did you manage that?" Obran said.
"I bought it from a doll maker nearby and Mara makes the alterations herself; she's been sewing all afternoon. She might not look like it but Mara knows everything about keeping a home," Zico said.
"You're very lucky," Obran said.
Zico stretched out his hand and handed Obran some silver coins.
"What's this?" Obran counted out six silver pieces. "You are doing well."
"No, that's for you," Zico said.
"Are you joking? I didn't bring in anything close to this," Obran said.
"Yeah you did...kind of. I mean someone left a gold coin in the tip jar and I'm pretty sure you know who did so since you were working too, it's only fair you get half."
Obran knew there was no other explanation—it must have been Tori. No soldier, commoner, or freedman would have left that large of a tip.
"But why are you giving me six instead of five silver pieces," Obran said.
"Well that's for the extra business. Your stew was popular, even after you left I sold more."
"I bet it was the fairy dust but if you want tomorrow we can have a cook off, see who likes whose food more," Obran teased.
"Ha ha, don't tempt me," Zico said. "But I doubt the princess would pick my food over yours."
"Why's that?"
"Just a feeling," Zico said. "C'mon let's go grab a beer and plan the menu."
"I'm already two steps ahead of you," Obran said.