Although many know what really happens durings this music in which movie, but it has inspired me to a different idea, fantasy or whatever you all writers care to call it. Of a fantasy story where a young girl finds a fairy that will lead her to her destiny in a different world and time...
"Who or what are you?" Clara gasped as she saw the thing crawling out of her green Jackwolfskin jacket's hood.
"I thought a human would recognize a fairy." It gave shivering with a clear sweet voice, rubbing for warmth at its arms and brushing of few snowflakes off.
"A fairy? So there is such thing as magic. All this time and I knew it." Spoke Clara surprised. "Come onto my hand, I won't hurt you."
Without hesitation and fairy crawled carefully onto Clara's warm hand and took gently hold of her big thumb. The fairy wore a 3/4 long jumper made of some special fabric and coloured in brown as a bark of a tree and long tight trousers in colour of sand, her feet were bare and had her long red wavey hair tied to a pony-tail. She wore some small foot-bracelet on her right foot and had a small sort of spiral tatoo upon her right cheek. The fairy's eyes were big and clear in chocolate brown, some freckles were visible aroung her small fine nose. Her wings looked in the combination of the wings of a butterfly and that of a beetle. They shone in the light in rainbow colours but where nearly invisible.
"What is your name?" Asked Clara friendly, holding up the fairy to look at it closer.
"My name is Vanessa and you belive in magic?" Wondered Vanessa curiously.
"Yes, I do. I know it sounds childish hearing it from a 18 year old human."
"Then the Great One has brought me to you for a reason!"
"What 'Great One'? and for what reason?" Asked Clara curiously.
"The Great One is what my kind call for magic, for us magic is our kind of god. Before I fell into your hood of the jacket and I had a mission to gather some of my kind together for savety reasons against the Necromancer Elrid. He is ruthless and heartless. His goal is to reach full controll over everything in the magical world where fairies and creatures live, including your world. My great king and queen have given many other and me the mission to assemble all the fairies together to the castle for protection and preparations for an attack alas, the Necronacer attacked while I was assembling almost everyone and fought the best I could. But he was too strong with his evil and dark magic. So I fled away so that he would follow me and the others would have a save passage to the castle. Leading him here into this world, believing of shaking him off here. I misjudged him. Thanks to you, I landed instead on hard ground, into your hood and moved at great speed away from him. So from now on I am forever in your dept for saving my life, I will guard you with my life." Explained Vanessa and gave a deep bow to Clara.
Clara binked of surprise. "Guarding me?" She said doubtful.
Vanessa nodded.
"No offence but, aren't you a little too small to guard me? And secondly I don't need anyone to guard me, I can guard myself. Why not just being friends?" Asked Clara.874Please respect copyright.PENANA1qsnMpI8fw
"Very well, friends we shall be. What is your name?" Gave Vanessa friendly.
"Well Clara, how come do you believe in magic?"
"I don't know, I just do. I can feel it, it is real and it has now given me proof what I was not particulary hoping for."
"Why not?"
"I think, my kind are too mischievous and will misunderstand it. That's why."
"In my world there is a prophecy that a human like you, who believes in magic and wants to use it for good will rise when the darkest times have arrived. There are many songs about it."
"And you think that I am the one?"
"Honestly, yes."
Clara stared at Vanessa speechless.
It was the sound of shattered glass from a window nor far from Clara. As Clara faced to the window, the icy wind brushed against her face and hands. At the window stood a tall man dressed in some long medieval tunic in black with a black cape trimmed with black fur. His face was pale and lean with long dark brown hair over his shoulders and a dark beard, yet his eyes burned like two set of yellow rings from a hot furnace. "There you are!" His voice roared like thunder.
Clara's face went pale while Vanessa had stood up again facing the man bravely with an angered expression.
"You leave her alone Elrid! You are here because of me, then come and get me!" Called Vanessa and flew off Clara's hand to the opposite side of the room.
"Ha ha! I must admire your courage little fairy, but it seems I've just found not only one but two creatures that I am looking for." Chuckled Elrid and walked closer to Clara.
Suddenly some bright light shot and hit Elrid's foot, Elrid gave a cry of agony for a brief moment and then turned to Vanessa, she had her hands out spread towards him. "I am warning you!"
"I believe to have misjudged you, maybe I shall kill you first." Grinned Elrid to Vanessa and walked to her.
Suddenly a glass vase hit Elrid's head. Elrid gave a another cry of pain, placing a hand to his head turned to where the vase came from.
Clara held a glass bottle in her hand, prepared to throw again at him.
"Well, it seems you have come to your senses wretched creature. I'll finish you later." Noted Elrid and cast with a gesture of his hand to Clara a spell while facing to Vanessa. "Now to you, for your persistence I shall give you a slow and painful death." Elrid was about to cast the spell onto Vanessa, when suddenly some brute force pushed him up against the wall and out strechted. He cried in agony and looked towards Clara. Clara was unharmed and save behind the figure of a young man with long straight red-brown hair, clean shaven around the jaw and mouth, pointy ears, wore a long black leatherd coat and underneath a long arm white shirt with a silky purple vest and long brown trousers. One hand was outstretched to Elrid, his purple eyes glared angered to him.