Now, Now- Colony respect copyright.PENANAypoFyA9jS0
My name is Dr. Anita Kane and I discovered the virus that nearly destroyed the world. But I’m getting ahead of myself, so I’ll start from the beginning. It was August, and blistering hot. I am a total neat freak and it shows if you look at my office. I have a filing cabinet with every document filed neatly away, a cup of pens organized by color, a bookcase with my favorite books arranged by author, and a tray with my mail set in neat piles for junk mail, work mail, personal mail, and packages, in which each stack is organized by urgency. I was currently looking at the personal mail. If you could see how I dress, you will also notice that I am neat. I usually wear black dresses, skirts, vests, bell-sleeved tops, and sweaters. To go with my black clothes, I have a black Gucci purse, black Gucci sunglasses, stiletto pumps, and an assortment of make-up. But I’m usually wearing a crisp white doctor’s coat over my fashionable ensemble.
“You’ve got a patient!” a nurse called into my office. I pulled my flowing red hair back into a black hairclip and stood up. I slipped from my office. I went into the check-up room where a man dressed in a tee-shirt and jeans sat. “What are your symptoms?” I asked.
“Well… I threw up blood and it feels like my insides are eating themselves,” he said. I scrawled notes in my neat handwriting, and suddenly he started to jerk and gag, spewing blood on my crisp white coat. I leapt to avoid him vomiting on my black boots. I yelled at the nurses to sedate him, but it was too late. He dropped to the ground, heaving one last time, and then laid still, his empty eyes staring up at the ceiling. A trickle of blood ran down his chin.
After the body had been cleaned up, I was told to investigate the man’s death. I was to find a cure as well as isolate it. I had to start with retracing his steps. This meant going to his house. This meant telling his family he was dead. My job is horrible.
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When I came into work I was almost immediately put on this case.
“Jack! You’ve got a case. It’s a weird one too. Maybe we should start calling you Mulder with all of the weird shit you’re doing now. Get it? Like Mulder in the X-Files?” my boss said.
“Yeah, I got it, good one,” I said flatly, rolling my eyes on the inside. Ever since I’d solved the murder case that ended up being a group of satanic cultists, they assigned me all of the weird cases. My boss handed me the address of the wife and I set off to the house. When I got there, I pressed the frog shaped doorbell.923Please respect copyright.PENANAw5LHJnmyG9
When I arrived, the first thing I heard was screaming. I broke the door down with my shoulder, only to find a tall, handsome, dark haired young man trying to console a hysterical woman. He glanced up when I came in. His eyes were a deep green, and were beautiful and mesmerizing.
“You could knock next time,” he said in a pleasant voice. He held his hand out. “My name is Agent Jack Donavan. Call me Jack.”
“Anita. Sorry, Dr. Anita Kane,” I mentally slapped myself. “I’m here to investigate the death of Mr. Smith.” I had recently learned of the deceased’s name. Jack nodded and turned back to the woman.
“I am sorry for your loss Ms. Smith. It was pleasure meeting you, even under the circumstances. Call me if you need anything at all,” Jack addressed her politely. I walked out with Jack. “Well, I guess that makes us partners for now,” he said, again with his soft voice.
“I guess so.”
We took Jack’s car to Mr. Smith’s work. As we pulled up to the building, something stumbled up to the car. It was what used to be a man, but now, part of jaw dangled, his skin was a grey tone, pus was forming at his ribcage which was protruding from his skin. I shrieked as the thing slammed into the window, leaving smears of blood. Jack cursed and turned to me.
“Stay here. I’ll go out and take care of the zombie thing,” he said. I nodded silently and watched him go. A few loud bangs along with a thud came from where Jack had gotten out. He stuck his head, signaling that it was safe. I hesitated, realizing I didn’t know Jack at all. We had only met a few moments ago. I made my decision and climbed from the car, glancing about the bloody parking lot. It dawned on me to collect blood samples, so I swabbed the bodies.
I quickly dialed a number on my phone. “Hello? Yes, I have samples. I am going to run the tests on them. Yes, I am. I will. Thanks, bye.” I scrambled back in the car and told Jack the address.
***** When we arrived at the lab, it was chaos. Jack shot three people (zombies are people right?).
A zombie man limped towards us. I took a deep breath, and then swiveled around and ran. Something suddenly yanked my hair back, jerking me away. I screamed, tripping, terror ripping through me. I pulled myself from the iron grip on my hair, quickly executing a roundhouse kick into… Well, into Jack’s face. I ran through the doors, leaping over bodies, Jack behind me. I slammed the door behind us and barricaded it with a giant piece of equipment that was brand new. I quickly set up the microscope and glanced through it, the slide of blood under it. I quickly wrote down everything.
Affects only type A blood. Passed by bodily fluids, Another virus (new strain of flu).”
Jack nodded and glanced up at me. Are you going to make the cure then?” Jack asked. I glared at him.
“Let me take one thing at a time,” I said staring at him. I blushed and muttered an apology.
“What blood type are you?” Jack suddenly asked. I thought and suddenly froze. Realization spread through me.
“I may need to start that cure now,” I said.
A/N: That's actually all I have... I like ending on cliffhangers. Sorry, lovelies!923Please respect copyright.PENANAw6cbaUOUyU
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