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She sat atop the skyscraper, all alone. Her booted feet hung over the side, swinging idly as a strong breeze blew her auburn hair out of her face. Her wings caught the breeze, spread out behind her. She sighed as she watched the traffic in the streets far below, her chin resting on in her palms. She shifted, scooting a bit as she tried to fix her suit a bit- it could be constricting when it wanted to be. She touched at her face with a single gloved hand, and was met with a stinging sensation. Injury was nothing new to her, and the almost-frequent bank robberies didn't help matters.788Please respect copyright.PENANACz1UylP9Yb
'Like clockwork, every other Wednesday!' she thought angrily 'I swear...'
But, that was the price for having wings, she'd discovered. Fighting crime, loneliness, and best of all- a vigilante! Doesn't it sound absolutely wonderful? She looked down, a small part of her wishing that she could be normal, like everyone else. Then again, if she didn't protect this town, who would? The police, sure, but they couldn't be everywhere all the time. She was just...helping...or, at least, that's what she'd been telling herself. Staring up at the sky, she saw a small flock of pigeons on the ledge of a taller building off to the left. She was the only one, unlike the urban fowl. She knew of no-one like her, or even remotely supernatural. The sound of a door closing fell upon the quiet rooftop, indicating to her that someone had used the access door to get up here. Looking over her shoulder, she found no-one there, she was all alone.
'I must be hearing things.'
She continued with an inward reflection on her life, perhaps what she might do in the way of food tomorrow. Another strong gust of wind reminded her of the fast-approaching winter. She shuddered, once more looking down at the bustling streets far below her.
"Lovely time of the year, ain't it?" a low-baritone voice declared.
She jumped, her wings suddenly springing out in surprise as she discovered a large, eight-foot tall creature suddenly sitting next to her.
"What the hell are you doing here?" she spat venomously.
"Take it easy," one of the thing's heads said, decidedly human "both of us aren't in any condition to fight anyway, yeah?"
She nodded slowly, some pain twinging in her head.
"So...what are you doing here?" she asked awkwardly.
The thing's large frame shifted, scooting away from her just the tiniest bit.
"Guy like me's gotta be on the run," another head explained, this one appearing devilish "can't be in one spot for too long."
She felt a pang of sympathy for him it them. Just a small bit though, they were still mortal enemies in her eyes.
"Then why do you always hang around here?" she asked, gesturing to the cityscape around them "There are tons of other places to terrorize! Go to New York like all the other supervillians!"
"Is that what I am to you?" the last head asked, wolfish in appearance "Simply a means to exercise your 'justice'?"
She was taken aback by his display, showing a side she'd never actually seen before.
"Even if other superheroes were real," it huffed "New York'd be too crowded for my tastes- I prefer it here, even if it means I have to put up with you."
There it was, they were back to normal.
"No...I don't fight you because you look the way you do- I fight you because you hurt people."
"You think I want to?" it asked.
"That's generally the reason, yeah." she replied.
"Then sister, you really know nothing about me."
"Of course I don't! What? You think I spend every living second of my free-time stalking you?!"
"Well, we're freaks, to be blunt- or at least I am, I don't know what your deal is. But that's beside the point, two things like us, aren't difficult to pick out in a crowd."
"I...I don't understand."
"Of course you don't, because you're not listening."
She grew indignant.
"Yes I am! I wouldn't be sitting here with you if I wasn't!"
"Could've fooled me."
She grit her teeth, and weakly punched him on a muscle-covered shoulder, furious.
"What's your problem? Huh?!"
"I'm not going to stick around much longer, if you continue to act like a two year-old."
"Then go! I certainly don't want you here! What gives you the nerve to-"
She was cut-off, as he stood, turned, and walked toward the side of the building.
"Tread carefully, little Songbird," he called back to her "you just might stick your beak where it doesn't belong."
His two tails, one fox-like, and the other reptilian, flicked, before the hulking monstrosity jumped over the edge, diving into a back alley, and presumably off to wherever the hell it lived.
"Villains..." she sighed, rolling her eyes.
She sat crouched in the large belltower of the old church, just a brisk flight from the bank- her home, her sanctuary, her haven. Birds of all sorts flitted around the belfry, even ones not indigenous to the city. Large, black crows cawed above, as a pelican or two bickered over a spot on the shingle-covered roof. The secluded area was long since abandoned, leaving her and her avian friends to their own devices. She never knew why the odd arrangement of birds come to her, but they found their way here, and has become a nesting place for most of them. The precious eggs sat higher in the tower, protected by several blockades' worth of grasses, straw, and some kind of salve she couldn't quite identify. The birds were oddly calm around her. To be honest, it freaked her out- they were always staring, as if they knew some dirty secret, and she was the only one left in the dark.
A large crow came down from the rafters, coming to land on her shoulder.
'Arrrrrrrgh! Look at me! I be a pirate!' she thought sarcastically.
The crow stared at her, with its beady, black eyes, as if to say 'That's the best you could come up with?'
"Don't judge me," she stated, glaring at the crow "I live in a damn aviary for god's sakes."
The crow stared at her for no longer than a few seconds, before it flew off, presumably to brag to his buddies about how he'd faced off against the fearsome winged-human.
'Not the time to go crazy,' she thought to herself, only half-serious 'save the world, then have all the maniac attacks you want...'
Sighing to herself, she glanced around the tower once more, before taking a running leap, jumping over the edge and gliding above the city with all the grace of a phoenix.
A/N: I might add more later, if it comes to me, but I thought it would be good to end the story here. Hope you enjoyed it. :)
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