Fae, a 15 year old 6 foot 5 boy stands in the garden of his and his father's home tending to the flowers. His golden blonde hair blew in the slight breeze. His eyes were a bright blue that people find themselves getting lost in. Fae looked up from his work and wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeve. He has been out in the hot sun for hours. "Fae! Dinner time!" His father called from the house. "Coming father!" He called as he put his garden tools away and went inside. He cleaned up the dirt that was on his hands before he sat at the table.
His father, a foot shorter than Fea sported the same hair and eyes as his son, came in with two plates of food and set one in front of Fea and one in an empty spot as he already had one himself. He sighs and takes it back to the kitchen where he started sobbing. It pained Fea to see his father cry like this. His mother passed away a few weeks ago due to a bad flu. He got up from his chair and went over to his father and hugged him. "Father, I know you are saddened by Mother's death, but please try to smile. She wouldn't want you to be sad." Fea said trying to cheer him up.
His father gave him a small smile and hugged his son before getting up. "I keep forgetting she isn't here anymore...let's eat alright? You've been working so hard on the garden you must be hungry." Fea nodded and sat at the table with him and ate his dinner. "Father I found a bunny today. " he said with a cheery smile. "You did? That's his son. You know they bring good luck right?" "Yes. I do." Fea said taking another bite. "Did you hear we are getting new neighbors tomorrow?" He asked.
His father stops eating for a moment with a look of disgust. "What's wrong?" "I do not want you hanging out with their child. He's sick." He said sternly. "I'm sure he will get better." "Not that kind of sick. His parents are too. Allowing their child to be gay. It's sick." Fea looks down at his plate. "How it's being gay sick?" "It's wrong. I will not allow my son to be brainwashed by filth." Fea has never seen this side of his father before. It terrified him. He finished eating in silence before turning in for the night.