Fea woke up the following morning and got dressed and went downstairs. His father had already left for work. He got himself some breakfast and went outside. The new neighbors were starting to move in. Against his father's wishes he went over and asked if they would like some help. "Oh we would love some help! It's just me and my son. He's about your age. Liam! Come meet our new friend." A tall blond haired lady called to her son. Liam came out of the house and smiled. His jet black hair parted neatly. Fea's stomach knotted the moment he seen him. "Hello, I'm Fea." Liam shook his hand. It was soft. "I'm Liam Andrews." He greeted. Fea smiled. "Nice to meet you. I came over to see if you needed help moving things in." "We'd love that thank you!" Liam said as he led Fea to the moving truck.
Hours pass as Fea, Liam and his mother moved things into the house. "I'm Tiffany" the woman said smiling at Fea handing him a drink of lemonade. "It's nice to meet you." Fea said. Thoughts of what his father said ran though his head. He thanked her and drank the lemonade before saying goodbye and went home hoping his father wasn't home yet. Thankfully he wasn't. Over the next few hours Fea cleaned the house and decided to take a shower. Since seeing Liam and his smile it was all he could think about.
He couldn't get him out of his head. What's happening to me? He thought to himself. Father wouldn't allow this! Stop it! Stop thinking about him! His thoughts yelled at him but no matter how much he tried Liam had buried himself in his thoughts. He gets out of the shower and dries off and gets dressed. The sound of the door slamming shut makes him jump.
"Fea I'm home." His father called out. Fea went downstairs and greeted him." Hello father how was work?" "Slow. Not many clients needed their cars fixed." He answered sitting on the sofa. "Father can I ask you something about what you said last night?" Fea asked shoving thoughts of the boy out of his head. "You're not gay are you? I won't have that in my house." Fea internally frowns. "I...father I just wanted to know why it's wrong."
His father put his feet up on the coffee table. "Because god intended for a man and a woman to be together not man and man or woman and woman. It's a sin to go against god." He said. "But father, Liam may be gay but he's very nice and a-" "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK TO THEM! HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME!" He yelled making Fea jump and step back. "But father-" "no! I told yo unit to talk to them go to your room now!" Fea nodded and ran upstairs and shit his door and ladies on his bed and sobbed. What is happening!? Father was never like this! He's never been this angry...