As the months went on Fea would hang out with Liam when his father wasn't around. He got up and fixed his hair and left the house as soon as his father left. He knocks on Liam's door. To his amusement he answered. His stomach knotted as it always did when he seen him "Hey Fea! Wanna come inside?" Fea smiled and nodded. Liam led him to his room. There was a rainbow flag on the wall with drawings that were detailed.
He's an artist. He's so good! Fea thought to himself. "How old are you?" Liam asked snapping Fea from this thoughts. " I'm fifteen." Fea answered. Liam smiled and handed him a monster. "I'm fourteen." Fea smiled. "What do you like to do for fun?" "I skate, draw and play guitar." Fea looks around his room. "I love your art is very good." "Thanks. I'll have to draw you sometime." This made Fea blush. I feel strange...
Liam must have noticed because he blushed too. Fea cleared his throat a bit. "My father doesn't know I'm here." Fea said. "Is he one of those anti gay activists?" Liam asked making a face. Fea nods. "Sadly. I don't get it. You're so nice." "Sadly some people are like that. Wanna go for a walk?" "Sure. I just have to be back before five." Liam nods and leads Fea on a trail just outside his house.
"It's beautiful out here!" Fea exclaimed looking at everything. "It is. I spend at lot of time out here." Wow...this is lovely. He's lovely. No! Fea Mathews you are not into boys! Stop it! This isn't you! Is it? Is it me? I'm confused. His thoughts raced as they walked. Before he knew it they were in a clearing. The sun shining down through the trees. "Come sit?" Liam asked snapping him back to reality. "Um sure." He said as he sat next to him. "You know you're cute Fea. " this made him blink a few times heat racing. Cute? He thinks I'm cute!? Ohhhhh. Should kiss him? No! You're not gay! Shut up! I can do what I want I like him! "are you ok?" Liam asks. "Yes...yes I'm fine just a lot on my mind.."
"Wanna talk about it?" Liam asked concerned. "I'm not sure how to explain it. See as you know father is very against gay people...he said if I became one he'd kick me out" Liam frowned. "You don't just become gay Fea. You're born gay or" Maybe I am? "really?" Liam nods. "Liam I..." Fea trails. "You what?" "I...think I...I want to...can I kiss you?" Oh no! He's gonna be weirded out! Liam smiles and before Fea knows it Liam is kissing him. His lips soft as he imagined. He kisses him back. I kissed a boy! Father is gonna be mad! Don't tell him them! Shut up and enjoy this! His thoughts are going nuts but he doesn't break the kiss.