Neither Fea or Liam wanted to break the kiss but the need of oxygen set in. They pull away from each other and smile. "What took you so long?" Liam asked. Fea looked down for a moment. " my father...he won't like this." "Then we keep this a secret." Fea nodded not wanting to keep their love a secret but he also didn't want to be kicked out. He walked out of the trail with him and hugged him before they went their separate ways. Fea went home and tended to the garden as he waited for his father to get home.
"Fea did you finish the chores?" His father asked. "Not all of them but I'm almost done." His father shot him a look of disapproval. "You had all day to do it what have you been doing?" Fea didn't want to give him and Liam away so he quickly thought of an excuse. "I was helping a girl with something it just took a lot longer than I thought." He lied. "Well good to know you haven't been around that boy." Fea's blood boiled. How dare he! I love Liam! He's kind and everything you are not! You've changed father! I don't know who you are anymore. Mother would never say such things! His thoughts were interrupted by his father snapping his fingers. "Fea are you listening?" Fea looked at him."hm? Sorry father what did you say?" His father sighs. "Ever since you met that boy you have been off in la la land! Pay attention!" "Sorry father."
His father crossed to the other side of the room. "Finish your chores. By the way we are moving soon." Fea froze. Moving? "Why?" "I can see it Fea, this boy is starting to brainwash you. I won't allow it." Fea's heart sank. "But father I don't want to move I like it here." He pleaded. "We are moving and that's final. I'm getting you away from that boy."
"But father I love him!" Fea froze at his words. Oh no! You idiot you just ruined everything! His father stopped dead in his tracks. Anger read all over his face. "What did you just say?" Fea looked down. "I love him." He repeated. His father walked over and slapped him leaving a red mark on his cheek. "Get out!" He yelled. Fea held his cheek choking back tears. "But-" His father slapped him again. "GET OUT! I WONT HAVE FILTH I'M MY HOUSE!" Fea in fear ran out with none of his belongings and went to the clearing where Liam took him and drops to his knees and sobs.