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“So you might have to stay here for a while, if you want to get this done quickly.” Technoblade said as they sat at the table.
Soul blinked “are you okay with me staying?”
Technoblade nodded.
“We don't have a room you can stay in…” Techno glanced at Wilbur with a small smirk “but i'm sure Wilbur isn't against sharing a room” he said, Wilbur and Soul stiffened.
“Techno i don't know if that's such a good id-”
Soul grinned clapping his hands together “perfect!” He smirked “I hope you don't mind~” Soul purred in Wilbur’s general direction, Wil’s eyes narrowed and Techno chuckled.
“I can't stand you guys.” Wilbur groaned, Soul chuckled and stood weakly to set dirty dishes into the sink.
Techno watched as Soul’s legs quivered ever so slightly before raising an amused eyebrow at Wilbur who rolled his eyes.
“Techno, i need to talk to you.” he said, Techno blinked and stood adjusting his tunic.
“Alright? Soul we’ll be back” he said before leaving, Soul nodded and raised a thumb. As Wilbur walked by, his fingers brushed against his back and Soul stumbled catching himself on the sink, he shot a look at Wilbur and he grinned.
“What's up?”
Wilbur shut the study door and sighed. “We need to help Soul” he said, Techno crossed his arms confused.
“That's what we're doing I thought?”
Wilbur shook his head and rubbed his temples “no, no. We need to HELP him. He’s being controlled, that Soul is not the Soul i met in the clearing months ago.” he said, Techno studied Wilbur as he fixed his glasses.
“What do you mean? If you’re worried about him changing, people do that…” he said, Wilbur threw his hands to his sides in frustration.
“No. Techno you don't get it. When I met Soul he was shy and sweet, he would never hurt a single fly, hell he couldn't even defend himself. After his weird breakdown a couple weeks ago he changed. He’s not him anymore…he wasn't even really him when he ended up in Las Nevadas, it just got worse when he had the breakdown” he explained, Techno removed his mask and frowned. His porcelain skin shone gently in the dim sunlight.
Wilbur relaxed a little.
“So you think he’s being controlled?”
Wilbur nodded.
“Explain what the breakdown was like…” Techno suggested, Wilbur nodded and sat on the window ledge.
“When I walked in he I think was just hearing things…he somehow unlocked a new magic and shattered a couple things, but he said a name. Mumbled it. It sounded like Endorria…when I confronted him his eyes turned red like he was bleeding…but they glowed. His arms turned an inky black up to his forearms almost like his blood had turned black, you could see his veins.” Wilbur bit his lip, and Techno’s scowl deepened.
“He was completely freaking out, struggling to…it seemed like to keep control. Eventually he had some weird seizure freak out a random vision, but he was conscious. That's when it confirmed the name. He had said Endorria…like he was talking to her '' he said, Techno rubbed his hands down his face.
“So you think the goddess of destruction and nightmares has him under control?” he questioned.
Wilbur nodded.
“I guess it’s possible, but why would she choose him? I mean I know why the blood god chose me but it doesn't make sense, if Soul would never hurt a fly…” he trailed off and Wilbur turned his attention to him.
Techno chewed on his fingernail. “I don't know for some reason my intuition is trying to tell me that he’s somehow connected to Endorria…that maybe he knew her, but there's no way, she’s over thousands of years old.” he said, Wilbur frowned.
“The only way he’d have known her is if he was a time traveler”
“Like karl.”
They shared horrified glances and something clattered in the kitchen, the door to the study swung open and a tall blonde man stood in the doorway terrified.
“Your friend is having a seizure.” he said in a panic, Wilbur disappeared instantly by Soul’s side in the kitchen as he convulsed and tears streamed from his eyes.
Soul knew what was happening.
Wilnur’s breathe became rigged and labored as he turned Soul to his side, Techno rushed in with a rag and cold water as the blonde man and Wilbur sat by Soul’s side.
Black ran up from Soul’s fingers to his forearms in long, thin tendrils. His eyes flashed between white and red not knowing what to choose as his body shook, Techno dropped to the ground handing the rag and bucket to the blonde.
Soft hands took Soul’s arm in his hand as he inspected it before sharing a look with Wilbur who’s eyes were wide.
Soul gasped and broke out into sobs, his eyes still bright red but his body shudders coming at a slow pace.
“It hurts” he sobbed, Wilbur pulled Soul into his lap cradling him.
“I kno-”
“I know. Just endure it a little longer…”
Everyone in the room went frigid and silent at the sound of the echoing voice, Soul gripped Wil’s arms as red started to drip from his eyes.
“Prime, what is going on!”
“Soul. Soul listen to me. Don't listen to her.”
“Ignore them Alex. they’re nothing compared to you.”
Soul’s body shuddered as his eyes flickered red then white, the blonde slowly dabbed Soul’s bleeding eyes with the wet rag. Soul hissed in pain and the blonde flinched his black wings shuddering behind him before he looked to Techno.
“Somethings not right.” he said, Techno stared at him and the blonde frowned. “His bodys rejecting the goddess…” he said, Wilbur’s breath hitched and Soul’s breath slowed almost to a complete stop.
“No. no. no. Soul you better wake the fuck up i swear to prime.” Wilbur snapped, Techno frowned as Soul’s hands twitched.
“I cant. I can't do this. Soul wakes up. Please wake up.” he growled, resting his head against Soul’s.
“Alex…accept the egg's power…”
“The- what?” Techno shared a shocked look with the blonde, Wilbur’s eye twitched and he went stone cold.
Techno’s eyes flickered to Wilbur “Wil..”
“Stop saying my fucking name Technoblade. God.” he snapped, Techno drew his hand back quickly, his eyes narrowing. The blonde gave Techno a sympathetic look as Soul’s hands went limp, the black draining into nowhere.
It went wilent as cold hands held limp ones, terror and hurt filled Wilbur’s eyes all at once and he ripped off his glasses.
Techno frowned. “Wait…”
Soul’s hand twitched and he coughed, blood dripping down his lips when he did. He winced as his eyes adjusted to the light and his hands around Wilbur’s arms loosened, Wilbur stared in shock.
Soul groaned covering Wilbur’s mouth with a hand. “Shut the fuck up…you’re so loud.” he snapped groggily, Techno’s eyebrows nit together.
“I didn't eve-” his voice trailed off in muffled talking, Soul rubbed his eyes and sighed.
“The fuck…who’s this?” Soul questioned eyeing the older elytrian next to him, Techno sighed.
“Wil, Phil. can i talk to you?” he questioned as Soul stood slowly, Wilbur stood and helped him only for Soul to slap his hand away.
“Fucking knock that shit off dude.” he growled, Wilbur flinched and stormed out of the room, Techno and phil followed behind.
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“We need to take a trip to the end, Phil” Techno stated, Wilbur growled.
“No. we need to kill that fucking dragon. And that egg.” he snapped. They looked at him and frowned.
“I’ll go. You two have to help him with the Pogtopia plan anyways, if nothing changes we’ll figure something else out.” Phil said, They nodded.
Techno watched and handed Soul a dynamite stick from above ground as Soul tied them together and lined them up below ground.
“So, who was that blonde guy? With the weird ass hat?” Soul questioned, Techno blinked and tore his eyes away from Wilbur who was fiddling with the satchel of dynamite.
Soul glared as he kicked dirt into the small hole now filled with TNT, as they walked to the next spot Techno smirked.
“Sorry, his name is Phil. he lives next door with Tommy. He’s kinda like our dad…” he said, Soul raised an eyebrow.
“Wilbur, tommy and i” he smiled silently to himself as he dropped his satchel next to the next spot, Soul twirled his shovel and stabbed it into the ground.
“Ah, so you’re brothers” Soul said, Techno hummed as he stringed together some explosives.
“Something like that.”
It was quiet for a few minutes as they worked, Wilbur tossed Techno a dynamite stick and he caught it.
“So, I had a question, Soul…” Techno said, in a low enough whisper for Wilbur not to hear. Soul glanced up at him as he tied the sticks together and then slowly pulled a long wick strand towards the last dynamite section.
Techno thought for a moment and then slowly covered the hole as Soul tied the wick to the other section.
“Do you worship anyone?” he questioned, Soul raised an eyebrow, his ears perking up.
“Worship? Like a god? Goodness no.” he chuckled to himself. “I’d kill myself if i ever did such a thing.” he smirked.
Techno raised his brows in slight shock.
“I guess I could understand that…have you ever heard of Endorria?” Soul went frigid, every bone in his body coming to a screeching halt.
It was quiet before Soul frowned and stood to look at Techno.
“What about her?”
Wilbur glanced over and frowned at the build up of tension, “Soul!” he called.
“What's up?” he replied, not tearing his eyes from Techno’s matching crimson ones.
Wilbur tossed him a satchel and Soul caught it turning his back on Techno.
“When do you plan on setting all this off?” he questioned, Soul twirled a small stick and looked at the sky.
“Mmm, tonight. But only if Techno is willing to somehow lure Dream here.” He said, Wilbur frowned as Techno slung his bag over his shoulder.
“On it.”
As Techno walked away slowly disappearing as the hills swallowed his pale skin and pink hair, Wilbur looked to Soul.
“You and I are still the only ones that know about the rest right?” he questioned, Soul’s lips tugging up into a smirk.
“Mhm~ and you’ll need to be by the castle for the first thread to light, but I recommend leaving as soon as you light it. I don't want you getting caught” he purred, caressing Wilbur’s cheek.
Wilbur rolled his eyes.
“I have to go get the rest ready though, you should go help Techno” Soul said, Wilbur frowned and nodded.
As Wilbur began to walk away, Soul grabbed his bag and adjusted his mask, and Wilbur stopped to look back.
Soul met eyes with him and something cracked to life.
“Stay safe.” Wilbur said, Soul smiled and saluted.
Wilbur returned the salute before they split ways.
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Soul humed gently as he fixed his jacket and zipped it up, shuddering in the brisk breeze.
Techno appeared through the fog and greeted him, Soul smiled shaking hands with Techno just as three other figures breached the fog meeting them feet away in the open plains just outside of Pogtopia.
Sapnap, Dream, and George.
Soul raised an eyebrow unamused with his hands shoved into his pockets, his picked at the dark black and blue fishnets covering his marked legs before connecting and disappearing with his shorts and combat boots.
“Why did you want to meet?” Dream called out, a small smile spread across his lips as he eyed Sapnap and then let his eyes linger on George with malice. He glanced back at Techno who nodded before Soul turned back to the three on his heel, he placed a hand on his hip with a smirk.
“I wanted to give you a show~” he said in a sing-song voice, Sapnap and George exchanged glances as Dream frowned. “I prepared it just for you, my love~” he purred before it slowly turned into a growl, his eyes narrowing, his pupils turning to slits before returning to normal.
“How are you and George? Hm? I assume you aren’t sneaking around other’s backs right?” he grinned, Dream glared.
“Dont do anything stupid. We can talk about this.” he snapped, Soul sighed.
“See that's the problem, hon. We could’ve but, if you really wanted to talk about it you would’ve brought it up before continuing to fuck him when i wasn’t around” he said inspecting his freshly coated navy nails.
Something flickered across Sapnap’s features, a mixture of confusion and shock.
“Wait. What is he talking about? George?”
Soul hummed watching with amusement, a small smile curled on Techno’s pale lips catching them off guard when Soul clapped his hands.
“Anyways! The show is just about to begin! So, sit back and enjoy~” Soul purred, pulling out a lighter and tossing it to Technoblade, Techno caught it and shot them all a sadistic grin as he lit a torch.
Dream’s eyes widened and he darted “Soul! DONT.”
Sapnap and George stared in horror before running after dream only for Techno to stop them, Soul blew Dream a kiss when he was inches away and dropped the torch.
Fire caught a wick and it illuminated, Soul dodged dream swiftly and watched him face plant into the ground, Soul frowned and crouched down raising Dream’s chin as he struggled to get up slipping in the mud.
“The only problem with this situation is…” Soul whispered, his lips centimeters from Dream’s “is the fact that if you did love me…you’re about to lose your precious city and me” he whispered his eyes flickering to slits as he stood, Dream’s breath caught.
“What…” When he looked up, Soul had undid his jacket with a sad smile. “No. SOUL NO!” he shouted, Techno whipped around as Soul raised his fingers to his lips blowing out a whisper. Techno’s eyes widened.
“SOUL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Techno shouted, Soul gave him a big smile just as loud booms turned into loud and never ending ringing. Flashes blinded the four and Soul sighed as it came closer, smoke rolled through the plains as the sounds of screams and tnt filled his ears.
“NOW THIS. THIS IS A SYMPHONY!” he yelled, Dream stood and stumbled backwards just as Soul gave him one last kiss and turned to ash in the last blast.
Dream and the others shot into different directions only for Technoblade to be yanked up onto a horse by Wilbur.
“Come on.”
Techno stared in horror.
“You knew about this.” he snapped, wilbur frowned.
“I did…and I tried to talk him out of it. Lets just hope Phil kills that damn dragon.”
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