"You ready?”
Soul looked up at Void and fixed his jacket belts that held his pockets closed, Soul sighed.
“As I’ll ever be” he said, Void smiled gently and hugged him.
“Remember the plan..?” Soul nodded as he hugged Void back, “cool, stay strong and safe.” He said, Soul pulled back from the hug.
“Got it.”
Void smirked and pulled his mask down, his eyes glowed and he raised a finger to hover over Soul’s forehead, a symbol appearing before he vanished leaving Void alone again.
“I’ll keep in touch,” he mumbled to himself.
Soul yelled in terror as he fell from the black portal and into the infinite sky, the buildings around pogtopia collapsed and smoke still rolled through the plains. His eyes widened as he stared at the sight forgetting that he was literally falling to his death, death?
He chuckled and forced himself against gravity so he would turn, he flicked his hand and a small platform just big enough for him to sit appeared. He landed gently and lowered himself onto it, he hummed.
The perfect view of a crumbled city, the sun shone against his back. Small movements from below caught him off guard and he raised an eyebrow leaning forward so he could watch.
People scurried around, at least the people who were left. Only a few Select survived and probably only because they were out of town or found a bomb shelter. As he let the platform disappear he slowly made his way down on various blocks of grass before landing on the soft plains of what used to be Pogtopia.
Green flashed by him a few feet away as others ran with him, Soul turned and watched as Dream and a few others in armor ran towards Pogtopia. Another fire had started, Soul smirked.
“Tch, idiots, blindly running into danger like it’s nothing” he mused, Shouts sounded and he noticed Techno being carted away in shackles from the other side of Pogtopia.
How long had it been here while he was away?
Soul froze and turned slowly to see Wilbur, a lighter in hand and cigarette dangling from his lips. Within seconds both the cigarette and lighter were on the ground and Soul was wrapped up in a hug.
“Jesus Wil, what the fuck” he wheezed “you’re gonna suffocate me” he coughed out, Wil let him go and held him at shoulders length.
“What the hell, I thought you were dead. You didn’t even tell me you were planning on killing yourself and yet…yet- how did you survive a blast to the fucking body?” He snapped in shock, Soul rolled his eyes and picked up the cigarette.
He twirled it and placed it between his own lips.
“Did Techno just get arrested?”
Wilbur sighed and caught the lighter that Soul tossed to him, he raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah…he’s been in hiding ever since he defended you a week ago”
“I’ve been gone for a week?”
Soul chuckled “shit man, the void is a crazy place” he laughed, Wilbur’s eyes narrowed.
“Who revived you?” He blurted, Soul glared the taste of nicotine and tobacco faint on his tongue.
“You think I fucking know?” He lied, Wilbur sighed and rubbed his temples, the sun glinting off his leather gloves.
Soul looked up, the low voice catching his attention. Their eyes met as Wilbur was inches from him, his hand in his jacket pocket and lighter ignited against the tip of the cigarette.
“Don’t ever, do that again.” He growled, The cigarette caught and Soul breathed in before blowing it gently into Wilbur’s face with a smirk.
“Make me.” He purred, Wilbur glared.
Nicotine coursed through his body as he passed it to Wil, Wilbur took it and took a drag blowing it to the side but not breaking eye contact with Soul.
“You know what the taste of nicotine reminds me of?” Soul questioned taking the cigarette and holding it at his side, his lips brushing Wil's ear.
Wilbur grinned.
Wilbur let Soul drag his lips down his jawline to his own, his eyes flickering from Wilbur’s eyes to his lips then back.
“You~” he purred, taking a step back and placing the cigarette against his lips and then blowing smoke from his nose, Wilbur stood rigged before grabbing Soul by the waistband of his fishnets and letting their lips touch ever-so-slightly.
“You drive me crazy.” He said, lips moving against lips.
Soul pecked him and let his hand drop from Wil’s shoulder to his hand interlacing their fingers.
“Let’s get out of here then- shall we?”
Wilbur smirked and yanked him towards the forest, Soul chuckled.
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Tuning and strumming his guitar, Soul sat in his office chair watching as hours ticked by. This is how he survived when no one made appointments with him, sitting alone messing with his own devices. Whether it was strumming his guitar, playing with fire, or painting his nails.
It was boring as fuck.
The door opened and he looked up to see Tommy with a book in hand and a sandwich in the other.
“Wilbur said you’d be helping out here.”
He froze in the doorway and tore his eyes from the book, sandwich halfway in his mouth.
“What the fuck…” Tommy cursed in a thick accent, A crooked smile found it’s place on his lips.
“Shouldn’t you be a pile of fucking ash?” Tommy scowled, Soul frowned.
“Wow, very hospitable of you. And in my own office too” he sighed sadly, Tommy’s eyes softened.
“Sorry. I’m just. I’m still pissed with you.”
Tommy slammed his book on the desk and glared “for fucking rigging a whole ass bomb to your body and then of all people Techno! Techno had to find out and couldn’t even help you! Why the fuck are you that crazy to even think. Of something like that?!” He yelled, his voice cracking a little bit.
Soul’s smile dissipated and he stared at Tommy who stopped to catch his breath. “You piece of shit.” He hissed, Soul stood and grabbed Tommy by the cheeks as he stared at him.
“You might want to stop there with the insults, because if you didn’t notice…you’re in a soundproof office. Thomas.” He snapped, Tommy glared and tore himself from his grasp.
“I’m going to say this once, Tommy. Get. The fuck. Out of my office.” He growled, Tommy went to grab his book and Soul slammed his hand down on it.
“Now.” His eyes flashed red.
Tommy frowned and turned on his heel as he stormed out.
Soul chuckled to himself and set aside his guitar before disappearing out of his office to join the club, the booming music and alcohol hit him instantly.
He let his jacket fall from his shoulders and into the arms of a security guard who folded it and draped it over his arm as Soul joined the mass of dancing people.
This is what club life was like.
Exhilarating. Free.
And he owned everything, he downed a shot and made his way to the front of the crowd to a stage. As he made his way up, some people stopped curiously and he whispered into the DJ's ear.
The Dj frowned but shrugged and handed him a mic, spinning the discs on his turntable it staticed and Soul grinned as the music started slow before quickening.
As he sang, people cheered and danced, Soul made his way down the stage and into the crowd grinding against a guy before gently turning so his ass brushed against another’s.
He draped his hand over a girl's shoulder and belched out his notes, she grinned and downed her drink as he slowly dragged his hands down her waist so he was crouching below her. She rested a hand on his shoulder and spit the alcohol into his mouth, he swallowed and pecked her lips before returning to the song as people laughed and cheered.
When Soul was on stage again letting out a long note people danced and he bent backwards dramatically as he sang before the music stopped and faded back into a remix. He chuckled and high fived the dj before running off stage and dancing his way into the crowd.
Music blared as bodies danced and grinded, sequence clothing and sweat and diamonds mixed together in one big mass of people as Soul danced his blue/black fishnets glinting in the RGB LEDs and strobes, the eyeshadow he had thrown on complimenting his red eyes.
A hand grabbed his wrist and his eyes widened when he was yanked and thrown into a booth, he sat up in shock and looked at the cloaked figure who sat down.
“What the fuck.” the person snapped. Void.
Soul’s eyes narrowed. “What are you doing here?” he questioned.
“You literally told a child you were going to kill him, Alex. why else would i be here.” he snapped, Soul glared “and now you’re partying? You are all the way fucked up. You do realize Tommy is on his way to talk to Tubbo right? And then Tubbo is going to say something to Quackity and soon it’ll reach Dream and you alerting everyone in the essempii that you’re back after BLOWING UP AN ENTIRE CITY. that is NOT a great idea, Alex.” he growled, Soul stared taken aback.
“You are literally labeled as a terrorist.” he finished, Soul sighed.
“So? Wil is labeled the exact same thing and last I checked he’s allowed out around.” he said, Void frowned and slammed his fist against the table.
“Because only a FEW people know. Including Dream and Dream doesn’t give a shit because he never cared for L’manberg in the first place.” he said, Soul scowled.
“What you’re doing, Alex. needs to stop, you need to reevaluate yourself before you get yourself killed.” he hissed just as the doors to the club swung open, light spilled in and people parted eyes wide in horror as four figures entered the club dance floor.
Looking around Soul’s eyes widened and when he looked back Void was gone.
Dream, George, Sapnap and Quackity were standing in full armor, fully weaponized in the middle of his club. Soul and Dream’s eyes met and Soul’s narrowed as he flashed him a sheepish smile.
“Well look who decided to join the party~”
They looked to him just as he crossed his legs and waved playfully, Quackity stormed over and grabbed Soul’s arm mid-wave, shoving him to the ground,he held the ax to his neck. Soul smirked.
“You’re lucky I can't just outright kill you.” Quackity hissed, Soul shimmied a bit.
“Ooh~ kinky. And very threatening, I'm quaking, can you tell?” he purred, Quackity glared as Sapnap stuffed a cloth into his mouth, Cuffs clicked around his hands the faint view of George’s blue sleeved arm in view.
Dream stood in silence as he eyed Soul.
Soul spit out the rag and was yanked to his feet, he spit at Dream’s foot.
Dream frowned.
“You should be dead…” he mumbled, Soul smirked.
“That i should be”
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Soul stumbled and caught himself on the ledge of a sink as he was shoved into a large jail cell, he spun on his heel to see Quackity pull the lever. Lava fell into the slot in front as a potential door.
It was smart, no one, unless suicidal. Would walk through lava.
Soul smirked and chuckled.
“Oh well..” he mused tracing the ledge of the sink, he turned taking in the area.
It was made of mostly stone, some vines or moss clung to a couple giving it an unintentional cozy, nature feeling. A cot with a thin blanket sat on the right in a corner, a toilet sat next to the sink and a small desk was against the wall next to the cot.
He sat on the bed, dust flew up and he couched.
Well…this wasn’t what he had in mind but oh well…
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“What the hell did you do Tommy?” Wilbur snapped as he shot Tommy a glare from the front door of Techno’s house, Tommy looked up from his book and his eyes widened as Wil stormed over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. “What the fuck did you do.”
“I don't know what youre talking about.” he fought back a stutter of fear, Wilbur’s eyes narrowed.
“Then explain why YOUR name is being brought up in the fact that Soul just got ARRESTED” he raised his voice, Tommy stared in horror.
“He threatened me!”
Wilbur scowled and threw Tommy into the couch. “Threatened you? He threatens everyone. Tommy.” he hissed, it went silent as Tommy stared at Wilbur in fear. Wilbur clenched and unclenched his fists before kicking the edge of the table, “FUCK TOMMY, WHY CANT YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT?! HE WAS ALIVE FOR 2 HOURS YOU PRICK” he yelled, Tommy pulled his knees to his chest and Wilbur sighed.
“I didn’t know…i thought he’d been alive the whole time, i didnt think him committing suicide actually happened…” he said quietly, Wilbur scowled.
“Oh my god, you’re actually fucking stupid. What did he say to you?”
“He..he said something along the lines of ‘You might want to stop there with the insults, because if you didn’t notice…you’re in a soundproof office. Thomas’. h-he threatened me. What else was I supposed to do? I went to rant to Tubbo but I didn't expect him to run his mouth to anyone else” he explained.
Wilbur rubbed his eyes and jabbed a finger against Tommy’s chest. “Next time. Keep your mouth shut or talk to Techno and i. Got it?” he snapped, Tommy nodded and Wilbur stormed out of the house.
“Fucking idiot.”
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Soul leaned against the wall as he sat on the dusty bed staring holes into the person standing in front of him.
“Did you die?” Quackity questioned his arms crossed, Soul chuckled gently?
“Something like that”
“Who revived you then?”
Soul glared “I don’t know. Some rando.” He paused. “Why does It matter anyways?” Quackity shot him a look.
“You blew up the whole city of Pogtopia with people in it. Soul. People.” He hissed, Soul shrugged.
“Oh well, you win some you lose a few hundred” Soul mused checking the lacquer on his nails, Quackity fumed.
“You think this is funny don’t you? Killing millions of innocent people? Calling their screams a ‘symphony?” He growled, grabbing Soul by the wrist and pulling him to his feet, Soul sighed and slipped his wrist from his grasp.
“Since when did you become friends with Dream?” Soul questioned, Quackity stiffened.
“Only Dream heard me say that, so you and him must be close. Now tell me, what’s so different between me and him? Because last I checked he killed more people then I have and then escaped. If you were such a loyal guard for Sam he’d be back in a cell wouldn’t he..?” He purred, Quackity’s eyes narrowed.
“Dream’s been in jail long enough.”
“That’s not what Sam believes, which means you’re doing something much more illegal then me being a terrorist, my love”
It went silent and Quackity raised his hand to Soul’s throat forcing him to look at him.
Soul smirked.
“Next time. If you even say one word when I’m not asking you a question, I won’t hesitate to teach you a lesson.” He snapped before pushing Soul onto his cot and striding towards the lava which rose slowly.
Soul leaned on the cot elegantly and hummed.
“I want to see that Quackity more often~” he purred, Quackity tensed and walked through the lava, Soul giggled and laid back on the bed.
What an interesting birdy…
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Techno rolled his eyes as the tension between Wil and Tommy grew each second they were together before he set aside a plate and turned off the sink “hey Tommy, will you do me a favor?” He questioned, Tommy glanced up from his book and nodded as Wilbur tossed some vegetables in a skillet on the stove.
“The farm and garden needs water, do you mind?” He asked, Tommy book marked his reading and nodded, grabbing the shed keys before disappearing out the front door.
“You went off on him didn’t you?” Techno stated as he dried a wet dish, Wilbur shrugged and seasoned some rice.
“Why does it matter? He should’ve kept his loud mouth shut.”
Techno sighed and removed his mask so he could look Wilbur in the eyes.
Wilbur glanced up from his food and frowned. “What?” He snapped, Techno bit the inside of his cheek.
“I need you to be as honest with me as possible….” He paused and Wilbur’s eyes narrowed “you don’t really want to be JUST fuck buddies with Soul do you…?” He said, trailing off.
Wilbur’s eyes widened before he turned back to his food.
“I don’t know what you’re getting at Tech. Him and I only agreed to be partners and not in a romantic way.” He explained, Techno frowned and turned off the faucet as he started to put away dry dishes.
“But you don’t want that…do you?” He repeated, Wil tensed “just be honest with me Wil. I’m not going to judge you.” He said.
Wilbur scowled and pushed up his yellow sweatered sleeves.
“I know Techno. And I’m telling you I don’t want a relationship.” He said, Technoblade sighed.
“You’re scared of a relationship aren’t you….” He mumbled, Wilbur froze and the staples holding his patched skin together found an itch.
He turned the heat on the rice too low and looked at Techno.
“Fine. I’m scared. Is that so inhuman of me? I don’t want to be in a relationship because I’ve seen how they end, and I know how Soul is. No matter what, he'll sleep with someone else if I’m not around.” He snapped. Techno frowned.
“I don’t think he will. Wilbur. He’s admired you for a while whether he’s blind to it or not. I’m pretty sure he’d be loyal if you just said something.” He said, Wilbur scowled.
“No. And that’s my last answer, Techno. I don’t want anything to do with a relationship with him or anyone else. Got it.” He snapped before leaving the kitchen and Techno alone.
Techno frowned and let his head drop to the floor.
Like Icarus who flew too close to the sun…Techno would forever be the mortal who couldn’t save him from his own ignorance…
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Soul closed his eyes and gently opened them to bright white. Soul drew in a sharp breath as Endorria’s form came Into view.
“Soul~” she purred with pleasant surprise, Soul smirked and joined her at a small ender stone decorated table with crystals and burning incense.
She sipped her tea.
“I heard about what happened, I’m proud of you” she grinned, Soul chuckled.
“Did you have a question? This visit is earlier than usual” she mused gently as she poured him a glass of tea, he took it and sipped cautiously as steam rolled up into the infinite sky.
“Actually…I was wondering. If you were to…be killed what would happen to me?” He questioned, she raised a perfect black eyebrow.
“Well I imagine anything that happened while I’ve been your goddess you’d forget and have to relearn? Why do you ask?” She eyed him curiously.
“What about me…would anything change?”
She blinked.
“I assume you’d stay the same…whether you remember what you did or not you’d still have the same bloodlust as you did before” she said her purple eyes narrowed and small particles started to float around her.
“Say…Soul. Are you planning on killing me? Because I will say I’m very immoral” she chuckled, Soul laughed nervously.
“No…no…I was just worried is all”
Her eyes softened and she looked at him with a small side small.
“Awe…you’re worried?” She giggled “how sweet”
He sipped his tea “I guess” he mumbled, She hummed gently and watched him as he drank it.
He met eyes with her.
She cocked her head gently “have you figured out how to travel yet?” She questioned, Soul tensed and looked at her stiffly.
“Um- I’m sorry?”
She sighed “travel. Time travel have you figured it out?” She asked, Soul stared.
She stood and made her way to him, pulling him up from his seat.
“I think you’re ready to learn a new trick. You’ve known it for a while, or your body has but you haven’t. You my dear can time travel. You’re one of the few” she grinned.
She held his wrists gently before turning them palms up, she ran her fingers over his pale skin revealing two symbols much like swirls. But not circular swirls, Soul’s eyes widened at the scarlet marks.
“It’s time to start you’re training my dear”
Just as she had pulled them into an infinite darkness to work a bright light shot through her like an arrow, he dodged and stared in horror.
Her purple like eyes glowed as she shared the same look of terror.
“SOUL” she shrieked in pain as white started to envelop her from the chest out.
She reached for him and he stood frozen, his heels almost seeming to fall into the sinking floor that had turned to ash and disappeared entirely.
Enderman vanished like miniature explosions of dust, and she cried out again.
Soul grabbed her hand just as her face and hand were turning to ash before she whispered something.
“I will always be a part of you.”
Soul gasped when she burst into a blinding white and purple light, he winced in pain before sitting up abruptly on his cot. Right back in his cell.
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Techno flinched his bow slight screech against his violin strings and Wilbur thudded down the steps and burst out the door.
Phil chuckled and tied up his horse as Tommy hugged him tightly, Wilbur saluted gently as an acknowledgment.
Techno stepped out from his home after packing up his violin and Phil smiled.
“Hey there mate” Phil greeted with a charming smile, Techno blushed slightly and waved gently his long pink hair half down in waves.
Phil grinned.
“She’s dead” Phil said, Wilbur sighed in relief before grabbing his horse's lead.
“Thank prime, Phil.” He said, Phil chuckled and made his way to Techno.
“Wil, where are you going?” Tommy questioned, Wilbur glared as he led his horse to the small trail through snow that would lead to a very blown up Pogtopia.
“Going to make sure Soul is alright.” He said, Tommy’s eyes narrowed and Phil frowned.
“Careful Wil, I’m not sure if Quackity is still there or not” he said, Wilbur shrugged.
“Even if he is, I know my way around”
Techno rolled his eyes and pulled Phil inside, Tommy frowned and called for Wilbur.
He turned with an annoyed look.
“What Tommy? What.” He snapped, Tommy shoved Wilbur’s tattered and patched jacket against his chest.
“Stay safe.” Tommy said with a scowl, Wilbur grabbed his jacket gently and nodded to Tommy before mounting his horse.
“I will.”
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