They walked part of the way in silence and then the next with laughter.
Soul chuckled lightly trying to regain breath after Dream told him about how he stole a kid's discs and he threw a hissy fit about it.
"God that kid must be really stuck up" Soul said, Dream wheezed.
"I know right, I mean if I can control what he loves… " he trailed off as they walked.
"Then you could control everyone.." Soul finished, Dream looked at him.
Soul chuckled "you're an interesting person" he said, Dream shoved into him gently.
"Says the one hanging out with a mass murderer" he teased, Soul grinned.
"It's thrilling, you can't blame me for like a little adrenaline" he poked, Dream laughed a wheezy laugh.
"A little adrenaline, I'm pretty sure there's a lot more adrenaline to hanging out with me than you think" he smirked, glancing down at the ground.
"Where are your shoes?"
Soul cocked his head slightly before looking down at his manicured feet, he chuckled, eyeing the anklet on his ankle.
"I don't know… maybe old me didn't like shoes"
Soul smirked, punching him gently as they stopped at a tree.
"Is this it?"
Dream rounded the tree and cleared some moss from the ground revealing a trapdoor.
He opened it and waved for him to join as he dropped down the ladder, not even using the steps just sliding down with his hands.
Soul did the same landing gently on the wood floor beneath them, the trapdoor fell shut and Dream sighed in relaxation as he pulled off his harness and flung his wet sweatshirt onto a rack over some lava.
Soul looked around, the living room was spacious with a jukebox in the corner, the kitchen in the next room was small but big enough for them to have enough room to make food. A storage room winged off from the kitchen and next to it a bedroom, Dream flopped down onto the couch.
"Yeah, so about the bed situation…"
Soul looked at him, "I can sleep on the couch."
Dream looked up at him "you sure?"
Soul nodded and sat on the couch.
"So now what?"
Dream shrugged "I mean the sun will be going down soon and this area of the forest is usually swarmed with monsters so I guess we just chill" he said, Soul frowned.
"Is there a bathroom?"
"Sure, why?"
Soul blinked "do you ask everyone why?"
Dream chuckled.
"I'm going to take a shower if you so badly want to know" he rolled his eyes, Dream smirked.
"Yeah it's over by the bedroom, just go in and it's the second door by the closet" he explained.
Soul nodded and started to walk away when Dream whistled to get his attention, Soul glanced back.
"Want me to join you?" He winked,
Soul grimaced.
Dream laughed gently as Soul disappeared into the bedroom, Dream sighed and rubbed his temples.
"What am I getting myself into"
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Soul shut the door and sighed as he looked in the mirror he removed his mask the sound of the belt clicking as it fell to the floor, he cocked his head and eyed his reflection.
Maybe with a haircut he wouldn't look like he hadn't slept in weeks or refused to eat since he met Dream.
He shook his head and undid the belt around his waist that held his sword, he set it on the ground.
After he'd pulled off his bodysuit he eyed the marks on his chest and the scars on his back.
The hell happened to me…
His breath hitched and he placed his leg on the toilet to remove the anklet only for it to shock him when he touched it gently.
He jerked his hand back in shock and stared.
He couldn't take it off..
He shook his head and turned the water knob letting the warm water start to pour in against the floor of the bathroom before stepping in.
He gasped when the water hit his back and sighed in relief. This was heaven.
When he got out he toweled his hair dry and frowned. He didn't have anything to wear, he groaned.
He really didn't want to ask Dream for spare clothes.
"Hey Dream… " he said quietly but still loud enough for him to hear, Dream peaked his head into the bedroom as Soul sat on the other side of the bathroom door.
"Do you have any spare clothes I can borrow?" Dream leaned against the doorway.
"Oh, yeah I do- do you need some?"
It was silent for a few minutes and he chuckled "gimme a second I'll find something for you" Dream replied, Soul shivered against the door as Dream rummaged through the closet.
He knocked on the door and Soul cracked it open "here ya go, princess" Dream teased, Soul glared and took the clothes.
"Don't call me that."
Dream smirked and shut the door again, Soul sighed and unbundled the clothes pulling a black sweatshirt over his head and putting a pair of ripped jeans on.
Soul grabbed the mask from the floor and clasped it around his head.
Grabbing his old clothes and sword he made his way out of the bathroom, Dream hummed as he flipped some eggs in a pan.
Soul raised an eyebrow "where should I put these?" Dream glanced over at him.
"Oh good they fit, I guess set them over by the lava so they dry for now" Dream said, Soul nodded and sat them down over the rack where Dream's hoodie was hanging.
"So uh, do you like lime green or something?" Soul asked, Dream smirked sliding the eggs into two separate plates of hash browns on the side.
"Something like that"
Dream handed Soul a plate as he sat at a smile round table, Soul joined him.
Dream smiled under his mask and took a bite of his eggs "want me to cut your hair after dinner?" Soul flinched and ate his eggs.
"I… sure"
Dream eyed his mask "it'll require you taking the mask off" he said finishing his food and leaning back in his chair.
Soul tensed and reached up to his mask which covered his face "do I have too… ? "
Dream nodded "I won't look if you don't want me too" he said, Soul bit his lip.
"No.. No it's fine"
Dream nodded slowly and stood looking for a pair of scissors to cut Soul's hair with. When Soul finished he stood and set the bowl into the sink, Dream returned and smiled.
"You ready?"
Soul nodded and pulled a chair out to sit, Dream brushed a part of Soul's hair away from his shoulder to the back and twirled the scissors "can I remove it?"
Soul nodded and the clasp clicked open gently, the mask falling from his face, Soul shivered when Dream's knuckles brushed against his skin as he took it and set it on the table.
It was silent as Dream cut his hair and avoided looking at Soul as he did so, Soul fiddled with his fingers as Dream ruffled his hair.
Soul raised an eyebrow glancing at the floor to see a pile of his hair, Dream smirked.
"It looks good" he said, handing Soul a mirror, Soul looked in it hesitantly and Dream froze when he caught a glimpse of him.
His face pale like porcelain and his eyes two different colors, a long scar ran from his left eyebrow to the right side of his nose. He was almost pretty… well he was but in a masculine way.
Soul's eyes flickered to lock with Dream's through the mirror and he tensed, Soul stood and hugged Dream catching him off guard.
"Thank you… "
Dream blushed a bit and Soul buried his face in Dream's shoulder, Dream hesitated but hugged him back gently patting his back and stroking his hair.
"Your welcome, princess" he teased, Soul tensed and pulled away from him.
"Way to ruin the mood Dream. "
Dream laughed as Soul pulled his mask back on and shot a look in his direction.
It was silent as Soul put it on and Dream shifted uncomfortably "so, do you wear it because of your eyes?" He asked, Soul froze in place.
"Um… yeah… "
Dream frowned "you don't have to wear it around me, it doesn't bother me but if you want to you can" he said with a small chuckle.
Soul rolled his eyes "says the one wearing a lame ceramic smiling mask" Dream scoffed. 116Please respect copyright.PENANAFlVtuQHAbF
“Yours isn't any better” he poked, Soul grinned. 116Please respect copyright.PENANAPz7JJ8lj2W
It was quiet for a moment and Soul swayed back and forth on his feet, Dream sighed.116Please respect copyright.PENANAocmVh7Khxg
“I should probably clean up your hair,” he said, ``Soul frowned.116Please respect copyright.PENANAznwB3Po3LN
“No- i- i’ll do it…it’s the least i can do…” 116Please respect copyright.PENANALY4Y6V1KCg
Dream stared at him and nodded “well uh- then i’ll see you in the morning?” he questioned, Soul smiled and nodded. 116Please respect copyright.PENANA9UkKB8uWtb
What the hell…i cant be going soft right now…
Dream disappeared into the bedroom as Soul grabbed a broom slowly sweeping the hair into a small pile.
Dream groaned and rubbed his head as he sat up, he sighed the bags under his eyes making it obvious that he didn't sleep very well.
As he Swung his legs over the bed and stood up he yawned and walked to the kitchen, his T-shirt was crumpled and his boxers sticking to his legs. He forgot how hot it could get down here, he looked around noticing Soul wasn't there.
He sighed.
"He must be up top" he rolled his shoulders, relieving them of their stress as he moved to get a new pair of pants.
Soul twirled the Hilt of his sword before sheathing it and pulling the bow off his back, he loosed an arrow making sure his footing on the tree was stable and pulled the string back slowly as he eyed a cow nearby.
When he went to let go of the string the trapdoor below him opened "soul?" He flinched his foot slipping and the arrow flying through the air hitting the tree next to the cow, the cow took off and next thing he knew he was in Dream's arms.
Dream chuckled "what did I say about getting into trouble princess" he joked, Soul stared at him as the fingers that held his back and legs spread warmth throughout him.
His breath hitched as Dream looked eyes with him, it was silent as they stared at each other and Dream leaned closer, their noses touching before he smirked.
"Want me to wake you from a slumber with a kiss too?"
Soul's eyes widened and he hopped from his arms "sorry-" he said, Dream chuckled.
Soul looked around and scoffed as he went to yank his arrow out of a tree. "You made me miss." He snapped, Dream leaned against the tree.
"I didn't know you knew archery and also you didn't give me a warning so… "
"How the hell am I supposed to give you a warning without scaring the prey away"
Dream blinked. "Good point"
Soul sighed and slipped the arrow into the container on his back before turning to Dream.
"So… I didn't know you knew archery, or swordsmanship…are those the only things you can remember?"
Soul looked towards him with a small shrug "I guess so" he sighed and aimed at the sky with another arrow, Dream watched as he shot it down.
The bird fell and Soul smiled to himself, "you know…I sometimes wonder what it's like to ruin a whole nation" Soul said, Dream raised an eyebrow.
"But… maybe that's just me" he mumbled and picked up the bird, he turned to Dream who was watching him with wonder.
Dream shrugged.
"Nothing, I just don't think I've met anyone like you before… "
Soul blinked "huh, you don't get out much do ya?" He questioned, Dream smirked.
"Yeah you already know the reason for that" he said, Soul chuckled.
"Let's get this cooking shall we?"
Dream nodded letting Soul go down first before joining him.
Something rattled and Soul looked around, "Dream?" Dream stopped what he was doing in the kitchen and listened to the front sound of something rattling then whispers.
"We need to get out of here. Come on, leave the clothes we'll find new ones"
Soul nodded following him quickly back into a small crevice behind the bedroom bookshelf.
"Soul, psst. Over here dumbass"
Soul glanced over just as Dream pulled him into the small space their bodies pressed against each other.
Soul turned red and watched as Dream pulled the bookshelf in front of them.
"Stay quiet" he whispered, Soul nodded and they stood there pressed against each other.
"I don't see him… " a Brit said quietly, someone groaned.
"Dammit George if only you hadn't let your stupid cape get stuck to that tree, we wouldn't have lost him" someone retaliated.
"Says the one who came to Kiniko on short notice. " the Brit snapped, the other man growled.
"Let's just go."
Someone sighed and Soul went to speak when something shuffled in front of them.
"Hey sapnap… "
"What George? "
"If we did find him what do you think Sam would do to him?"
The other person groaned.
"Gee I don't know George, kill him? Let's just go."
"But what about the books?"
"OH MY GOD GEORGE COM- what was that?" Sapnap went quiet as Soul shifted slightly the belt of his mask dragging against the wall. He froze and Dream shot him a look.
"Sorry… " he whispered.
"Who's there?!"
Dream glared at Soul "stay still."
Soul's breathing picked up "but it's such a small space… " he whispered, Dream scowled.
He'd totally forgotten about his fear of small spaces, "just ignore it" he whispered back, Soul rolled his eyes.
"Kind if hard to do whe-"
Dream sighed and crushed his lips against Soul's as George and Sapnap came closer to their hideout.
Soul blushed and clenched his fists into balls as Dreams' hands slid up to his waist to bring him closer.
The warmth from his body calming him, Soul found his fingers curling around Dream's hoodie sleeves and it went silent.
Dream hit a button and they fell through a small little door into a cave pathway, Dream chuckled pinning Soul to the ground.
Soul's eyes widened and he kicked Dream off him "what the hell" he snapped when the door disappeared. Dream smirked.
"There was an alcove this whole time and you- you… aRGHH" Soul kicked a rock watching it tumble down the hallway.
Dream handed him a small flower and Soul froze.
A lily of the valley, he took it gently and his breath stopped.
"A lily…"
Dream smiled and walked on ahead of him as Soul admired it before jogging after him.
Soul wanted answers.
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