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Falling, Soul was Falling. Almost like he’d actually jumped off the balcony.
Wait. he did.
His breath caught as he braced himself for impact as the ground of Las Nevada’s marble roads came closer, something rustled.
A fuzzy voice yelled out.
A pair of wings…no…two.
A golden winged being had grabbed him, his wings weak and injured. Not made for flying as well as the dark winged male.
The dark male grabbed the golden one holding onto him, Soul’s hands were sweaty. Next thing he knew, he’d slipped.
And fell…
A dark hole opened in the ground, purple specs swirling around.
Charred Wings ripped from his back and he braced himself before falling into the portal.
“welcome…Soul-Alex-” the name almost seemed to glitch between the two as he fell, turning he spotted the winged beings reaching for the portal only for it to suck itself shut.
He was lost..
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Soul gasped sitting up abruptly, Quackity groaned and rubbed his face groggily. Wilbur, though, stayed asleep.
Soul gripped his heart as sweat dripped from his pores, Quackity noticed and sat up slowly and cautiously. “Soul? Are you okay?” he questioned, Soul closed his eyes and took a deep measured breath to calm himself. 115Please respect copyright.PENANA0cskvi2Q3K
“I know how to open the portal.” 115Please respect copyright.PENANA1KDq3ZiOQb
Quackity went frigid.
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“So you’re sure you know how to open it?” Wilbur questioned as the sounds of hooves echoed throughout the stone interior of the stronghold, Soul nodded. Although they’d hate it, it was the only way.
“Well…are you going to tell us?”
Soul scowled glancing at Quackity who had zoned out on scoping the area, he dismounted and so did Wilbur and Soul. 115Please respect copyright.PENANAS8pbq1i5x8
“No…” he mumbled.
They tied their horses up and Wilbur sighed pulling Quackity to the side.
“He’s doing it again.” he hissed, Quackity rolled his eyes and pulled his wrist from Wil’s grasp only for his grip to tighten.115Please respect copyright.PENANAA5YalocrId
“What are you talking about?” 115Please respect copyright.PENANALg5k1OoWdW
“He’s withholding information Big Q” he urged, Quackity held back a small chuckle and sighed. 115Please respect copyright.PENANAlJ7U2uWdTb
“What is this, an interrogation? Just let him brainstorm on his own Wil, if he knows, he knows. Just trust him.” he reassured, Wil bit his lip and nodded, going to join Soul again but resorting to kissing Quackity passionately.
Quackity chuckled and pushed him away. 115Please respect copyright.PENANAG06GEQiwME
“Alright let’s close in.” he called to Soul, Soul nodded and jogged towards them.
They pushed open the heavy metal door, the rust screeching against stone. They cringed and walked in.
“Alright, replace the eyes..” Soul instructed, They nodded in agreement and did so as Soul fixed his clothes. For what reason? There was no point.
“Alright, they’re all set.” 115Please respect copyright.PENANAzzZ0V6tKFg
Soul took a deep breath and walked up the steps, he sat down and swung his legs over the edge of the inactive portal.
Wilbur stiffened and Quackity scowled. “Soul…what are you doing?” his wings ruffled, flaring slightly at the notion of what Soul had in mind.
Wilbur’s wings untucked and he scowled.
It went silent and Soul’s eyes fluttered shut, his horns grew, the bands holding them together appearing as well.
His tail thumped against the ground as his jacket slowly dropped off his shoulders revealing a small tattoo between his shoulder blades. Wilbur’s eyebrows shot up when he noticed and nudged Quackity pointing to it silently.
Quackity squinted at it before his breath caught.
The symbol of an unawaked god…the symbol of wings yet to be awakened from ascension to a godly power.
Soul reached into his headspace and his breathing stopped catching the others off guard, a slight panic rose. 115Please respect copyright.PENANAK0z5mTnOgk
I know you’re here Endorria. Open the portal.
A small giggle echoed and Wilbur acted quickly grabbing Soul by the shoulders trying to pull him from the portal, Quackity did the same trying to wake him.
As you wish…
The room went eerily silent.
They calmed down and Soul broke from the headspace, gasping for breath. Quackity and Wilbur exchanged glances before backing up slightly and gesturing for Soul to join them.
Soul didn’t notice the gesture at first, he stood and something grabbed his ankle in a death grip.
He froze, the sight of horror filling Quackity and Wil’s eyes and causing them to lunge at him the last thing he saw before he was yanked into the portal that snapped open.
And they fell through.
Right into the darkness.
Eventually Soul hit the ground with a thud, he yelped in pain, the air being knocked out of him. He slowly slid onto his stomach trying to push himself up off the ground, he groaned in pain. Wilbur landed softly next to him and grabbed his arm to help him up, Quackity also landed but not as gracefully.
“Next time tell us so you don't scare the shit out of us.“
Soul sighed, his breathing slowing.
“If i had told you, you wouldn't have let me.” 115Please respect copyright.PENANAtpsosT0B3X
“He has a point” Quackity stated, Wilbur playfully slapped Quackity’s shoulder and Soul looked around at the barren place.
“So this is the end…?” Wilbur looked around, Quackity turned, eyeing the tall Ender creatures shuffling and teleporting through the sand. Soul had gotten distracted walking slowly towards the main area, Wilbur hadn’t noticed and was watching the towers. The crystals were blown…
Soul stared down at the pool of black sprinkled with white, like stars. An Egg sat atop it, chains were strewn across the sand.
Shackles made from a familiar magic.
“Soul?” Wilbur looked around for the dark haired male, Quackity frowned and shoved him in the side gently before pointing to Soul who was staring at the egg.
The longer he stared the louder the whispers became. Whispering “touch it” and “accept it” in his mind, small end particles surrounded him as he raised an arm to touch it.
Wilbur’s eyes widened and he darted towards him, “Soul!”
Quackity blinked slightly confused as he ran after him, sand kicked up from their feet as Soul’s fingers were inches from the obsidian egg.
Soul’s eyes widened in horror when he realized he couldn’t pull his hand away, his body wasn’t his anymore.
“Well, well…you want the key to the journal, is that it?”
His breath hitched when a small figure sat atop the egg, her legs crossed as she waved the journal in her hand.
Quackity’s eyes widened as he stared in horror.
She smiled sweetly and slowly floated her way to the ground, her eyes flashed purple and she was in front of Soul. his body frozen in place, Wilbur’s stance stiffened, his hand on the hilt of his sword.
She dragged a finger up soul’s throat and hummed lightly.
“What-” Quackity started and Endorria lifted a finger to her lips to silence him.
“You want that key right?”
Wilbur and Quackity nodded and exchanged glances.
“Then I want something in return” she mused, Quackity’s eyes narrowed.
A sigh then a flash of light and a hooded shadow walked towards them.
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“Of course you do, Endorria.” he said, his tone tired and annoyed. He waved a hand at Soul and he flinched gasping for air now that he was free, Endorria spun around glaring at Void.
“Well if it isn’t the god of nothingness.” she purred, Void glared and Soul grabbed her by the neck locking her into a headlock.
She growled.
Wilbur drew his sword pointing it at Endorria, Quackity held his ax out, the blade grazing Void’s neck.
“Who are you.” he snapped, Soul frowned.
“Don’t. He’s a friend.” he explained, Quackity glared at Void who pushed the blade away and walked towards Soul and Endorria.
Endorria giggled as Void stopped in his tracks in front of them.
“Give us the key.”
She sneered and struggled against Soul’s hands, her nose inches from Void.
“What's in it for me?”
It was silent for a moment and Void shot her a look before yawning and turning on his heel.
Her eyes widened and she smirked.
Wilbur looked at Quackity before scowling and shaking his head, when Soul let Endorria go she tossed Quackity the journal. He fumbled and caught it, Wilbur didnt sheath his sword and Void sighed.
“Alright, show the way.” Void said, she smiled with a nod.
“One moment.”
She turned to Soul swiftly and grabbed him by the collar, his eyes widened.
“Kiss me.” she hissed.
His wide eyes narrowed and Wilbur let out a low growl.
“Dont soul.”
She shot him a snarl and turned back to Soul.
“Don’t be shy…it’s not the first time love~” she purred, caressing his cheek. Everyone went silent.
“And you knew it was me…” she whispered into his ear.
Quackity stared at Soul and WIlbur raised his sword to the back of Endorria’s neck.
Void watched his eyes concentrated and confused.
“Fucking bitch.” he snapped, her eyes crinkled in a twisted smile and she pressed her lips against his.
He didn’t respond as her tongue found his mouth and then, she turned to black and purple smoke and he choked. An echoey giggle sounded as the smoke shot into Soul’s body, choking him.
Wilbur lunged at Soul and pulled him close.
Quackity glared at Void.
“What's she doing.” he snapped, Void sighed.
“Taking over his body. She’s weak as just a soul. So she’s using Alex’s” he explained, Quackity shivered.
He nodded and gestured to Soul.
Quackity looked at Wilbur who met his eyes with fear in them.
“Alright, Boys. Let's get going.” Soul stretched and yawned as he turned on his heel to walk towards a purpur bridge. Quackity and Will clasped hands and watched as Endorria used Soul’s body.
It pissed them both off. Void stretched his wings and followed behind, eyeing his surroundings, he and Soul had tried so hard to trap her here and she still found a way to get out.
It was silent except for the sound of shuffling sand as they crossed the bridge it turned into a mixture of soft boot clicks, and heels. Soul’s heeled boots in general, Void couldn't help but wonder if when they killed off Endorria if he’d go back to old Alex. he hoped so.
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They stopped in front of a tall purpur building. It was almost intimidating, Endorria turned to smoke again and exited Soul’s mouth. He crumbled and held his stomach in pain and she formed into Maya again.
Wilbur and Quackity rushed over.
“Thanks for the energy Soul” she smiled, Soul shot her a look, bags under his eyes.
Wilbur scowled and Void placed a hand on Endorria’s shoulder, “where” he questioned, he knew she couldn’t go into her place of death. Or she’d get stuck there.
She sighed and closed her eyes. “Top floor…behind a shulker, it’s on a rosary.” she explained, Wilbur helped Soul up and Quackity walked ahead of them.
Void stopped him.
“You can’t. This is Soul’s turn.” he stated, Quackity glared. “If you go into a place of a god's death as a mortal you die.” he finished, Quackity blinked.
“But Soul isn-” he trailed off and eyed Soul as he pushed his way past and through the invisible field.
The air rippled and Soul’s hair fell into loose strands of blue around his waist, beautiful clothing and a corset adorned his body. Charred wings drug against the ground as he walks, his horns out and his tail swaying.
Quackity stared in shock and Wilbur smirked, knowingly.
“No way…”
Endorria smiled genuinely at the sight.
“good luck…”
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Soul slowly made his way into the tower of purple brick, casting an intimidating shadow across the sand. Beautiful and unique gardens surrounded it. His heels clicked against the stone as he made his way up the stairs, he assumed Phil had already killed the shulkers because of how eerily silent it was.
Glancing out an opening in the wall he spotted Wilbur and Quackity waiting patiently, Endorria floated just barely above the sand and Void…Void had-
Soul jumped, turning towards the voice. Void had joined him.
“Oh- wait…why are you?” he trailed off, Void chuckled.
“I won't die, plus i don't think you should be alone” he muttered, Soul’s lips threatened to turn up in a smile.
“Come on then”
They eventually reached the top, Soul’s breath hitched as he took in the surroundings. The place where Endorria's body shattered in front of him. Void scowled, blood made of a shimmery black substance littered the floors, almost like black glass. Candles were still lit and placed about, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Books were piled high and put upon bookshelves, one particular book floated above a small table. Particles floating around it.
“She said there's a shulker somewhere?” Void questioned, Soul turned taking in the room before finding it.
“Got it.”
“Wait. I'll get it.” Soul scowled.
“Void. I don't need help. Okay.” he snapped, Void’s eyes narrowed.
Soul rolled his eyes and moved the chest like object and sure enough on the floor behind it covered in soot was the key, He picked it up and a cold energy rushed up his spine. Void watched him for a moment, he turned and looked at Void to say something before frowning.
He wanted to do something about Endorria…to end her. To stop her from fucking things up, He thought for a moment as he basically searched his brain for an idea.
Soul didn’t respond as he remembered something Endorria had told him in this room.
“You can time travel Soul. you and one other. Except you can remember.”
He bit his lip and looked up at Void.
“When did Endorria become immortal?” he questioned, Void raised an eyebrow at the sudden question.
“When we locked her away…” he spoke, He nodded and thought for a moment. Void eyed him curiously.
“What would happen if I went back and killed her…” Soul asked, it went silent and Void took him by the shoulders.
“No, Soul. you can’t.” he hissed, Soul frowned.
“It’s the only way though…”
“It’s not. We’ll lock her up again…make the chains stronger.” Void insisted, Soul scowled.
His anger was rising and Void could tell.
“What. just so someone can come back down here and release her? To “kill” her. So she can continue to use people’s bodies to get to me?” he growled, Void backed up slightly. It was weird seeing Soul get this mad in Alex’s body.
“I..i imagine you’ll remember everything from your past…” he said, a worried tone to his voice. He was hoping Soul wouldn’t do it.
Soul scoffed.
“I hope I do.” he snapped, gripping the rosary tightly.
“Please don’t go back Soul…you could get stuck…” he mumbled. Soul shook his head and sat down on a pillow within a casting circle.
Void stepped out of it. He wasn’t going to be able to go with him this time, traveling was beyond his domain. He’d die.
“Soul I swear to the gods if you do this…everyone is going to be lost without you.” Void gaslit, Soul ignored him.
“What will Wilbur and Quackity do if you get stuck?” he questioned, Soul froze his movements of reading the circle.
“They’d have to hold a funeral, you know…they’d break up. Back to enemies…one would die…” Void mumbled. Soul’s heart shattered. One would die…from suicide?
He pulled his hand away from the circle and frowned.
“Fine…I won't do it. But give me the journal. I'm going to stay here and read it. Keep Endorria under wraps.” Soul explained, Void flinched. It worked. He sighed in relief.
“We’ll be waiting.”
Soul nodded and waited as his footsteps receded down the steps, He opened the journal, the pages shimmering. He read the first page and scowled before looking back at the circle.
Void had reached the bottom of the tower when a crash sounded. His attention darted to the top of the tower, the others looked up then at Void who’s eyes widened in horror. Then next thing they knew the tower blew with a brilliant light, Void was knocked back against a wall and the others held on for dear life.
Endorria sprinted and Wilbur grabbed her.
“Move and you're dead.”
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