Kata reach down to mount daisen with the thunders growing more and more, with the earth shaking like it depends on a single string, now with the divine smashing the dome, like stars read to fall to earth, kata leave his horse outside in a tree and continue inside a cave down to the depths of the mountain slashing the little resistance he find and reaching close to an open old dusty door ,kata place his hands on the door pushing to close with no success, he try again but out of nowhere he hears a voice right behind his ear "my love you finally came back" kata froze and something push him , turning back "kata are you alright" kata stay Froze with the only thing moving being his mouth "how did you manage to come here?" " im not alone the others and the divine warriors are outside please go with them and let me close the door" "no" nozomi grabbed him again "what do you mean no? "with a low voice kata answer "i have to go inside, i feel something calling me " "its only your imagination, there is nothing inside, only death and horrors, kata do you listen to me?" Kata turn staring back to the door, and with a cold voice he replied "yes im listening" "then leave, please" that moment Tomoe Gozen Uesugi and Yakeda come "what are you doing here?" takeda replied "Nozomi have you forgot? you called us 2 seconds ago " "it wasnt me some horrors must be close, using our voices"kata replied again "no its no horror,its something more familiar" "Kata there is nothing in other side than death please leave now, before someone die" "then dont follow me inside" Takeda screamed "Kata stop right there" "Kata moved forward and position his hands on the portal sucking him inside" " except Nozomi backed off with uesugi screaming" what happened to Kata? " Nozomi with a calm voice replied " he passed to the realm of horrors" Uesugi scream again "he is gonna die there" Takeda grab his shoulder "we cant do nothing Uesugi" Hozen shout "toyotomi die and sakura left, i will not let anyone else to leave me" Nozomi screamed "i will go alone and get him " "no we will go together" Hozen run towards the door and sucked her inside" everyone else then start runining too with nozomi running last trying to stop them, when everyone arrive inside the dimension, they find Kata starring in a long bridge with no close end to it, everyone approach Kata with Gozen shaking his body "Kata, hey look at us" Kata remain still, Gozen move forward looking where kata is looking and she froze in an instant.
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The others follow the same pattern too, with Nozomis muscles tighten watching them from behind, Kata then move his lips to "what is this?" Gozen adds "this is hell" "i warned you, this place is only death, but there is still time to leave" Kata respond " how do you suppose to close this?" "i have to go depper where it gets even worse than this, so please leave" "what is worse than these lake of blood with humans, even kids being decorated in the walls with their guts out, all aware of this, with their mouts torn, unable to scream to ease the pain" uesugi fall to his knees vomiting on the floor droping down from the bridge to a lake of blood and limbs" Takeda says with voice low and cutting " cant we do something to help this people? " Nozomi replied "its no use whatever we do they cannot be released" "then we have to move forward" everybody slowly moves to the bridge with Nozomi screaming "please leave there is nothing here other than death and pain, please everybody listen to me" everyone continue with the groups only option to look forward and nozomi having his head down not even looking at the bodies that are moving like crazy trying to scream or escape from a weird moving shape of mass that is piercing their bodies to hold them on the wall , nozomi continues to warn them but they dont listen, after 20 minutes they reach the end of the bridge, now leading them to two different directions ,one go down even deeper than now and one far in a mountain with a giant circle back on it, Kata looks at nozomi eyes asking "where are we going now nozomi?" "Nozomi looks down deeper and then to the mountain, he exhale and says" to the mountain" everybody walk towards the mountain, towards the leviathan, as the group climbed they only thing they watch. Was the grey mountains ,stack of , and endless dessert as far as the eye can see , a dark sky with no moon, sun or stars , everyone continue in a straight line without touching the bodies or hearing or smelling anything, arriving after hours in the top of the mountain , watching a single horror with its eyes shut in a throne and its body laying on the throne and the round circle now being seen clear, a heart with strings coming from the sky and going all over the realm, beating loud above the throne, everyone look up to the heart with tomoe speaking like her words are coming out of her souls "people torturing, dead bodies and now a heart, why did we continue deeper into hell? Why i listen to the voices " everybody turned with uesugi saying "you heard them too?" "yes i heard them, they sounded so familiar " Takeda adds "like calling us here" the horror in the throne open her eyes, looking at nozomi and speaking with her euphoria voice "Nozomi finnaly you've come back as you promised us , wait why are humans here, are they our allies like the shogun? " Kata scream "Nozomi, what are you hiding? "Kata please let me talk to her first, i can explain everything " "Nozomi you said you were going to help our people and the shogun" the heart above starts slowly to beat faster "Hana please dont come to this conclusions so quick, maybe they are humans that dont associate with our cause but please listen to me, we must end this tragedy before it happens again or maybe even worse" Hana hunch, pushing her body forward "Nozomi they took our humanity, they make us suffer , even after our deaths they deserve every hatred from us " "Hana gets up with her head 2 meters taller than them moving her skinny arm on the heart with her robes moving back and forth, screaming with pain "this is what they took from me Nozomi, and you want us to end this ?" "Hana please, think what would happen if we lose again from the divine we will doom not only us but all of humanity" "better than live and die under the rule of these hypocrite gods" "please, i dont want to fight you" "im sorry Nozomi i have an oath, as an empress and as a mother to protect the ones who suffer and rise with them to the skies " the heart starts beating rapidly, roaring through the dimension, hana place her hands on her long red amror and robes , showing her skinny body and her hands that hold two tessens, everyone pick their weapons with nozomi slowly backing off "Nozomi are you gonna leave us fighting her alone? I thought you were with us" "im sorry Gozen, i cant do anything" hana comes close to them without even the blink of an eye, everyone try to block her attacks but she continue to strike them from all fronts with movements that resemble dance, Kata try to attack her but she vanishes in an instant, out of nowhere she attacks tomoe and Uesugi pushing them further and further, Kata and takeda rush to help them but she vanishes again now going straight to Gozen in the other side.
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Hitting her from every angle she could find cutting the surface of her legs and leaving her on the ground ready to scream, everyone again come to assist her with Hana now in the air she dance and creates balls of fire, launching them to the ground, the group tries to dodge them but kata go straight under the fireball , before even Hana move kata twist with his body on the right deflecting an upcoming attack, Hana fall back meters away watching them, ready to deflect their attacks, Hana then stares Nozomi lowering her eyes, nozomi takes his look away closing his eyes, Takeda and Uesugi shoot two arrows hitting her at her chest, with her eyes lower she stare at the heart and pull the arrows and start hitting them harder and harder hitting Uesugi with enough force in her leg to leave him in pain to the ground, now grabbing him and having him to her arm, ready to throw him from the mountain down to the stack of bodies "nobody of you move" Takeda, Kata and Tomoe stop.
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Hana take her look on the heart and then down again to the warriors with her eyes lowering again and slowly droping Uesugi , Takeda runs trying to reach his hand to him but hana move again swirling and hitting Takeda on the shoulders then Tomoe, she then go towards Kata but he dodges the tensess before hitting on his head, cutting her leg like thunder, with Hana screaming from pain and the heart roaring even more echoing through the dimension , Kata lower his guard but Hana throws him a quick look and jumps with her one leg, using her tessens to hit him on the chest, everyone was fallen down and Hana slowly go above kata getting ready to put the tessens on his head "after your death you will see, that this is the greater good for all of us" hana push the tenssens down but two hands reach from inside her body stopping her "hana, im sorry i didnt want any of these"
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Hana turn, leaving herself free to nozomi "do not worry nozomi ,my love for you isnt vanished,even after our deaths i would still love you as always " Hina starts coughing falling to the ground "Nozomi as my most trustworthy friend, i hope you will make the best choice for my daughter, to bring her a little smile on her soul" Nozomi eyes open wide, with all his body shaking and Hana outstrenching her hand towards the heart saying with every word quieter and quieter "my daughter ,when we meet again in the skies , we are going to have all the time to teach you how to dance ,just as you always wanted my little dancer " Hinas soul leave her body and tomoe and kata got up and takeda go to the edge of the mountain asking"my brother, is he dead?" Nozomi replied "he have a chance to be alive we just need to hurry" "shut up demon, i didnt speaked to you" "takeda i made a big mistake but please" takeda slap nozomi on the face screaming "my brother may be killed because of you, is that a small mistake?" nozomi put his head down and the heart starts roaring endlessly, takeda pull his eyebrows and point his bohiya on the heart "Takeda no" Takeda screamed again with the others just watching , takeda puts an arrow in the heart, he then turn to them saying "lets go find my brother now, without this thing screaming " Nozomi legs no longer hold him and fall down, the heart starts beating again weaken than before, now instead of a bland roaring it starts crying like a small child , Takeda shout again "lets go find Uesugi and leave from here, before we meet another horror" Kata and Tomoe carry Gozen, with Takeda pulling Nozomi running and above the dead bodies of horrors searching for uesugi,after a while they finally found him with blood coming out from his head, takeda put his fingers on Uesugis neck and goes close to his mouth "i can sense his pulse and hear his breathe, " Takeda search his armor for something to wrap the wound but find nothimg, he then murmured inside his teeth and takes uesugi to his shoulder and the heart slowly stops crying, now withering and slowly falling down part by part, takeda screams"we have to go, now" the group run to the bridge but instead of seeing a portal they find horrors in the end of the bridge coming towards them, Nozomi shout "follow me" everyone start running going to the way they previously ignore and continue their way in the depths of the realm, hearing behind them the sound of rage and despair, the group reach a grey close door trying to open it "it doesnt open" Tomoe said, Nozomi replied "all of you go away" Nozomi place his hands and slowly opens if but the horrors are closing the gap between them , Kata leave Gozen to tomeoes hands and move forward, taking the katana from the scrabbard, the horrors come closer reaching 6 meter proximity from them, that moment kata moved like thunder slicing the head of 5 horrors, he continue to kill them but the horrors keep attacking him with their claws, acid or swords with every death of their people giving them more and more rage.
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Noomi finally opens the door "Kata hold them a little longer until we leave" Kata keep on killing them with no horror touching him, back in the horrors a white slim figure appear running towards kata, kata turn slashing the figure but the figure just falls down crying, kata ignore it and continue slaughtering the remaining horrors until there was none left, he then turn his attention on the figure going closer to it with his blade facing the ground, kata is ready to push the sword inside the figures head but the figure pull her head upwards with her long dark hair covered in dust and her brown eyes been full of worry "my love " Kata drops the sword and immediately falls down on his knees hugging her, with his eyes glistening "im sorry, im sorry, im sorry i hurt you" hina gets up to her knees placing her hands on katas face" its okay, i could not be mad at you "the time passes with the two of them hunging ,with no words leaving their mouth ,kata then breaks the silence saying "Sakura why are you here?" "this is the afterlife my love" kata eyes widen grabbing her tighter " i have to ask you something" "tell me" its been 30 years but you almost look like the day you left the house before i die, how? " kata replied "what do you mean? its only been one year since then" "Sakura then turn her eyes on the katana" seems like i failed you" "they killed you, i couldn't let it like that " Sakura pull katas face on her eyes" you promised me that you wouldn't touch this blade again " "but its for you,they killed you, i have to kill them" "Kata i dont and i will never want you to go to the same hell for me, i just want you to live the rest of your life like we planed to, a happy simple life away from death " Kata turn his head to the ground without opening his mouth and Sakura again pushes him to her eyes "promise me " Kata ready to answer open his lips but a hand pushes him, Kata look behind seeing Takeda with his one hand on him and the other on the katana "Takeda leave me now" "are you crazy? We have to leave and close the portals" kata place his hand forward with hina mimicing him and before he know it Takeda ripped him out of the dimension facing the daylight and the trees , Kata gets up pulling his eyebrows closer and grabbing takeda from his armor "why did you pull me out from the dimension?" "have you gone mad? Gozen and uesugi are severly wounded and you wanted me to let you talk to the ground?" "what do you mean talking to the ground?" "have you really gone insane? i just saw you back there talking to the ground" kata eyebrows lower and leaves uesugi from his fist "where are the otheres?" "they went to close the other portal ten minutes ago" both of them sit on rocks ,opposing to one another ,Takeda then asks kata "are you alright?" "Yes why do ypu ask?" "You seem like you watched a dead person" Kata smirk "no im just thinking about something" a scream cut their conversasion and both of them look at each other and run to their source seeing the divine warriors with their guts, heads and hearts decorated on the ground and the trees.
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Uesugi laying on a rock, Nozomi nowhere to be found and Tomoe showing her kurasigama to the man with a mask of serpent covered in blood, holding Gozen with a knife in her throat , takeda swiftly shoots an arrow in the arm of the man, the man turns arround riping the arrow from his hand, looking at kata "finally the red shadow came to save his friends like he did to us " everyone take their look at kata with him answering "what do you want from us?"
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"are you gonna ignore me like nothing happened? like the damm day you let us burn in this damm village?" kata muscles soften, whispering "Kazuya? " "seems you havent forgot your old comrade from the day you abandoned us " "but you are" "yes i should be dead, but look at us now, both alive, with bones and flesh or whatever you can call this " "what happened to you? we were friends once" "yes we were, before you abandoned us right in the village in korea for this whore" "i didnt know that things would turn like that " Kazuya raise his voice "you didnt even thought about the others not even about yui that admired you like a brother" "im sorry but the war was killing me from the inside i couldn't take more"Kazuya raise his voice even more "you think you were alone there? Everyone wanted to go home but we keep on fighting with fear for our lives" "do we really need to be like that, cant we just be like back then? " " no, you are the cause of yui and others death you deserve to lose the same things as me " Kazuya move his knife closer to gozens throat, gozen try to break free but the throat almost touches her skin, takeda throws an arrow but kazuya doesnt stop "now watch as i take whats important to you" Kata run to reach gozen, before Kazuya cut her throat tomoe comes from behind cutting kazuya hand deep enough for the arm now almost ready to fall down, Kazuya leave gozwn and steps back slashing Tomoe right eye, Takeda and Kata rush to him but Kazuya runs in the woods, Takeda aims Kazuya and shoots more arrows at him but he doesn't lose his pace, Kata was ready to follow him but Takeda yells "Kata is useless to follow him" "i have to speak to him" "you will have your chanche again, right now we have to carry Uesugi and the others in the palace before they get worse" kata watch Kazuya running and then turn running inside the cave, fining Nozomi staring at the now closed door with a broken medalion on his hand.
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Kata slowly approch him "Nozomi we have to close the other door and transport the others in the palace " Nozomis body shake and quickly turn around "i have already close it, now lets go" Kata look at Nozomi as he was walking with Nozomi saying "come Kata we have to help them" both leave the cave as fast as they can and kata takes gozen in his back with tomoe and takeda taking uesugi, before leaving, Takeda looks at nozomi with his eyes full of flames "when i ensure they are safe , we will have a discussion " Nozomi lean his head to the ground and the group finally reches the horses, traveling back to the palace.
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