Kata pull the reins again and again, but the horse doesn't stop, as the horse runs kata notice the flag of the divine warriors coming closer and closer but suddenly the horse tremble down, throwing kata to the ground, the horse tries to breathe with his life slowly vanishing from his eyes, kata gets up fast and goes to his horse, he place his hand on its chest feeling nothing, he then picks some flowers and place them close to the horse corpse, as he gets ups an explosion interrupts him, kata quickly turn and rush to the palace.
After a bit of run he comes close to an army of horrors, he hides in the bushes and eavesdrop two of them "have you heard the news?" "you mean about our general who will fight one of the divine warriors?" "yes the one that oppose him says that our general took away some close people from him"the horror smirk "at least our general didnt make them suffer like the divine did to his family, they deserve every little bit of curelity " kata then pass throught from the forest doing a full circle and then finding a window which is a bit taller than hin , kata knocked and a warrior slowly opens the window a bit and sees kata, he then quickly open the window and help lata get inside , there he sees miyamoto, takeda and uesugi arguing and gozen pulling toyotomi , kata gets close hearing gozen saying "toyotomi i beg you dont go" "shut up gozen i have to kill them" "no, i will not let you die" "just shut up already" toyotomi hits gozen arm and she screams falling down, with toyotomi walking towards the door before opening it kata rush telling him "toyotomi whats the meaning of this" "kata we will talk about that later, now i have to fulfill something" "did you find your family or your friends killers?" " yes I find them both and I will duel with them" " are you an idiot? You will face both of them alone?" "yes is there a problem with that?" "of course it is, you will die if you go there " "just shut up kata it's for my family and my friends, you would do the same if you were in my place " kata goes between Toyotomi and the door "I will never let you go die like this " Toyotomi grit his punch "leave kata, I don't hesitate to hit you" "then so be it but I will not leave my position" Toyotomi raise his fist hitting kata in the face "will you leave now?" "no" Toyotomi punches him again and again screaming "why don't you move? " "because I care about you" "Toyotomi's eyebrows lower and open his fist, looking on his hand which is filled with a drop of blood "im really an idiot after all, I let my rage to drive me again " kata grab his shoulder saying " you are one of us, we will leave you alone " Toyotomi then take his look on gozen "gozen I'm sorry that I hit you and you kata" gozen says " its fine Toyotomi at least we change your mind and that's enough" kata says "now let's gather and make a plan to repel them" " no" "what do you mean no?" I will face them" "why are you so stubborn? " "because I feel ashamed of myself that my family sacrificed Their lives for me, my borther and my friends and then I drag them in a mess leading them to their death " kata calmly says "you think you can kill them?" "yes, especially now that i have someone else to fight for" kata took his look down and steps beside leaving toyotomi to open the door.
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Before going in the battle toyotomi says " kata, that night, when we talked about them i felt a wright leaving my soul that i have someone who understands me , i thank you from the bottom of my heart , after i will kill them i promise you we will go together to find your wifes killers taking your revenge" kata smiled "you are a kind man toyotomi " toyotomi then smiled back and leaves, steping outside, gozen runs towards him but kata grabs her "what are gou doing we have to stop him, he will die " " he needs to do it or else this thing eill haunt him until his last days " toyotomi then face the horrors, divine warriors and horros gather around thrm watching the fight , before starting toyotomi yells "be ready to die demons" the horrors doesnt respond and the fight begins the horror that looked like a fish with scales on his body attack him first.
Toyotomi rush towards him deflecting each other attacks, he tries to step forward pushing the horrorback, but the horror dodge the attack by leaning down, toyotomi grabs the tantos and push with force down slashing the arm of the horror, but the horror also slash his leg leaving a big wound, the horror then steps back and toyotomi tries to walk but his leg was ready to collapse, the horror then rush to him again, toyotomi gets a defensive stance and waits, the horror tries again to lean down but toyotomi deflects the attacks, the horror tries to fall back but toyotomi cuts his head in half leaving his corpse standing beside him and the giant horror "why do you stand still? Your friend just died" " he wasnt a friend and now i can finally kill a piece of shit like you all by myself " the demon quickly rush with his eyes full of anger and with his sword he tries to break toyotomis defense, toyotomi then deflect the attacks but the horror kick his wounder leg bringing him to kneel.
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The horror is ready to slice his body , toyotomi place his wounded leg forward and attacks in the horror wounded his shoulder , both fell down, crawling towards each other, the horror was getting up but toyotomi throw one of his tantos in the horrors grip dropping his katana down and rush with all his strength with his leg bleeding and pushing the horror down , pushing his tanto down in the horrors heart the horror tries to resist ,and both scream like never before, with anger taking their voices , after both of them standing with no clear winner the tanto slowly made it all and more close to his chest, the horror screams "i will not be defeated not until you and your gods suffer " the horror lose his strength and toyotomi put the tanto in the horrors chest as his life vanishes from his eyes the horror whispers "murako im sorry" toyotomis eyes open wide, his muscles stop moving staying rooted in the same place , the crowd of the divine warriors starts cheering
He then sees a small horror coming close, toyotomi with his lifeless face watch the horror kneeling and grabing the dead horrors hand, with tears dropping from her eyes , toyotomi stand still saying nothing , the horror then takes her look on him with tears still dropping and an angered face, she takes the sword and rush towards toyotomi, but she fall with no strength to weild the katana "why? , first the warriors take his family and friends away, now him, he just wanted to live happily becoming a warrior who can protect others , but you destroy every little piece of hin " " im sorry to say this to you , but he also killed my friends " "then you should understand him better than anyone , but you just killed him without second thought, but its no matter to talk to a divine warrior ,you were never listening, you are killing us like we are some insane beasts without emotions" toyotomi with a lifeless face says "im really sorry" the horror takes back the katana and puts it on toyotomis neck, as tears drop from her face and with her muscles tighten she slowly moves it closer and closer to his throat with the sword finally touching the skin but the horror just drop the katana at the last moment "im tired of all of this death, all of that because of your beliefs in the divine, why cant you just open your eyes and see the truth" toyotomi sees his covered in blood hand and gives it at the horror saying "i know that even if i change now, the lives that i took will never come back,maybe im not even worthy of redemption, but i want to change myself i want to make something my family and friends would be proud off , i want to learn about you and put an end in this hate, maybe even get a chance for everyone to undertsand ypur kind "the horror eyes glitter and as the horror goes to touch toyotomis hand toyotomi hears kata screams with all his streght "behind you toyotomi" toyotomi looked behind seeing a man with a mask of a serpent and then a knife deep in his stomach, his body collapse down with the last thing that sees is kata running towards him and then everything becoming balck.
Kata tries to slice the man , but he falls back with his horrors on his side covering him , kata was ready to contunue forward but gozen and the divine warriors pull him , kata howls, shakimg his whole body trying to get towards the man ,but the warriors and gozen pull him back in the palace locking the door and placing whatever they find ,kata tryies to open it but gozen hugs him tight feeling her tears in his armor "please, not you too, i dont want anyone else to die" katas face change from an angry face to a sad one , the masked man then take his knife from toyotomis corpse and put it back, screaming" look at them, the ones who took away the once you loved , the ones that are standing between us and the divine , we cannot trust this killers and we cannot show them mercy " the horrors start to march towards them trying to break the doors with arrows falling on them , miyamoto goes close to kata whispering in his ear"bring nozomi down here" "miyamoto if the divine see him they will slice him in their first sight" "trust me i know what im doing" kata walks up going in his room and miyamoto screams "my soldiers come close to me" everyone gathers around him, takeda says "do ou have a plan to counter them?" " i will tell you in a while takeda" hirohi brings everyone and says " my comrades i have to ask something from all of you " the divine respond with "we will do whatever you wish miyamoto" "alright then, i want you to tell you about a person who is hiding with us almost one year, his name is nozomi and is a horror" "the divine left speechless"i know its something very unusual to have a horror stepping foot on our palace but right now its our only hope for us to seal the horrors, only him knows where the horrors are coming and how to seal them" the warriors still lest speechless "i know i wasnt the best leader like my father but its my last request, i just want us to seal them and after that i will leave the horrors fate on you" a warrior respond "my lord maybe sometimes you did some wrong decisions in battle but you always treated us so well, you cared for us, you understand us, you give us hope when no one else would, your actions always make me feel proud as a divine warrior and i will follow your command with no second thought "the other warriors also agree and cheer for miyamoto", miyamoto respond "im happy i have so many great men like you, at that moment kata walked down with nozomi, everyone looked at him with disgust with miyamoto screaming we dont have time for that defend the palace and repel them" everyone took their look on their weapons and protect the doors or throws arrows and spears on them from above, takeda goes close to miyamotot saying "father you said this is your last wish" miyamoto kneel with his one leg and looks takeda inside his eyes"my son please tell uesugi to come here " takeda stand rooted saying nothing, after a while he asks" its not what i think it is, is it? " miyamoto is ready to speak but he gets intervened by hirohi and hina who are accompanied by some warriors, hirohi says" my lord we brought you the barrels shall we place them everywhere? " " yes" " Hina, with her eyes glittering says "my love I lock the horses on the stable it's enough for everyone " "excellent Hina, now go talk to everyone " "what does all this mean father?" "I think you understand the situation Takeda," Takeda shocked says "no you are lying, this isn't true" "Takeda tell Uesugi to come here" "no" "Takeda please do it for me as the my wish" Takeda took his look away and says "alright" "thank you" Takeda goes in the upper floor icing Uesugi and the warriors shooting at the horrors from the windows "Uesugi come with me" "takeda what is more important than this right now?" "its our father" uesugi with his eyes wide open says "what happened?" "he wants to speak with us" a warrior who is behind uesugi says "uesugi go your father needs you, we can hold " uesugi and takeda run to his father, with uesugi saying "father what is it?" miyamoto open his arms and hugs both of them them tight, whispering "my sons i want you to hear me well alright? " "as you wish father" " you both grow so much, im proud for both of you, getting stronger, more mature" "father" "i have to leave you now my sons, but you will not be alone,your mother, your friends and the divine warriors will always protect you, be always by your side " miyamoto puts out of his pocket two emblems of a hawk"this is my final present to you my sons" miyamoto first place one of them on takedas arm " , takeda with a little more practice and a sharp mind you will become a great leader" he then place one on uesugi"and you uesugi, i was watching you every night training seeing the work you put in, hoping you will be the perfect leader, but i m wrong that i havent teach you something important,you must stop focusing so much on perfection because it will slowly blind you and eventually take you down into despair without realizing it" miyamoto then screams "hirohi,hina take everyone from here" uesugi screams "dad we are not leaving you" "im sorry my sons but this is our final goodbye, always strife to be good men and help your comrades " hina grab takeda and uesugi pulling them in the same horse as hers while they both see their father smiley waiting with some of the warriors the horrors , everyone abandon the palace and ride in the rain as they ride takeda gets ready to jump but hina push him back yelling " takeda have you lost your mind?" "mother please go back we have to save them" hina place her palm on his head saying with her eyes lower "we cant its too late , the only thing we can do now is live as your father will wanted" takeda lean his head down and an explosion is heard from the distance.
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The horses stop and everyone turn their head seeing a fire spreading throughout the wild, takeda and uesugi lean their heads down sobbing, with her mother looking at them with a sad face , as they continue to run, gozen finds a small unconscious girl being curled with mud in the middle of the road , gozen stops and dismount from her horse going close to the girl seeing a big open wound in her arm, ahe rips out her clothes sleeves and bending it on the girls wound, kata then goes close putting his hand on the girls forehead " her wound is not so deep, so she will survive " "thank god" "but this seems to become very recently , we must watch for other horrors " gozen shake her head and place her on her horse continuing carefully with everyone towards the choguko region
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