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The warriors and the horror continue on the choguko region arriving outside of another divine warriors palace, smaller than the previous but with the same characteristics with the only difference the camps outside and that there are no farms to be seen here , as they come near a divine warrior notice them carrying a small girl and nozomi, the warrior raise his vocie saying "what is the meaning of this?" gozen leave her horse and takes the child in her hug going close to him "we can talk about this later but now we have people who are terribly wounded" " i cannot let you inside until i learn why a horror is here " "luitenant will you disobey your command of your general? " hina says from her horse with a dangerous tone in her words"misses hina, im deeply sorry, you can come inside " the tired warriors follow the soldier with nozomi noticing everyone in the palace staring at him with hate on their eyes , the warrior then opens a door of a stable and says "place your horses here, as for you with the kid come with me " gozen follows the man and the others tie their horses, after that hina shouts "alright now everyone follow me inside we must tell evrything we know about the horrors in the commander" they walk inside the palace and every warrior inside take their look at nozomi with whispers all over the place, out of nowhere a man comes from another room wearing dark green robes , he open his arms and with a smile says"welcome back hina" hina run towards him and hugs him "brother i thought we lost you" "what do you mean ?" "my husband send you birds with messages but they never came back to us " "in the span of this year no bird came to us " "that's so strange, the horrors must found them and kill the birds " "the horrors? Are they free? " "yes it has been a year since they first showed up" " so that means, hina you and the divine come here for a reason what happened?" hina eyes glisten "Miyamoto is dead" Bohan suprised says "how that happened ?" "he defended the palace with all his strength, giving us time to escape" "my sister I'm sorry" "we have not time for that, we must seal the horrors before anyome else die" "do you have any plan?" " we have a horror that knows how to seal them"sister are you sure we can trust a horror?" "yes bohan" "alright then i trust you , can you bring him here?" hina shouts "nozomi come here" nozomi ride off the horse and goes close to them "hello human,im grateful that you let me reside in your palace" "so you are the horror, tell me how are you gonna seal your kind ?" "we have to gather most of them and somehow made them go inside then i shall go too and i will seal it from there" "alright and how are we gonna make them go inside?" "sonner or later i can find a way" "i hope you can ensure us the victory we need " "yes sir" kata then steps in their conversation "hina, nozomi, sir before we do anything i have to inform you " bohan asks "tell me your name first warrior" "its kata sir" "its nice to meet you kata, now continue " "i found the person who open the seal" nozomis legs intensely tremble " who is it kata?" "its the shogun" bohan says "impossible, how do you know the shogun is the one who freed them?" "i went on a siege with her, we reach together a tomb with a corpse inside , she told me to open it and so i did, finding the body of ashashi shigen, the next thing was her slicing it , getting her blade filled with ashashis blood, she slice herself and her wounds vanished, the last thing she told me was that the horrors were once humans, and that ashashi and the emperor made a promise, when the right heir comes to the throne the blood of ashashi and hers will infuse together taking down the divine" hina scream "ashashis body? Thats impossible, the divine have bury it down in the palace" "i dont know but now she have the palace including the body" "this is blasphemy using his body for this cause, wanting to take down the divine" "the shogun says its because the divine curse the horrors" everybody take their eyes on nozomi, responding "no we were never humans and they never curse us, instead we brought terror in the lands, we deserved the pain they put us through for our sins," bohan says "so they use the shogun for their own ends" nozomi responds "yes, we have to seal them and then convince her that she is used by them or else we have to kill her " hina says "then we have to think of a plan fast" nozomi replied "give me 10 days and i will think of a plan to seal them " hina respond "we dont have 10 days to think for a plan until then maybe the horrors will find us" bohan adds "its worse,the winter is coming and without the main palace our supplies are limited,and with so many people we may run out in a week or two " "so how many days do i have?" hina says " two days, or else we all gonna be dead " "the time its little but i can think of a plan" "good" bohan says "i think its enough for today, its better for all of you to rest now after all you have been through and the rest can be solved tommorow " bohan then drops a shout "men get this warrirors a room to sleep" warriors came from some rooms and guide everyone , with nozomi, kata, tomoe,uesugi and takeda go in the same room, a small square room with only two beds on the side of the walls , the warrior who guides them there says "im really sorry my lords but we dont have enough room for everyone and half of us are outside in the cold" takeda says " its alright we fully understand " "thank you for your understanding my lord" tomoe and takeda take the beds and everyone eles takes a corner trying to place their bodies on the wall but they all stumble or hit each other , kata then gets up saying "im gonna sleep outisde" uesugi replied "are you sure im gonna go train in a while so you will have enough space " "no,i just need some fresh air" kata leaves the room and goes outside, walking among the camps of warriors who are placing blankemts on their bodies as he walk kata notice a hill above his head with tress being struck by the rays of the moon , he climbs up there , with only the trees accompany him and the sound of leafs getting shaken by the wind , kata sits down on a rock staring the full moon, suddenly a shadow with its half body lost comes down upon him hugging him tight, katas body paralyze for a while and his eyes glistening ,after the span of some short seconds he manage to move again getting up, taking his look away, staring the tree leafs, calming a bit , but shadows appear again this time being laying down or hugged in the trees, kata again take his look away hitting a tree with enough force to leave a small create, but again a shadow appear staring at him with flames coming from his body , kata again move his eyes away with his heart beating crazy, but another shadow approache him with a knife in its stomach , katas heart starts to beat crazier than before, a cough gets out from his mouth and the shadows approach him leaving their bodies free to fall in katas back, with him falling down to his knees whispering"im sorry, i couldn't protect any of you" that moment he hears the sound of squished leafs behind him , he turns around and sees the girl gozen saved with one of her eyes white shining bright and the other pitch black looking like it shrinks every light close to it, kata gets up asking the child "kid are you alright?" "I expected your first words to be equal for a god " "kid it's not time to play, let's go back to the palace" the girl sign "maybe I can't get mad at you with this body " "kid I told you it's not funny " "kata Yukimura, son of Sanada Yukimura, the savior of Japan, the red shadow , the man that inspire the Korean tales of demons , an ex soldier of japan and its best and the one married to sakura Kishida the women which lost her life by a horror" kata sense goosebumps all over his body "what are you" "I'm the one who gave you the sword you wield , I'm the one who saved you from the arrows of the shogun, I am cozbe a divine god " " you are a god huh? Then where were you when everyone was dying, when my wife was killed by the horror?" "you dont have to get mad kata everything will be explained with time, first of all i didnt know about the situation until you grabbed my sword" "what is so special about the divine weapons?" "except for killing horrors they are also used by us, the divine, crafting a weapon and giving it to the humans to see through their eyes and memories" "so you are watching through my eyes but where were you when divine warriors died for your sake " " do not get into rushed results kata , i couldn't do anything because the divine refuse to help humanity and i desperately wanted to come, but my brothers and sisters were watching me, and even if i came here the eyes of the warriors will betray my disguise , but now the shogun made an invisible dome, making the entrance of the divine on earth impossible , but soon the shogun will open it and thats why kata i came here to assist you "i do not need your help ,now that we will learn the location of the horrors we will seal them and then i will kill the shogun" cozbe drops a small laugh " you think it will end here ?, now that the shogun challenge the gods humanity will face their wrath , even with the sword she is weak compare to my brothers and sisters, she doomed humanity, except if you let me help you on and together we will save humanity and you will take your delightful revenge" kata look at the sky and then turn back to cozbe "alright then" kata and cozbi shake their hand " and something else, do not tell anyone about my existence especially to the horror , he is not worthy of trust " "nozomi helped us many times and sacrificiced a part of his body for the safety of us, he is worthy" "wait until its the day to confess about the horrors location and then you will witness the truth " "i may agree on your help but that doesnt mean you will talk like that for my people " "then forgive me for this" cozbe turns back to the road she came and says "i have to go back now" " i still have alot of questions about all of this" "i cannot do anything about it kata, if i stay longer this body will die because of my divine origin , but if you need me come here at night and whisper my name, we can talk, answering your questions , until then i will be watching your every step " cozbe walk off the road and make her way back to the palace while kata stays up there waiting for the sun to come on the sky to shine away all the darkness.
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