"Kazuya" Kazuya slowly approach Kata saying with confidence "what? Are you surprised to see me killing these people so easily?" "you were a good man, one who didn't dare to hurt anyone " "I was before the war , but we were both been manipulated by our fathers, by our stupid pride for this country to obey and go to this hell" Kazuya turns back slicing a tree in half and then breathing deep.
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Turning back to Kata "Kazuya please, we have to stop the shogun , she will doom all of us" "always having something to do, always the man that will distract himself for not facing his demons like always" "Kazuya this is not for you or me, the world is ready to be annihilated" "I'm sure the shogun can win her battle , so I have all the time I need to kill you" Kata yells "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you" Kazuya grit his teeth screaming "you think this is only about me? It's about Arata,ryou,yui the ones that believed that you will come and protect them when the koreans tried to retake their village and you were just a shadow, you were nowhere to help them, because they trust you they died, our most beloved people for this Korean whore" "I told you before, I couldn't stay more, the war was destroying me" "do you think you are the only one ? and what about our friends and me? All of us grow together in this damm palace and we loved one another like family ,even yui admired you like a brother and you repay her with false hopes" kata look to the ground,shading a tear from his eye "you think this will make me change my mind Or are you trying to redeem yourself?" ",im just sorry " Kazuya grit his hand with the blade shaking "you disgust me" Kazuya run towards Kata both clashing with their swords, Kazuya attacks him relentlesly with Kata blocking every move and falling back, before Kata reach the wall he dodge Kazuyas attack leaning down and running, now changing sides,Kazuya starts attacking again,with Kata now striking back both strike and parry for minutes, Kazuya then finds an opening and slashes katas skin.
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Kata falls back with Kazuya continue attacking him and Kata starts doing the same both making minor wounds to each other bodies with Kata having much less than Kazuya, Slowly their breathe start to getting heavy and sweat flooding in their bodies,Kazuya start attacking again and Kata snaps out for a moment,Kazuyas blade almost reach him and suddenly Kata flicks out parrying the attack, Kazuya continues to attack with Kata lowering his eyes and falling back, Kazuya falls back for a minute breathing heavy while Kata is looking at him having his eyes on Kazuya and his thought on the past andd a feeling of nostalgia ,Kazuya attack again and Kata flicks out again droping his Katana and opening his arms, Kazuya blades almost reach Kata but Kazuya bends his blade to the right before reaching his stomach ,making a small wound ,and then opening his eyes wide , throwing his sword down saying "why? you could just kill me and move on" "I don't want to kill my oldest friend" Kazuya then grit his teeth with tears start falling "but you left us, you never looked back neither you care" Kata said with a low voice "after the war ended I found Yamato" "Yamato?, you mean the man we met in the war?" "Yes he told me he and the army found the village empty, everyone buried in a hole , beaten to death , with their legs broken , being left for the crows to eat them and a man on the opposite side tied in a pillar, his body being burned and his face looking like a corpse but still breathing, then I asked him who this man was but he said that he left for his home this day before learning his identity, after that I was overwhelmed with hate for myself, because I let all of you die there " Kazuya looks to his dark hands and his eyes filled with even more tears , Kata place his hands on Kazuya's shoulder , Kazuya push Kata's hands away from him and steps back leaning his head up in the sky saying "what have I done?" Kata goes close to him but Kazuya steps even further "Kata" a silence occurs and Kazuya looks down and then continues "no I cannot ask you for forgiveness, I cannot ask anyone for forgiveness" "what do you mean Kazuya?" Kazuya replied with a loud cry "i watched everyone dying and i did nothing, yui,arata,ryou they tried to protect me and hide me but i was just freezed in the middle of the battle , i watched them die,doing nothing like a coward and then after the war ended and i came back and i fueld myself with hate for you and took the people close to you way ,accusing you because i couldnt bare the pain and my guilt ,im sorry" Kata then grabs him from his shoulders yelling "no, im the one who must ask for forgiveness, if that day i was stronger and turn back to save you everything will be different for everyone, but i fled without thinking about anyone except mysfelf " Kazuya look Kata with his eyes wide and grabs him from his shoulders smilling saying"i forgive you,my friend " Kazuya takes his hands from Katas shoulders and goes towards his sword ,turning the blade towards him,Kata run to stop him but Kazuya push the sword in his chest saying falling to the ground and Kata holding him in his hug with the one hand and taking the bandages from his armor with the other "just hold on,please" Kazuya replies "Kata i believed killing you will bring me peace again but instead i found it by forgiving you and now i can finally die in peace" "dont say that Kazuya you are still young ,you have a lot of things to do in your life" "no Kata, i dont want to stay more in this world" "dont say that,you will stay and we will go sail to the outside world as you always wanted to do "this dream died with me a long time ago ,every day after the war i was just waking up every single night feeling like someone was choking me or when everything were silent around me memories and guilt were taking over my thoughts and the only thing that kept me away from death was my hate towards you,but now after we make peace with one another i just want to rest" Kata tears start falling on Kazuyas face while he despretly wrap the bandages on his wounds ,Kazuya eyes then slowly start to fade away "Kata my last and only friend i have one last request for you,live the rest of your life happy away from all these horror, they are many people who need you like sakura, and in the future if my death brings you any pain just remember that in my final moments i fade away with a smile beside you" Kata eyebrows pull together,he grabs Kazuya's soulless body tight .
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He takes him tight to his hug and looks to the sky yelling "cozbe come down here and save Kazuya "Kata wait for an answer but he only hear the roar of the thunders "come down here and save him before i leave the divine to destroy this world" a light comes from behind him and cozbe steps out from it ,still disguising herself with the body of sakura "im a god Kata but even i have a limit in the line between life and death" "cant you do anything about him?" "There is only one thing we can do " "then tell me" "i was planning to tell you this after we kill the divine but now i dont have any option , one thousand five hundread years ago the divine laid a curse upon the humans , that once they die their souls will go in an endless desert ,walking alone there until the end of times , at first they will walk with all their will and hopes they had in their previous life, until the time passes so much that they will left with only pain and despair inside them until the pain overwhelmes them and gets so insufferable that they will decide to stop wandering and lay like empty husks in the dessert, feeling nothing but emptiness,but if we kill the divine we can retake the heavens and the wandering and the pain of the souls will be vanquished and they will live with their loved happy once again" Kata look at cozbe with his eyes wide still holding on Kazuya and with his tears flowing in the same fast pace "you are telling me about this curse and the afterlife,something of so much importance now? When almost everyone is killed?
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"I told you I didn't intended to tell you this until we kill the divine , I believed telling you something of so much importance would create another burden on your shoulders, but now with all these death and your loved ones gone I can see that this will not be a burden for you but a motive to go and save them from the curse, and after every tragedy you face you will live happy with your loved ones until the end of times , isn't that right Kata?" "Kata look at Kazuya and silence occurs for many minutes until he answers "you are right,i will save them and end this" Kata softly hugs Kazuya for one last time and slowly and gently place him in the ground ,placing Kazuyas sword on his side,looking one last time his friend and then hearing a crack in the sky,Kata turn fast seeing the dome open and five brigh figures descending from the sky towards the shogun like stars, cozbe says "go and take her sword, before her weakness kills her and all of us " Kata replies "the next time come back with your real body and leave Sakura to the palace" and runs to the shogun with a light appearing behind him but Kata ingnores it, the dome close and no more figures come from the sky and after some minutes Kata reach the stairs that lead to the shogun, seeing her looking at the palace opposite to her with blood and small wounds all over her body,he then turn his head to the right,feeling his lungs tighten and breathing heavy.
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seeing five bodies layig all over the clear space,all of them four meter grey figures with multiple tall like spider legs attached to a small head with f,rom its back of its head a small extension like tumor with holes all over it ,beating but slowly fading away, two long arms connected to its head and more extending from its forearm like tree branches covering half its diameter,Kata move his breathe returns to normal,the shogun turn giving Kata a lifeless look and saying "Kata i finally see you again" Kata step forth saying with a loud and clear voice "did you believed that I'm gonna let everything pass on after everything you took from me?" The shogun's eyes look inside Kata's soul "no the opposite, I believed we were gonna meet one more time to tell you that I'm sorry that I didn't take more drastic actions from the start , to protect my people , you and your wife from some horrors that have gone berserk" Kata takes his Katana on both his hands saying " You took away my wife, my comrades and my friends and you believe you can make me forgive you with a simple sorry? " "I'm aware of my mistakes and actions Kata but in the end every death, every tear, blood and regret has a meaning, the retake of our fate and the afterlife that our divine took away from us" "I know about all of these" shogun heart skips a beat and her lungs tighten loosing a breathe "then why are you against me and my people? Is it because of your revenge? If so just let me kill the divine and take back our afterlife and you will see Sakura again ,and even so if you are still fuelled with hate kill me that moment" "no its because you are weak,you fought only five of them and they wounded you,you are not strong enough to take our afterlife back with your hands " the shogun draw her sword with a weak flame and small lighting coming out of it "then let's fight to see who is the rightful one to kill the divine and retake the afterlife" the shogun and Kata run towards each other with both attacking and holding their position,their swords facing each other, both stand still with Kata slowly pushing her back,suddenly he feels small waves of lighting and heat on his hand,he watch Shoguns sword,generating lighting and fire,Kata feel his hands slowly burning and the shogun push the blade more and more on his chin,Kata place his blade horizontally and slide his katana on the surface of Shoguns sword making him escape and taking a big breathe,with his hand felling a strong burn but with no scars on it,the shogun rush again with her katana pointing on Katas head,Kata deflects it feeling the lighting covering his body,trying to bring him to his knees ,the shogun attack fearlessly with every attack generating more and more waves,making Kata feeling even more pain than the previous,Kata deflects every attack with his body feeling more and more heavy and his vision blurring with every turn, the shogun then stops for a moment. Saying "Kata that's enough,we see who is stronger just let your sword down and let me continue my plans" "no I'm not done,in fact I still have more strength than you believe" the shogun strikes again and Kata deflects it,now making a small wound on her face "even with all these powers you are still predictable,you leave many opportunities for your opponent to slice you " the shogun says nothing and she continues to attack with Kata finding openings to slice her making, minor wounds and the shogun dodging some of them,the fight continues for minutes with the Shoguns body covered in wounds and blood and Kata feeling his hands melting with the lighting bringing him pain everywhere,the shogun and Kata take a step back breathing heavy with one of their knees down feeling like they carry a boulder on their shoulders ,the shogun then gets up running towards Kata,Kata slowly gets up with the shogun already halfway to him,Kata place his Katana to the height of his shoulder,the shogun respond placing her sword in the height enough to guard her and attack back if she needed to,the shogun reach 5 meters away from Kata and he run towards her both deflecting one another and slicing each other,the shogun collapse with blood coming out from the fight side of her chest but still holding her sword and Kata standing with a big wound in his stomach and feeling like his hands are melting,with no more strength to hold his sword,he then let it drop and turn walking towards the shogun,and falling to his knees trying grabbing the sword but still feeling the lighting and heat in the sword "why do you still fighting?" The shogun replied with a voice almost ready to cry and her muscles trembling "i cannot fight anymore, even if i try so to move my body it won't get up " "then give the sword to me and let me finish these" the shogun pull the sword closer to her and points with her finger some flowers opposite to them "Kata soon you will have my sword and the power to kill the divine,as a mother i want to ask you a favour, to go inside the palace and in a white room and and bring my daughter a sakurasou from this small garden over there and tell her that I'm going to be close to her soon" the shogun lower her hand and start coughing ,saying"please as the rightful one to challenge the gods save her from this terrible fate " the shogun leave one last breathe and tear , whispering "Amhya im sorry,I was too weak to protect you on my own" Kata stand freeze with his eyes on the shogun for minutes ,he exhales and then takes the sword and bows to the shogun, a light appears from behind him and a cold hand with 10 long fingers and hard surface touch his back,removing the blood and the wounds in an instant,making Kata felling like before the fight,Kata slowly turns and he sees the same figure like the corpses,he looks up and sees twosmall I'm as pulled inside the center of the head , from the one side black and from the other white , Kata jumps back, and Cozbe still looking at him with her eyes unblinked says "is my appearance so terrifying to you humans?" Kata replies with a low voice "just wait here for a while" Kata walks and grabs a flower,walking to the stairs of the palace, cozbe shouts from down there "we do not have time to waste for something so insignificant Kata" she points her finger in the sky and continue "this is more important than one fragile life" Kata ignores her and her shouts and continues inside finding the place empty ,he steps forward and tirn right,finding the white room that difference from the black walls and opens the door,as the door opens a young man with a white armor slice with his spear through the opening ,almost hitting Kata and shouting "why can't you just die? " the man rush through the door and Kata place the flower right in his face "the shogun sent me to bring this flower to her daughter" the man place his spear on the wall and look at Katas chest with disgust "you may be a divine warrior,but if lady yua trusts you then i cannot intervene with her decision,come inside" the soldier and Kata go inside and a child with white hair and white pupils ,laying on the bed, says with almost a silent high pitch voice "Akihiko is everything all right?" Akihiko smile "Yes Ahmya everything is alright" "did mom come back?" Akihiko is ready to answer but Kata steps forward bringing one of his knee down and showing the flower to the pale,little girl "no ,but your mother will come back very soon,she told me to give you that flower" Ahmya place her hand with weak movements in all directions trying to take the flower,Kata softly grabs her hand and place it to the flower ,taking it close to her face and with a smile she says "thank you mister,for bringing me this sakurasou" Kata place his hand on Ahmyas head and caressed her saying "You are welcome kid" Ahmya smile vanish and murmurs "i hope mom was here to hug me,it feels so cold and dark' looking some centimetres to the right, away from Kata, Kata look at her with a cold and lifeless look on his eyes,the girl suddenly start coughing ,spilling drops of blood from her mouth and her breathe becoming increasingly heavy and placing her hand on her heart like someone is stabbing it and screaming from pain, Akihiko steps in front of Kata before he could act and says in Katas ear "go say lady Yua to hurry up before its too late for Ahmya" Kata run outside as fast as he could, seeing besides yuas body Cozbe and Nozomi looking at each other.
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