It was a brand new day.
The sun just dawned as the sunlight shined across the sky.
The young Newcastle Agent, Alysia, woke up after the sunlight hit her eyes through the window.
After a moment, she got up and stretched her arms.
She looked out her window, the view above the clouds and the sun rising slowly on the horizon is always something she enjoyed.
She got out of bed and got ready for the day.
After putting on her Foundation coat, she went out to the hallway.
She was going to the HR office to check out any assignment she has today. Along the way, she crossed paths with Xel'Ryah.
"Oh! Morning!" Alysia greeted with her usual warm smile.
"Good morning," Xel'Ryah greeted back, a faint smile on her face," Do you mind helping me?"
"Of course!" Alysia said, "What is it?"
Xel'Ryah handed her a few folders filled with papers, "Put this on the desk, inside the Primordial containment room,"
Alysia took the folders, and Xel'Ryah thanked her. Alysia made her way to the room where they kept the frozen Primordial.
She entered the room and placed the folders on the desk, something caught her attention. The number of research notes, books, and drawings scattered across the desk. Xel'Ryah must have been really busy, Alysia thought. She picked up one of the drawings that were made, a rough sketch of what it looks like. It had no eyes and carvings that look like teeth on the face. sharp spikes and horns decorated its entire body
It looked nothing like a human, the strange deformities made it more of an abomination than the god-like representation in old myths and legends.
She looked at the Primordial, still frozen in ice.
It looked lifeless, yet Alysia thought otherwise.
Perhaps it was because there was something living inside the frozen being, something more than just a mindless beast
Other than the feeling of nervousness, Alysia also felt curious.
She wanted to free the Primordial from the frozen ice. Just to see what it would do, to see what it will think, and to see what it will say.
Alysia stood in front of it's containment cell. Her fingers gently brushing against the glass as if it is a soft piece of paper.
"You really want to free that?" Xel'Ryah spoke behind her, startling her, she turned and looked at her.
"You don't?" Alysia responded.
"I suppose... I do," Xel'Ryah said, "Though it might hurt everyone, I can't have that."
"I know," Alysia said, "But something is just... wrong,"
"I feel like I should..." Alysia hover her hand towards a control panel.
Xel'Ryah saw her, and quickly grabbed her hand.
Alysia snapped out of whatever trance she was in.
"Alysia, are you alright?" Xel'Ryah worriedly asks.
"Yeah, sorry. Just spaced out, that's all," Alysia said.
"...Alright," Xel'Ryah said, clearly unconvinced, but decided not to question it as she let go of her hand.
Meanwhile, Castle was in his office. Suddenly he received a message which slightly annoyed him.
"Great, what do they want this time?" He thought.
He got up from his chair and entered a room. The lights were dim and there was barely any sound.
Then a few holograms appeared in front of him, it was the Union Council.
"Alright, what did I do this time?" Castle said.
"A tech vault on Triton was raided recently by the rebel group, the Humanitarians," One of the councilors said, "We assume that, you're not involved, correct?"
"Of course not! Why should I be involved?" Castle exclaimed angrily, though his tone was sarcastic.
"Just making sure," The councilor said, ignoring the sarcastic attitude.
He continued, "Among of stolen technology is a piece of a memory core,"
"Wait, how come I was never told you kept a memory core?" Castle asked, "Aren't you supposed to give me technology so we can research and use to advance our own? wasn't that the deal?"
"The deal was that you would handle research what we deem valuable," The councilor said, "Studying the memory core, will not bring any benefit to any of us,"
"It's history," Castle said, "History that can teach us a thing or two,"
"A bloody history that deserves to be forgotten," A councilor said, "Don't forget, we still have you on our leash!"
"How am I supposed to forget when I keep receiving these calls everyday asking me to get rid of all those damned rebels? If I remember correctly, I didn't ask to become the head of this organization," Castle replied with a hint of anger in his voice.
"And yet here you are, you're skills as a leader is what makes you useful,"
A councilor added, "As long as you'll continue to be, we'll... turn a blind eye on your previous mistakes,"
Castle just sighed and scratch his head.
"Anyways we have a new location that you might find interesting," A councilor said, "We suspect that-"
"Just send me the files, thank you and goodbye," With that, Castle ended the live communication.
He left the room and went back to his office. As he sat down, he let out a long sigh.
"Maybe is should've died with them," He muttered, "I wonder how V is doing,"
The next day, Xel'Ryah, Kel'Zal, Alysia, and Sparrow went out on another excavation mission.
They were headed to another area covered in snow and ice.
"And here we go again!" Kel'Zal groaned, "Another mission to my favourite climate!"
"Well you're hot-headed, so it won't affect you much," Sparrow joked.
"Whatever," Kel'Zal responded.
As she sat on her seat, Kel'Zal glanced at Alysia.
She was awfully quiet.
"Hey," Kel'Zal said, nudging her shoulder, "What's up? You've been kinda gloomy since yesterday. Is everything okay?"
"Uh... yeah, I'm fine," Alysia said.
Kel'Zal raised an eyebrow, "Okay..."
"I'm just... thinking a lot, that's all" Alysia faked a smile.
Kel'Zal noticed that Xel'Ryah was also concerned as she was glancing at Alysia too.
Before anything else could happen though, Sparrow told them they were about to arrive.
Kel'Zal isn't very good and social skills or making friends on that matter but she does seem worries. Even Xel'Ryah is worried about Alysia.
But for now, they need to focus on their task, as its probably gonna end up in a another bullet storm.