An old person has died.
Greeted by a cloaked figure of death, they are taken back through their life; watching it happen around them again.
As they are, they inadvertently change little things.
At first, it's accidentally leaning on a chair and pushing it out of the way so they don't hit it as a toddler. Having done that, they never get the scar on their head.
Seeing how their life as they remember it is slightly different, they keep watching.
Ridiculed as a teen when tricked into attending a party that never existed by the popular kid in school, they get so angry that they trip them down the stairs, causing them to hurt themselves so badly that they need to go home: never inviting them on the prank.
No-one sees them. They are unknown in their own life. The little changes happen by forces unknown.
As they watch and change little things, they see their life they supposedly lived from before them.
At the end, all the little changes they wanted to better their life lead to their death anyway, just at a much younger age than the old one they had.