(Lucifer's pov)
One word. three Syllables. And a meaning I knew all too well.
Guardian Demons are heard of but are rare. There's a reasons demon like myself don't have many protected like angels. Demons are territorial and possessive once we set our eyes on something. If you thought greed demons were bad, think again.
What luck do I, Lucifer MorningStar, Prince of Hell, King of Chaos, have to end up with a protected.
Not only that but the little human, half divine, but she's also a murderer.
What will Mrs. Zygon think. She wanted an update on her husband's killer. She wanted the one who took her bonded away from her dead.
"That's her, isn't it?" Dastran whispers, under his breathe. I nod swallowing nervously not taking my eyes of the Divine.
My Divine
My Protected
Akillies smiles before us, and the low demon leaves the room.
He shoves the female forward, making her stumble, causing something primal inside me to stir.
How dare he push her?
The urge to rip Akillies head from his shoulders, formulated itself in my mind.
The air around the room rises a few degrees. Dastran clears his throat giving me a weird look, before addressing his uncle.
"Is she the last one?" Dastran asked, eyeing the little Divine. She shifts uncomfortable under our gaze, her greyish green eyes looking everywhere else but us.
" Yup she's the last of them." Akillies replies. " Care to share why you wanted to see this particular pets?"
"No." I said simply. " You can leave now. We'd like a word with the human."
Akillies opened his mouth to protest but closes it instantly. He exits the room closing the door behind him., leaving us and my protected in the room.
(Belle's p.o.v)
Scared isn't even the word to describe how I feel right now.
Terrified and downright frightened is more like it.
The two demons standing in the shadows of the dimly lit room did nothing to calming my racing heart.
The floor and the chains on my feet have become my friend for the last few minutes, until I see the retreating form of Akillies out of peripheral vision. The door closes with a soft click, then the room is eerily quiet.
"Lift your head up human." a deep voice said, sounding more like a growl.
Not wanting to die, I obey, lifting my head, to be met with golden and orange eyes. I recognized the blond as a greed, and his uncanny looks to Akillies was there, making me assume they were somehow related. The golden eyed demon, I didn't know. It was my first time seeing a demon with eyes like his.
Eyes of liquid gold. If that was possible.
To say he was handsome an understatement. He has jet black hair that shaved on the sides but stops at the nap of his neck. Piercing line his ears, and nose. And silver bands adorn his fingers.
I blink twice, trying to stop myself from drooling and to focus.
"What's you name human?" The blonde demon asked.
"Belle." I said, surprising myself when I didn't stutter. " Belle Strom."