(Lucifer's p.o.v)
I watch the rise and fall of Belle’s breathing.
It was light and steady, different from her earlier episode.
When I came back from my guilty flying, I heard her screaming. I rushed to her room immediately, only to see her scratching at her arm in her a sleep and yelling for someone to stop. The gown she wore soaked with sweat, and her hair stuck up wildly. Her face contorted in so much fear and pain, the guilt that I pushed down had crawled its way back to the surface.
She has stopped since then, but I refused to leave her. I refused to let her suffer in the condition I put her in. It scared me a little that my power pushed her mind till it shattered her memories. But I knew that was my guardian side kicking in. Anyone else I’d careless. But her. Belle, she’s my protected.
I hadn’t realized I had fallen asleep until Ollsor knocked on her bedroom door. I tell him to enter, and he walks in holding a tray and with a glass of water and a cup of steaming coffee. He sits in down on the coffee table in the room, then bows before leaving silently out the room.
I sip my coffee, enjoying the sweet taste of vanilla and hazelnut against my tongue. After a while, my phone rings. I ignore knowing that it’s Dastran, wanting to pester me with questions. But it rings again. Annoyance washes over me as I grab my phone off the coffee table.
The caller ID makes me frown.
It’s my sister.
I answer, putting her on speaker.
“Oh, thank the seven gates, Luci.” She sighs in relief. “I need your- “
“No.” I interrupted her, sipping more of my coffee and watched Belle’s peaceful sleeping. I didn’t want to hear what Lily wanted. Or needed. Even though she’s my sister, and I love her with all my heart, right now wasn’t the best time to be asking for anything. I was busy.
Contemplating and watching over someone of importance.
“Ahh, come on Luci.” She whines from the other end of the phone. “I didn’t get to finish what I was saying.”
“No, need. I am not in the mood right now.” Belle mumbles something in her sleep, then sighs.
“It’s because of that human, isn’t it?” She asks. Slight annoyance in her tone.
A cold shiver travels down my spine when she mention’s Belle.
I never told Lilah about her yet. So how did she know about when I never mentioned it?
Only three demons' new about her.
Me, Debbie, and Dastran. I know for sure I didn’t tell her, and Debbie wasn’t one to hand out secrets on a whim, especially if it’s one enforced by me.
So, the only demon I can think of that would’ve babbled was Dastran.
That greed demon couldn’t hold water to save his life.
Fuckin bastard
There was a pause before she spoke.
“Dastran told me about her.”
Of course, he did.
Mental note doesn’t bring greed demons into your business.
“Yeah, so what’s your point?”
“My point is, dear Luci, is that you’ve excluded me out of something yet again. And yet you bring Dastran along with you everywhere. I’m your sister. I deserve to know what’s going on with you. Not hear it from a demon who can barely remember what he ate for dinner the night before. And, don’t feed me that, ‘I’m protecting you bull’ I heard it many times already, and it’s a load of horseshit.” She rants.
I sigh.
This is exactly the reason I don’t call her that much.
Listening to people rant is something I avoid.
It breaks me out in hives, and I can already feel my arms itch.
“Listen, Lilah. I’m kind of busy at the moment, so whatever you want to tell me, tell me. If not, please get off the phone. I’m tired and I have a shitload of paperwork to do before I go into the office in the morning.”
I cringe when the words roll off my tongue, leaving my lips.
Maybe I was a harsh on her.
“I’m, sorry, Lil-“
“You know what?” She cuts me off, her voice cracking. “I can handle it myself. Good night, Lucifer.”
The phone beeps. She hung up.
I don’t blame her either.
I was a total jerk to her. And for what? She’s my sister. The only one that I have.
And like a fuckin idiot, I’m ruining our relationship.