(Azlan's p.o.v.)
Just my luck.
Or the lack thereof
After the incident, I got my things and left. Now I'm standing at the corner of Second and Third, in the rain no less wondering if I should follow the bosses' orders or not. The Forbidden Fruit. The last place I wanted to be, but what choice did I have? The place brought back memories I wanted buried deep. So deep that even our unholy leader can't even find them in the deepest parts of his kingdom.
Lighting dances across the sky as I continue to debate. My gut instinct told me it was a terrible idea, or maybe it was because I hadn't eaten anything since earlier around noon. I retrieved my wallet from my jeans pocket. Inside are ten argents to my name. Enough to buy myself something to feed my hunger.
Turning in the opposite direction of the place I was supposed to go, I find myself walking into a small hole in the wall establishment.
Smiley's Tacos
The place seemed okay. Secluded from unwanted attention.
Just the way I like it.
Upon opening the door, I was greeted with a rush of warm air that warms me as I walk up to the register. The place is quiet. Only two demons sat in the dining room while I could sense another three in the back. I ring the bell by the register and a petite, middle-aged female demon with wavy brown hair, and hazel eyes walks out the back wiping her hands on a dirty rag that's seen better days.
"Hi, hun, what can I get for you?"
I smiled at her and looked at the menu.
Honestly, I didn't know what to get.
" I- uh don't know to be honest."
I blushed, pushing my hands deeper into my hoodie pockets.
She chuckles nodding in understanding, "Why don't I surprise you? Hmm?"
"Y-yeah thanks."
"All right, now sit down and make yourself comfortable. I'll be out with your food in a few." She dismisses me, handing me a fountain drink cup before walking back behind the double kitchen doors. After I got my drink, which consisted of lemonade mixed with sweet tea, I found a stop in the corner. A lone booth in the back with a view of the door and away from the windows. The most convenient place to see who passes by and who comes in and out. No surprises.
Sipping my drink, my gaze wandered around the small restaurant. It was nice. It had a homey feel that reminded me of home once upon a time. After a few minutes the restaurant's doors burst open, startling me. A greed demon with blonde hair walks in with a stumbling female in his arms.
The greed demon sits the female at a table, before walking up to the register and hitting the bell.
"Eh! Edith!" He yells, hitting the bell again. I cringe at the noise wishing he would stop. Sooner rather than later the demon with hazel eyes comes from the back. An annoyed expression is evident on her features.
"Will you stop hitting that damn thing, Dastran? I heard it the first time." She scowls at him, but he only smirks.
"Delighted to see you, Edith."
Rolling her eyes, she asks, "Why are you here, Dastran?"
"To see you of course and to get some of those tacos." Dastran said in a cheery tone. " You know the ones with-"
"No." Edith interrupts him.
Dastran frowned his lips puckering in a pout.
"Ah, Edith, why not?"
"You want to know why?" she asks, shaking her head. "Don't you remember the last few times you came?"
"But, Edith," he whined. "That was completely out of my hands. It couldn't have been avoided."
Edith scoffs. " Of course, it could've been avoided, if you hadn't taken another demon's slave. Tirian and I had to replace almost everything due to damage. And thank the seven hells, Lucifer helped, or we'd have to sell this place. So no, you can see yourself out." She points to the door.
I chuckled at the ordeal between them. It reminded me of a mother scolding her child.
I swear I saw tears leaking from the greed demon's eyes.
Dastran gathers the female he brought with him in his arms, before leaving the restaurant.
Edith walks back into the back, then comes back out with a large tray of nachos.
"Here, hun, sorry for the wait."
"It's okay. Thanks again."
She disappeared, leaving me to my nachos. Having finished, I paid and left, not bothering to wait for Edith to return. I stayed much longer than I expected. When I'm back on the streets. The weight of my situation is back.
I really didn't want to do it.
But standing on the corner of the street wasn't an option.
The Forbidden Fruit it is.
Spinning on my heels, I turn to go in that direction only to hit someone's chest. Letting out an oof I stumble back, nearly tripping to the ground, but a strong hand catches me, before my face becomes one with the concrete. With my senses heightened I could tell that this was a pureblood demon. My heart hammered in my chest as I waited for the pure to cause a scene, but they only laughed.
I didn't realize I had my eyes closed. When I opened them, I was greeted by a pair of orange eyes and short blonde hair.
"Are you okay?" He asked, leaning in close to my face, too close. My heart started beating again.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright." I shake his hand off my elbow feeling embarrassed. A few curious demons look our way. Great just what I needed. Attention. Now that we weren't physically touching, I could control my heartbeat. "I'll be leaving now."
I nearly reach out of reach when I feel strong hands wrap around my elbow as I hurry away from him.
"Hey, wait."
I looked up, it was him. "What?"
The greed demon taps his nose. "Your nose. It's bleeding."
Reaching a hand up, I felt something hot and sticky dripping from my nose. Looking at my hand, it came away crimson.
I blushed.
Well shit, this is embarrassing.