The Holy Temple was crowded.
Every single Divine was there to discuss their horrific situation and figure out what they could do to find a way out of Heaven. The Archangel Michael was leading the meeting. And yet like the rest of his brothers and sisters, he hadn't a clue what to do. However, he had to save faith. Giving hope to beings whose job it was to do that very thing for the suffering mortals below.
With another sigh, he appears before the Divine, and the talking crowd falls silent in his presence.
Clearing his throat, he began to speak.
"Thank you for coming here today. It brings me much joy to know that even through hard times we can still gather together." He smiles at the crowd. "But I'm not trying to sugar coat it. We are in danger. As we stay up here, and let the humans suffer below their belief in us continues to dwindle. Without their belief, hope, and faith we cease to exist. We are running out of time. How many days left? I haven't a clue. It could be years, months, days, even hours from now."
"What are we going to do?" A Divine in the crowd asked.
"Honestly, I don't know." Michael answers, running a hand through his blonde hair. "It's difficult to say but we do believe that whoever locked us behind the gates must've had help from a divine. The power that binds the gates is pure, so no mortal or Damned could've sealed it without the help of one of our own. We have a traitor among us, my brothers and sisters."
The Divine took in his words. They couldn't believe that someone among them would do such a thing. Betraying the Order of Holiness was treason. Going against the book was forbidden. Punishment for such crimes included being stripped of power, cast out of heaven, or wiped out of existence. Which the Divine never wishes upon anyone.
It scared them even more to know that the culprit for their demise was probably right here in this very room.
"The good news is that we have a lead, and will take action, in finding out who this imposter is. Thank you for coming today my brothers and sisters. I hope that this meeting was able to ease some of your worries, even though I didn't bring in any progressive news. But proceed forth. Get in touch with your humans. Try to give them hope. The ancient archives are available for those who wish to research to contact their humans from a distance. Spirit Gretchen has volunteered to provide therapy for those who wish to talk about their troubles. You are dismissed."
Michael watched as the Divine he had grown to appreciate left the building. When the last of the Divine closed the door behind themselves, he closed his eyes and sighed. It hurt him to blatantly lie. But what choice did he have? There was no imposter. No, Divine that was working with the Damned or a mortal. He knew who closed the gate, for he was the one who did so. But he did it not because he wanted to, but because the Big Man himself told him that this was the way. The way to bring balance.
A storm was brewing, and the Archangel hoped he was rooting for the winning side.