Anjian eyes open up, seeing a red cup and apples on a plate Along with clothes hanging in the mirror.
She gets up and eats them swiftly and changes to red clothes with flames on the sleeves
and walk towards the tent carpets, pushing them and the sun hits her eyes.
She looks around her seeing soldiers wearing chainmail and holding spears and some having a small cannon attached to their forearms.
Anjian continues to stare at the soldiers and from behind she hears a dulcet voice "sorry, miss" Anjian turn and look into her shining eyes "can you come with me? Our general wants to talk to you" Anjian heart skips a bit and nods her head, she follows the soldier outside a large purple and black tent and the soldier says "wait here for a moment" and goes inside the camp while Anjian continues to stare at the large tent, looking large enough to fit a crowd.
From the tent a soldier shows up and the man following behind her, he says in his soothing voice "thank you Minvera" Minerva nods her head and walks away and Anjians heart starts beating faster "so tell me your name your lady" Anjian takes some seconds to respond "Aifa" "Aifa tell me your opinion about this place and the people you dwell with" Anjian voice rise "they are mad people who only think about war and rape" "i see, and why do you believe its that?" "They have no education and are stuck to their old customs" "and what do you believe is the best approach to change that" Anjian says with pleasure in her voice "kill them all" the man stare at her for a moment seeing her cold face
"I have to say your actions seem extreme" "they deserve it" "I understand your pain, many have told me to do the same but I believe we can change them, if not then their children" Anjian pull her eyebrows together "and one last question, most if not all of the women here are learned and used to behave like slaves first and mothers second, they do not raise their voice or attack their men but you did that" Anjian stays silent for some seconds before she answers with confidence "maybe I understand first my value" the man look at the savages at the opposite of his tent looking at Anjian, he looks back at her "if your heart wishes to leave this place you can travel with us, we can make you a citizen in one of our cities or join the army or my troupe" "troupe?" "I will explain it to you another time, until then take some of these" he pulls his clothe swiftly and Anjian feels a small headache from the colors and the man gives her a pouch of gold coins "the merchants will arrive soon, have some fun with these coins" Anjian whispers "thanks" and the man walks inside the tent.
Soon the ships are seen clearly from the hill and in an hour they reach the shores, men, women and children coming with wheat, salt fruits and many more along with kettles, sheeps and rabbits and many more things
The merchants come from the lean road and quickly build small shops besides the tents, waiting for the people to come, the men and women look at them with their eyebrows pulled together as they stay still outside their tents.
the man comes out from the tent taking two apples from a merchant and giving him one gold coin, he walks towards the people as he eats one of the apples and throws the other at one of the men "come, I have not given you the coins to look at them" the man look at the apple and turns it around before he finally bites it, his eyes open wide and says "it's sweet" the others ask him to try or try to take it from him "you don't have to attack each other, just give your coins to the merchants and they will give you what you ask"
The crowd run like sick dogs, men trade to buy cows and weapons, women trade for food and household items and the children playing with the children of the merchants.
The man strare at the trades and gives more coins whenever they ask him, Anjian asks "how do you have so many coins?"
"I have many ways of income, donations, spoils of war, a troupe and from a national bank" the man stare at her and Anjians heart starts to beat faster, the man rise his arm and Anjians heart skips a beat as man move some coins from one finger to the other "go and buy something with this" Anjian takes them and the man turn his eyes at the crowd, Anjian slowly walks at the merchants and buys a bow and twenty arrows, the man goes beside her and lean his head close to the bow "do you know about this weapon?" "I have heard tales about it" "if you allow me I can teach you how to use it" Anjian nods her head "marvelous" the man grabs the bow and look closer at it " "the string is made with hemp, do you want us to exchange it for a string made of silk?" "No I'm fine with it" the man and Anjian walk besides the man's tent and the man shows her how to use the bow and shoots at a tree "take the bow and show me what you can do" Anjian takes the bow and looks at the man and back at the bow, she pulls her shoulders forward and her curve her back, pulling the string and shooting the branches "with some training you will be able to shoot the heart of a jorogomou" Anjian asks "what's your name?" The man lean towards her "I have many names, the old call me the fire of the north, my allies call me the burning heart or Sajero Chama others call me a monster or spawn of a monster, you can call me whichever name you believe it suits me" Anjian looks with a cold stare at him "Sajero" "very well, now shoot again"
Anjian shoots again and hits the braches, looking with a dull expression at the arrows "I'm not good at this" "you are better than many of the amateurs I have seen, you have great potential" they continue with Sajero giving the arrows back at her.
The merchants leave at night, the man goes to the crowd of people and asks "now are you ready to answer my call?" The men and women look at each other with mutual understanding "we will join you" "splendid, we will continue the trades if you insist, along with that i can offer you some of my men to plunder the rest of the clans" the men and women shout, a muscular and tall man comes out of the crowd and screams on top of his lungs "i will lead Against our enemies" another man comes out of the crowd holding two axes "Finar you cannot kill a woman, how much a man" "i didn't know a scam like you can think of anything beyond food" the crowd cheer and Finar raise his sword and Alhambars pull his axes closer to his body, they both stare at each other without bleaking and suddenly Finar rush, Alhambars swing his axes and Finar steps back, slashing the wrist of Alhambars right hand, he let his axe and Finar rushes again piercing his sword at Alhambars heart and let a last scream, Finar kicks the body and raise his hands with the crowd cheering "im your new leader now and i will assemble my horde" soon he start picking at least ten men to his side and Sajero walk forward "now make a plan to attack whoever you want and my men will assist you" they raise their weapons and scream out with their deep voices.
A feast is organized and Anjian walks to her tent, hearing the cheers and the pleasant voices of men and women, she sits on the bed, looking at her bow
Suddenly She hears the soothing voice of Sajero "I hope I do not interrupt your sleep" "no" Sajero comes inside the tent. "I have a proposal for you" Anjian turns "I propose you to come with me to the capital, there we can use your talent for the good of the people"
"I accept " the man laugh "marvelous, tomorrow morning we will leave and we will go to the capital" the man turn swiftly and for a second the colors of his clothes are seen, Anjian feels her head burning for a moment and the man says "have a fable sleep my friend"
Anjian says nothing and turns to her tent.
Going inside she takes off her clothes, seeing the scratches and bruises all over her body, with her eyes still cold and her heart calm she change and lay on the bed, sleeping in an instant and starting sobbing quietly.
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