Ai walks forward watching her previous house being turned into lines of fields with crops, she stops and turns around, her eyes narrowing for a moment before she smiles wide.
As the sky turns red and the sun is behind her she sees three silhouettes on three horses coming at her, first a man with a wide back and short hair,
The other behind him looking at him with the edge of his black eyes, his wide shoulders shrugging forward and wearing grey clothes And the other man with brown hair tied in a ponytail, his green eyes carelessly looking around and his thin hands holding the leash.
They reach Anjian and the man with the black eyes goes forward, saying melancholically "Ai" Ai runs and hugs him tight, laying her head on his shoulder.
She leaves him and gives her hand to the other man, giving her a strong handshake "General" "it's been a long time, Ai" Ai smile at him and then look at Fenhua with a faint smile "Fenhua how are you?" Fenhua at first turn his head and look at the ground, he force a smile and look back at Ai "you seem alright Ai" Ai nods her head, Klaeben looks with anger while Lixins face continues to be calm, Fenhua shouts "alright let's go now, Swaiwan will probably waiting for us with two canes on his hands" he laughs and Ai laughs too and they start mounting towards the capital.
The night comes and they reach the woods, seeing more flora and the house bigger than the previous time painted in black, with one window and a small garden besides it where crops grow, Fenhua knock on the doorstep times and from the window a shadow is seen, a slow and weak voice is heard from the door "tell me your names" Fenhua clear his throat and shouts "guess who is back, won't you open so I can see your old face?" For a moment no reply is heard and suddenly the door opens, Fenhua faintly pushes it and sees a short man with no hair and dark circles around his unemotional eyes looking at Fenhua, Fenhua opens his arms and bent his back "Don't you want a hug from your old friend?" Swaiwan sigh and walk slowly inside with the others walking behind Fenhua, looking at the house clean with ceramics and furniture around it along with stairs towards the upper floor, the four of them reach the other room and see Swaiwan sitting in his chair and looking at them, Ai waves at him and smile and Swaiwan says swiftly "after fifty years you are back" Fenhua open his mouth but Lixin says "Swaiwan, does the enemy know of this place?" "No, I was careful to not be seen whenever I went inside the capital" he takes a deep breath and before Lixin continues he says "but does it matter?" Ai and Klaeben look at him intensely "In the end we will be reborn again and die and reborn, everyone we meet will forget us and our enemy is more cunning and experienced than we will ever be, why should we continue fighting them?"
Ai says "I know Eirana is out there, I want to protect her and the rest of the people that once died on our side"
Klaeben says "I have many reasons to continue fighting, besides we have a weapon that we don't even know what it does, who will keep it if we all die or give up?"
Lixin says nothing along with Fenhua.
Swaiwan look at them and says "I have nothing to fight for, I don't even know if I want to come back to you" A dreary silence falls on them and after a while Swaiwans hands start shaking "just kill me already, I can't live in this body anymore" Swaiwans shaken hand point at the stairs "someone, go to the stairs and take a sword" everyone looks hesitant but Lixin already reaches the stairs, coming down with a sword "before I kill you tell me where is the weapon?" "Buried outside under a young tree beside our house" Swaiwan smile as Lixin place the sword on his throat, Ai's eyes narrow and the rest stay silent.
Lixin turns and look at their faces "he wished to die and he was useless You don't need to draw sympathy for him"
Klaeben eyes shine and grit his teeth as he look at Lixin" now help me burry him and in the morning we will go to the capital to make you soldiers"
Klaeben and Fenhua grab the body and Ai stare at them.
They bury the body some meters into the woods and go back to the house, going to the upper floor they see red carpets on the floor and two rooms at the left, three on the right and in front of them, ai and Klaeben take the two on the left and general and Fenhua on the right and swiftly change clothes and sleep.
The first rays of the sun struck the only window and Lixin wakes everyone and go to the capital, the walls standing higher with fresh white paint over the columns, the doors open and they go inside blending with large crowds of people, the soldiers walking in the sides of the road.
They see everyone walking towards the port and follow the crowd, looking at ships of great heights along with men placing sacks of food one after the other and preaka moving large metal cranes with crates at the ships, a group of soldier preakas waving their hands at the crowd with stone dolls or masks at their feet, with children coming to get the dolls or masks, other soldiers preakas standing at the edges of the port with fire coming out of their hands and lighting torches and giving them to dancers and common people coming to them, lighting small fires or even challenging the soldiers and try to create the largest fire or the most meticulous stone mask.
Fenhua look with his mouth open, he look at the general and asks "is this what the messengers said about?" Lixin cross his arms "Yes, after the retake of the eastern islands with the help of shakufu and grega the trade has flourished again, but the road to the open seas is blocked by zu huo so the army and traders are planning to go north to see if there is another route to trade" Fenhua says " and when will they begin?" "Tomorrow morning, we will depart" Fenhua let a small shout of enjoyment, suddenly from behind a swarm of screams surpass his own "glory to grega" Fenhua look behind him seeing a small group repeating it with the people looking displeased at them and the guards passing by without drawing an eye "why are these people? - You know what I will not even bother"
Ai sees the crowd now going to the left, passing the small wooden structures with food on them and going towards a large white building with windows in horizontal lines and at the top of the roof statues of naked men and women having their arms close to their genitals or chest.
She look up and sees the people walking or taking a look at the scenery And waving at the crowd, behind them a tower and a large crimson doom and at its roof a statue with its fingers up to the sky.
Ai's eyes wide open and says "let us go inside" Lixin says "we need to move to the palace, we don't have time for these things" "we will be quick, just a short walk" Lixin slowly close his eyes and nods his head and stand at the road, Ai nods her head and walks closer seeing a small bench with books of all over it, she look at them for a moment and her eyes catch a name "Swaiwan qing" she takes the book and look at the first lines of some of the pages, from her right she hears a dulcet voice of a woman "I wouldn't advise you to take this book, everybody has returned it and the great authors haven't approved it either" Ai smile "it's alright, I will give it a try" "it will be three silver coins" Ai gives them and place the small book at one her pockets and hears Klaeben voice "Ai come on" Ai run at them and wait.
They go closer with a man with wide shoulders standing at the entrance, the group lay their hands on the pouches and Ai peak inside at the canvasses, the man says "you don't need to pay, today the entrance is free to everyone" Ai smile at him and steps inside with excitement,
Seeing canvasses all over the walls, marble statues painted red, some having black masks, others being women and men mustered together, others having their faces shaped as masks and making intense expressions of shock, sadness, joy, one statue having her hands at her head and screaming and behind her a canvass of a night sky.
Klaeben and Femhua walk to reach her but she vanish in the crowd, Klaeben sigh and wanders into the building along with Fenhua.
Ai look around and suddenly her eyes stay still on a canvas at the corner of the building, she walks towards it and look at the three meter tall canvas, a village, A young man with black hair touching his shoulders and smiling, people at the opposite side of him, first a blonde woman and a man with blue eyes all reaching their hands at him and he doing the same.
She look the next at it seeing the blonde girl naked, shadows surrounding them and seeming to press her down and the mam kneeling. Shadows pressing against his body. Ai feel a shiver in her spine, she press one hand at her shoulder and continues.
Ai continues to the next, the man holding a flask in his hands, shadows surrounding him all over the canvass and behind him a red one, its yellow eyes looking at the man.
Ai continues to the next, the shadows lying on the man's feet and him smiling, the red one behind him growing.
She look at the next with the man in tears, the blonde girl and the man lying in his hands and the rest dead around him and the red shadow weeping.
Anjian feels a pain in her chest and walks At the next seeing the man with cuts all over his body, holding the flash as the village burn, with many more fires in the distance.
Ai look with her eyed wide open, a woman with black long hair and black eyes steps beside her "I wonder what the artist thought as he created it" Ai look at it closely, saying "maybe a tragedy" the woman steps back, her blue eyes looking right and left "for some reason it feels like comedy and tragedy" the woman look at Ai "maybe It's a dead dream, like your eyes" Ai says nothing "maybe you will die soon or late" Ai says naively "isn't it the same for all of us?" The woman look back at the canvass "that is true" she turns her back "I hope you will enjoy the rest of your wandering here" "Goodbye" Ai continues to wander, seeing a painting of a poor village, the wooden houses burning, golden bodies with their faces and bodies twisted, tied in the remaining buildings and a crowd of grey, blue, cyan and brown people gathered around them, their red smiles extending to the back of their ears.
Ai feels a shiver in her spine and walks away, seeing most of the people looking at the painting for a short moment before they turn swiftly.
Ai sees the others at the door and goes besides them and Klaeben asks "how was it?" "Really good I have to say, the paintings were nothing of what I would expect here in Huagjin, we must come again to see the rest" Klaeben smile "we will" they soon find Lixin and start walking again, seeing the palace at the hilltop on the end of the city.
As they walk up the stairs of the palace Klaeben says "Lixin, isn't it enough that you have your islands back?"
"It is only a small portion of what we lost because of you"
Klaeben clutch his fists and Ai look at him with worry.
The doors open and they go inside, looking at the wall new canvasses with the faces of many emperors and their childer, they walk on the red carpet with golden deers and dragons on them and smelling the sweet aroma of flowers.
They stand opposite on a large black wooden door and Lixn knocks and enters inside "come with me" they see a large round table with six young people and one old sitting and seven empty seats, they look at Lixin and one of them with his black armor with a golden deer on his shoulder says "Lixin, inform us, why are these people here with you" "I want them to join the ranks as soon as possible" "so you want our approval, why should I place them in the army?" Lixin takes his sword and drops it on Fenhua "fight him and you will see the reason" the man laughs out loud " It's asinine to convince a simple man to challenge me" The others look closely and one of them with a broad back and one eye says "I would advise you to accept his offer Gao", Gao look at the man "do you find it funny old man?" The man smirk and reply with confidence "If it's to see your ego getting crushed, then yes" Gao grit his teeth and look at Lixin "I will accept your offer" Gao raise his sword and Fenhua walks close with the sword at the height of his shoulders, he look at Gao smiling at him as he hold his sword with one hand.
Fenhua strike fast and Gao's eyes wide open, placing both hands on the sword, he falls back and swings the sword close to Fenhuas throat, he deflects it and swing the sword at gaos throat, stopping the blade as it touch the skin, Gao look with superiority at Fenhua as he takes the sword from Gao's throat and giving it back to Lixin.
Lixin says "it is resolved now, inform the rest to know when they come back, goodbye generals" The others farewell him and Gao still looking at Lixin and the others with superiority as they leave and close the door.
Fenhua look at Lixin and Lixin says "now that we have informed the generals lets go to give you armor and weapons" Fenhua says "it wasn't too honorable" Lixin grunts "I wouldn't do nothing against the emperors will, but we need to move fast" they go to the armory, smelling the powder all over the walls and Lixin gives them weapons and armor "now wait until the night" they nod their heads and leave, passing the soldiers with many asking their names and the generals if they are legitimate soldiers.
The luminous light of the moon struck Ai as she look outside the window, from behind she hears light steps coming towards her with speed, she turn her body to the other side in an instant, her blue eyes catch Fenhua walking behind her "im sorry to interrupt you" Ai let a laugh and Fenhua turn his gaze down and up at Ai "I want to say that I'm sorry, for the kiss and the words back at the tavern" "you were drunk, you don't need to apologize" Fenhua turn his gaze down and up "no, I did something awful to you when you were the only one to search for me when I left and the only who laughs at my jokes, even though you do it just to show some intrest" "Fenhua I mean it you don't have to feel guilty for anything" Fenhua takes a deep breath and smile "well, you can say the weight is a bit lighter" Ai says with a dulcet tone "goodnight"
"goodnight" Femhua walks away with fast steps and Ai look at him with her hand extended before he vanish and turn back looking at the moon.
As the moon falls behind the hills, soldiers move in lines their footsteps being heard loud and clear, soon people look from their windows throwing white narcissus with a yellow color in their center, soon the soldiers start walking on the ships spread all over the harbor.
Lixin and the others last in line step at the last stones, the people cheer but soon their cheers nullify, an explosion happens at the ships on the right, and a line of explosions follow, everyone's eyes wide open, many scream before they abruptly stop, Klaeben moves the ground and place everyone close to him along with some civilians, he makes three thick walls violently stopping any sound and the explosions shake the ground.
After two minutes Klaebene let the walls down, he look around and hold his breath, burned bodies all over the sea that has changed color, bodies on the ground and in buildings, he looks at Ai for a moment seeing her eyes glistening but swiftly becoming colder, he looks back at the bodies, seeing men and women coming outside and looking with terror, many weeping and crying and many children screaming.
Soon more soldiers come and stay frozen, many falling to their knees and vomiting, Lixin shout "get to your feet soldiers, search if there are any survivors" the soldiers get up, slowly walking towards the bodies and examining them with hesitation, Lixin stays unemotional and walks beside the bodies and look around him, then at the sea and the buildings.
Soon more soldiers arrive along with a middle man on a horse dressed in purple, soldiers come and hold his hands and the man comes down from the horse, the people and soldiers kneel along with Lixin as he look at the floor, hearing his steps louder and louder, the man take on his hands his long robes and look around him with a drop of sweat coming from his forehead, the man takes a deep breath and look at Lixin "you are the only remaining general here, aren't you?" Lixin look at the man's feet and says with a clear voice "yes preator" the preator take another look around him and another drop comes down "tell me, where are the men that supposed to guard the harbor?" Lixin takes a look around him "there was no one when we came here my preator"
The preator eyes wide open and many of the soldiers shivered.
The preator goes back to his horse and leaves, the soldiers get up and Lixin look around him one more time "go to the house and look out for the sword and come tomorrow morning", Ai asks "and what about you?" "I will stay to inform the preators and the emperor" Lixin walks away, saying "soldiers, escort the people" the soldiers obey his rule and the people quickly leave and Lixin walks towards the palace.
The night almost ends and Klaeben and the others dig and find a black chest, Klaeben opens it finding the sword inside, they let out a massive sigh and Fenhua says "and for a moment k thought my heart would stop" Ai let a faint laugh and they go inside.
After many hours Ai goes outside, Klaeben look as the door close and then continues to clean the room, he finish the cleaning, seeing the plates clean and stacked And looking at his reflection upon almost every surface.
He look outside at the tree branches shaking, he walks towards the door and as he opens it a strong wide shake his clothes, he deep in the wood seeing Ai fading, Klaeben follows her as she walks into the woods and stopping at the edge of the hill, looking at the moon and the destroyed west section of the harbor.
Klaeben look at her for many minutes, he takes a deep breath and walks slowly beside her "do you like the view from here?" "Yes, its quite here, it helps me think" Klaeben look at Ai "what is bothering you exactly?" "After seeing these people dying I should be sad, mourning them or at least feel something but for some reason" "tell me" Ai look at the ground and whispers "I don't feel sad about them, even in my heart don't mourn them, is this normal?" Klaeben stays silent for a second "we have seen so much death, maybe after a point it becomes, normal,we become numb" Ai whispers with melancholia "but I don't want to become numb" Klaeben says nothing and watch Ai stare at the moon, she takes a deep breath and turn around look Klaeben in his eyes "let's go back" Klaeben look at her before she gets up and walk away.
They go inside and see Fenhua staring at the red carpet, Ai touch his back and Fenhua quickly turn "Ai, Fenhua how long have you been there?" "We just came back"
Fenhua laugh and walk up the stairs "well I'm going to take play the flute and then sleep, this day has been really tough" Ai and Klarben narrow their eyes and Fenhua "we will find who did this" Klaeben and Ai say nothing and Fenhua continue walking and whistling and soon the sweet sound of the flute is heard.
The sun rise with Fenhua playing the flute, Klaeben wakes up smelling the sweat on his clothes, he knocks the door of both of them and only Fenhua open it "will we go to the palace?" "Let's eat something and we will" Fenhua rush down and opens the shelves finding bread and rice "I'm going to make some rice" he takes a bowl and some woods from outside making a fire, Klaeben takes a large bowl And goes to the river, taking some water and filling the bowl And slowly letting himfelf inside the large bowl with the water reaching above his shoulder and he his eyes and rest his muscles. He dress up and goes to the front of the house seeing Ai sitting on the base of a tree with the red book in her hand, he walk closer looking at the cover of the book "cities and their beauty, Swaiwan Qing" "isn't this Swaiwans surname?" "Yes, it matches his writing style" "you have seen him writing?" "I took a look back at Grega" her eyes narrow a bit as she focus on the words, Klaeben sit besides her, placing his hands behind his back to hold him and
continues "I didn't know you like reading books" Ai smile, with some force to make her smile wider "I like reading philosophical books I try to read as many as I can before any major departure"
"So do you like Swaiwans book?" She takes a deep breath "no, he is very confusing and goes from the one point to the next, besides his points do not make much sense and doesn't try to explain them, like right now he speaks about the way of education, it says here that it is more preferable to have everyone trained at the same things, i mean like what thibgs exactly and how? He doesn't specify that well, it's like he wanted to be on the school of philosophy just for the sake of it" Klaeben look in front of him "you can tell him your opinion when we see him" she smile "when we see him" they look at the view for many sexonds before Klaeben takes a deep breath and gets up "we have to go to the palace now"
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