Lixin walk to the stairs of the palace and following a preator as he covers his nose to the emperors door. Opening them and kneeling
The emperor says with authority "general Lixin. Inform us of the situation"
" the half blooded told me about the rest sources, and the perpetrators are here on the capital, close to the harbor, though we didn't learn their location"
The emperor stays silent for a second. Changing position, laying his elbow on the throne and resting his head "then we will muster the forces we will search every nook on the capital"
He open his palm, his fingers pointing at them from above them "now go. Prepeare for tomorrow general"
Lixin bows and leave. Informing Ai, and Fenhua on the house, and at the morning gathering with the rest of the army. Small divisions at the capital split at the roads. Interrogating citizens and local soldiers.
Ai turn around seeing Cong many houses away calling her with her gestures.
Ai walks closer, and Cong says "Ai follow me. I found someone"
Ai eyes open wide. She slow her steps before rushing.
Turning at the alley seeing the alley splitting in two.
She hears cong screams from the righ path, and rush and again to another path at right. Picking her sword and shield, and running left. seeing two men holding her, and a knife touching Congs throat, the tall man with the knife says with a loud voice "drop your weapons now" Ai grit her teeth. She hears heavy steps from behind and turns, seeing a short ugly man at her right and two on the left pointing their swords at her. The man shouts again "drop your weapons" Ai stand with her shield close to her body and her sword out ready to attack.
The men come forward and She hears Congs continuous screaming, seeing her legs shaking.
Ai grit her teeth harder and drops her weapons and stands still "if you need money i will give you, just leave her"
The men come closer, hitting her with the grip of the kinfe to the legs, arms and the head, seeing her falling to the next man who takes her shield and bashes it at her chest.
Her eyes twitch and her legs are ready to give up. They toss her again and the man hits her chest. She falls gasping for air, the men grabs her from her arms and another one place a band on her eyes. Hearing susurrations of along with footsteps and after a short while a door opening and closing.
A small group of soldiers march at the streets, knocking the doors and talking to the people one by one, another small group with spears breaking at the werehouses.
Lixin with a large case on his back and The soldiers stand on the streets, hearing rocks clashing underneath their feet, Lixin raise his hand "preaka open the ground" the preaka open it and they see barrels stacked one above the other. Lixin eyes open wide. from their right an explosion happens one after the other, each coming closer.
Lixin halfway blink, his view taken by the explosion and instantly everything becomes blank.
He open his eyes seeing a ray of light. Slowly getting up as he shake the rumbles from his back. slightly moving his head and seeing bodies everywhere,rumbles piercing their bodies and opening them in half with their organs filling the ground.
Lixin oversteps at the rough terrain and almost falls. The pungent smell of debris fill his nose. Coughing and feeling his lungs tight. He look at his arms feeling only a faint numbness, and back at the case on his back unscratched. He grabs his shield and spears and takes a step forward and feel something blowing on his feet.
He takes a step back again, looking at his red feet. skin stucked and a small finger smashed on the ground, he continues unfazed and helps soldiers to get up.
After most of them come to their feet, a soldier shouts "at the roof of the galley"
Lixin along with many more look at the roof, five silhouettes staring at them, They turn and Lixin shouts "the right side of me attack, the rest help your comrades"
preaka start attacking with rocks and trying to shake the ground below with no use.
The ground starts shaking again, from the mountains and the ground screeching screams take the mens notice, holes appear with hebi gunda crawling with their long nails.
The soldiers respond fast and throw arrows and spears.
Preaka closing the holes or making spikes, burning them,
Electrify them. roshane creating illusions, and the hebi gunda attacking at the air before their eyes adjust and bring themselves to a frenzy. Rushing at the men.
Lixin throws one of his spears, piercing the head of a creature.
The creatures rush and Lixins spine becomes cold, the soldiers each finding individually their own battles. He snaps and takes one of his spears and launch it on the enemy with speed, he takes another and shouts "in formation" the soldiers raise their shields and walls and step backwards. Soon facing at a stone wall and hearing the scratches With intense care. most of them stop, and . They start hearing clearly the screams of women and children.
Sweat flows on the soldiers foreheads, and some fall to their knees and vomit, Lixin look with disgust "get up soldiers for the emperor"
and shouts "open the walls"
the sun sets and the walls open and the soldiers stand with their shields, astitare creating an umbra around the army as hebi gundas enter inside and get pierced. They continue coming and the astitare could not hold it more. The hebi gunda see them clearly and hastly attack.
The soldiers hold the ground. Abruptly arrows fall on them from the left side.
Lixin orders "astitare and roshane and preaka, focus on the arrows"
Astitare create an umbra, it falls and roshane brimm the battlefield with light, and preaka creating a wall.
The hebi gundas throw themselves on the shields, the soldiers glamour as they push and pierce them, stepping at the slimly bodies, the arrows continue falling at their backs, each soldier hearing beside his ear a scream, hearing no orders from Lixin and pressing at their fallen bodies of their comrades. they push them all the way back, most laying or retreating at their holes.
The army muster fore besides Lixin. From his side he sees Fenhua and many more soldiers marching towards them with cannons, surrounding the gallery. He takes a look at Fenhua and says swiftly "where have you been?"
"At the other side of the city fighting hebi gundas" narrowing his eyes. they raise shields, spears and cannons to the doors of the gallery that suddenly burst with great speed. Men and women with shields that resemble a mask with horns and a wide mouth below the red eyes Form a line and in a breath the fire comes from the eyes and mouth.The soldiers fire their cannons and flames come from both sides, burning each other.
The wind turning tides on each side as it guides the fires and from both sides deafening screams pierce the soldiers ears.
From the roof arrows fall with green colour at the end of their tips, they pierce many and slash even more.
From their open wounds blisters start forming. in an instant their wounds and their limb starts bloating and continuing until their neck, with veins coming from the wound, confining them and freezing them with their eyes remaining wide open.
Bawling shouts, crowd transiently the field. The soldies raise shields as their hands shake, preaka making domes from stone, roshane reflecting light with the archers missing before astitare create shadows above the sky depleting roshanes light.
The general pierce the head of one of the soldiers and his surrounding look at him terrified "the only end they deserve is a warriors death, give them one without pity"
The soldiers decapitate the paralyzed comrades
"Show them the will of the huagjin army and burn them"
The fight continues.
Piece by piece the gallery starts deteriorating, suddenly a soldier fall to his knees in front of Lixins eyes holding his comrade "damm you all"
The fight continue and the enemy retreats inside with debris falling from the gallery, raising clouds of dust
The general shout "destroy the building" and preaka tear the marbles.
From the crowd two soldiers come holding a woman from her arms and shoulders, kicking her legs and falling down.
Lixin comes forward, holding the spear from the socket
He look at the woman. Her face revealing only dullness and apathy, Lixin raise the spear above her eyes, and she look at it. Lixin saying "one chance to live, tell me about your lords plans"
The woman look unfazed. The general place the spear deep in her eye and the woman scream. the Huagjin raise their weapons and face their shields at the gallery, preaka start throwing spears and fires extending to the roof. The soldiers rush at the gallery, finding its halls empty.
The general place his hand on his forehead for minutes. His spine shiver, and shouts "preaka open the ground" the preaka tear it and see a beam of light deep down with pillars of wood and a roof and walls made of concrete holding the dirt from burying everything.
Lixin order two soldiers to descent and after some agonizing minutes they make a sign for the rest to come.
A female voice pass on the generals ears "general we are not enough varina to help our comrades and citizens"
"So you need armed soldiers to come and help you?"
"I do not welcome that request soldier"
The woman let a cry "General think about their lives"
"They are people under the banner of the emperor. they know one day they would have to sacrifice their lives for him"
"General we outnumber them at least five to one. And the rest of the generals and army will come soon.
if you just give us some men we could save many lives"
Lixin says hastly "the enemy is smart and vicious. I need most of my men and women to defeat them" he raise his hand
"Now go, we already lost precious time"
The woman freeze, her eyes moving up and down. A loud voice calls her, and rush to the debris with the rest of the varina.
the preaka solidify the ground, making lean stairways and the soldiers start to descend with Lixins eyes staring infront of him, feeling the weight of the case like a feather.
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