In the morning they see from afar the village sitting on the flat green terrain, they approach the village gates, seeing the stone walls melding with the wooden wall behind.
One man from the Grega shouts and the small wooden gate opens, they enter inside and Fenhua and Ai see half the army from what it was previously, they tie their horses on some naked poles, Fenhua takes Klaeben in his arms along with the help of one more soldier and says to Ai "follow us, general told me we all gather in a grey tent and there is one more bed for Klaeben" they swiftly go to the large green tent, they enter and Ao look at the chests below their low beds, Fenhua let Klaeben on one of them and other soldier leaves without saying anything.
Ai looks at the red bandages and asks "do we have any more bandages?" "As far as I know we don't have any here, I will go ask the others" Fenhua left the camp with quick steps and Ai sit beside Klaeben, she leans forward and look at the bandage on his head and then at the black cloth becoming darker on his shoulder and her eyes lower.
Fenhua comes inside giving the bandage to Ai and she change the bandage on Klaebens head and dressing him off to place the other Bandage, Fenhua says with a smile "is anything happening with you two?" "No why do you say that?" "You are too close and I thought, you know, being together" Ai smirk "we are just close friends" after a while a soldier comes inside "Fenhua, Ai, we will have a meeting at the largest house of the village, he wants you as soon as possible" Fenhua nod his head and the woman says "goodbye, and I hope Klaeben will wake soon" Ai reply "thank you Elaine" she leaves and as Ai dress Klaeben and check his pulses "let's go" they leave the camp and Ai sees the general outside talking with some soldiers, she rush at him and says "general I have to talk to you" the general look at her and then turns back to talk with the king as he leaves, he looks at her again and says "talk" "in the village with Klaeben we saw the man with the cuts and the frightening smile" her spine shiver and her eyes wide open "and two of the villagers helped us and got beaten by their own,
And the man touched them and they started growing plants from their bodies" general Lixin's eyes stay cold "is there anything else you have to tell me?" "The people of the village, many have sided with the enemy" "I know, I've seen it when the enemy was entering, many left their weapons and others have attacked us or fleeted, but at least most of the traitors have been left, we will crush their ranks this time" "I hope you are right" "I will be" he makes a pause as she look at Ai "I want to speak to you something" Ai nod her head and Lixin makes a sign for Fenhua to leave
"I want you to forget about Klaeben and stay royal to our cause, remember we do not fight for a man, we fight for our nation, for our emperor" Ai stare at him and her muscles freeze, the general slowly leave his gaze from her and goes inside "I expect to make the right choice", Fenhua comes beside Ai and says "you must have angered him really bad" Ai smirk and they go inside seeing Swaiwan and Anjian a table full of food and soldiers eating except general that sits on a chair on the far end with his hands crossed , Fenhua says "at least we will eat good for once" rush with his mouth open and starts eating everything on his sight, placing cheese on top of meat and then placing meat again.
Ai take on her and some cheese and bread and sits beside Fenhua and soon
king Elizel comes inside, the general leans forward and says"everyone, we have to discuss about our next move, as you all have seen a foreign power have come to the war, trying to help Konstantin and if my expectations are corrext they will be here on two days" he makes a pause and raise from his chair "but king Elizel has a plan to destroy their army" king Elizel comes forward, stammering as he talk and trampling "we have seen the enemy and how they supply themselves" he make another large pause "they supply themselves by using mostly the land but bexause thats not enough to feed them, they make small posts on the empty villages and they gather food from the nerby one or by supplies send by the enemy" king Elizelmakes a large pause and continues "to destroy their supplies we need to scorch the earth, then we will send troops to destroy the small posts and free the conquered villages and cut their supplies and soon they bwill be left with nothing, of course they will try to either come here and kill us which they will not succed because of our weaponry or break our position at the south but we will have the best preakas and astitare there to defend it and if they ever break it they would have to sacrifice many soldiers giving us time to chase them and kill them" the grega soldiers clapped hard with smiles, the king smile to everyone and he sits down.
After they finish Ai goes to the camp along with Swaiwan and the others, she sits on the bed beside Klaeben and checks Klaebens's wounds again,
Fenhua says "at least my incarnation gave me some time to learn some new skills" he takes the flute from his bed and starts playing, Swaiwan looks at the floor with fear, murmuring "will this continue forever? Dying and incarnating again?" Fenhua continues to play, Anjian says "most likely, but I believe its better that way, we can at least remember our previous lives" Swaiwan whispers with fear "and the death of everyone, even our own" anjian says nothing and Ai comes back with smashed herbs and water, Fenhua continues with shaking his head as he plays, Swaiwan shouts with anger "can you please take it more seriously? We have so many problems and you just play music" Fenhua stops and says "just dont think about them for a while, we need to relax from time to time" Swaiwan raise even more his voice "but you are always relaxed, people are dying, we are dying and you are torn from reality" Fenhua stops playing and for a moment his face became cold and his eyes pierce Swaiwan soul but a smile carved again and he says "you definitely need to relax" Ai says with a smile "Fenhua we have to talk seriously for a while" Fenhua lay his back on the tent and left his flute beside him "my ears are ready to listen and my mouth ready to speak" Swaiwan goes first "we are losing ground and the enemy is using our technology against us and even with a that we have a crazy man killing people like its a sport" Ai look at a tree outside the tent and her spines shiver, with a smile she says "ae can rely on the general, im sure now its our time to win" Swaiwan reply "we cant, we are outnumbered and they have replicated our weapons" anjian look at Swaiwan with her eyes lower and lightless "our only pther option is to flee" Ai says "we have to stay together, we are the only ones who remember their past lives" anjian says "and that makes any difference?" Ai stays silent for a minute, looking inside her eyes, Ai takes her eyes saying nothing and Anjian falls to her bed, Swaiwan and Fenhua follow and Ai sleeps beside Klaeben.
The morning comes and the general comes inside their camp along with a man, the general watch everyone getting ready, he cross his hands and says "all of you today you will go and destroy a small camp of the enemy, you will be led by a Grega general" everyone nod the head and the man goes in front of Klaeben, healing mostly his wounds and his eyes start opening" Ai says "general, can I please ask you to leave Klaeben here? He needs rest" the general shouts "we don't have time for this Ai, help him get up and leave" Ai help Klaeben get up and dress and they leave with general Lixin watching them from Afar.
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The army pass the terrain, Klaeben all the way through the journey vomits, coughs but in the end he regain his strength, at night they are above a green hill with thick trees.
Swaiwan look from afar at a small camp built on the remnants of the village, with few of the enemy outside, a man with eyes and hair and a flat square face comes with his horse forward, he clears his throat and slowly talks to Swaiwan "did your leader give you the weapons?" The man's eyes pierce Swaiwans soul and he starts trembling "They are right there" the man leaves and sees the weapons, Swaiwan count from the short distance eight flamethrowers and ten cannons, he then turn his back at him.
The man continues to watch them and Fenhua says with a loud voice from behind "if you are interested in buying one of them I will give it at half price if you gave me two pairs of your wings" the man look at him with superiority "my comrades told me the huagjin have a jester in their army, I expected he will be funny but my expectations crushed to the earth"
Fenhua reply with his arms open "and I believed the general of the grega will look more appealing but he looks like a flatfish"
the man still looking at him with superiority leaves and Fenhua shouts "at least I'm not leaving like a"
The general interrupts him "at least I'm not shouting like a child" and walks away as Fenhua murmurs in his mouth and walks to the camp.
Swaiwan's eyes are half closed, he walk to the camp and from the door he hears the flute and he massively sigh, he enters inside taking white thin clothes from a chest below his bed and moves outside, Fenhua stops playing and says with a loud"you can change here, we are not going to laugh for your size" Swaiwan eyebrows are pulled together and Fenhua smile fade.
Swaiwan continues outside and goes to the woods while fenhua continues to play the flute with passion, Ai comes inside tired and sleeps, the others follow her too.
Before they open their eyes they feel hands shaking them, they rise with force and they see their comrades "wear your armor and come with us"
Lines of mem with the horses in front and behind men with wings and cannons all led by the general.
They watch behind the few men outside the camps with soldiers outside stocking food and weapons along with caging small animals and decorating them all over the camp, the general look at the almost setting sun " we will attack in two hours.
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The darkness has expanded, the Grega soldiers help each other to place the wings on their armor and Ai and the others wait with the weapons at the edge of the hill, the soldiers come and Fenhua look at the grega general "hey flatfish are you ready to kill the enemy with your face?" The general says nothing as he look at the luminous moon showing a small part of it behind the mountains and slowly he raise his arm and everyone descends from the hill, watching the men in the camp running around and getting their cannons.
The soldiers rush and start throwing arrows from their horses, the enemy raise their cannons and the soldiers keep a gap between them, the enemy press the trigger from afar and soldiers start to bury in fire, the eyes of everyone wide open and they fall back, the general shouts "astitare, reveal their position" an umbra comes to the village and the enemy is shown right in front of them.
The astitare almost fall from their horses but their comrades catch them and run.
The enemy run to them and the army steps further, Klaeben makes a wall in front of him and Ai and the fires couldn't pass, sweats starts running down his forehead and Ai shouts "Klaeben do not use your preaka so much" Klaeben doesn't even glimpse at her and an enemy falls dead, Klaeben feel his heart pounding like crazy and he lose the leash from his hands as the horse runs further.
Fenhua and Swaiwan horses run away and soon the gap becomes greater, soon more rocks start falling and the enemy falls back, the Gerga soldiers start throwing arrows and soon the front lines of the enemy are destroyed.
They rush with their horses to the camp seeing many crawling and running, Fenhua enters some of the camps seeing them all sick and vomiting on baskets and groaning, he walks at them slowly and they look at him with his eyes almost closed, trying to form words but fenhua hears only whispers, he slowly raised his sword with his mouth open, suddenly he hears behind him "you are wasting your time" Anjian comes in front of him and swiftly pierce their throat and clean her sword with their clothes and leaves with Fenhua following her, as they push the carpets they see everyone breathing heavy and standing still and soon the general shouts "start gathering the bodies"
The soldiers place the bodies outside the village and burn them, the general of Grega, Anjian and the others tie one of the survivors and stips his armor and clothes leaving him with only his pant, the Grega general takes his sword and place it on the man's throat "speak and we will spare you" the man look at him like he understands him and spits at generals face, the general clean his mouth with his hand without taking his eyes from him, Anjian look at the two other men beside the prisoner looking with the same unbroken face
She takes her sword and with a quick swing he cuts the arms man on the right, the man falls and start shaking like a fish as he gets covered with his blood, the man's eyes begin to show fear, Ai shouts "Anjian stop" she says with an almost audible voice "They are the enemy so why should I care about them?" Ai look at The grega general who looks at Anjian and tilt his head towards the other man.
Anjian look at the man too and the grega general says "make it worse" the man's eyes start glistening, and Ai grabs Anjians hand before she could raise it "we should not fall so low, we are not monsters" "I do what is necessary to leave from this place a day earlier"
She place her sword at the man's forearms and starts cutting him deep, going from his arm to his back to his chest and legs and again to the other man, repeating it again and again until the mans scream could not be anymore tolerated and his skin is covered in stained blood, Ai look with her eyes lower and holding her forearm, Klaeben look at her and says "Anjian that's enough" Anjian let her arms free as she hold the sword, her eyes lose any life they have and the man now look at her with his eyelids shaking and his heart beating fast, the general cut the knob and led him a map, the man point with his finger and the general smile, he look at a soldier beside him and swiftly decapitates the man's head, leaving it with his cold eyes wide open and staring at them.
Ai look at the body with her arm clutching the other,
The general says "send soldiers to confirm if the villages are under enemy occupation or just empty" he look at the flaming bodies in the deep mid and says "now we have to crash their army and take back the villages, then the nation and expand it like our fathers and their fathers wished" the army shout "Grega" as Ai look at the bodies.
Klaeben look at her with his heart feeling empty and he says "we better go" Ai smile and says "yes, let's go" Ai shouts "Anjian cone here" Anjian come with slow steps as Klaeben look at both of them "I'm here" "Anjian you must not torture people like this again" Anjian respond with an almost audible voice "and why should I not? They are the enemy and they deserve it" "of course they are the enemy but when we have them tied and defenseless we must show them mercy, do not forget that in their previous life they could be our comrades or just innocent"
Anjian sigh massively "they take what they deserve when they killed us at the cave" "I understand your pain but both sides brought enough pain to each other already" Anjian sigh again "I understand, I will not do the same again but I do not promise anything when we find the madman and the other one who killed us" her spine shiver and she touch her chest intensely, Ai smile at her brightly and Klaeben and Ai start walking away.
As they walk Ai sees her giht arm soldier laying on the trees and covering themselves with bandages, Ai look at Klaeben and says "continue alone, I will go help them" Klaeben nod his head and Ai walks to them, seeing a woman trying to strip her armor as she grunts, Ai comes closer and says "let me help you" she lossen the lease that tie on her chest and stomach and takes the upper armor off looking at the deep wound on her shoulder.
Ai sees a flask of water beside her and ask "can I take your water?" The woman grunts again and says "it's not water, it's alcohol" Ai sigh with a smile "it's tough here isn't it?" The woman nod her head as she bite her lips Ai smile and says "I will come back in a while" the woman look at Ai running at a soldier and giving her a flask, she comes with cool water, with a small part of her cloth.
She says as she smile "I would recommend you to let me place it in your mouth" the woman nod and Ao place it, she then opens the flask and let the water slip on the woman's wound and she grit her teeth, Ai then stops and wrap the wound with bandages "it's done, do you need anything else?" The woman split the cloth "I'm fine, go to the others" Ai smile and she leaves helping the others.
The darkness surrounds the small light camp and Ai walks to her tent, from behind she hears a soft voice "hey you" she turns and sees the darl silhouette of a woman with her blue eyes looking at Ai, she comes forward and "thank you for helping me" Ai look at her wound carefully and says with excitement "you shouldn't be out, you must go to your tent" the women grunts as she walk closer "relax, I just want to thank you from back there" Ai smile and says with worry "thank you but you must not be outside in the cold" "it's alright, besides I will go inside in a while, would you like to come with me?" Ai walk beside her then they walk together in the pitch dark "I almost forgot" she open her palm and a faint light comes from it, Ai says "roshane" "yes" she makes a short pause "can I know your name?" "It's Ai" "it's nice to meet you, I'm Eirana or Eira for short" Ai open her mouth to talk but Eirana interrupts her "I hope I can repay you later for the help" Ai says "do not think about that, ita my passion after all to help people in need" "I will find some way to repay you" Ai open her mouth but Eirana shout "we are here" Ai look at a small camp, almost on her height and wide enough to fit three people,
They walk inside the camp, seeing nothing inside and no one, Eirana sits down on the dort and Ai kneels beside her, asking "Does every soldier here know our language?
"Almost all, we start learning your language two years ago by your men exactly when the king died without leaving an heir on the throne, then the king's brother and his son start fighting for it and the country was divided in two with us choosing a side, go with king Elizel who promise prosperity and expansion with your help or with Konstantin who wanted autonomy and expansion with the help of small counties and negotiation" eirana sigh massively "all of these seems hard to you" "It is for everyone, having your family choosing sides and killing each other for some kings" Ai eyes lower "I'm sorry, war is a terrible thing" "but sometimes we must face it wanted it or not" she look at Ai
"And why are you here? I mean you take care of the wounded but I also saw you fighting, killing men with honor and sadness" Ai says brightly with a short tone of sadness "I want to protect the ones I love, the ones here and in my country" Ai look pensively with a smile outside, she then continues "but sadly to protect them I have to take the lives of people, but I will always take their lives with honor and dignity"
Eirana look at her "you are very strange" Eirana takes her sword and leave it beside the bed, Ai look at her hand seeing scratches along with a brand ln her forearm.
Eirana look at her and quickly take her eyes from the brand, Eirana place her hand behind her back and leaning all the way back they both stare at each other silently and then Eirana laughs "well that's really awkward" Ai laugh back "I'm just a bit distracted" "is there a problem?" Ai open her mouth but swiftly close it and then open it again "it's nothing important" Eirana look at her and says "well I wanted to ask you" Ai look at her with a smile "ask me anything" Eirana face grow with uncertainty "I wanted to ask you about the crazy man, you have seen him right? The one who always smile"
Ai spines shiver, her heart skip a beat but she kept a cold smile "he is unstable but you don't have to worry about him or any other of them" "I'm not worrying so much but his smile is left on my mind, making it a bit harder to sleep but I'm worrying more about my brother who joined forces with king Konstantin, staying close to such a man is a risk for his life" Ai open her mouth but Eirana speak first "its funny how I manage to speak to you a complete stranger and not in any of my people, tho they are at their own world" Ai says with some uncertainty "don't you have any other family member?" Eirana lips curved low like her eyes and stammers on her words "they are all dead" "I'm sorry" Eirana gets up "you better go back to the other, they are going to look for you" "are you sure you don't want company?" "Yes, I need some sleep after everything" Ai gets up and hugs her and says "goodnight" And walks to her camp, seeing Swaiwan and the others sleeping, she sits on the bed and swiftly lay beside Klaeben, he place his hands close to her and hugs her and she embraces it and goes closer.
The sunrise and everyone does their routine, from the distance horses are be seen in two direction, the grega general look at them and the horses come closer with the black wings of the Grega soldiers rising in the air and soon they reach the camp and say loud and clear "General we found one of the villages n the west in the occupation of the enemy" "gather the men and we will go" the soldier close his eyes and a voice come to everyone "gather in the center of the camp" and everyone swiftly comes.
The sun sets to its lowest,fee roshane light the way along with torches, from afar they see another source of light along with naked wooden houses, they throw the torches and slowly walk to the village.
Two soldiers go forward to the windows of the houses, suddenly as they step forward arrows fall from the windows and kill two soldiers, the general shouts as loud and as quickly as he can "burn them" Klaeben and the grega soldiers place them on fire and the arrows stop, the general watch the buildings burning, the general goes closer with his sword hearing faint screams of women and children along with screams of birds and other animals, the soldiers stare with their eyes open and they general shallow deeply and shouts "preaka come forward" before he could end the sentence he sees the preaka and Klaeben taking the water of plants at small portions and throwing them with force at the fire.
The fire is pushed back but the flames grow again, the preaka try again and again and the general comes from his horse and trow his flask with force.
Klaeben look at it and then turn at Ai, looking at her eyes glistening and then her tears releasing and falling on her hands, Eirana looking calmly at it and the general looking around him and turning and twisting, Klaeben walks to her with his eyes a bit lower and hugs her gently, covering with his height the scenery, the general look at the army staring with fear at the flames and he shouts "there is nothing left for us, let us go back" Klaeben left her from his hug and he look inside her eyes "it was not our fault"
Ai's face doesn't change and her tears still fall.
They start walking with their back turned on the flames, clouds start blocking the stars and soon the first drops start falling, cooling Ais's red face.
Klaeben walks beside Ai "ita, not our fault, we didn't know they were trapped inside" Ai says nothing and takes her eyes away. Soon the rain start pouring intensely and sooner thunder are seen in the distance, the general shouts "move faster" the soldiers with their heads down move a bit faster, The thunder start to be seen closer, their sound struck the ears of everyone and suddenly thunder struck in from of them and soldiers are dropped to the ground dead, Klaeben comes in front of Ai and look around at the flat terrain, he then turn to Ai and the soldiers staying still.
Thunder struck again after the other and the soldiers start running, thunders struck again and again and Ai starts running only for Klaeben to grab her arm "we cannot help them, let's find a place to hide" "where can we hide?" Klaeben look around seeing the thunders striking the soldiers at different points, he look at Ai again "let's stay here" the thunders pass them as they close their ears and soon they stop with many dead and many sobbing or having curled, Ai and Klaeben look around, Ai sees Eirana close to her standing still as she look in front of her, Ai walks beside her and says "it should never been like this"
Eiran doesn't respond, she look at the burning men in front of her with her heart beating like crazy and her eyes shaking, Ai grabs her arm and says "did you know them?" "I know them a bit, we fought and argue many times, I hated them but I can't explain this feeling, it feels so cold losing someone close to your everyday life, even if you hated them" Ai hugs her and a tear comes from Eiranas eye, the general shout from far away the soldier slowly gather, the general shout to them "gather quickly, we have to continue" a man in the back lines ask "and what will we do with our dead friends?" "We cannot carry them, and the burial will take too long, we have to continue" the man leave the line and the general wrathfully shout "soldier, come back here" the soldier kneel beside his friends burned bodies, the others look at him and slowly more and more follow, the general stand still for a while silent looking from over his horse, the rain starts again and the soldoer walks in lines.
They reach back to the camp with their heads down, the soldiers look at them and start speaking in their language, Klaeben look at Ai with her eyes still looking alive.
As they leave their horses Klaeben notice Femhua waiting them at the camp and as they go Fenhua shouts "I predicted again that you will be back today and exactly this time" Ai smile and says "have you really predict it or are you joking?" "Kind of both" Fenhua let a smirk and he look at Klaeben walking inside the camp with his head to the ground "hey Klaeben is everything alright?" Klaeben look around him at the empty room except for Swaiwan sleeping "everything is alright, just want to rest" he throw his armor on the ground and falls on the bed, Ai goes and pick it up and then lays beside him, Fenhua says inside his teeth "I'm going for a walk, don't do anything you two as long as I'm away"
Klaeben and Ai don't respond and Fenhua leaves with a smirk.
Everyone rest and at the night a voice speak to everyone "gather to the center, quickly" everyone wakes up and they swiftly dree and go to the center of the camp where the general of Grega is speaking and beside him a young man "the enemy has captured the village on the north" everyone eyes open wide and look at each other whispering, the genera says but thankfully king Elizel is safe, he told us in this situation we will go back and retake it, so everyone gather your things and we will go siege it" Klaeben goes forward "and what is our plan?" The general look at him " surround the village and cut their supplies and let them starve" "this will not work, if we stay outside the village and cut their resources soon a new division may cone and the enemy will attack us from two sides" the general raise his angry tone "and what is your plan? Attack them directly and getting everyone killed?" Klaeben says calmly "we still have our weapons and many astitare and preaka if we make a coherent plan we can win" The general says "then tell me the details and I will apply your plan and you will follow it" "but if anything happens you will not know how to react and adapt" "you will not preach me about how to lead an army, I have been trained for all my life, you have no right to talk to me when you only follow orders"
"You just chase the glory" the general laughs and says "so I heard your friends calling you Klaeben, isn't this one of the names from the forsaken people?"
Klaeben grit his teeth, Ai goes beside him and grabs his shoulder but he shakes it and takes her hand back, he open his mouth and screams loud enough to scare the birds in the trees "this is the name of someone dear to me that I adopt and I will not accept someone calling the name with so frivolous tone"
The general smirk and gets ready to speak but Eirana interrupts him "sir I believe the man is right" the general look at her with his smirk gone "soldier what are you saying?" Eirana says louder "he is right sir, we cannot approach him with your plan" the general shouts again "that's enough, I will not hear the words of someone inferior to me" Eirana shouts at top of his voice "but what are the chances of succeeding if we wait?" The Grega soldiers look one another and whisper in favor of Eorana as Eirana speaks "please sir, think of the soldiers
The general eyes lower a bit as he look at his people, he close his eyes and place his finger on them and says with a low and slow voice "alright, I will submit my leave for now, you will have full control of the army" The soldiers silently cheer and Klaeben look at Ai smiling and Eirana showing with her hand forward as she look at him.
Klaeben walks forward and look at the army with his mouth open showing his white teeth and his eyes wide open with ssurprise hearing his heartbeat getting louder, Ai makes a sign and Klaeben clear his throat, saying "soldiers, our only way to win this battle is to aattackthem fast, the enemy will use fire against us but we can counter it if we focus on attacking them from afar, of course the enemy will be ready for that and will have already enforce their defense, for that we will gather mulch leafs from the small lake we passed and with the help of astitare and our technology we can use it to place it on fire and sent it to them, we will also have water with us in case we need to extinguish the fire quickly, then some will rush and the others will hit them from afar and swiftly we will kill them, I will tell you all the other details tomorrow as we leave"
The soldiers raise their arms and clap, Klaeben look with his eyes wide open, feeling his heart skipping a beat, slowly he walks among them and goes back to the camp with the others and he sits outside, Fenhua comes first patting his shoulder "you did a good job man, just focus a bit on raising our and maybe the next time you can tell us something to motive us a bit more "
Swaiwan walks saying in a low voice "good job" then Anjian with her eyes lower walks inside without looking at Klaeben and Ai comes to him with a wide smile "you were awesome but also very nervous
Klaeben smirk "I was suprised some stranger defended me and I was speaking for the first time to so many people" he makes a pause and look at the ground "and now their lives are hanging in my arms" Anjian comes out passing through them "you should not be so angst, even if they die they will just reincarnate again and again" Ai and Klaeben look at her as she goes to the woods and vanishing in the shadows, they then look wach other and Ai says with a docile voice "promise me you will care for them" Klaeben makes a faint smile and says with a halcyon voice "you know I will do it" after a while they hear the steps of Anijian and Ai grabs her arm "Anjian please let me talk to you" Anjian shake her hand but stand still "I know what you are going to say, and I dont have the energy to argue with you again, let's just leave it for another time" she walks inside the camp and Ai and Klaeben look at each other with their eyes wide open and they go inside and sleep.
They go to the horses and Klaeben goes first along with the Grega general, Ai and the others saying "Ai say the others to have their buckets fill when we pass the lake"
Ai runs behind and Klaeben says s "general, what is your name?" He look at Klaeben with his eyebrows up "I'm suprised you haven't heard it from my people" "I heard it but I didnt gave any intention of remembering it" the general says with pride "it's Vasil"
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