T.W: Death, Blood, Needles, Self-Injurious Behavior, mentions Pedophilia, Abuse, Suicide, Depiction of Pornography, Mental Illness, Rape and Sexual Assault, Animal cruelty
180Please respect copyright.PENANA2P261c19z3
"It's going to be okay!"
"Everyone dying! How it's going to be okay!?"180Please respect copyright.PENANAPdR7VtSm53
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"It's okay because I'm going to fix this! My mistakes won't be the death of us!"
"How can I trust you!?"
"Trust me... Wait. Where am I?"
Chapter 1
In the middle of darkness, blood-stained clothes, with nothing but four torches lighting the area.
"What's going on? Who was I talking to?"
The wind gushing through, and the strange hollows that echoed throughout... Somewhere. No, more accurately everywhere. It was like being in an open filed of tortured souls.
"Damn. Why can't I remember anything?" The man tried to feel his surroundings but a sharp pain punched it's way through his body, making his head start to spin uncontrollably. He then focused his vision towards the cramping disturbance to find a pool of blood. With something floating inside of it.
"A pool of blood? What's going on?" That's when he felt the sharp pain exactly where the pool of blood was. Curious he grabbed one of the torches and shined it upon the bloody mess. To his surprise he found his left hand completely drenched in the red display with a huge wooden stake stabbed into the middle of his now lifeless hand.
"Shit! Whoever did this stabbed it so good it's stuck to the ground! I can't pull it out! Am I going to die like this!?" The man screamed out as he tried his best to pull out the wooden steak.
He didn't know why or how he didn't realize it before but the pain was biting at him like a rabid dog that hasn't eaten in months. Blood oozed and clumped in the pool which made him feel lightheaded. The more he tugged and yanked the steak out of the ground the more the steak gave out it's deadly hold before it flew out of his hand and into the darkness.
"Finally!" Even though the steak was gone the blood still leaked and death was becoming more of a possibility.
"Luckily I'm wearing clothing." That's when he procced to rip the already torn shirt from his body and wrapped it around his hand.
"It's nothing special, but it'll keep me for sometime." A cool breeze touched his skin and shook him down to his core leaving him shaking and frequently taking his hands off and on the fire. That's when something flashed in the corner of his eye and took his attention away from the repetitive process.
"What's this? A paper?" He picked it up off the ground and it was stainless, barley even creased. Like it wasn't even floating in the horrid mess.
"Do not go into the darkness. Keep The Lights On. 4 at all times. Fix all the mistakes. I'm trusting you, Yuto Daiki." The note read with each word varying in size like someone was making a ransom note.
"Yuto Daiki? Am I Yuto Daiki?" The man kept thinking over and over again while the slow wind and scratching cold kept peering in as if it was trying to cut his throat in secret.180Please respect copyright.PENANAfJdovSSGGT
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"My blood, my name I guess. I call myself Yuto Daiki from here on out! Until I can get my actual name. Or is this my actual name?"
That's when the breeze was getting colder and stronger.
"What the hell is going on!?"
Yuto looked up to see a ceiling of darkness above him. He then looked around and saw complete darkness everywhere. He stretched his right arm out and towards the said darkness only to see his arm completely cut off from vision. Like it wasn't attached to his body. A separate being of existence that he only have access to in the light.
"Hello? Hello!? Is anyone out there!? Please help me! I don't know who I am, or where I am! I think my name is Yuto and my last name is Daiki! Does that sound any alarms!? Hello!?"
Yuto took a deep breath, his breath feeling shallow and uneasy after yelling with all his chest letting every ounce of voice get squeezed out of him.
"Alright, I need to stop this pain. I also need a way to keep the lights on." Yuto brought his leg in and brought his right arm back from the border of nothingness in front of him. He then put his right arm on the soil that scattered the floor all over. Yuto using all his strength in his body tried to shoot up using his leg to balance him and his arm for the main force. The moment he stood his leg felt like noodles and his shot up with a irritating strain that forced him to fall straight onto his butt.
"Alright, no standing." Yuto closed his eyes and tried to remember the distant memories that now felt foggy and unclear. Everytime he feels something that comes to his mind it just flies away like the winds that still placed itself on his skin. After a while, boredom got onto his mind.
"Maybe there's something around me that could help." Yuto kept finding rocks, bugs, and parts of plants yet nothing that amused or surprised him.
"This is getting me nowhere. Maybe I should just stay here and wait?" Yuto thought for a long time, letting the cold breeze and dark space act as a comfortable space and not a terrifying one. That's when his deadly pain that never truly went away really started to make itself known as he felt like a thousand little needs we're stabbing his left hand.
"Looks like sitting and around and doing nothing isn't smart. I need more cloth before I strip myself and die because of the cold." He then set his gaze towards the plants. The rougher outerier was immediately noticeable and when he tried to snap it in half it took him sometime before he could.
"These plants are quite sturdy. If I tie them together, maybe I could get a further distance."
Yuto then grabbed the plants he gathered over the span of his time in a small circle light and tied them together to grab something. With his amateur building skills he somehow made a long line with a scythe-shaped curve at the end.
"Now I'll get something!" Yuto then started to scope out every side.
"This is way faster than using my hand! Yuto you are genius!" With high hopes he kept scrapping anything he could.
"Rock. Rock. Plant. Rock. Bug. Bug!" The bug crawled on Yuto skin and was making his way into Yuto pants.
"You naughty bug!" Yuto screamed before slapping down on it with all his force.180Please respect copyright.PENANAmQo4hid6rw
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"Ouch! Damn that hurt! You're a curious little one aren't you?" Yuto then opened his mouth as he threw the bug straight down his mouth and letting it slide down his throat and down to his stomach.
"Well you got yourself some food and some stable progress." Yuto smiled at his newfound success as he started to make the scooper bigger and more durable.
"Now my little invention! Catch me more things!"
After 30 seconds of scooping he fell to his back and did a very loud sigh.
"Maybe I should die?" That when he launched himself straight back up and started again.
"Being bored isn't for me! Rock. Rock. Bug. Rock. Rock. Something. Something!" That's when Yuto with all his might yanked back the special treasure he acquired for himself.
"Let's see what they got for the little old me! Is it... honestly, I don't know but it better be something! Maybe another bug! That last one wasn't that bad! I'll close my eyes and count down from five! 5,4,3,2,1 What is it!"
That's when Yuto opened his eyes and it revealed the head of a young female child. Bloody, scarred, and with the fear still lingering on her face. Yuto then fell back and started to scream.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! What the heck is going on!? Is this a child's head!? Who's down here!?" That's when the breeze kicked up to a new speed and the temperature dropped down by a huge portion.
"Now nature's mad too? What did I or this kid do!?" That's when the unthinkable happened. The torches that were lit got overpowered by the sure power of the breeze leaving no light.
Screams started to form and the sound of tons of footsteps could be heard as well.
"Hello!? Hello!? Is somebody out there!? There's a dead kid here!" Yuto screamed with his might but it didn't earn him any responses. He knew somebody was out there, he could hear them.
"Please respond! This joke isn't funny anymore!" In a panic, Yuto then tried desperately find something, anything to relight the torches on the floor yet, he only felt the same rocks and plants he felt the first time.
"Whatever you are... I'll kill you! I- I swear! I'm not scared! You're scared!" Yuto then paused as he felt breath on his neck. There was something behind him. Something is breathing on his neck.
"Okay! Maybe kill was a strong word! I will hurt you though! Unless you come out right now!" There was no response. It was like whoever was behind him couldn't understand what he was saying, like they were deaf.
"Who are you!?" Barley getting those words out a loud raspy scream cut him off as Yuto felt a pair of sharp nails claw the back of his neck causing Yuto to panic.
"LAH!" Whatever the thing behind him screamed again, with the same loud and raspy tone.
"What the hell! " Yuto screamed as he threw the kid's head right at the direction of the screams, grabbed a torch and started to run.
"LAH!" Whatever it was chased Yuto around the endless ground as Yuto jumped and climbed over what felt like rocks and dirt mounds that stood in his way like a barrier. He then used the tiny rocks he found to try and make a flame with the torch with to his avail worked once the wind slowed down a bit. Yet still having it's ranging scream.
"What the hell is that thing!?" Yuto kept repeating as he tripped on something making a huge splat sound when he landed.
"What the..." He casted the light high to see what was on the floor. That when he saw it, the body of a teenager, this time with a look of sadness, and regret.
"Oh my god."
"Oh god!" Yuto then threw the other body as an offering of peace.
"Forgive me," Yuto says running away but something in the back of his mind told him to turn around. It was like a little voice. Something that echoed and ranged in his mind. Was it curiosity? Maybe fear? Regardless he knew turning around was a bad idea, yet now that he thought about it he doesn't know what's chasing him. What if Yuto was in the wrong? With that Yuto turned around to see a red-eyed monster with hollow eyes look at the body Yuto has thrown at it for his own life.
The monster stopped and grabbed the body before his jaw unhinged and twitch started to swallow the body whole. Midway through the monster crunched, leaving a spine-chilling sound that entered Yuto's body and made him feel like ants crawling up his skin, or the breeze creeping on him again.
Blood gushing out like a strawberry being crushed, and the bones being cracked kept echoing through the halls to remind Yuto of what he was seeing. Somebody is being eaten whole right in front of his eyes.
"Help me." A very low voice from the now unnoticeable body managed to scrape out while being ripped apart violently. He was still alive and Yuto just threw him towards the beast to save himself. Disgusted, Yuto bug lunch came straight out of his mouth and onto the floor has his body now was starting give up on him and feel weak.
In terror, Yuto watched as he saw the heart get thrown into the sky and slither its way down his monster throat as he began to keep tearing the body apart.
He pulled out the eyes like faulty wires, the same with all its limbs leaving it in a condition where you wouldn't even know it was a human anymore. Each limb you could see being swallowed down through his neck since it poked and screamed at Yuto, screamed for help in that same raspy lone tone that sent chills down his spine. Every part of the man's body being torn apart made a pop sound as it was getting ripped from its sockets.
That's when the monster threw what could only be seen as a penis, being squished with full force before the monster swallowed it down.
"I- I."
Yuto couldn't even speak witnessing this manslaughter. He couldn't even run anymore.
"How is any human supposed to live down here!? Why was I the only one given light when they're little kids down here who needed it!? Innocent souls! Are they innocent souls!? I don't even know! Maybe I should just give in... Is that what you all want!?" Yuto yelled as he slid down to the ground in utter fear.
The monster's enjoyment was there as the blood flew all over its body, getting on the man's mouth and hands like a plate of messy wings. He threw the body parts and limbs of the man, sometimes a chuckle could be heard. It was... something that could change the mind of anyone.
"I don't spend my days chasing hopeless hope! I'd rather get it done and die right here! You hear me! Come and get me!"
The monster then started to run over to Yuto and right before he could punch Yuto, he ducked.
"I want to die! Why can't I accept that I want to die!?" Yuto kept that thought cycling through his head as he now started to run again from the monster's barely dodging its ferocious attacks.
"Why can't I just die!?" That's when it dawned on Yuto. Even though he wanted to die... He still feared death.
"This place is a hellhole!" Yuto said before slipping on what was another body this time his leg twisting the other way making it hard for him to stand back up again. That's when he felt dripping.
Yuto then looked up to see that it was drool, dripping from the monster.
"I guess you really want me huh? I guess this is it..."
The monster then grabbed Yuto's arm and chomped down on Yuto, making his arm seem weak. Like biting into freshly made bread, warm and easy to tear apart.
Yuto tried to struggle and escape but the more he did the more his arm started to slowly split from his body.
"Somebody help me! Please!"
Yuto screamed before the blood scattered everywhere on his body.
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