"Seems Yuto has fallen asleep."
"Seems so."
"I think I'm going to sleep as well."
"Wait. Emi. Before you do. There's something I want to ask you."
"What is it?"
"Why aren't you mad? Aren't you mad at Yuto? Or at me?"
"Why would I be?"
"Your sister just died. Because of us. I swore to protect you guys, and I failed."
"You didn't fail. We all simply got used to being comfortable. For that, one of us paid the price. It's sad what happened but if we're all there for each other I'm sure we can overcome it. Right?"
"Do you believe that?"
"What?" Emi responded, with sweat starting to form on her forehead.
"Do you seriously believe that?"
"I do," Emi responded again, less flustered. Calmer.
Sound flooded the room, yet not a single word was being said.
"Alright, I'm sorry for pressing the matter. Well, get your rest. It's a little scary being in one spot for too long but I'm willing to risk it and say that we're fine. I think we all need to wind down a little."
"Sure will. You should do the same."
"I can't. I need to make sure we're all safe. Don't worry though. I'll be fine. Sleep for me."
"Okay. Thank you."
"No problem."
With those words, Emi just fell backwards and passed out.
"Yup. That's around the sleep I need."
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"That arrow shot was impressive."
"You know, are you sure you don't remember anything? Because the way you shot that arrow you made it look natural."
"I swear I can't remember anything. Anything from just moments ago is... unclear and foggy."
"Well, let me tell you this. What you just did was kill someone. Get used to that feeling. Down here you can't trust anyone. So killing people is a given. Recently everyone has been forming these types of groups to try to survive down here. That's what we are. People trying to survive."
"Well if everyone is trying to survive, why take the life of somebody else?"
"What about overpopulation?"
"People need resources from this world. Water, food, and other natural resources. The Upper Lands have more resources so they won't have to worry about their natural resources running low for at least another ten-thousands years. But down here in The Darken Plain resources are trimmed down by 98%. There are about 200 years of resources left, and with new people seemingly increasing. Something tells me the fight for resources will be at an all-time high."
"Was there a time when resources weren't an issue? A time where nobody had to be hurt to live?"
"There was. But, ever since he left people down here have been cursed. Cursed with unfortunate."
"That's depressing."
"Never said it was a good story. Anyways, let's pick up the pace. I don't want to be out here for too long."
"Okay! Say, how do we find our people and the base so easily? Is there a trick to it?"
"People find each other by leaving clues or scents that only humans can detect. Somebody piss is undetectable for one-torches and two-torches."
"What about the third torches?"
"Couldn't tell you. The whole time I've been down here, there hasn't been one single sight of a third torch. All except one."
"One? Was it bad?"
"The worst. It's been given the name The Dragon Torch. If that spawns in again, we're all doomed. So we plan to steal all resources to infinitely have light to keep ourselves safe."
"But wouldn't that mean The Dragon could just come back in the pure darkness?"
"No. It seems its essence is activated only when people are around and there's no light."
"I see. Aren't we being a bit selfish?"
"Would you rather be dead and selfless or alive and selfish?"
"Guess you have a point there."
"Exactly, I'm usually right! I'm glad you're a quick learner. I taught how to shoot a bow and arrow with only an hour's worth of practice, and it seems you can hit a target straight in the head as well. Now you understand my perspective, you rule!"
"Thanks! I'm just happy to be alive!"
"Well, with our team you're going to live for sure!"
"Yeah! You guys are insanely strong! Thanks for having me!"
"All the pleasure! We're approaching base so let's chill there for now."
"Make sure to make new arrows!"
"Right... Hey. Before we go back fully, can I know something?"
"What's that?"
"How did you know we were approaching? I can barely smell anything."
"Well, from experience the longer you're down here the more your body can adapt and change to fit its needs. It seems that your body can't remember or wasn't having the thought process of needing those needs before. So it's going to take you longer to be able if you're approaching people or our group base via smell. However, there is another way to tell where you are in a broader scope."
"What's that?"
"Well, the dirt."
"The dirt?"
"Yup. What people realized while being down here is the dirt changes tone and even color when you're in a certain quadrant. So now you can know exactly where you are by dividing the quadrants by their dirt tone and color. The quadrant we're in is the safest of them all, that's why we killed that person. Everyone here is avoiding the bigger leagues, they're the most scared of death. So, you can usually find free pickings."
"I see. What are the different tones and colors?"
"Well, the brown and soft dirt here, as I said before, is the safest of the quadrants. Since weaker people and monsters tend to fall into this area. It is usually referred to as Quadrant 1."
"Don't the monsters just respond to light?"
"They do, but remember it isn't just light, it's people as well. Even though it's just a theory, I think it's true. I think it's part of the reason people tend to cater more towards Quadrant 1."
"I get it! Still, why are we going into the scarier areas when Quadrant 1 is the safest?"
"Well, Quadrant 1, although safe, has the least amount of resources. With the already strong decline, you can see where this can become an issue."
"I get it. So, what're the other parts."
"Those are 2,3 and 4. Although risker due to its higher population and death percentage, it has more food than just bugs."
"Eww, people eat bugs down here."
"In Quadrant 1, it's practically a delicacy!"
"That's horrid! I would rather be in 2 than 1."
"Great thinking. People don't usually think like that. They just stay safe but live their lives as prisoners. Isn't that weird?"
"Yeah. It is."
"Right? Anyways, if you live in the third quadrant, it's definitely almost a complete death trap."
"Why's that!?"
"It's not as resourceful as quadrant 4 but isn't as peaceful as quadrant one or two put together. Basically being a risk with practically no reward."
"So, who would be crazy enough to go into quadrant three?"
"Us. That's where our base is."
"Yeah, I guess I should have opened with that. I mean you saw the complete red dirt. Did you think it was going to be easy where we are?"
"Why would we only go to quadrant three!? Shouldn't we go to four!?"
"We would, but there's one more team that reigns supreme. A team so good, we couldn't beat them. They are stronger than Two-Torch Monsters, as we are now we don't stand a chance."
"Well, all we have to do is find more people right?"
Silence. Silent as the wind. Skin gaining bumps and teeth starting to chatter.
"Hey. I. I want to ask something."
"Oh? What's that."
"Would you call us... good people?"
"Good people? Well, good people change how you're viewing them. There isn't a perfectly good person. Yet there also isn't a perfectly bad person either. It all depends on how you look at things. Would you call us good people? Would you call me a good person? Yourself?"
"Woah, I never saw it like that before."
"Well you haven't seen much before, or I guess remember much before."
"Oh yeah. I forgot about that part."
"It's kind of your thing."
"I guess it is!"
For a long time in The Darken Plain, there was laughter. The laughter bounced off the walls and echoed throughout, having anything that was nearby to hear it. To most, an unfamiliar sound.
"To answer your question though, I think we are good people."
"That's the spirit. Now let's eat something!"
"Oh, we're here!"
"Yup! Come on, the chief is probably waiting for us!"
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