Dear Sweetface,
You stole my heart the moment we met. Your contagious smile, passionate desires, and seductive eyes. At first, I didn't feel anything, but now more than ever. I know we rushed into the sex early, but I never felt that way with anyone before. I don't see it as just sex but as us making love. Lust turned to feelings and now I think about you every day.
Every time you came to see me, my world lit up and for that I was grateful. You offered to get me things to eat, offered to help me wherever you can. I loved that and I'm sorry I hurt you.
At first, I thought I lost you over a dumb situation, but now I lost you for good. I decided to break your trust by discussing it with someone else in our encounters. Whatever. I'm so sorry my love.
I know you feel nothing for me, and for that I deserve it. I hope you're well with your new girlfriend.