"This is a place in heaven," Xiao Pang said, running to the food area.
"This is perfect for photo taking," Jia Xuan said.
"Lao Mao, c'mon," Lao K shouted, pulling Lao Mao with him.
"Hold on a minute," Lao Mao screamed.
"Why am I here?" Lu Yue asked.
"You are here to be my assistant for taking photos and all. Plus, there are like some games. Maybe you can play some and win something for like my best friend," Jia Xuan said.
"Oh yeah, coming right up," Lu Yue said, running with Jia Xuan.
"Wait then where are all... God Ming, want to go together," Xiao Rui ask.
"No," God Ming said, pushing Xiao Rui away and going to Xiao Pang.
"Hey, you guys," Xiao Rui whined.
"LU YUE, I swear you better take the photo nicely. IF NOT I WILL KILL YOU," Jia Xuan said.
"Okok, relax. You are my goddess but your second because in first place is Chun Fang," Lu Yue said, trying to get perfect angles.
"JUST SMILE WILL YOU," Lu Yue shouted.
"Hmph," Jia Xuan said, posing for the picture.
After like for a while of photo taking, there are like more people coming in which made the place even louder. YQCB came in being very extra once again. They came in with a scream and when it is a scream, it is a very, very, very loud scream.
"Is that even your brother," Lu Yue asked.
"Yeah, I think so. I think from now on don't call me Jia Xuan, call me Ji-Hae now," Jia Xuan said.
"You trying not to be part of the entire embarrassment right," Lu Yue said.
"Yeah," Jia Xuan said, running away.
"Hey, you," Lu Yue shouted seeing Jia Xuan running away.
"Hey, Lu Yue right?" ??? said.
"What- Chun Fang?!" Lu Yue shouted, turning around.
"Yeah, hey," Chun Fang said.
"Umm, why are you here?" Lu Yue asked.
"Oh, my manager suggested that I have fun because you know people die from stress. So that is why I am here," Chun Fang said.
"What a kind manager. I wish mine was that kind, he is a monster," Lu Yue said.
"You said who is a monster," ??? said.
"What- Xiao Rui. Umm, I meant that my Ge is a monster. No expression at all," Lu Yue said, trying to hide everything he said.
"Oh so I am a good manager," Xiao Rui stared.
"Xiao Rui-ah, help me choose what to eat," Xiao Pang shouted.
"Coming," Xiao Rui shouted back walking away.
"Phew," Lu Yue said. Chun Fang giggled.
"What is so funny?"
"Nothing, you're just too cute," Chun Fang said, making Lu Yue blush.
"Jia Jia!!!" Jia Xuan shouted.
"How come Xuan Xuan comes earlier than us," En Shuo said.
"You pabo, her team came here faster duh," Jiao Huang said.
"Yeah, unlike you guys being so slow like a turtle," Jia Xuan said.
"We are not slow and we are not pabos," Rong Rong said.
"Suits you, Jiao Huang let's go play some games," Jia Xuan said, pulling Jiao Huang from the others.
"Hey what about us?!" Liang Sheng shouted.
"Why do I feel that they are hiding something away from us," En Shuo said.
"Positive," Rong Rong said.
"Where did my sister go?" Ai Jia asked out of a sudden.
"Really?" En Shuo asked.
"Yeah," Ai Jia replied.
"Let's go," Liang Sheng said, shaking his head walking away.
"What?" Ai Jia asked.
"날 어디로 데려가는거야 (Where are you bringing me)?" Jiao Huang asked.
"You will see," Jia Xuan said.
"나는 지금 걱정된다 (I'm worried now)," Jiao Huang said.
"진정해 넌 죽지 않을거야 (relax you won't die)," Jia Xuan said, still pulling Jiao Huang.
"I regret being with you," Jiao Huang shouted.
"You regret. How could you, it has only been one day and you want to break up with me already?!" Jia Xuan shouted back.
"Umm, no," Jiao Huang said, regretting what he said," Now what is this."
"This is a archery game thingy," Jia Xuan said.
"내가 제대로 노는 법을 모른다는 걸 깨달았어 (You realised I don't know how to play right)?" Jiao Huang said.
"그래, 내가 너에게 그것을 시도하고 연주하라고 요청하는 이유 (Yeah, that I why I am asking you to try and play it)," Jia Xuan said.
"What is wrong with you?" Jiao Huang asked.
"I have no actual idea," Jia Xuan said. The guy at the place gave Jiao Huang a bow and a arrow. Hitting the bullseye wins.
"I have to say this, I can barely win it all," Jiao Huang said.
"Just try," Jia Xuan said.
And with that Jiao Huang released the arrow and hit one part of the target. Point 7. Jia Xuan was jumping up and down because Jiao Huang got a cute little plushie.
"See told you it wasn't that bad," Jia Xuan said.
"Yeah, I guess," Jiao Huang said. Then Jiao Huang saw something which made him want to do something. He pulled Jia Xuan to a big area where there were people around in a circle.
"What is this?" Jia Xuan asked.
"I have no idea why I even brought you here," Jiao Huang said.
"What did I do to be with you," Jia Xuan said.
"Something," Jiao Huang said staring at her.
"Welcome to the random dance challenge. Basically this is where you have to dance to random songs and dance. To all that are over here, you guys have to all participate in the dance. If you do not know how to dance, you guys are all out. The top 3 will get a prize," The host said.
"Oh so you want me to dance huh," Jia Xuan said.
"Yeah, why not? Obviously. You are good at it," Jiao Huang said.
"Oh hell nah. I haven't been danc-"
"You have been dancing. You were like having dance covers in your YouTube channel," Jiao Huang said.
"Shit, so my boyfriend is a stalker," Jia Xuan mumbled under her breathe.
"i ain't a stalker. Just relax. Like how you forced me to do archery," Jiao Haung said.
"I hate you," Jia Xuan said.
"Like as if you do," Jiao Huang said.
The first song was 'After Like' by IVE. Followed by, 'Boy with Luv' by BTS.
"Hey isn't that Xuan Xuan over there," Rong Rong asked.
"So that is what she was doing over there," En Shuo said.
"I love my sister," Ai Jia said.
"Who would say 'I love my sister' in front of their boy best friend," Liang Sheng said.
"What it is normal," Ai Jia said.
"No it is not. It is the most logical thing I said," Ai Jia replied.
"It is true though," Ai Jia replied.
"Let's go XUAN XUAN!!!!!!!!!!!" En Shuo shouted.
"Really?!" Liang Sheng asked.
"Yeah, we are her supportive brothers here," Rong Rong said.
Soon, participants got out and there were a few people left.
"People who are still in the game are this people. Well, I think we need to up the game a little bit. I see that some people are young so we might be going for some old songs," The host said.
"Shit," Jia Xuan cursed under her breath.
"This girl here is too young," Ai Jia said.
"This Ai Jia here is not even being encouraging here," En Shuo said.
"Nah, the thing is that she barely listen to-"
Girls Generation 'The Boys' came out. Jia Xuan ran to the middle dancing to the song.
"Girl, you are so wrong," En Shuo said.
"I ain't a girl," Ai Jia said offended.
"Shut up," Rong Rong said, trying to focus on Jia Xuan.
"What the shit is this song," Ai Jia said, listening to a unfamiliar tune.
"Candy," Liang Sheng said, dancing along.
"What the hell," Ai Jia said.
"Stop swearing," En Shuo said.
"Jiao Haung is out already?!" Rong Rong screamed.
"He ain't a dancer after all," En Shuo said.
"That is my girl right there," ??? said.
"Who the hell are y- Oh hi Ming Ze. Didn't see you around," Ai Jia said.
"Yah, stop swearing," En Shuo said.
"Yeah, Jia Jia. What happens if Jia Xuan comes here and listen to you swearing. I bet she will take a slipper and hit your face," Ming Ze said.
"Nah sh-"
"No swearing."
"I meant to say Nah Shevington," Ai Jia said.
"Whatever you say," Ming Ze said.
Soon the game was done and Jia Xuan won second place for not knowing the last song.
"Xuan Xuan, give you a thumbs up," Rong Rong said.
"Thumbs up!"
"Xuan Xuan that is my girl," Ming Ze said.
"We get that she is your girl. Don't need to keep on saying it," Ai Jia said.
<><><><TIME SKIPS><><><>
"Xiao Jie Jie! Cheng Ge! We are back. We came back from the event. We brought lots of food!" Xiao Pang shouted.
"Where could they be? Unless they died after eating the medicine," Xiao Pang said, placing his bag down and running up to Cheng Ge's room. A few moments later, he came back running down, looking like he just saw a ghost.
"Xiao Pang why do you look like that. You seem to just seen a ghost," Xiao Rui said.
"Cannot be that my brother died already," Lu Yue said, jumping up form the seat and running up.
"Let's go," Jia Xuan said, with all o f them running up.
"Lu Yue, scary isn't it?," Xiao Pang said.
"It is even more scarier than ghost," Lu Yue said, closing the door.
"Tsk, I have to take this chance to see," Jia Xuan said, taking out her phone and opening the door quietly.
"What are you doing?" God Ming asked.
"Shhhh," Jia Xuan said, taking a photo.
"Let's all wait guys," Lu Yue said.
Soon the door opened revealing Cheng Ge.
"Cheng Ge, how was your sleep?"
"You okay now?"
"All of you keep quiet, shorty is still sleeping," Cheng Ge said.
"Eh, the person didn't say deny it," Xiao Rui said.
"Cheng Ge do you know that umm that isn't really appropriate," Lao K said.
"According to her age, she is legally able to marry somebody already," Cheng Ge said.
"Cheng Ge, you know that we are all here and like this isn't appropriate at all. Faster call her to wake up," Xiao Rui said.
"How to call her to wake up," Cheng Ge said coldly.
"Cheng Ge, I can sue you for this for sure," Xiao Rui said.
"I will go and call her to wake up and get out of my room. Is this okay now?" Cheng Ge said.
"Approve. Okay," Xiao Pang said.
"Very okay," Xiao Rui said.
"If your okay then go away now," God Ming said.
"I don't want to go first," Xiao Pang said.
"Let's go," Lao Mao said.
"I don't want to go," Jia Xuan said.
"C'mon let's go if not it is going to be so awkward," Lao K said, walking away.
"Let's go," Lu Yue said.
"Jia Xuan?" Xiao Pang said.
"Huh, oh, let's go," Jia Xuan said.
"I knew something would happen," Lu Yue said.
"Who wouldn't" Jia Xuan said.
"#ChengYao," Jia Xuan and Lu Yue shouted.
"Number supporters of ChengYao lol," Lao K said.
"Mhm, where are the drinks? I need a RIO DRINK RIGHT NOW," Jia Xuan said.
"Relax, we will get one for you," Lao Mao said.
<><><><><><TIME SKIPS><><><><><>
"Let's go guys!"
"Everybody see my livestream," Lao Mao said.
"Nice try but you can't hide," Xiao Pang said.
"Greetings fellow people," Jia Xuan said, wearing her jacket on.
"Wow, working so hard. So noisy," Tong Yao said, walking down.
"We are all doing live streaming. I suggest you do it too," Cheng Ge said, continuing his game.
"I don't think I have anymore hours to live steam. When I signed the contract it was already late. Plus, Xiao Rui said that I get discounts this month," Tong Yao said. Cheng Ge gave a tiny smirk while looking at his PC once again.
"Oh my god, I still have 32 hours left," Tong Yao said.
"Finally get it now? Welcome to hell," Cheng Ge said.
Tong Yao quickly got her headphone and wore it over and started going for her live stream.
"Hey, anyone mind helping me take my food," Jia Xuan said, taking a handful of containers.
"Jia Xuan why did you take so many food for," Xiao Rui asked.
"I don't actually know. I am at like hungry for sure though," Jia Xuan said, placing the food on her desk.
"Umm, yeah what are you guys doing," Jia Xuan asked.
"We are in hell," Tong Yao replied.
"Huh, in hell?! I ain't dead yet. Oh wait, live streaming. Right. I am too lazy to do," Jia Xuan said, opening the cap.
"Are you sure you want your money gone?" Xiao Rui asked.
"On second thought I think I will just be outside doing my video with eating," Jia Xuan said, taking her food outside.
"What is with her," Xiao Rui asked.
"She doesn't do live streaming for games. She holds mini concerts for her viewers," Lu Yue said.
"Ah. WORK HARD GUYS," Xiao Rui said, walking away.
"MEANY," Xiao Pang whined.
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