Jia Xuan opened her eyes as the white light flash her eyes. It was over. All over. She went to do the surgery. "Xiao Xuan, how are you?" Jiao Huang asked as he looked at the girl who was laying on the bed. Jia Xuan groaned.
"Did I survive? How is my wrist? Did it survive?" Jia Xuan asked as she tried to get up. Jiao Huang nodded with happiness.
"You did survive. That includes your wrist. Both of it survived," Jiao Huang said, holding onto her other hand. Jia Xuan lightly smiled.
"She is alive and kicking?!" Ai Jia shouted as he nearly kicked the door down and saw the two.
"I knew she would survive," En Shuo said.
"I think Ai Jia wants her dead," Rong Rong said, following En Shuo behind.
"Bullshit, he was panicking and worried about you. Don't listen to this two nonsense," Liang Sheng said. Jia Xuan merely just chuckled.
<><><TIME SKIPS><><>
"How the hell am I suppose to propose to her? Flowers with a ring?" Ai Jia panicked.
"Yes, I think we should do it like that. Honestly, that is the best idea," En Shuo said. Rong Rong shook his head.
"We shouldn't this basic proposal thingy. I suggest we do it with loads of diamonds around and pictures around while you propose to her in a loving way," Rong Rong said. They look at him weirdly.194Please respect copyright.PENANAS8wV9mNB83
"That is still too basic," Liang Sheng sighed. Jiao Huang continued to feed Jia Xuan with strawberries with chocolate over it, completely ignoring the four of them.
"Hey! Instead of feeding each other, how about you give me some ideas for my proposal," Ai Jia shouted at them.
"I am not feeding. My wrist is still recovering," Jia Xuan said innocently. It was a fact that she was still in the hospital recovering because Jiao Huang wouldn't want her to go back without no professional people over there to take care of her.
"You want an idea?" Jiao Huang asked, "I suggest you go bring her to Korea or some-"
"I don't want to go to Korea to propose to her," Ai Jia said. Jia Xuan suddenly had an idea and snapped her finger. 194Please respect copyright.PENANAWFMIChkqnB
"I just got the perfect idea for you," Jia Xuan said smirking.
<><><5 Days later><><>
Jia Xuan place the final photos of Ai Jia and Jin Yang on the clip as she looked around the place. It was the university where Ai Jia and Jin Yang first met each other. Sakura and pink roses were all over the area, origami butterflies hanging onto strings that were tied on hooks. Every turn there is a photo of Ai Jia and Jin Yang over there. Different kinds of languages saying 'I love you' that are written everywhere. Two cute cat pictures were over there, Jin Yang's cat and Ai Jia's cat.
"You shouldn't be doing too much work already, rest the wrist," Jiao Huang whispers to Jia Xuan's ear, back hugging her.
"I'm fine. No worries," Jia Xuan said as she look around.
"Do you want this to be how I propose to you when I get to marry you?" Jiao Huang asked.
"No. I don't want it like that. I want it to be different. Something that is special for me and you," Jia Xuan said.
"I'll marry you soon. Soon," Jiao Haung said, pecking her cheeks.
"Yah, get off me. Ai Jia is going to need to propose to her soon," Jia Xuan said, walking away. Ai Jia was walking in circles, trying to remember what he was going to talk.
"Eh, Jia Xuan, how do you speak this Korean word?" Ai Jia asked. Jia Xuan looked at it.
"당신은 나에게 천국입니다 (You are heaven to me)," Jia Xuan said. Ai Jia look at her nodding his head.
"Yah! Princess is here!" En Shuo shouted, they all ran around the place hiding. Jia Xuan walked towards Jin Yang and Tong Yao.
"She doesn't want to tell me why we are here," Jin Yang pouted.
"I can't say it. I think it is a surprise for Jia Xuan," Tong Yao said. Jia Xuan look at her. They slowly walked in and Jin Yang got surprised by the set-up. 194Please respect copyright.PENANAloVQoQAS5v
"Go look around," Jia Xuan said as she looked at Jin Yang. She slowly walked off as she look around the place. Ai Jia slowly came out of the hiding spot and look at her.
"What the hell is this? Did you plan this?" Jin Yang asked as she looked at Ai Jia. Jia Xuan chuckled.
"Nothing. There is nothing. Just look around you know," Ai Jia said innocently. En Shuo and Rong Rong nodded their head and started to walk towards Ai Jia. When they walked all the way over to the staircase where it was where they first actually bump into each other. 194Please respect copyright.PENANA30zEqmOAVY
"What is this?" Jin Yang asked. Ai Jia chuckled and made her face him.
"Chen Jin Yang, never have I ever thought that I would meet someone like you, smart, tall, pretty. Remember here? I remembered the first time I accidentally bump into you, my heart was pumping really quickly. 我们曾经吵架,也经常分手。我什至不想再发生这样的事 (We used to fight and often break up. I don't want to even have that to happen ever again)," Ai Jia said, before opening the ring box, revealing a pink heart diamond ring inside, "당신은 나에게 천국입니다. 나는 당신을 많이 사랑합니다. 그래서 더 이상 시간을 낭비하고 싶지 않습니다. Chen Jin Yang, 나랑 결혼해줄래 (You are heaven to me. I love you a lot. So, I don't want to waste anymore time. Chen Jin Yang, will you marry me)."
Jin Yang looked shocked.
"What are you doing?" Jin Yang gasped. Ai Jia shrugged before looking back at the ring, "Proposing." Jia Xuan chuckled.
"Marry him!" En Shuo shouted.
"Marry him! You won't regret it!" Rong Rong continued. Jin Yang looked at him before giving him a peck on the lips, showing her hand at Ai Jia.
"I guess my finger needs something now," Jin Yang said. Ai Jia's eyes lit up when he heard it, he quickly place the ring on Jin Yang's ring finger. Claps were heard and screams along with cheers.
"Jia Xuan, you are next in line!" Jin Yang shouted. Jia Xuan looked at her, shaking her head.
"Tong Yao first," Jia Xuan shouted back.
<><><ON THE DAY><><>
Jin Yang and Ai Jia walked down the white carpet as they slowly made their way to the platform. Jia Xuan was clapping so loudly and screaming too. They were finally going to get married.
"Do you Chen Jin Yang, take Ai Jia as your husband?" Jin Yang nodded her head. "Do you Ai Jia, take Chen Jin Yang as your wife?" Ai Jia nodded his head again and again. They placed their ring in each of their ring fingers. "You may now kiss." Without any hesitation, they place their lips on each other. 194Please respect copyright.PENANAYj496909E0
"Let's go! I have a sister-in-law now!" Jia Xuan shouted. Jiao Huang looked at her amused.
"Soon, your brother will have a brother-in-law," Jiao Huang said, placing his lips on hers.
"Hey! Don't still our moment!" Ai Jia shouted at them, threatening to throw his shoe at them. Jiao Huang shrugged. Jin Yang quickly turn away, ready to throw the bouquet.
"Throwing in, 3, 2, 1!" All the guys were rushing to take it while Chun Fang, Jia Xuan and Tong Yao just stood over there, wasn't it a girls thing to do to catch the bouquet? Since when was it the guys?
"Yah, yah, yah, I think it is coming here," Jia Xuan panicked as she sees the bouquet coming towards them, "I think you should take it." Tong Yao shook her head and looked at Chun Fang who was ready to run.
"Take it," Chun Fang said, holding onto Jia Xuan's hand, taking a few steps back from Tong Yao, then Tong Yao caught the bouquet.
"Congratulations. I expect a wedding invitation for me soon," Jia Xuan concluded as she smirks at Cheng Ge. They ate and all of the things that will happen in the wedding. Jia Xuan look at Jiao Huang one last time before exiting the venue. She quickly went back to the villa, bringing her two suitcase down, her duffle bag and her daily bag down. The notes she written to them are all in their respective rooms.
She took one last glance at the place, her first dream is complete, now to her next and probably her final one. She place her luggage in the boot before getting into the car, heading to the airport. 194Please respect copyright.PENANAFX31DFnVZm
Jiao Huang looked around, not able to see where she was. He was panicking, he was scared that she will get kidnapped. "Jiao Huang!" Jiao Huang looked at Lao K who was in the villa, holding an envelope.
"Lao K-ah, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have left immediately. You don't have to get me back. I have already gave my resignation letter to Xiao Rui a long time ago. I know you will support me... Won't you? Take care of the 3 couples for me when I am gone, you know, they are quite a handful. Take care of Jiao Huang for me too ok? I feel that he might take things to hard when I am gone. Lao K, take care of yourself ok? I will be back I promised. I'll be back when I am ready again. I promise when I come back, I will get whatever you want. ~ Xiao Xuan." 194Please respect copyright.PENANAT4TtzbuK1V
Lao K hands were shaking. "She went back to Korea," He muttered. Jiao Huang shook his head before running to the other villa where he saw the letter for him in his room. He quickly opened it, not wanting to believe that she left him.
"Jiao Huang-ah, I love you, remember that. Don't take things to hard ok? Just treat it like I am away for something and will be back before you know it. I don't know if you want to consider this as a break-up, I hope not. If you don't want to consider this as a break-up, text me. I know when you are reading this message, I am already at the airport or maybe in Korea. I am waiting for your message. I really am. I hope you don't end this relationship. I love you forever. ~ Your lover."194Please respect copyright.PENANAMR1T2pySNm
That was when Jiao Huang broke down. He was clutching the letter, crumbling it while tears fell down his cheeks. He looked at his phone, messaging Jia Xuan and was about to press the sent button but stopped. He hesitated. "Maybe, it is time for her to be alone..." He screenshot the message before deleting the message that he was meant to send.
Jia Xuan waited. She waited for the message but it never came. It was almost time. She looked at it once last time, his contact. She waited for the message again. The announcement was made, it was her flight. She closed her eyes before offing her phone. She went inside the plane and sat down. She looked out the window, she was really done. Jiao Huang officially broke up with her.
Stupid her, she thought that he will actually text her. It's fine. He is someone who probably is that stubborn. It is probably her fault, maybe she shouldn't have just left like that... Forget about it. New life, new job, new dream, new stage name.
194Please respect copyright.PENANAO9s7zuZG8K