"Xu Tai Lun is in trouble!" Lao Mao shouted, making everyone crowd around, well except for Cheng Ge, "Look at this."
[Evidence of Xu Tai Lun's affair]
(Xu Tai Lun is cheating on his girlfriend)
(Xu Tai Lun deceived his fans.)
(We have pictures of his affairs.)
(He's a despicable liar.)...
"Woahhh, Xu Tai Lun is dead meat now," Jia Xuan chuckled.
"He was dead the entire time girl," Lu Yue said.
"Ah yes, indeed. The moment I kick him at his there, he probably died already," Jia Xuan proudly said.
"You kick at his where?!" Lao K shouted for the first ever time.
"His part," Jia Xuan said.
"Xiao Rui, I think Xiao Xuan got possessed by a ghost," Xiao Pang screamed, "She is not right in her mind right now- OWWWWW" Jia Xuan pinch his arm.
"Not right in my mind?" Jia Xuan asked.
"No, no, no, you are very right in your mind," Xiao Pang said. Jia Xuan let go.
"Eh, D.Q. Five's Jungler is sleeping with his fan," Lao Mao said. Xiao Pang and Xiao Rui eyes widen. Jia Xuan looks disgusted.
"Hold on, let me vomit," Jia Xuan said, seeing the post of the fan, "This is cringe. Let me vomit blood first."
"I get you," Lu Yue said, patting her shoulder.
"Don't tell me this username is the fan who is in love with Xu Tai Lun," Lao Mao asked, "She even bought him clothes. Why aren't my fans buying me clothes?"
"It's because you don't have any fans," Lao K sarcastically said.
"But I have you," Lao Mao said. The people slightly rolled their eyes and sighed.
"Haiyah, blame him for being stupid to date Ning Jia Qi. That bastard, is like nope," Jia Xuan sighed, walking away.
"You all are nosey," Tong Yao said.
"I'm going out," Jia Xuan said, "Cheng Ge, fighting." Tapping his shoulder and walking out.
"Why did you give that girl money? You should give me. She is literally rich like hell," Tong Yao whined.
"Noisy," Cheng Ge said, looking back at his PC.
<><><><><TIME SKIPS><><><><>
Jia Xuan gets out of her car and sighed. She look at the building. Just then, car engine comes. Jiao Huang came out of one of the taxi and Chun Fang comes out of hers.
"How are you leave us. You promised us that we will follow you to check," Chun Fang said.
"나는 당신을 따르겠다고 약속하고 여기 있습니다 (I promise you that I will follow you, and here I am)," Jiao Haung said, squeezing her hand.
"Whatever happens, we will be there with you," Chun Fang said. Jia Xuan smiled. They slowly walk into the hospital. They registered and waited for Jia Xuan's number.
After few moments later, the screen comes up with Jia Xuan's number. Jia Xuan look up as her number is being displayed on the screen. She took a deep breathe in and stood up. Jiao Huang followed her along with Chun Fang.
"Ah, hello, Ms Ai. You are here for a x-ray before meeting Doctor Chen, am I right?" The nurse asked.
"Indeed," Jia Xuan said. The nurse gestured Jia Xuan to the place to get her x-ray done. Jiao Huang smiled softly at her. Chun Fang showed a thumbs up sign at her. Soon it was over and Jia Xuan walked out of the room.
"Well, the first step is done. All we need is the second and last second step and then we are done," Chun Fang said, cheerfully.
"And then I can go grab a large lunch. And you are paying it," Jiao Huang said.
"How dare you ask Xuan Xuan to buy food for you. Such an inconsiderate boyfriend," Chun Fang said. Chun Fang found out about Jia Xuan relationship with Jiao Huang on the night that they went to the theme park.
"Hey- I- Sorry," Jiao Huang said.
"You two stop bickering. Why am I feeing like a old woman taking care of two children," Jia Xuan said.
"Sorry babeee," Jiao Haung said, wrapping his arms around her arms. They walk in to the doctor's room.
"Ah, Ms Ai, I just seen your X-ray. Your wrist... Isn't doing very well," Doctor Chen said.
"What do you mean not good," Chun Fang asked. Jia Xuan stayed quiet. Not interrupting anything.
"I heard from your doctor from Korea that you declined surgery when there is a need to. And you have been playing games on your PC. By the way, a huge fan of ZGDX," Doctor Chen said, Jia Xuan chuckled, "Your wrist has gotten a lot worser than last time. I recommend you to stop playing before it gets any worse."
"If I don't want to stop, what is going to happen," Jia Xuan softly asked.
"You might result into going for a surgery. However, even if you'v done the surgery. You wouldn't be able to play more than around 30 minutes. For now, from what I can see from the X-ray, you'll feel pain at around 1 hours of playing," Doctor Chen said.
"Is it bad?" Jiao Huang asked.
"Yes, it is," Doctor Chen said, "I highly recommend you to do a surgery soon before it gets any worse."
"이제 게임을 멈출 수가 없어요. 아직 계속해야 해요. 결승에 진출하고 싶다 (I can't stop playing now. I still have to carry on. I want to get into the final)," Jia Xuan said, looking at Jiao Huang.
"알아요. 그런데 정말 더 이상 플레이할 수 없는 일이 발생하면 어떻게 되나요 (I know but what happens if it really happens like you can't play anymore)," Jiao Huang said.
"Doctor Chen, is it ok if she comes for the surgery after the tournament?" Chun Fang asked.
"There is a possible chance, if she doesn't play for too long," Doctor Chen said.
"Jia Xuan, 토너먼트가 끝난 후 수술을 받으러 가세요. 그 이후에는 그다지 영향을 미치지 않을 것입니다 (go for the surgery after the tournament ends. It won't affect you that much after that)," Chun Fang said.
"나는 동의한다 (I agree)," Jiao Huang said.
"No buts," Chun Fang sternly said.
"Fine," Jia Xuan gave up, "Doctor Chen, schedule a surgery after the tournament ends for me."
"Will do," Doctor Chen said and with that they left the room.
<><><><><TIME SKIPS><><><><>
[All in Korean]
"Xuan Xuan, you're literally not eating at all. You're playing with the food," Chun Fang said.
"Sorry," Jia Xuan said, taking a bite.
"Stop thinking about it," Chun Fang said.
"How to think about it though? I don't know what would happen to me after the sur-"
"You do not finish that sentence. If you do, I gladly chop off that hand of yours so you will regret saying that you are going to give up gaming. Just because the time is probably 30min of playing, at least you are playing," Jiao Haung said, "And I will make sure you will play more than that timing." He place his hand on Jia Xuan's hand.
"Yucksss, I should've ask Lu Yue to come with me. I am third-wheeling you people now," Chun Fang faked vomited.
"Here you go," Jia Xuan said, placing every single dish on Chun Fang's plate, "Your reward."
"HEYYYY, I'm going to go fat when I eat this much," Chun Fang argued.
"OH. You look absolutely skinny. Eat more," Jia Xuan said, eating the rest of the meat.
"Hmph," Chun Fang stuffed the food inside her mouth.
"Do I exist in your world now?" Jiao Haung asked, seeing that the two talking.
"No you don't" Jia Xuan said.
"Excuse me?!" Jiao Huang dramatically reacted.
"You exist in my heart," Jia Xuan said, feeding Jiao Huang. Chun Fang's face was in a weird reaction as she sees the two lovey-dovey couple.
"Not in public you two," Chun Fang whispered.
"Oh I forgot we were in public," Jiao Huang said.
"I thought I was at a 5-star Michelin star restaurant," Jia Xuan innocently said.
"If you were in a 5-star Michelin Star restaurant, I wouldn't be volunteering to pay for the food," Chun Fang said.
"You're not broke," Jia Xuan said.
"I am," Chun fang grumbled, "Lu Yue and I spend too much together."
'Doesn't that kid have a credit card?" Jiao Huang questioned.
"Doesn't he belong to the Lu family?" Jia Xuan questioned.
"Then why are you paying for him?" Jia Xuan and Jiao Huang questioned at the same time.
"I got no actual idea. You got to question this yourself," Chun Fang said.
"Fair enough. I shall question him one day. And probably murder him for you," Jia Xuan said.
"I shall go and find Cheng Ge and question him about it," Jiao Huang said.
"Good plan," Jia Xuan said.
"Why the fck are you guys planning to murder Lu Yue," Chun Fang said.
"Yah, stop cursing you girl," Jia Xuan said.
"I thought your the one who doesn't like to curse that much?" Jiao Huang asked.
"Omg, you're right, she doesn't like to curse at all. Good point," Jia Xuan complimented.
"Wow, now you got such good energy ah," Chun Fang asked, "Just now so emooo." (Helppp, this attitude is like my brother lmaooo.)
"I wasn't emo. I was uhhh what do you say that tired. You know," Jia Xuan said. Chun Fang rolled her eyes and place lots of sashimi on Jia Xuan's plate. 262Please respect copyright.PENANApi8tzx23qB
"Eat more to be less tired," Chun Fang said. Jiao Huang tried to hide his laughter, but failed to do so.
"What are you laughing for? If you are a good boyfriend, you will be defending me and not laughing at me," Jia Xuan angrily said, hitting Jiao Huang's shoulder lightly.
"Sorry, sorry, it is just funny. Well, you do need to eat though," Jiao Huang innocently said.
"Yah, shut up," Jia Xuan pouted, eating the food.
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