"Hey everyone! This is your Jia Xuan over here. So basically, my manager said to do a 45 hours live, my KPI. I don't want my money to die so I will need to live stream right? I have like 30 more hours to do. PLEASE I FREAKING BEG YOU GUYS TO PLEASE SEND ME GIFTS. MAKE MY KPI GO DOWN! I BEG YOU GUYS PLEASE. EACH GOOD GIFTS ARE 1 HOUR DOWN. PLEASE I BEG YOU GUYS. Anyways, let us start with me eating," Jia Xuan said.
Comments: Normal.
Jia Xuan: Italic.
chocolate: Where is Smiling's dog?
Jia Xuan: Where is it? It is at the house. Probably sleeping.
live_lots_laugh: What is that drink looks nice.
txt_no1_fan: 떡볶이인가
Jia Xuan: Is that tteokbokki? Yeah it is. Do you like your tteokbokki with extra cheese though.
dark_lover: Yeah, extra cheese nice.
hater-fairy: Your useless. Who the hell eats tteokbokki with cheese.
Jia Xuan: For your info, cheese is heaven so you better keep that mouth of yours shut before I get some police to get you for saying bad things about me.
hater-fairy: You- B****
ice_cream: You are then a mf b****
chocolate_forlife: Yeah, b****
Jia Xuan: Relax guys, I just want to-
"Jia Xuan where are you? There is a drama right now," Lu Yue said.
"Coming," Jia Xuan said, bringing her phone along with her.
"My hand just slipped," Tong Yao said.
"Is that your mental state?" Cheng Ge asked.
"Your opponent chose Aoandon and you chose Enma, what's wrong with you?" Cheng Ge asked, "Choose Kiyohime."
"Since I said Ah Tai, there are 7 lines of 28 soldiers and you missed 15. If I were your teammate, I'd be AFK," Cheng Ge said.
"Cut it out! My soldiers-"
"Now its 16," Cheng Ge said.
"You'll be level six if you make the last hit. Jungle is on his way. Why are you panicking?" Cheng Ge said, sipping his coffee.
"Why did you run away as soon as you got attacked?" Cheng Ge asked, "Why do you only look at your experience bar instead of your teammates positions? Are you an amature player? What did Ah Tai do to you? Did he kill someone or something? Why are you so afraid of him?"
"Stop babbling. I'm about to take off," Tong Yao said, trying to concentrate on the game.
"Aww, couple fight is just cute," Jia Xuan said, saying to her fans.
"Yeah, I know right," Lu Yue replied back.
"Look at you. Open your pig eyes and look the other way. Where is Ah Tai?" Cheng Ge said.
"Lu Si Cheng, can you just keep quiet," Tong Yao said.
"Tsk, Tong Yao don't be rude to your ship," Lu Yue said.
"Bai guys, I thank you all for watching this cute couple here. Remember #ChengYao. BAIIIIIII," Jia Xuan said, turning off her livestream, "Xiao Rui-ah, deduct a total of 15 hours from me. I got like too many gifts."
'Huh, since when, you just filmed for like a good 30 minutes," Xiao Rui said.
"You don't know that Jia Xuan can get lots of special gifts which will deduct her hours easily so now she has 15 more hours left," Lu Yue said.
"Sure I guess," Xiao Rui said.
"This ID, Lu Si Cheng's wife, I assure you that your husband. I didn't defile him. But whether he is pure or not, I don't know. Anyways, I didn't defile him. Ask him yourself if you have the guts," Tong Yao said.
"Hey, what happens if I can't find a wife," Cheng Ge asked suddenly.
"Who ask your face and personality to be like that?" Tong Yao asked.
"Aww, how I wish this could happen," Lu Yue said.
"Hey, my best friend Chun Fang can help," Jia Xuan said, sucking her lollipop.
"Oh yeah," Lu Yue said.
"I am hungry," Xiao Pang whined.
"Bye," Jia Xuan said, walking to the kitchen taking things from the refrigerator.
"What are you making?" Lu Yue asked.
"Ramen. You want some? Actually never mind, get it from Chun Fang," Jia Xuan said.
<><><><><TIME SKIPS><><><><>
"Tong Yao, did you make up with Jian Yang or did you reject him and decided to be with my brother," Lu Yue asked.
"Make up my foot. And please, I want to still live for a few more years then being with this guy," Tong Yao said.
"Ouch, this is Cheng Ge's heart," Jia Xuan said, showing a broken heart.
"Do you want to live for a few more years or get killed," Cheng Ge asked.
"I think I want to live for a few more years," Jia Xuan said, scrolling through her phone.
"That is what I thought," Cheng Ge said.
"Hmph, your mean," Jia Xuan said, placing on her airpods.
"Your childish," Tong Yao said.
"Hmph," Jia Xuan said, running up to her room.
"Tsk. Should we bring Jiao Huang here?" Lu Yue asked.
"I think we should," Tong Yao said.
"#GunXuan," Lu Yue and Tong Yao said.
Jia Xuan went to her room and went to change into her sleeping outfit. Well, she was about to play Rhythm Hive but she saw a notification on her phone.
🙂Waiting for Ji-Hae👀
Mi-Suk: When are you coming back?
Ji-Hae: Soon but not now.
Ari: We literally need you right now. Without our dear main vocalist and rapper, we can't do it.
Ji-Hae: Relax. Wait for a few more months, I will be back.
Mi-Suk: Relax all we will debut soon.
Mi-young: I hate this. I regret being in this group. Why must we have a gamer in our group. Why must we have a weird girl here. Wait not one but all.
Ji-Hae: Bcuz you luv us🥰
Aera: Yes. Don't deny it.
Mi-young: Mi-Suky HELP ME!
Mi-young: Nope.
Ji-Hae: Bye. I am going to sleep.
Ji-hae offline...
Jia Xuan placed her phone down and turned off the lights. Her thoughts about returning back to Korea is something that will happen soon. She touched her wrist, feeling the thin scar that was there. She quickly got up and placed some music before drifting to wonderland.
<><><><TIME SKIPS><><><>
"Why must I have this alarm clock," Jia Xuan groaned, getting up from her bed.
Jia Xuan got up and changed into her outfit.
"Xiao Pang shut up," Lao Mao said.
"No," Xiao Pang replied
"Shut up, today is a day of freedom. Bye," Jia Xuan said, walking outside.
"What is wrong with her?" Lu Yue asked.
"No idea," Tong Yao said.
"What is it," En Shuo said.
"Please move away," Jia Xuan said.
"Hey, rude," En Shuo said.
"Greetings, I have to ask who the hell would want to go out with me," Jia Xuan shouted.
"No one," Ai Jia said, eyes still glued to his PC.
"나는 갈 수있다 (I can go)," Jiao Huang said.
"I want to cry," Jia Xuan said, fake crying.
"같이 가고 싶다고 이미 말했어 (I already said I want to go with you)," Jiao Huang said.
"Oh you sure?" Jia Xuan asked.
"Yeah," Jiao Huang said.
"Jiao Huang, you forgot that we have extra practice? Two days later will be our match, we need to practice and for your information if we fail or lose, I am going to kill you because you literally just died on me," Liang Sheng said.
"Oh you guys have extra practice..." Jia Xuan said.
"Ooof, sadly I will have to agree with Liang Sheng," Ai Jia said said.
"WAHHHHHHHH. Now who is going to spend the day with me? I have been like practicing on gaming the entire day. I want to rest!" Jia Xuan said.
"Yah, stop whining. How about you stay here with us and spend the entire day here," Rong Rong said.
"Oh yeah, good idea. Firstly where is the food," Jia Xuan asked.
"Oh um, at the fridge duh," Ai Jia said.
"You shut your mouth before this salad here kills you," Jia Xuan said.
"Spare my life," Ai Jia said.
"Tsk, scaredy cat," En Shuo said.
"No swearing," Jiao Huang said.
"Like as if I was about to. I was wanting to say, You little piece Top," Ai Jia said.
"Nah you wanted to say you little piece of shit," Jia Xuan said.
"Why can Xuan Xuan swear and I can't swear," Ai Jia pouted.
"Because I am a better than you. More talented. Younger than you and more smarter than you," Jia Xuan said, going to one extra PC and went to go and turn it on watching her dramas.
"Oh my god, I love our Xuan Xuan," Rong Rong said.
"Eww, who the hell would say I love you to my sister in front of her own biological brother," Ai Jia said, fake vomiting.
"How could you say that," Rong Rong said.
"How could you say that to my boyfriend," En Shuo said, dramatically.
"What. 너 방금 뭐라고 했어 (What did you just say)?! Did you just say that Rong Rong is your god damn boyfriend?! YOU ARE GAY! SINCE WHEN ARE YOU GAY?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? DID YOU ALL KNOW THAT THEY WERE GAY? WHY AM I THE LAST ONE EVERY SINGLE TIME. THIS ISN'T LEGAL. WAIT WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS EVEN GAY," Jia Xuan said, nearly choking on her food and bombarding a thousand of questions to all of the lving people.
"Wait, hold on a minute. We ain't gay. Secondly, what I meant was my best boy friend. HE IS MY BEST FRIEND. WE ARE BESTIES!" En Shuo shouted.
"Oh wait. So let me get this straight. You guys aren't together? GOOD. Now you should have said my bestie not my boyfriend. Yucks. That is totally disgusting," Jia Xuan said.
"We know. You are a top student after all," En Shuo and Rong Rong said together.
"Why are you guys all talking? GUYS PRACTICE," Liang Sheng shouted.
"네 리더 (Yes leader)," Jiao Huang said.
"Yes sir," Ai Jia, En Shuo and Rong Rong replied.
<><><><><><TIME SKIPS><><><><><>
"Good Morning, I have to say this where is the porridge," Jia Xuan shouted.
"It is like literally at the table. Open your big eyes to see," Xiao Pang said.
"Aish, you annoying little support," Jia Xuan said.
"Don't aish me," Xiao Pang said.
"Eh, Tong Yao, why are you here," Jia Xuan said.
"I cannot sleep so I have been writing down all this calculations," Tong Yao said.
"Tsk, tsk, your eye. There is so many eye bag," Jia Xuan said.
"I think there is still time for me to write some more," Tong Yao said.
"Hold on a minute first," Jia Xuan said, taking her make-up bag.
"What are you doing," Tong Yao said.
"As a girl, you need to be pretty on stage later," Jia Xuan said, adding some make-up on Tong Yao's face.
Not long later, Cheng Ge came down and saw the two girls.
"What are you guys doing," Cheng Ge asked.
"Cheng Ge, keep your mouth shut. Done! Look at our princess," Jia Xuan said, turning Tong Yao's chair.
"Cheng Ge, the way you are looking at Tong Yao is creepy," Lao Mao said.
"Umm, good make up skills," Cheng Ge said, blinking continuously.
"Tsk, doesn't want to admit that he fell for your beauty already," Jia Xuan said.
"What are you a matchmaker?" Tong Yao asked.
"Yes, I am a matchmaker for you," Jia Xuan said, walking away.
"Shorty eat this, if you faint I have no idea what to do for you. I swear I do not want Lu Yue to take over you," Cheng Ge said, handing a bowl of porridge to Tong Yao, "And please wear your slippers."
"Thanks Cheng Ge," Tong Yao said, slightly blushing.
"What is that noise," Lao K asked.
"I don't know."
"Can't be a thief came in isn't it," Xiao Pang said.
"Well, we are #ChengYao's CEO shipper so we have to make them together of course and not only that they should be grateful for us because we are their number one supporter. But if it wasn't for Cheng Ge saying that he doesn't want Lu Yue to take over Tong Yao, he wouldn't have made a fuss out of it," Jia Xuan said.
"Hey, hey, hey," Lu Yue shouted, "Not my problem, you pulled my hair, now I have a bald spot."
"Old man where is your bald spot may I asked," Jia Xuan said.
"Here and for our information, I am not old. I am just 2 years older than you," Lu Yue said, pointing his non-existent bald spot.
"Hahaha, that is why you are old. You are 2 years older than me," Jia Xuan said.
"You are the youngest so you need to respect your elders," Cheng Ge said.
"Hey! Whatever, Lao Yue bye," Jia Xuan said.
"Hey you created a new name for Lu Yue! Lu Yue and Lao Yue, nice name," Tong Yao said. (A/n: Lu Yue is old so now his new nickname is Lao Yue)
"C'mon we have to go," Cheng Ge said.
"Let's GOOOOOO!!!!" Xiao Pang screamed.
"Shut up," Jia Xuan said, placing her headphones on.
"Shorty, give me your diary," Cheng Ge said on the bus.
"No. This is my privacy," Tong Yao said.
"Give it here right now," Cheng Ge said.
"Here you go," Xiao Pang said, snatching the diary and sending it to Cheng Ge.
"Lao K," Cheng Ge called.
"What is it," Lao K asked.
"Have a look at this," Cheng Ge said.
"Get to stage four from Jungling his own farm then invade the enemy's jungle and attack the jungle beast," Lao K said, "After killing the jungle beasts, there is a high chance he will catch someone at the mid lane. He'll catch if he can. If he can't, he'll disturb and hinder the opponent's Mid and return to town. You can countergank here. What is this?"
"She's telling you to countergank, don't you understand?" Cheng Ge said.
"No, I don't understand," Lao K replied, "This tactical analysis... Why does she add extra scenes in the data?"
"Because she was born an actress. She likes extra scenes," Cheng Ge said, smiling at Tong Yao.
"Hmph," Tong Yao sighed.
"Both here and before the screens. Welcome to the National Championship of Onmyoji Arena Pro League 2020. I am Du Dou," Du Dou said.
"And I am Xiao Qiu," Xiao Qiu said.
"Everyone can have a look at this. On the screen now is the introduction of the players of Team King. First we have Ah Guang, the Jungler and the leader of Team King. He uses his own strength to bring the entire Team King from the qualifier to the National Championship," Du Dou said.
"Barehanded, we came here from the second tier league. We're as desperate for victory as a dying person for a last drop of water. This is a battle of survival. We will do our best. Therefore, old guys of ZGDX, be ready to be crushed by us," Ah Guang said, in the video.
"He's like an elementary student," Lao K said.
"Hold on a minute, vomiting blood. I am not old. I am not a guy. I am a girl. Plus I am the youngest of all, you guys should respect me. He is older than me by a few months. He should be called as Old Guang," Jia Xuan said.
"Now let us see the ban list..."
"They are targeting me," Jia Xuan said.
"Jia Xuan take Ootengu," God Ming said.
"OK," Jia Xuan said.
"Let's see, both parties are ready, let's look at the final line-up," Xiao Qiu said.
"Let's have a look. On ZGDX's side, Tong Yao, the Top, picked Ibaraki-doji. Lao K, the Jungler is using Yoto Hime. Mid, Jia Xuan, chose Ootengu, Ad, Chessman, got Dodomek. Xiao Pang, the support, took Ichimokuren," Du Dou said.
"Let's look at Team King's. The Top is Shuten Doji, Ah Guang, the Jungler, is using Mannendake. Jung, the Mid, got Reiki, Bot, Sky and YC got Hakuro and Kuro respectively," Xiao Qiu said.
"Everyone, don't forget. Our Top, Mid and Jungler will work together," God Ming said.
"Roger that," Lao K replied.
"Good Luck everyone. This game is up to you. Cheng Ge and I will sit back," Xiao Pang said.
"Sure, Cheng Ge will win doing nothing today. Count on us," Jia Xuan said.
"Missy, do you want to lead," Xiao Pang asked.
"Mid and Jungler, good luck. Don't involve me. I'm an unimportant Top. I'm afraid of the opponent's Jungler," Tong Yao said.
"Their Jungler should be afraid instead," Cheng Ge said.
"Aww coup-"
"Shhh, do you want that to be the highlight. No right. Shhhh," Lao K said.
"Oof okay," Jia Xuan said.
"So all ten players have chosen their own Shikigami respectively. What kind of exciting experience will these ten Shikigami bring us today?" Do Dou said, "Let's watch the game."
"God Ming, do you think Tong Yao's tactic is reliable? Believe in Smiling's diary," God Ming said.
"This is strange. Lao K did not beat his Jungle beast and went directly into bush. What does this mean? DarkFairy joined the Top and the Jungler. Is K leaving the jungle beast for Smiling or DarkFairy? He has fallen behind now if he keeps giving up economy. Now, the opponent is enough to attack ZGDX's tactic is somewhat confusing," Do Dou said.316Please respect copyright.PENANAPMqM0PN942
"That's true. It's really strange. Is the bush that attractive? Other than K, DarkFairy is hiding in the bush too," Xiao Qiu said.
"Support, look out for me. I will counter jungle," Ah Guang said.
"We see that Ah Guang is already here to counter jungle. Are K and DarkFairy leaving Ah Guang in the Jungle?" Do Dou said.
"Ah Guang is here, Lao K, your turn," Tong Yao said.
"Sure," Lao K said.
"Its here! Its here. Yoto Hime and Ootengu have surrounded Ah Guang and are on his heels," Du Dou said.
"Keep him alive," Tong Yao said, looking at the fight.
" Ibaraki-doji stepped up and killed Mannendake in an instant. Nice Smiling has gotten a kill," Du Dou said.
"Good job," Lao K said.
"This is epic, the Top, Mid and Jungler are working together. Lao K working with DarkFairy first following by Smiling charging in," Du Dou said.
"What is going on?" Team King's top said.
"Why didn't you tell me the Mid is missing," Ah Guang said.
"How would I know? I watched her push the creep line over and thought she was retreating back to town. How did she know that you were going to attack the jungle? Normally K would finish the top lane and go to the bot lane. They did an unusual job," Team King's mid said.
"They talked big about wanting to beat us," Jia Xuan said.
"Jia Xuan, keep a low profile," Lao K said.
"My strength doesn't allow me to keep low profile," Jia Xuan said.
"But here comes the problem. How did they know that Ah Guang will counter jungle without having a view of their opponent?" Do Dou said.
"In my opinion, ZGDX must have meticulously studied their opponents. Whether its the usual qualifiers..." Xiao Qiu said.
"Tong Yao, the things in your little book are pretty effective," Lao K said.
"Of course," Tong Yao said.
"Missy, you're awesome," Xiao Pang said.
Tong Yao and Cheng Ge shared a look at each other.
"Guys, how about instead of staring at each other, focus on the game," Jia Xuan said.
"Hahaha, very funny," Tong Yao said, laughing very fake.
"If this is the case, aren't they so professional and awesome? As a veteran team, they can study a new team so meticulously. They really are something. And if ZGDX has really fully mastered..."
"Lao K. c'mon. Let's nail him down," Tong Yao said.
"Coming," Lao K said.
"K is waiting for Ah Guang in the bush. ZGDX has already grasped the opponent's tactic."316Please respect copyright.PENANAdt82sgkBah
"C'mon," Jia Xuan said.316Please respect copyright.PENANAIXy0MSKyUs
"Meanwhile, Team King's support is on his way."316Please respect copyright.PENANAt1TV6W5Af3
"Attack," Lao K said.316Please respect copyright.PENANAATJeoM1K9L
"K's Yoto Hime has fallen gracefully. The third skill is gone. Even if the support arrives on time..."316Please respect copyright.PENANAFxh6zEHssd
"Nice," God Ming, Xiao Rui and Lu Yue said.316Please respect copyright.PENANA0LNmwKtmCD
"It's still too late."316Please respect copyright.PENANA7hXjleF4Fl
"What are you thinking now huh? Bye," Jia Xuan said.316Please respect copyright.PENANAVktgGf3Z5Y
"Look at Ibaraki-doji 's core skill. This skill relies on predicting when the opponent will show the skills. Ibaraki-doji, such Shikigami is handled by Smiling in a stunningly domineering way. In this game, Ah Guang, the Jungler..."
"I'll cover you," Team King said.
"Yes, wait for my farm," Ah Guang said.
"He didn't lose his life too. However, his economy is still a lot worse than the opponent's," Xiao Qiu said.
"That is right," Do Dou said.
"Easy-peasy," Xiao Pang said.
"What's the matter with their Jungler? He's been Jungling and dare not show himself," Lao K asked.
"Come with me," Cheng Ge said.
"Okay," Xiao Pang replied.
"We can't fight them. Retreat," Ah Guang said.
"Lao K, your turn," Tong Yao said.
"Roger that," Lao K said.
"This is a perfect timing. Ah Guang failed to farm, and overall economy of the Team King is being crushed."
"Good job," Lu Yue said.
"Tong Yao has completely acknowledged Ah Guang's jungling tempo," God Ming said, along with Xiao Rui, Lu Yue and Lao Mao nodding their head.
"Look at the bot lane. The team is destroying the towers under Chessman's lead."
"Tong Yao, join us," Cheng Ge said.
"Be right there," Tong Yao said.
"Can Team King handle the pressure and secure the highland?"
"Xiao Pang, pay attention to the position," Cheng Ge said.
"Roger that," Xiao Pang replied.
"After Team King lost the output core Jungler position..."
"Retreat. Don't fight first," Ah Guang said.
"Go after them," Xiao Pang said.
"Get him, get him," Tong Yao said.
"Look. After Chessman pushed down the second tower of the bot lane..."316Please respect copyright.PENANAZJhBC2vgaT
"Let's go. Lao K. I'm going. Follow me," Jia Xuan said.
"Go ahead, I am right behind you," Lao K said.
"Yes, yes, yes. Go ahead," Xiao Pang said.
"Yes, you can go ahead," Lao K said.
"It's here. There's another wave. Do they have a chance? The Mid is pushed into the highland. Smiling of top lane continues to destroy highland."
"Stay firm," Ah Guang said.
"It seems like Team King cannot stand any longer."
"Retreat," Ah Guang said.
"After the battle, they have lost a great amount of HP."
"The tower, the tower," Jia Xuan said.
"Go, go, go," Lao K shouted.
"They are hot on Hakuro's heels, and Ootengu kills Hakuro."
"It's so exciting."
"This is such an exciting fight. Congratulations on ZGDX for winning the first game."
<><><><><TIME SKIPS><><><><><>
"Congratulations to ZGDX for winning the second game. For now the first game in the Group A of Onmyoji Areana Pro League National Championship, Team ZGDX against Team KING, Team ZGDX won another match, and is currently ranked first."
"Easy-peasy, I didn't even sweat," Xiao Pang said.
"Let's go," Cheng Ge said, staring at Tong Yao.
"Missy is awesome," Xiao Pang said.
"Of course she is," Jia Xuan said.
"After two games, it seems like the newly-promoted Team KING, while playing against ZGDX, the veteran team of OPL is not par with their opponent."
"Yes. Judging from the first game, Jungler Ah Guang was completely trapped. In the second game, he was only Jungling."
"What nonsense is this," One fan said.
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