“And yo, the angel stood upon the mountaintop. Then they fell to the earth, for he was like thunder. But the angel said, “Behold, be ye not afraid.””229Please respect copyright.PENANAJSo4EJLP4N
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We ran, out into the darkness, chased by my math teacher. The principle was there too. “Their’re gaining on us?” I shouted desperatly over the breeze, talking to the dark-eyed hottie who was currently carying me. “We need to move faster!” Shockingly, he suprised me by somehow running faster, even thoughhe was also carrying me like I said. “Keep watching them!” He shouted back commandingly. Well, I did my best to do jut that, but my veiew was bouncing up and down more than a hyperactive ADHD kid on crack who was currently trying to kill spiders with a pogo stick.. It was late evening and a darkening Drearwood was being painted in dark purples and blues by the growing darkness. I could tell that it was growing less easy to spot the rabid teachers now and all the time since it was getting so dark, and I nearly lost track of Ghab/Ghaak as we bounced over the overgrown gray sidewalk and started down the dim street. Then, a few sceconds later, I sprotted her again, shocked, astaunded, and horrified at how fast she was growing closer. Meanwhile houses practically* flew* by as the school grew closer to the horizon. Dark eyes was running at amazing speed, but the two teachers only hissed and shrieked more loudly, and also sped up as well. “THere practiaclay right on top of us!, I shoouted.” Dark-eyes gritted his flawless white teeth and sped up even faster, legs blurring like the dark assfault below as we rocketed along the road. Ghak lashed her big freaky tongue in frustration. “Come back, we won’t bite!” Ghak mocked, in a serpentine slither of a voice that sent shivers up my spine. Another eviline voice rang out to: “We’ll catch you, no matter how fast your boyfreind is!” Ghab huffed, nastily. I blushed a little (not a lot though, I’m not a prude), a little embarassed but also pleased if I’m being honest. But this wasn’t the time for that. “Suck it fatties!” I taunted, sticking my own tongue out at the freaks. “You’re way to fat to be fast OR to get a boyfreind!” I added as an afterthought. They immediately shrieked in fury, cause they knew I was right, yowling like angry cats, if cats had crooked venomus fangs and goat legs and snake tongues and freaky thick elephant skin and pink claws.
Dark-eyes ran and ran, but the teachers kept getting closer. “We need somewhere defendable!” He indicated, loudly enough so that I could hear him but also quite enough to avoid alerting Ghab and Ghak. “What?” I questioned, not sure what he meant. “Somewhere they can’t serround us!” He clarified. “Got it! Give me a second,” I confirmed, then I sarted cracking my brain. Somewhere they can’t serround us… The answer came like a grenade. Explosively. “The mall! It’s like three blocks that way!” I informed, grabbing tight of his musculare shoulder as we rounded a corner. As I did that I coulsn’t help noticing how big and buffed it was. “Wow!” I thought, silenty. I looked back again nervusly, watching the monstreous teachers close in ever closer.
“Wait, we have to go to Marileen’s!” I told him. He said OK and ran over there, still super fast. Now we arrive at Marilynees;: three stories of gray-and-white boring. I hopped of off him (regruntfully)and run isnide, banging the door open. Marileen was standing there then,——inside in the living room——and she looked angry. “What?! What do you think your doing! Binging a strange wierdo boy here! Getting ass grades! And I just had a very intresting conversation wit your math teacher, the very nice Mrs. Ghab.” She rushed accusingatingly. I stood my ground. “Out of my way Myreel! Your the dumbest, most ignorent bitch ever,” I shouted, stingingly. She sat stuned, shocked, sizzled, and appalled, standing there freezingly. I stormed past her and ran up to my room and took what I needed. Mostly it was extra clothes and stuf flike that. Then when I was done I ran back downstairs. I also stole some other shit. Suddenly Maraline was talking to the monsterous Mrs. Ghab. “Yes, she’s a very bad student and a terribal person,” She was saying conpsiratorilly. Ghab saw me, grinned evilly, and slashed open Marileen’s stomach, blood spraying across the pink-and-white-and-grey furnitures. Marilan screamed in pain and horrorr, then Ghab tore her head off, painting the ceiling red aswell. I quickly jumped back on Derrk-eyes, and then he ran away out of the house. Then we went back to running to the mall.
Eventually the houses and side streets diminished, replaced by businesses and parking lots. The hirises and skyscrapers of Downtown loomed above it all. I said, and it was, right theere across the street. Three levels of sops & botiques & escalaters & food resteruants, lighted by neon LEDs. I practically smiled when we passed through the outer entrance——Merleey has never let me go here before. “Oh no!” I complained and or lamented. “What?” Dark eyes demands. “The gate. It’s locked!” I continued, despairing internally (more then I usually do I mean). And it was. A steel shiny gate——the kind of bendy flexible kind made out of metal mesh and with a lock at the bottom——was pulled down, blocking the inner entrance to the mall. “Damn it. You’re right.” Dark eyes admitted, screeching to a standstill. He dropped me then, but I caught myself. He walked right up to the gate and——I coulnd’t make this up if I wanted too——literally brabbed it and bent it bupwards like it was tin foil instead of steel (or it could be alluminum, idk; either it way doesn’t matter since both of those are about as shtrong and way stronger then tin foil). “Come on allready!,” Dark eyes yelled at me, dark eyes flashing with an angry sheen. I scrambled, Martens clacking over the smooth tiles. At the last minute I slide under the bent-up gate. Dark eyes was uddenly next to me again——he must have ducked under at the last minute too, too fast for me to notice. He pulled the gate down to the floor again just as Ghab and Ghak charged at us. They slammed into the mesh and the gate started to buckled and bounced like a trampoline owned by a family of overweight but really eager kangaroos overdosing on crack cocaine. I scrambled to my feet, dark eyes grabbing my hand and pulling me further into te mall. “This is crazy!” I exclaimed breathelessly.
We arrived at the top floor, at the head of the escalater. The central atrium opened through all three floors and the roof, leaving the space open to the sky, a black sliver of darkness. I heard the sharp metal screech of the gate folding like a bitch. “What do we do?” I asked, but suddenly dark eyes was not there, as if he had just disappeared, into thin air. Not again! “I know, right?!” I exclaimed out loud. “There you are!” I heard Ghak’s nasty voice rise in excitment. Suddenly she and Ghab were crawling and leaping and climbing up the frozen escalater towards me, smiling and laughing maniaclly, pink claws clackering on the hard metal. “Where’s you’re beoyfreind now, you little bitch?” One rasped, nastily, face so full of hate it looked pressurised. There was nowhere to run anymore, so I didn’t. Instead I stood my ground, raised my hand up, and made as many rude hand signs as I could——not just the middle finger, I got creative. “Screw you two clowns,” I insulted, rudely. I also said some other stuff I won’t write down. Lets just say that Ghab dropped her draw in amazement and Ghak raored and jumped at me.
Suddenly she stopped again, right in mid air to, just like in the school. Only this time when dark-eyes threw her, he threw her right out ovver the open atrium, and she dropped three stories onto the smooth cement tiling below. When she landed there was a loud crack, like a car door slamming shut through a glass bottle. Ghab hissed, looking confused, and her fourhead flexed like a butthole, revealing an eye that was red on her fourhead. Her and dark eyes circled each other, dark eyes staying in front of me in a way that was protective but not annoying. “What is this?” Ghab hissssed, still circiling. “How is tis possible? An unborn couldn’t possibly defeat my sister!” She continued. “Whoa are you?” She examined, questioning. Dark eyes said nothing, only advanced a little toward her. Then her eyes (all of them I mean) went widened, and she looks shocked, horrified. To my suprise and astonishment, she falls to her knees. “NO! IT CANT BE!” She screams. “ITS………NOT POSSIBLE! Forgive me, forgive me! I knew not!” She beggs, still bowed down. Dark-eyes nodded coolly, still walking closer. “I know that you didn’t know, and I know you know that too. But if you want forgiveness, you’re going to be disappointed. I don’t have any forgiveness to give, because noone ever gave me any.” With that he grabbed her by the thraot and pressed his other hand to her fourhead eye. As Ghab screamed and screamed, dark eyes tore out her third eye and crusehd it in his hand, blood dripping between his lean sexy fingers. Suddenly Ghab collapsed and broke apart like a snowman being pushed over onto a sidewalk, if the snowman was a giant snowwoman that was also a monster and not really a woman at all and was also made out of smoking ashes. Because that’s all that was left of her then, a pile of smoking ashes. “Gray.” I commented tiredly. “Of course she was.” Then I turned to dark-eyes. “Wow, I guess you saved me.” He smoldered in my direction. “I guess I did.” He admitted, still staring at me hotly. We had a little romantic moment then, where we just looked at each other in a way that was deep and romantic (even though I didn’t want to admit it yet and probably he didn’t either). He also told me his name was Darek.
“OK, what the hell?!” I interrogated loudly. “So my math teacher is some kind of monster, you kidnap me, and then kill her? What’s going on? And why did she act like you were her boss?” I finished, hands on my hips. Derek (AKA dark eyes, keep up) grimaced, revealijg his shiny white teeth that were also perfectly straight. Really he looked a lot like Brandon Urie, I was realizing, if Bandon Urie was mixed with a scoop of Zayn, a chunk of Zac Efron, and a pinch or too of Chris Pine, only more dark haired, dark eyed, and dark souled (which just means he had a like sad, dark, bad boy kind of vibe, not like cringey bad boy but more like real issues). “No, We don’t have time for that right now. (I asked him why then) Why? Because there are forces, powerful forces, that want you. YOU. And trust me, you don’t want them to win at their goals. Chycle, you have to trust me right now.” I swollowed slowly so that I would have more time to decide. That was cause it was a big decision. “Yeah, OK, I trust you,” I decided. “But you have to agree to anseer all my questions later.” I stipulated firmly. He said OK, fine, he would, so I decided to follow him. Suddenly shouts came from downstairs, and I saw a gorup of big suited men with shades and funny shoes gathered around the dead body of Principle Ghak when I looked down there. “Hey! Stop righte there!”, they screamed demandingly with there deep demanding voices. Derek grabbed me again and jumped up onto the roof. The lights of downtown (and also the serrounding area but those ones were smaller) had started to turn on, powering the slick city streets with multicolorful splashes of light (it had also started to rain a little, which was not totally wierd but also not really common). Derek trotted over to the edge of the mallroof: I tried to ignore the overpoweringlly dizzy sense of vertago. “What are you doing? This is totally crazy!” I struggled halfheartedly. “Stop that!” Derek roared, very firmly. I stopped that. “Hold on,” He commanded. Then I did. Then he literally jumped own of the roof. For a split cecond we were falling through the chilly air, me holding on to dear life, Derek holding on to nothing because he was so cool/confidant. Then we landed () and there was like a wooooosh of air and Derek ran away. A bunch of toes suited agent-types started chasing us as well.
Suddenlly another group charged out of the alley in front of us. Derek jumped over their heads (”WOW!” I claimed outloud, because we were so high———literally, not like 420) and than turned and ran across the street, but a van pulled up and barfed out another group of suit(ed men)s. “Stop! Right there!” THey yelled, and one of them charged towards us. Derek runs and ran, but we can’t escape. There’s two many, pulling up in armored vans or covert-cars or just pulling up by themselves. Dodging out of alleys and jumping out of doors and stuff. “Stop!” But Derek ignored them. Eventually after what felt like sixteen minutes later, we got cornored. Derek just managed to dodge down into a subway entrance, hopping down the stairs gracefuly. Than Derek dropped me again and there was the sound tat told me the suited guys were hot on our ass. “Stay behind me,” Derek implied. And “OK” I replied. A whole group of like twenty guys burst onto the platform, dark Valentino suits reflecting from the polisheed siny tiles. Derek knocked one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, backward, and they all flew back and smashed into the stairs, but more just replaced them, instantly. I edged backward: it was going to get ugly. “Vessel secured.?” One suited man said, tentativly, and I noticed his suit had a blood-red blood-drop embolism stitched right on his sharp black lepel. Derek suddenly looked relaxed. He opened his mouth. Then there was an explosion of light and heat, kind of like energy or something, and some-one appeared out of that. THe suited guys were knocked backward, flying backward again. I had just enough time too recognize Joshery’s dreamy face before he grabbed my arm roughly and then there was another explosion of energy (and also a strong blasto wind and also light so bright itblindedme but not permanantly, just temporarilly). I had vanished.
*But not literally of course, houses can’t fly. Duh. Althouhg other tings can, as I wood soon see…