“Love is familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love."-”271Please respect copyright.PENANAnTLFhurq8n
“O thee god, why hathst thee madesteth this here earth a place of misery? So crieseth the sinner, but the rightous know that the trials are for even an higher purpose. Thusly the sinners are rooted out therefore, and the rightous are survive the trial so as the one lord god did intended, and thee are saved hereforth, to be also taketh upeth into heaven which ,is paradise.”271Please respect copyright.PENANAL3QsUA1mDQ
“The trial of life is just too keep living and not to kill yourself. Now that’ a real challange.” 271Please respect copyright.PENANAUXovRAZAvY
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So then we started the tournament. THe day was bright and clear and cold, and the morning frost has just began to grow over the thick grass that covered the grounds. All the students were gathered outside the gastle and in large groups, hundreds of them, they kind of looked like a huge swarm of ants, allthough much hotter/less gross then ants, if that makes sense, and also way more fashionable, obviously. “Hello, hello, hello. Yes.” Like not gross or anything, bobviously, that’s what I meant. “We are grathered here today now to see if young Miss Chlyce Essastella is really going to survive my little experiment, I mean trial. (this is Solomonon talking by the way, and he smoked his gray tufty beard wisely everytime he talked:) The trial is to be conduced afollowingly: Three trials art there are, yes indeed, indeed, indeed. You shalt have to be compete each one in sequence fore thee shall provail—————yet be ye moste forewarned, for I cannot tell thee of what trial each is aforehand. So thus therefore, the first of the trial shallt be of related to that the anceint trial faced by all biengs, the Trial of Junger. You seeth, I have ascended beyond such mortal concerns, but yet all basic animals musts too accomplish this here task, that is to say, to find the sustainance of life itself, yes. Yes.” Solomon was speaking to the crowd of competors that had gathered there to compete in the tournement, long blue robes prancing as he paced around. Sounds in tense. Should we really go for this crazy old ugy’s plan? I mean maybe we should just stay home and focus on school? “Yeah. Allright, fine, whatever, fine, I said. Whatever. I’ll do you’re crazy stupid trial. So, like, then when I win, I get to stray here after that and not have to deal with crazy demon teachers either, riiight?” “Pretty much,” told Dumbledore, but he did tell it more quietly. “I don’t know…” I trailed consideringly, voice trailing off into a kind of thoughftulg-type silence. After all, I didn’t just want to rush headlong into a danger-ish situation*. I wanted to be sure that it was the right call, you know? But then… “Well, yeah, but this could be our only good snot at escraping Graywall! So, totally worth it!” PLus, there was a bigger and more importamt factor to consider: Joshry and/or Darek. So of course in the light of that package the right call was totally obvious
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I flippantly flipped my raven-dark hair over my silvery shoulder (not literally silver tho duh, it was more so just a synonym for pale. So basically just a alternate word that meant the same thing). I had switched to my ass-kicking outfit for the occasion: Black Dock Carton knee-high laceup (with neon orange laces) boots with lightweigh 20inch souls, dual-layer fishnets knotted into a heart pattern under a doublelayer polyester/black lace mini detailed with three types of lace—————matte, spiderweb gloss, and foux-velvet semigloss—————and a black leather corset embroidered with stained glass beads and white ribbing so that it looked like bones (ribs) (those where tied with ribbon btw, that was over a asymmetric halter top with an black-and-orange bananna tied all artistically at the back and on one side also, finally my hair I had done in a loose ponytail tied with a black bow—————a silver necklace with blue diamonds and a black nails+lashes completed the look, along with one solver nose piercing and red ruby figure-8 earings made of delicate silver wire earings (and also my sognature silver chain bracelet combo—————this one had tiny rubies in each link that glittered like drops of fresh blood almost like I had just cut myself and bleeded all over the bracelets)). For my makeup I had kept it really light so that it wouldn’t get in case it got smudged wet: White foundnation wit a wittle bitty bit of black mascara and also dark glittery eyeliner that made my eyes all glitterly mysteriously——————that was with orangish-red lipsick and a little shadow under my cheekbones “All right, I’ll take your stupid tests. What are the rules?” as well. Greybeard slightly stokes hid wirey grey beard wisely. Then he speaks wisely, voice creakier then a 50-year-old-wooden bench being used as a diving bored by a obese hippopotamus wearing a lead diving suit. It doesn’t break though. “Wow aren’t you so eager?” Sir Solomoon explained, also continuing: “The FIST CHALLENGE will occureth today, and end at first sunset (today).” He cleared his wrinkled turtle-like throat and swelled it up impressively so that he looked like a blinged-out wizard frog. He spoke too (and also there are whispers and sneaky looks from the students): “THe location is right over there where I grew my death jungle. It’s a maze basically and it’s filled with death traps and shit of that nature. Thy goal is to the obtaining of the FRUIT OF LIFE. IT SHOULD BE GROWING IN-THERE SOMEWERE. WHOMWHOEVER WINETH will go on to the next challenge. Losers get launched into the ocean!” Sir Solomononon conceded announcingly, smiling excitedly. He looked a round wierdly and also waggled his massive tangled eyebrows (which where blue by the way too). “Well, get moving! You only have a time most short!”
Well, you better beleive I totally did (get moving I mean . The grounds area a round the caste was made up of mostly seven huge jills that sloped perfect lyright together more tightly then magnetic metal legos that had been soaked in super-glued. Allthough not as sqaure obviously since they where round. Anyway the death maze looked like it was on the six hill which was aways off away from the castle, so I got moving, totally ignoring everyone but in a kind of a cool “Oh I don’t even care what u think” kind of a way, totally not a “oh I dont even know what to do cause im retarded”” kind of way. I walked until I got to the entrance area an than I stopped. Suddenly a huge exposion went off, but then it turned out that that was actually a enormous brass horn that was made out of some kind of brass or maybe bronze-coloured metal or something. A monkey in a red oat was also blowing into it (the horn!) harder then a air cannon powered by seven exploding hurricanes. I mean he was really struggling. But suddenly dozens of people, students, well, more like competors, now, were all sprinting and running and dashing and leaping and rushing and backflipping towards the entrance to the maze, which was made out of a tall, spiky hedge covered in metals pikes and gold barbed wire————it was probably like 20 or 50 feet tall and super dense, so dense I couldnt even sea thru it. I have to admit, I’m pretty and impressed with the others————————some of then where even pretty and/or atheletic, too. One of the backflippers suddenly fell on a sharp pike, screaming as they got impalled in a place I wont say. Meanwhile I shoved someone out of my way and also ran under the tall spiked metal gate, also running through/in between the two lines of monkies wearing red fancy uniforms and holding long spears in a kind of pyramid/upside down V shape like they do at old weddings…
I ran through the maze for a while, totally tying not to freak. “OK, okay. What do I know about mazes?” I think there was something about always choosing left. “Yeah, OK. Okay. Left. Always choose left. Ok, Got it. Left, always choose left. Easy! OK.” I said, bodding my head a bitty bit. I started down into the maze, sticking close to the left wall more closely then two atoms roped together by one thousand tiny bungie cords. Yeah I now science, deal with it. THis is a aside but I totally hate when peeplo act like being smart just makes you a nerd/cringy. Being dumb is like actually totally cringe: being smart its actually totally cool. Cry about it bitch). Anyway, suddenly, out of nowhere, without even a spit second of warning, there was suddenly a huge death trap that tore away the ground below me when I stepped on it with my Martens ending my plummuging down into the metal pikes. Luckily I actually jumped clear————Lucky our martins actually have thick armoured souls, I thought———so I actualy felt the spikes bite into my Martans but not actually go though through.and landed just bearly over on right on the edge part of the pit trap. I made a noise like “Whew!” but in a kind of a cute way, though. So then I kept running into the maze, through a bunch of giant jungle-type plants and lots and lots and lots exciting dead traps. THere were giant orange flowers that shot gloopy blue arrows out at me, and also a giant green vine-type things that were grabbier then a hormone-addled Hollywood higher-up, skinny-looking tattared-clothed monkies that foamed at the mouth and tried to kill me (uckily I was also easily able to trick them by giving them a friendly monkey a makeover so the others thought he was me. Then I snuck right by their noses while they ate him), and even a giant tree that dropped giant fruit that exploded when they tried to kill me as well. There was also a lot of other stuff to. Wow this place really actually, literally is like a literal death maze. That old freak Solomon must be out of his rocker! “Yeah tell me about it. THis place is crazy!” But even though the place was crazy and even tho I kept brushing death more often that an overworked insomiac hairdresser brushes hair, I actually kept on running anyway though. I mean, I literally had to win—————losing was def not a option for me rn. Suddenly there it was! The fruit of life looked like a glowing, glittery, gittery, shiny, magical glolden apple, and it was also resting right on top of a glitter golden piller, which was actually right in the middle of a big clearing-type-area right in the middle of the death haze. This must be the centre of the maze! I thought silently. I ran towards the apple, almost tripping on a dead body.
“Weell well well…well. Well.” I spun right around right away, even instantly almost, even. “What the fuck are you!?” I said jibely, sneering a bit also. “I am a sphinix. Answer my riddles or die.” THe creature looked like a giant tiger body exept with a goat horns and a metric asstonne of snakes on the back. Althouhg it was actually a bird with feathers and everything. It also had Gorge Cloonie’s face. It was a sph inix! “Ewwwwwwwwwwww…” I literally said, grossed out and digusted, repulsed and revulsed and totally squicked out. Focus! Yeah, OK. “Kay, oK. OK. What’s the riddle though?” I also said as well, gritting my pale white ivory teeth. “Awesome, darling.” He smirked smugly, smiling. One of the snakes starts to lash around as if like its overdosing on herion, spitting sharp poison stuff everywhere. THen he made a face like maybe he was into me. Eww! GORGE CLOONY IS SO GROSS I LITERALLY CANT RIGHT NOT. “I KNOW RIGHT?” I SAID, AGREEING, BOBBING MY PALE HEAD, RAVEN-DARK CURLS BOUNCING ABOVE MY PALE SHOULDERS, WHICH WERE PEEKING OUT OF MY DARK GROTHIC (NOT LIKE GOTHIC THO, JUST GOTHIS) CORSET. AND HE TOTALLY WAS, TOO! Gorege scratches a ram horn with one claw, hitting a couple posers like maybe he’s in a photo sheet. “K’ Babe, here it is: “What has three legs in the morning, two at lunch, and four in the evening?”” THen I thought real hard on that, cranking my cogs so in a manner to speak. THink like a wierd old creep. Then the answer will b bobvious. GOod point, I pointed out. Then I realized the answer came to me: “I got! itTHe answer is YOU!’ Gorge smirked at me. “Right on the money sweetheart. Cause in the morning I got morning wood, then afternooon is just normal, but then I’ll bring home a chick from my hollywood party so their’s 4 legs total. You can go now, but you sure you don’t wanna go out somewhere?” “Ewwww! fuck off!” I yell at him, and finally Cloonie flew away. THen, suddenly, I see that there was someone else across on the other opposite side of the clearing-like area who was also in the clearing, and they saw the apple to———————so then I ran toward it to get to it first (the papple I mean) and so do they and than we are running at each other like as if in a race or something, and I could also see that they where almost there allready——————then I jumped and grappled the abble, reaching out as far and as gracefully/quickly as I could. But so did they!
We teleported suddenly to somewhere else!
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We had teleported someplace else! I groaned a little—————teleporting hurt————and got up off the tony ground, brushing gravel off my outfit. I had arrived in a dark, cobbly court yard area walled of on four sides by thick rosey bushes: I noticed giant gleaning torns bustling jaggedly from their spots in the bushes. THe 5th wall wasn’t actually wall at all, but a giant empty doorway made of human skulls. “Cool,” I appreciated.
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Suddenly there was a shout: “Stop! Not so fast! Stop right there!”, A burfy gaurd ruptured angrily, literally foaming right at the moath and outside of it to even————a boach of foamy foss. He must be magically deranged, like the monkies! I sirmised quickly, depserately tying to think of something to do—————he wass getting closed literally every second! Suddenly I ran at him an than screamed: STOP! “Shit my ears!” He whinnied loudly, crying and falling down to, also dropping his stubby wierd sword (that made a big thud as it landed hard right on the hard dirt floor off the new clearing area, with a nuffled Bang!). I had to notice he was kind of fat and ugly to. “Whew!” I echoed, relieved. THen, though, I felt a wierd, creepy, tingly, chilly, freaky, gormy, like slime like feeling… A evil and disgusting thing was suddenly right there in the clearing with me. Don’t ask me how I know. I just know, just like I know a lot of things most peeople don’t know. Meanwhile the voice was growing even more evil and unsetting as it crept closer… “Wellwellwell…well. Well well! Well…”He says, smiling sightly an in evil way. I instantly I feel grossed out and totally squicked. The wevil figurine was a hooded unknowable feature, Hidden right behind a mystery mask (that was under beneath a big suspish-ish hood, that was mactually made out of a dark, course, rough, cloth-like sort of fabric that I cant really describe) He was ugly and weird and creepy and also gave off some strong pedo vibes I have to admit. “Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I said, couldn’t helping it.”“What do you even, like, mean, you ugly freak?! Just say it so we can move on!” The hooded, cloaked figure cuckled and than also spoke into a evil, sinister, evil voice: “It is very simple…” The cloaked figure said sinisterly in a low, slimy-type voice, chuckling wickedly. “I want YOU to DIE!” it retched suddenly and also loudly, roaring in a hateful voice totally packed full of rage and hate. I went to use my shove-stop move when suddenly the hooded figure shook a finger at me like, “Nuh-uh!”. Really he more so wagged it, maybe. “THat little trick won’t work on me, Bitch!” It claimed, ominously, voice soaked in sinister undertones so cold that hey sent shivers right up alog my spine. Then it pulled out a giant dagger from its robe! Intantly I thought of the blew-berries from earlier———(there was a nearby giant blueberry bush right nearby us)———the ones that exploded when they fell and or where dropped or thrown. But the creature under the hood suddenly thrashed and flailed freakedly, and it added: “And don’t you even think of using those blew-berries! I’ll stab you faster then a snake striking a expecially fat and delectable chicken! Then they’ll blow up for sure and kill you you! Heh, heh, heh, HEH, HAHA-HA!” It threatened, angrily, totally fermented. He stalked over towards me, razing the knife blade (which was also actually crooked and wavy and also was totally covered in rusty bloodstained spikes). Just when it looked like it might be to late, Uddenky, Joshry (meanwhile in a flash of literal brilliance (but not into a literal flash of light, obviously) I realised he (Joshery) must have been the one to grab the apple with me!) appeared out of nowwhere, running up and snatching the blew-berries super fast, like a snake almost, or maybe a diving bord (not like a pigeon tho maybe more like maybe a hawk for something? Ig a hawk is more like Daerek, so maybe he would be more like a eagle or a another majestic-type bird). He threw the berries right at the hooded freak, and sure enough the berries exploded with a bright blue flash, filling the air with the fresh tingy scent of blue razberry. The figure exploded, misting blood harder then if it was a hooded spray bottle full of blood being crushed by a falling anvil that had a bomb strapped to it, also thrown straight through the wall of the maze by the massive explosion. “Wow Josh, thaks somuch!” I enthused, also adding, “You, like, literally saved me. And who was that wierdo anyway? And what does this all mean?” I finished, questioningly but also def gratefully. Josh gave me a smile that was, like, literally really hot, but also sad and maybe even angry, as well. Than he spoke, explaining: “I don’t know who that freaky dude was, tbh. He did give off some serious pedo vibes though (AN: See?!). THe important thing is, whoever that dude was, he was totally treeing to kill you, and that’s seriously uncool. But he also totally knew how to get around the island and somehow also, like, somehow set up a trap for you as well. What this all means for sure, is……..that….there must be a Traitor at Evermourn!” He proclaimed sinusterly (allthough in a way hotter+less creepy way then the hodded guy since they were two completely deferent characters). That’s when I knew it for sure, without a bitty bit of a shadow of a doubt. THere was totally a traitor at Evermourne High! “Hold on,” Johery said quickly, as a aside. “What?” I asked, batting my eyelashe a bitty bit. “Your, like, well…” Joshery trialed off, a slight tinge pinking his perfectly-shaped sexy ears ears. “What?”, totally confused. “You look, like, totally hot in that outfit!” Josh finished, embarressedly but also with a def hit of turth. THen we shared a cute little romantic moment together where we just shared a little and were totally cute and embarrased.
By the way, I also grabbed the golden apple from where it had fall, noticing that this time it didnt teleport me anywhere———————that had to have meant that he charm had finally wore out. I literally let out a breathe of air, like, “Whew!” Relievied, I grabbed it————the apple——— then, tightening my fist around the smooth metal—————it was suprisingly heavy—————, and lifted it up and up above my head, holding it high in the air, totally triumphedly. Instantly an enormous eurption of explosive fireworks went off, rocketing into the dark sky beyond the maze, exploding into a million billion flashes of whirling color. The sight hint of smoke drifted to us on cool breeze, swirling with the sweet but slight hint off roses (from the bshes, which were loaded down with tons of giant roses btw). Joshery meanwhile was literally being amazed by me: “Wow Chlyce, you totally won! Radical!”
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And that’s how I won the tornuement.
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*: Literally not a typo! Dangerous is when something is, well, dangerous and/or hazardful. Danger-ish is like, well, this is prob dangerous but not that dangerous. just FYI271Please respect copyright.PENANA7BOypQ7BRQ
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