The girls hang the last birthday decorations in place and look at their creation. 'It's clear we are not good at this,' Maia says with a crooked but proud smile. 'If you two just listened to me, it would've been better,' Clara smiles. 'Valentine will love it,' Anna says and looks at her living room that has been transformed to the decor of a party. 'You told him to be here at five?' Sookie asks for the millionth time today. 'Yes,' Anna sighs.
'Why don't you ever throw a party for me, huh?' Anna asks. 'Valentine never takes a day of, you do,' Sookie says and hugs her mom. 'So, tell me again, who's coming?' Anna asks looking at the girls. 'Paul and Alex, Levi and Olivia, Howard, Thomas, some other friends of his, you and us,' Maia says. Anna and Sookie look at the girl. 'You invited Thomas?' Sookie asks surprised. 'Well, yeah, he's part of the squad,' Maia says like nothing is wrong and adjusts a balloon. Sookie looks at Clara, she clearly didn't know either.
At half past four the guests start to arrive. Howard - Valentine's best friend - is the first to arrive. 'Thank you for inviting me,' he thanks Maia. 'Thank you for coming,' she smiles. Not late after, Paul and Alex arrive. 'Sister, Clara, mini Hanlin,' Paul greets the girls. 'Hi,' Alex says with his perfect smile. 'Hello,' the girls say. After that the Masons arrive including Ember who was visiting last minute. 'Maia, Sookie, it's so good to see you again,' the nice young woman says and greets the girls with a hug.
At five o'clock the doorbell rings and Anna opens the door. Valentine smiles and enters the house. 'I had a feeling you would throw me a party,' he laughs and hugs his daughter and son. Thomas is either not on time or not coming at all. 'Thank you all for being here, it means a lot,' Valentine says and gives every person a genuine smile. 'There are presents on the table,' Anna says and guides her friend to the living room.
Everyone's attention is at Valentine when Thomas enters the house. Paul is the first to notice him. 'Sookie, what is he doing here?' Paul asks Sookie without looking away. 'Your sister invited him,' Sookie says and makes her way to her brother to greet him. Thomas looks at Paul and then at his sister. 'That your ex?' Alex asks his boyfriend. Paul nods. 'He doesn't look gay,' Alex says. 'Neither do I,' Paul says and looks at his boyfriend. 'True,' Alex smiles and quickly kisses Paul's cheek. Thomas sees and gets jealous. He shouldn't.
'Sookie Hanlin, did you get me a frog apron?' Valentine asks surprised as he holds the gift in front of him to look at it. 'Yeah, I thought it would look good on you,' Sookie smiles. 'I love it, thanks,' Valentine smiles and gives Sookie a hug. Thomas makes his way to Paul and Alex. 'Paul,' he says. Paul wants to say something, but Alex is first. 'You must be Thomas,' Alex says and gently pushes Paul behind him to protect him. 'Yeah, you must be the new boyfriend,' Thomas says, looking over Alex' shoulder at Paul.
Paul lays a hand on Alex's shoulder and makes him move a little bit away. 'You don't have to protect me, Thomas won't harm me or you or anyone at this party,' Paul says. 'But he did break your heart,' Alex says. 'Yeah, he did. But it was to save two other hearts who needed him,' Paul says thinking about the adorable little girl and the stunning young lady who can call herself Mrs. Hanlin. Thomas is shocked by the kind words and can't hold back his tears. 'I'm sorry,' he says and makes his way to his room upstairs. 'Yeah, he's totally gay,' Alex laughs. 'I start to doubt if you are,' Paul says coldly and frowns at Alex.
Paul makes his way to the stairs and Alex follows him. 'If you go to him, it's over between us,' Alex says. 'I don't care. In the last five minutes you've said more hurting things than he ever did,' Paul says and walks up the stairs and leaves Alex shocked.
Paul knocks at the door he's knocked on several times in his life. It's silent but Paul opens the door. Tom looks surprised to see him standing in the doorway. 'How do you not hate me?' Thomas asks. 'There's a thin line between love and hate. And I do hate you. Well, I did,' Paul says and sits next to Thomas. 'Then what stopped you from hating me?' 'The reason why you did what you did.' 'I still cheated on you,' Thomas silently says. 'Yeah, you will forever be an asshole for doing that. But, it's two years ago, I gave it a place,' Paul says.
Thomas looks at Paul. 'If nothing mattered, would you still want to be together? Love me?' Thomas whispers. 'I think so,' Paul whispers back. 'You thinks so? Or are you sure?' Thomas whispers again. 'If you wouldn't be married or have a child I would jump in your lap right now and hug you for the rest of my live,' Paul whispers looking at their hands only a few inches apart. 'And what if I said that the married part is gone, but the child part is still there?' Paul looks at Thomas, not really sure if he heard what he heard.
'What did you just say?' Paul asks. 'I divorced. I tried for months to be the perfect husband and dad, I failed on the husband part. I can't love her, I tried for two years, I can't. But I will always be Ophelia's father and nothing will change that.' 'And why are you saying this?' Paul asks confused and hopeful. He's already forgotten about Alex. The guy left the party shocked. 'If you want to be together again, we can. And I will do my best to be the best I can. I will love you even more than I do now, I wil be there for you. I promise to never hurt you again. The only thing that's extra is that Ophelia will visit me now and then, because she is a part of my life. But so are you,' Thomas says with a genuine expression on his face, taking Paul's hands in his, looking hopefully into his eyes.
Paul thinks for a moment. 'I'm still in college,' Paul says. 'For another three years, I know. You want to be a pharmacist. And I will support you on the way to your goal if you let me,' Thomas says. Paul is in awe. Thomas was never a man of words, but today he is. 'Where will you live?' 'For now here I think. But if you need me, I will be there with you.' 'And what if we find an apartment close to campus?' Paul carefully suggests. Tom eyes widen. 'Is that a yes?!' Paul nods. 'Yes.' Thomas's tears start to roll over his cheeks.
'I mean every word I just said.' 'You'd better,' Paul says and hugs Thomas. 'I'm really sorry,' Thomas says and lays his head against Paul's shoulder. 'I know. I've never seen you cry that much for so long. You've said more on this day than you ever said in a month,' Paul says and kisses Thomas's neck. It's like they've never been apart. Everything just feels right. Like it should be.
'We should go back to the party,' Paul whispers after hugging for a few minutes. 'We should,' Thomas agrees and looks up at Paul with a happy twinkle in his eyes. He kisses his lips and gets off his bed. 'C'mon Ainsley, your father is waiting,' Thomas laughs and pulls Paul from the bed. 'Stop rushing me, Hanlin,' Paul laughs and kisses the other young man's cheek.
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