'Paul! The Hanlins and Masons are waiting for us!' Valentine Ainsley shouts from downstairs. 'I'm not going!' Paul yells back with tears forming in the corner of his eyes. He looks like the annoying bad boy brother, but he's far from any of that. It's silent until there's a soft knock on the door. Paul is surprised to see Sookie opening the door carefully. 'If you won't go for him... will you please go for me?' At that moment Paul knew that unlike her brother she would never hurt him. 'Okay,' Paul says and stands up.
Sookie enters the room and opens his closet. 'You must wear something nice, you know the Masons are a different type of style,' Sookie says and takes out a white shirt and decent long jacket. 'This will do,' she says and hands Paul the clothes. 'Different type of style? You're the one in a different type of style with your hippie clothes,' Paul chuckles. 'It's my choice to wear whatever I want. But you need to look good, not like your boyfriend broke up with you,' Sookie says closing the closet. 'I think the Masons wouldn't even approve a same sex relationship.' Sookie hums and takes a pair of shoes. 'Wear these,' she says and then leaves the room.
'He will be ready in a few minutes,' Sookie says when she enters the diner. She walks past the Ainsley's to the car with her mom and Thomas. She takes place on the backseat and puts on her seatbelt. 'You could've picked a better timing for you breakup,' Sookie says as their mother starts the car. Anna looks from Thomas to Sookie trough the rear view mirror. 'What does she mean, Tom?' Anna asks confused. 'Thomas and Paul were dating for seven months, but your son decided to break up with him this morning over the phone,' Sookie says bitter between her teeth. 'Thomas!' Anna says shocked and stops the car on the side of the road.
'What? You don't approve?' Thomas says coldly. 'I don't care with whom you fall in love with or are in a relationship with as long as you are happy. But you don't break up with someone over the phone on Christmas,' Anna says, lying a hand on his shoulder. 'Whatever, just drive so this stupid day ends.' Anna looks at her son, a bit disappointed, and starts driving behind the Ainsleys who just passed them.
The families Hanlin and Ainsley arrive at the same time and ring the bell. Maia and Sookie hook their arms when Clara opens the door with a wide smile. 'Come in! Come in!' She says and drags us inside to the big Christmas tree.
You'll probably wonder how a perfect family, a single dad and a single mom celebrate Christmas together? Well, it's not because their children are friends. Anna Hanlin, Olivia Mason and Mary Ainsley were best friends in high school. After they graduated, they kept in touch and celebrated Christmas together. Ten years ago Mary sadly passed away due to cancer. Since then, they kept celebrating Christmas like it used to be, to honour their friend. That's how the children became friends.
Thomas puts some presents under the tree, Maia does the same. They all get a drink and take a seat. Sookie sits between Thomas and Paul. 'So, boys. How is college getting along?' Olivia asks. 'Alright,' Thomas says. 'It's okay, glad it's my second year, so only two left to go,' Paul answers. 'Oh, you're going to miss it once you're graduated,' Levi Mason says. Paul hums awkwardly. Anna and Olivia walk proudly out of the kitchen. 'Dinner is ready. Valentine, I used your recipe you gave me last year. I hope I did an okay job,' Olivia says with a nervous chuckle.
'Merry Christmas, enjoy,' Olivia says before everyone starts eating. Normally Olivia would pray, but she knows not everyone at this table is as religious as she is. 'Merry Christmas,' everyone mutters - even Tom.
Later that night, after dessert Paul sneaks outside to the garden. Anna gives her son a look, but he doesn't understand that she means he has to talk to him. Instead Sookie got the message and goes outside. 'Are you okay?' She asks and takes the cigarette Paul just lit. She inhales the smoke and gives the cigarette back. 'He could've broken up last week, last month, but oh no he chose today. I sometimes don't understand him. All day I was thinking it was my fault, that I did something wrong. I think he did something wrong, not me, and that's why he ended it.' 'It sounds like my brother.' 'It sure does,' Paul sighs.
They take turns smoking the cigarette. 'Olivia would be pissed if she saw us,' Sookie laughed. 'Ha, yeah she would.' Then there's a silence. The snow cracking, some laughter from inside, the sound they make taking a breath and breathing out. Neither of them say a word, they just stand there in peace.
'I want to thank you for earlier, getting my ass out of bed,' Paul finally breaks the silence. 'Isn't that what friends are for?' Sookie asks and drops the cigarette in the snow. 'Is that what we are? Friends?' Paul asked hopeful. Because today he did not only lose his boyfriend, he also lost his best friend. 'I guess so. Do you want to be friends? I'm kind of quirky and weird,' Sookie smiles. 'I would love to be your friend, Sookie Hanlin,' Paul says with a smile and looks at the sky where snowflakes fall down like feathers in the wind. 'Then we are friends, Paul Ainsley,' Sookie says silently looking at the little white stars landing silently on the snow that has fallen earlier that day.
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